X IHOT, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa:...


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.13;: i

AviUllfX IHOT,1

I Established July 2, 1856.


ifISB PAILY nsitus5 Guards

mercial AdvertiserHonolulu and San Francisco Mail Service




Attorneys - at - Law,HONOLULU, II. I.

aSSOffice over Bishop's Bank.April 2. 1891. 13G9-- y 2804-- q

o. A. STEVEN,General Agent,

Cor. FVrt find Ierchnnt Streets

Kxcept Sundays,jJOruing

Merchant St.j,0. 46



Fort, Cor. Queen St.

Are now located at their NEW SPA-CIOUS STORE, and have the best

facilities to offer to the traie.

A Full Line of

Desirable Goods !

.it II "


Oceanic steamship Co.(8uejkct to change. )

The Australia willLeave Ban Francloco at 3 o'clock P. At.

Leave Honolulu at 12 AI. Tuesdays.The Through Steamers Leave fan Fran-

cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.

r " a no


Counsellor - at - LawOffice in Cartwright Building, opposite

Post Office, Honolulu, H. 1.2866 1379-t- f


.lahiv in Advance.Mosey Order.ft postal

For Sale.

Piikoi St. ; fine corner Lot level ; waterlaid on; fruit trees; fine building sitewould cut into 3 separate Lots.

Kinau St.: Lot 100.x 100, near Base Ballgrounds.

Several fine Lots on Punchbowl; magni-ficent view.

Queen St.: Lot with 2 Housfs and Store;rents for $33. Price $2250.

Beretania St.: 81x170ft. Price $1800.The cheapest buy in town !

Nearly an Acre of Land, 20 minutesfrom town. $500.

Palama: 3 minutes from street cars;near Reform School ; 48x110ft. Price $000.

70 Acres Coffee Land ; Maui.

Attorney and Connsellor-at-La- w.


Advertisements mustjlransient


H. M. Whitnet, Manager.

46 Merchant St.,



Australia Oct. 31 . Nov. 7Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22

Office Kaahuinanu Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0zboi-i- y .sogers).Prints, Cambrics, Batistes, Challies,

Brown and White Cottons andJ. B. CASTLE,



On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I,



Alameda Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29Australia Nov. 10 Nov. 17Mariposa Nov. 19 Nov. 26

2843 1388-3- m

Plain and Striped Denims,OKRESPONDENCE.White, Colored and Fancy Flannels', Commission Merchant--

Office Cartwright Building,nit bold ourselves responsible for the'i made, or opinions expressed by out

Australian Mail ServiceMerchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.SATINS, VELVETS and RIBBONS

For Rent.

2 Cottages: Fort St.; $16.House of 7 rooms; bathroom; stabling;

all conveniences. Large lot open on twostreets; servants bouses.

House of 6 looms, in nice locality, twominutes from street car line; elegantlyfitted up with all conveniences ; outhouses.

Cottage on Hotel street.

Illustrated Hawaii.2651--y

WILLIAM C. PARKE,I FniTfiR ; In Wednesdays MOULDINGS,Embroideries, Mosquito Net, Lawns,

Tweeds, Cassimeres, Linings,And a Full Stock of all ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAWa thero appeared a para FOR SAN FRANCISCO.

foe new and On A MfiaznsbliStash lllinik--AKI

Agent to take Acknowledgments. Doors Etc Etc Money.ding that Mr. B. Hoganittingup a series of magica slides illustrative of Ha- -

ftJtUJUTAILORS' GOODS, Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- -2872-- y lulu, H. I.

$1200 to Loan about 15th November onfirst-clas- s security. Printed applicationblanks for description of property can behad at my office.

993 scenery, etc., in order to. TT ? I 1 1 . MARIPOSATURNED AND SAWED WORK.

tzeuawau in miiua uuiuuu. White Percale and Fancy Overshirts,Gent's Furnishing Goods, Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due


Typewriter and Notary PiMg.ilio stated that several Hono-ciiizeD- S

have been good at Honelulu from Sydney and Aucklandonorabont


Ice Co.2881-- q

Inter-Islan- d.th to pat their hands in theirMens, Boys5 and CMldrens' Clothing

Office with L. A. Thurston. 2858--q Nov 19, 1891,3 to help towards defrayingt of same. For tho benefit

: citizens, I may inform themi Ion? ago as the beginning HATS AND CAPS, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,

S7Having just received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest im-provements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to dogood work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having latelyengaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty of .

Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc.

7Prompt attention to all orders.


Lyear there was published in And wllUeave for the abeve port with malls anapassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having HUPKUIORSteam --Engines,Misses', Ladies', and Chiidrens' Bootsand Shoes, Boilers, Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass

--J a series of fifty-eig- ht lan-Jao- f

Hawaiian views (in-jev- en

idols), and that theaccompanied by a reading

Hud Leal Castings,ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AQKNTb.

nd machinery of vory aocipUon mad topiHini at Attention nald to Bhlcs blCk- -Hosiery, Fancy Goods,

TELEPHONESStationery and Perfumery, I smithing, job work executed on the shortestjiitaOorso. This series of njuce. ov . QTBELL 498.XTMUTUAL 55. For Sydney and Auckland.

2804-- qMISS D. LAMB,Tobaccos, Cigarettes,rcf Reviews for Septemberi editioo, page 306), being;nber which contains Mr.


F, HOHN Practioal Coniectioner,Pastrv Cook and Baker.

Stenographer and Type-write- r,

t Bishop's article on Ilawaii. and the Choicest Brands ofOffice of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postoffice. 2830 No. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.


well known, both inaand Great Britain by this

that Mr. Ilogan should notcr the impression that he is

something new, or that4 idea as getting up a scries

ern glides of Hawaii is a

The new and fine Al steel steamship

" "ALAMEDAO theOoesnlo Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from Ban Franciscoor or about

Nov. 19, 1891.


Shipping and Commission Merchants,


gCT-An- d many other articlea too i tS"s office).numerous to mention. Offick Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3

a that ouj;ht to be assisted p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m.'

. ;Bell Telepnone ino. oj.. itesiueuue u

School street. 285S-dm- q

LOVE'S BAKERYBo. 73 Banana Street.

MEB.BOirr.LOYE, . . ProfUetreei

Every Description of Plain and Fancj

Bread and Crackers,y BE8 11 '

dollars of Honolulu people.BONACCORD. And will have prompt dlspa ten with malls an

M. PHILLIPS & CO. assengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AODEALERS INLEWERS & COOKE,

C0MM0DATI0N8, apply todeported that the Atlanta,1 and Yorktown have been


ImiorCers and Dealers In Lnraborto sail from New York forWm. GK Irwin & Co.,

2804 1382--q AGENTS..

FORT, COR. QUEEN ST.2884-l- m Soda CrackersAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.

Erie produces more fish to 2?0. 2 FORT STREET, Honolulu. FURNISHED ONESTIMATES Jos. Tinker for any sizePLANTATION SUPPLIES

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,mi!o than anv bodv of

a s ID-- Saloon

BreadAlwaya on Ilaucl.FOR SALE,the world. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,

Importer and Dealer in

Began Vapor Engine. See cotalogueand testimonials before purchasing anengine elsewhere.f ev spool factory at Al- - MILK BEEAD


of 80,000 spools.9 are beinp-- made for tho

GENERAL MERCHANDISECalaua Orler Promptly Atleulrtl lu.CASTLE & COOKE.

HARDWARE, S804-- q

'lf a cotton mill in Enter-- No. 515-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu. 2804

H. HACKFELD & CO-- ,s, to cost 500,000. C. BREWER & COMPANY,Shipping and Commission Merchants

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and- -

General Merchandise.Lrail mills, five of which

5 "ennsvlvania. nnntrnl thA The Celebrated Thoroughbred Stallions tIJmltol).;General Commission Agents:2&Uhe United States.IMPOBTIfiS AND DXALXSS IK

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.5?? stock company has, GENERAL MERCANTILEBlake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,"U, hepn riTTTO nnn JOE DANIELS

AND,.i ' w5iuiiou tu cicwu Plantation Agents,

Cor, torttt Queen Bts., Honolulu. 2804

W. E . ROWELL,ynear Huntsvillo. Ga. Wilcox & Gibhs. and Remington Sewing, Machines, .mm KXl

COMMISSION AGENTS..wwn maaufacturers of Fall KING WILLIAM Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agentstnd to decrease the wages 2804 1382--qEngineer and Surveyor.employees. Trouble is Formerly owned by Dr. John Brodie, andto be seen at the Stables of the Woodlawnrt;OTT Xr KfnrV f!n Pnnahou.

1382 HONOLULU. H. I. 2804--q

BTThose who want to purchase a goodRoom 5, Spreckels' Block.

. 2804-- y

WILLIAM O. AOHI, TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS Co.j.wSest potato yield ever

-- comes from Northfield,here 1120 bushels per acre

Stallion should maice eariy uppucatiuu.2891-l- m


(Limited.;1 Imi ATTOBNEY AMD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Wm. G. iRwnr, - President and Manager

MANUFACTURERS OF Claub Spreckkls, - - Vice-Preside- ntpil!Be Eton Mieop3huTttscmcnts. Notary Public and Real EstateBroker. WALTXB M. GirrABD, - - - --

- - - - Secretary and TreasurerThxo. C. Pobtib, - - Auditor2804Office 36 Merchant Street.


J. O. Carter PresidentGeo. H. Robertson TreasurerE. F. Bishop SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen..... .Auditor


Bon. 0. K. Clitop. Oon U Watrt:os2804 .

Glaus Spreckels Wm.fl. irwta.




Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda, Sugar Factors and Commission' Agents.BEAVER SALOON,- nn-ni-mi- A TT A T? Aaopaud Builder. THE ONLY A ff" Vort street. Opposite Wilder & Co.',

invented for. manifolding AGXKTS 07 TH ,

OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,Of Ban Francisco, CaL ..

graphic and typewriting. . , ,Coffee,SPATES GIVEN ON SARSAPARILLA, GINGER ALEvuaiec w irirat-ciaB- s i-"- u, ' "

midnce eoda Water, Qlnge, Ale or Milk.excellent work. . . '. JWm. G. Irwin' & Co., (Limited) hasThe writing can be done witn tne i 0pen From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

assumed the assets and liabilities of theeame facility and ease as mougu peux Bk.. Beauiaites specialty. 2803i w rv m nn ivjiinr mill ' late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co.', and wil

continue the general business formerlyor npn were useu uu w"""""r . flourishing --style.

mds o Brick iron,5Se Rft Wooden Build!

tV kmd3 of Jobbing

ISP Brick, Lime,

il, aSSLron.' MintonTiles,l4 SoJ?d Slzes and colorsiSBlffSfey Band, Granite

RASPBEREYA 13Ein THE ROYAL SALOON, carried on by that nonse. sasfi3-iijy- o qAt least 3000 copies can De maue

one writing ;at tnemechanical-draw- -w j BBU and Merchant streets Exchange en the principal par; n tlif

world.CH1S. BREWER & C0.'8 ;.u otrotnViinor.

VICHY, APPOLUNAEIS, ETC., ETC'., ETCings, maps, and . in fact anything thatcan be done with a lead pencil canbe

Under the Management of

E. H. Fa Wolter, Boston Line of Backets.f Srf0 12 a.m., 1 to 4 P.M.WU1 receive deposlu on open aocouni, make

collections and conduct a general banking and'exchange business.

produced by the MimeograpmcL al4inrTaUl7. Resi- -

ceSS lolranH- - I seep alwayf in e'ock a variety of the best Wines,Tta roTiiTfl or SC0P6 of work ooid beers on draught a

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEcal y uniinuieu. vwFJ"& I lOcenW per guww.to the In, Trfftption in addition j9Call 2804and B9 Ua.a take notice that the fineDressmak mpntioned above. Absolutely Pure! Kefreshing! Delicious!ing,

Deposits bearing interest received in tUelrBavlngs Department subject to pnbllshnd rules andregulaUons. . . 2804-- q

PAPER HANGING!TCall and see the machine in BARK EDWARD MAYLEWIS & CO.,

is tsc4 o, , Caft.JIahant.r WppC "Vf f ""ng. Also

operation.-- T. TT. HOBRON, Agent,:

For the Hawaiian Islands,

2824-- v 66 --Fort St., Honolulu.Wholesale anfl Mail Grocefs, Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leave

2-- rnces moderate. for this port on Oct. 1, 1891, if suffl

TELEPHONES: cient inducement oners. a .

S7For further particulars apply to111 FORT STREET.J. L. MEYER,THE PAINTERGIVE and have your paper hanging

dene promptly and neatly. 130 Fort St.P.O. Box 387. Mut. Tel, 662. . 2823-ly- x

HES, 16i'rJo "5 turnishfid on tne tt Arr thp. nTTY MEAT MAR--

iti"uce. r' m!"1B"eu V. O. Bo 8TJ ket and see the Regan Vapor En- - J T.iephone ao 3"Bell 379.1 2S041582--q C. BREWER & CO.i "Mutual 360. 2823-- q2804

gine at work. At "luo r vu .

y 1


SJetu SUtocrtiscments.HALLOWE'EN BALL.THE MECHANICS ON LABOR. SUtction Sales.J32 Slutljorittt.


BY J. F. MOKGAX.The tone of the meeting of the Me noHawaian Hardware Co., L'd,chanics' Union, held Thursday evening,was, as we are pleased to chronicle, very Residence OD'Beretania St


jMonday, Oct. 26, i8gi.moderate and reasonable . It is quite

true that in settling the labor question,the interests of all parties must be con AT AUCTION.

On Saturday, Nov. 7th.sidered. What, however, we feel it par-- FOE BAKEDThis is the last week in

October and Autumn is fairly.vith us as fairly as it canget in the Paradise of the Pa--

The Rifles' Armory was gaily decor-

ated last evening for the ball given bythe Scotch Thistle Club, and the largeroom was thronged at an early hour.The sides and end of the Armory weredraped with flags a whole galaxy of

nations being represented but the royalstandard of Hawaii and the stars andstripes dominated. At tbe makai end,high on the wall, were the standard ofScctland,a lion rampant and the cross ofSt.George. The pillars were tastefully cir-cled with wreaths of ferns and othertrophies of the woods. At the maukaend Prof. Berger presided with hisorchestra discoursing sweet music whichset your feet in motion in spite of your-self. ,

AT 12 NOON,my Salesroom, Queen Street, I

sell at Public Auction,willAt riflc. With this season comesi8gi TAXES.

Tax Payers in this District are herebv 7 ' TL.nr. rf Ari- -notified that the Taxes for the current yearwill be due and payable at the Office of the

ticularly necessary to point out, is thatthe solution reached must be one whichwill enable the sugar industry to go onand prosper, simply because a misfor-tune to the industry will hurt everybodyand help no one. Some means, there-fore, of enabling sugar to be raised at aprofit must be devised. That is abso-lutely indispensable to the laboring menas well as to the planters, and measurestaken in the supposed interest of labor

The Premises on Ihe Cor. of Ber-'-- lars will be spent in the King-- yarn a tiieY USe WR"V1..!. .:. n....u.,l w. dom between now and the ist J "J backrax Assessor and Collector in the Karma

iwa Building, on the 2d day of November, lima auu luuuuumu ou of January.A. U, 1891. At 8:15 the guests two or three hun Boston !We propose that a few ofO. Wes as aAt present occupied by MrThe Office is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. dred in number were all assembled andeager to thread the giddy mazes of thewaltz. Dancing was begun and kept upwith a will, the music being simply per

these thousands shall passthrough this store the appealwhich do not insure the prosperity of

daily (Sundays excepted) and on Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.

All amounts over $10 must be aid in U sugar, will defeat their own object.fection. Prof. Berger, with his usual en-terprise, had woven into his Highland

is to your self-interes- t, as thennwpr that will compel the

S. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Certificates of Capt. Ross says planters must cutUeposit. WE'VE GOT 'Mdown their other expenses "superflu


The Lot has a frontage of 121 fret onBeretania street and 130 feet on Punch-bowl street. Tiere is a large J wellingHouse, one Cottage, Barn and CarriageHouse on the property.

SJFor further particulars apply to

Jas. F. Morgan,2907-t- d AUCriONEER.

schottische a number of old Scotch tunes.The intermission gave the audience an expected result.ous" freights.commissions and their genTaxes not paid before the 15th day of

December next will be liable to suit with opportunity to solace themselves with aOur Eastern and racinceral extravagance. The difficulty is that

all these things were done several years Coast Agents have been inago, when the price of sugar was so low. structed by the managementCommissions were cut down very low at

number of good things, such as cake andcream, ices and lemonade, ambrosialcoffee all of the best.'

During the intermission Mr. John G.Lumsden, of the club, clad in Highlandmilitary costume, gave the company anopportunity to witness the sword dance,an intricate dance, which was executed

to buy largely as they could

10 per cent, costs added.T. A. LLOYD,

Deputy Assessor and Collector of TaxesDistrict of Kona, Island of Oahn.

Approved:Samuel Parker,

Minister of Finance ad interim.290G-3- w

- Auction Sale ofthat time, all unnecessary expenses weremercilessly lopped off, the most efficient buy wisely, and therelore in

askinsr for your business we HAWAIIAN HARDWARE (i w mmwith great skill. A burst of applause SiteSeaside Residemachinery was introduced, and thewhole matter of economy was given themost anxious consideration. It is simply invite you to generous supplies

of Hardware, Fancy Goodscompelled an encore, and Mr. Lumsdendanced some steps from the Highlandfline. Va delusion to suppose that adequate AT WA1KIKI.Members of the Tax Appeal and Novelties of all sorts.economies of the sort indicated can be PORT STREET, 0pp. Spreckela', Block.After the intermission, the business ofthe evening was resumed and kept up Mr. Hendrv s recent visitmade at the present moment. No doubt 2905-4-t

Boards Commissioned by theMinister of Finance For

z8gi.some such further economy will be pos 7tlx to all the principal markets inuntil a late hour. The crowing of the

early cock was the signal for dispersal.Scotch hospitality has the true ring, and

On Saturday, Nov--A.T is NOON,sible some small leak holes will be dis the United States will be ot

covered. The great saving, however,i win sell great value to vou oecause in swhen the guests parted they did so with

regret that the good time was over ; withthanks to the Club, with congratulations

must be made elsewhere. It must un SACHS,m mlAt my Salesroom, Queen Street,at Public An;tion,Honolulu --W. F. Allen, J. T. Water

house, Jr. making his selections you wereavoidably be in the great item of labor. for its enterprise, and with hopes that it 104 Fort St.in his mind; he bought just asCheaper labor must be had, labor which Honoluluhasn't left you too much cut of pocket,is if you had told him what youis cheaper, that is, either because it

lower priced or more efficient.boys !

The Illustrated Tourists' Guide.CALL AND EXAMINEwanted. You'll think his taste

5--F- IVE5

Fine SeasideKesidence Sites is p-oo-

d because he securedThat popular work, "The Tourists' Our Own Make " Ladies' Muslin UnderwlCORRESPONDENCE. oGuide Through the Hawaiian Isl what you will like. If you

At Wcdkiki ! ave a moment come m ancands," is meeting with a steady saleboth at home and abroad. Tourists andothers visiting these islands should be

7ABk for Our 40c. and 75c. LADIES' CHEMISE !

CT'Ask for Our $1 and $1.25 LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS !

GTAsk for Our 50c, $1, and $1.25 LADIES' WHITE SKIRTS i

jECT'Ask for Our 60c, 75c, and $1 CORSET COVERS !

mCTThev are the BEST VALUE ever offered in Honolulu

raKe a peep.Being a subdivision of the seaside resi

dence of Air. J. Ena.in possession of a copy of it. It is a perfeet mine of information relating to the

Tlio r.ntc linim o tr-r-r i o crO nf HO IPPf. Imscenes and attractions to be met with Is the old Refrigerator a lit- - -Special Bargains in Children's M'ethe beach and a depth of 250 feet with a tie whimsical? Nlver a betterhere. Copies in wrappers can be had atthe. publication office, 46 Merchantstreet, and at the News Dealers. Price

frontage of 60 feet on Keakalani street. - urtThe proposed new Government road from time to DOUnce it Ollt tnan nOW 8X70 HILDREN'S CORSET WAISTS, all sizes, for 40c$CTBOYS' CALICO SHIRT WAISTS, all sizes, only 25c

2804 1302-- q60 cents. 2KLlSnmsiat and get a perfect one in its" J J I 1 tTT t . t 11. e xv.-- .. oiace. we nave me iaeai

a. ui till iavv vsi i iuuunvvii mwm,vsinvinp nnrchnsAra nf these Lots the finest I KptricrpMtnr Knw tr rlpan.cuj 2Utoaiisemaits.

. 1 i nr. M.'L I J

Ewa and Waianae A. J. Campbell, L.K. Halualani.

WAIALUA-Ja- mes Gay, W. A. Buick.Koolauloa J as. Donelly, Jas. Corwin.Koolaupoko Jas. Olds, James Stewart.Lahaina H. Dickenson, L. M. Baldwin.Wailuku--H. w. Dryden, E. B. Friel.MakawaoF. W. Hardy, J. Kamakele.Hana-- S. VV. Kaai, F. Wittrock.MoLoxAi-D.Kailu-a.S. Piiapoo.Lanai Kealakaa, Namilimili,Lihue W. F. Lucas, Josia Keawe.Kawaihau It. C. Spaulding, G. B. Me-heul- a.

Koloa W. D. Wishard, Kahnekao.Waimea and Niihau II. H. Garstin, D.

Kna.Hanalei-- W. I. Wells, E. Kuapuhi.Hilo C. E. Richardson, E. Smith.Puna R. Rycroft, W. II. Shipman.Kau Wni. Kaaimoku, J. K. Kekaula.North Hilo W. S. Pa. Hookiuioa.Hamakua M. V. Holmes, Henry Hall.North Kohala J. Maguire, G. P. Ka-mawa-

South Kohala F. Spencer. Z. Paakiki.North Kona J. G. Hoopili, C. Kaiaiki.South Kona S. Kaeo, J. W. Kuaimoku.


Minister of Finance,Ad interim.

Finance Department,October 27, 1891.


Darning ana ooating beacn ai vvaiKiRi. i , l feasy iu itiiu., cLuiiuini(,ai ui TO THE PUBLIC!S3-Par- ties wishing to view the Lots ice the embodiment of allshould make application to the Auctioneer.Seaside Residence and Lot that has been proved best inrefrigerators.Jas. HVTorean.

2906-t- d AUCTIONEER.For full Particulars and Latest Improvements and Requirements i"FOR SALE! Has your "mind been a bit building business, call at no. 75 and 77 king street, if y

.1 --i. permit, ana examine some 01 mo largest anu uanuaomest Uuildinjrj

We do not bold ourselves responsible for tbestatements made, or opinions expressed by onroorreiipondents.

Rescued.Jfi'R. Editor: Mr. Starr, of the

Seventh-Da- y Adventists, comes to therescue of Fort Street CongregationalistChurch and the Y. M. C. A. BelieveEllen G. White, their inspired head.Mrs. White, in one of her inspiredbooks says:

"I saw the state of the differentchurches since the second angel pro-claimed their fall (in 1844). They havebeen growing more and more corrupt. .. . Satan has taken full possession of thechurches a3 a body. ... The churcheswere left as were the Jews, and theyhave been filling up with every uncleanand hateful bird. I saw a great iniquityand vileness in the churches, yet theyprofess to be Christians. Their profes-sions, their prayers and their exhorta-tions are an abomination in the sight ofGod. Said the angel: God will notdwell in their assemblies. Selfishness,fraud and deceit are practiced by themwithout the reprovings of conscience."

From Spiritual Gifts, Vol. I., pages189-19- 0. - ;

Of course, no one who believes th(jabove will condemn the pastor of theUnion Congregational Church or hischoir for assisting a minister of theabove doctrine, to draw away from thechurch that "God has forsaken" and"whose prayers the devil answers," intothe pure and holy Seventh-Da-y Advent-istbod- y.

The undersigned has a leaflet handedhim by Elder Burgess, which ably en-dorses this letter of Mrs. White.

William Hammond.

toev on the t oilet bet or and Designed by G. W. LINCOLN, in the City and suburbrs of HonolultfPreliminary AnnounceraentAt Kapiolani Park, Crockery question ? No needEXl think you will say that it pays to have work done ly a

PrJto have been it you know Mechanic who psrsonally works and Superintends the same.much of such goods. Butperhaps you don t know. Now

v - Respectfully,

G. W. LINCOLN,is your time. Even the eyesAdjoining J. A. Campbell's. Well coveredwith Trees and fine improved grounds. Bell Telephone 275. 2804-- q I 75 and 77 Kwo 8'carelessness cannot iau toIMPORTANT SALE !

Unequalled and Most Extensive Seasee how marvelously cheap-h-ow

near to half the round-tow-n

prices in fact are the CAM P HYL ENETAX ASSESSOR'S NOTICE! View on the Beach. On account of Captain Morisseau's de-parture by the next outgoing steamer, andto close partnership accounts, D r. Trous

different grades we show.seau oners lor saleThe Lot contains three-quarter- s of an ANTI - MOTH.We told you something theAcre or ground.

FarmThe Hawaiian Ostrich and Egg other day about a little arOne hundred and sixty-si- x feet of finerangement for keeping buttersanuy aea ueacn ! KAPIOLANI PARK,fresh. Not much just enoughComprising the Freehold of the Property,tXfApply toto make you want to knowmore. It's made of tin, cylinE. G. SCHUMAN,

Hotel St. near Fort St.,Honolulu.

The Most Effective Preventive Agai

Motli and Cockroaches.

jc unmure, agricultural implements,Windmills, Pumps, Steam Engine,

Etc. Etc., Etc.

2 Pair of Breeding Ostriches,2907-2- W

Tax Payers of the District ofKona, Oahu.

The Books of the Tax Assessor for theDistrict of Kona, Island of Oahu, will beopen for inspection by persons liable totaxation from October 20th to November1st, 1891, (Sundays excepted), in the Ka-puai- wa

Building, between the hours of 9o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in theafternoon ; Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Tax Assessor, District of Kona,

Island of Oahu.Approved: C. A. Beown,

Assessor and Collector of Taxes 1st Divi-

sion. 2S98-2- w

drical in shape, just the size of35 more or less Young Ostriches, a roll of butter. Inside is a

round stand filled with chemiBASE BALL ASSOCIATION GROUNDS cals which are entirely con

From a day to 8 months old ;

1 Horse and Brake,1 Express Wagon,1 Cart,

A Riding Party.A very pleasant lunch and riding party

was given yesterday afternoon at theresidence of His Excellency J. L. Ste-

vens. The party, after partaking of avery delicious lunch of bouillon, salad,cold ham and turkey, ice cream andother delicacies, mounted and rode outon the Ewa road, through Moanalua andtwo miles beyond, as far as the crown ofthe hill, where they looked back on thewhite houses of Honolulu nestlingaround Punchbowl, and forward to thefoot of the Pearl lochs, to the Queen Cityof the Pacific that is to be. The weather


A large number of pure bred BrownOn Saturday, Oct. 31 iiegnorn Fowls and others.

MT 1 T 1 - - . 1 y

they have any influence on thebutter youl have to guess;we can't, but they do. Besideswme jtrropeny win De sold as a

wnoie, or everything separately to suitat 3:30 p. m., -purcnasers. being useful in keeping theThere are on the Farm over 200 Navel I2ST BLOCKS AND INOrange, Adriatic Fig, and Olive Trees, and butter fresh VOu'll find themTHE DAILY was perfect, the air superbly clear after


ST. LOUIS VS. CRESCENTover 1000 imported Pmeanole Plants of ... i .

the long rains, the country very fresh the best sort. convenient to send to vourand green and the company most agree &CTFOR SALE BYine whole of the Land is laid out for TOCer to oack thp hntfpr inPACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER able, so that a happy combination of COmnlfit.fi irriMfinn thA wntor Km'n rr .nn. S?

circumstances rendered the party a most phed from an inexhaustable surface well MO! your USC No need ofor very sweet water. V, Ar UJ u..

ur. 'lrousseau assumes all liabilities of HOLLISTEE & CO,if vou use one of tlip;ptne Ostrich Farm and would like all


Adults, - 25c tsChildren - - - - lOcts

CFNo extra charge for carriages.2907-- lt

Notice of Kemoval!

Be Just and fear not;Let all the endg thou alm'at at be

. Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.faccounts, if any, to be sent to him bv They're cheap toovuiuuer oj.su

Inspection invited. Captain Morisseau

delightful one.

Supreme Court.Friday, Oct. CO.

OCTOBER TERM BEFORE JUDD, C. J.Kanamu vs. Chas. B. Wilson. Tres-

pass. The jury gave a verdict for plain-tiff, and $375 damages.

The Queen vs. Lau Kin Chew and five

wm give every possible information.SATURDAY, OCT. 31, 1891. Honolulu, H.ECfb or price aid other particulars, 109 Fort Street,The Banquet Lamp is more

fashionable than ever amongswell people in the States andresidents here are not goingto be behind the times. Mer

appiy to2905-t- f DR. TROUSSEAU.


others. Counsel on both sides agreed to

"On Dit" That Ka Leo's edition ofyesterday was exhausted. Ka Leo.

Well, never mind neighbor; if youwere exhausted you made other peopletired too. chants in the East di'snlr HARDWARE CO, L'l

Street, Honolulu.THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY gives J-- r ;,

that he has purchased the good DeaUtieS to tickle the fanCV ofPACIFIC

Fortthe very fastidious. We're

have the case tried at Lahaina, Maui.C. Alee vs. Wong Leong. Assumpsit.

Continued until Saturdav, Oct. 31, 1891.V. II. Smith vs. J. H. Reist. As-

sumpsit. Judgment entered by defaultin favor of the plaintiff.

BEFORE DOLE, J.Ing Choi vs. Ah Pong and "Ah You.

Case heard and taken under advisementby the Court.

ROOM, from A. Winterstein, and willopen MONDAY, Nov. 2, 1891, and is notHONOLULU ART AND SCIENCE ASSO

CIATI0N. not going to take secondnaDie lor any accounts prior to the date of




On his Old Stand,

Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts.With a large assortment of

ENGLISH WOOLENS!In every line, suitable for gentle-

men's wear.

S. ROTH.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1891. 2906-l- w


place in our display. We aimfor the top, to hit the bull's EEFEIGEBATOiiuia uuuee.

CHOCK SING.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1891. 2906-3- t

eye of excellence as it were. AND

and have we ever been knownASK FORICE CHESTSto fail ?

Ever alert for chances born

years, and wnHdertW-- rfft "ITl ij buying the" Refrigerator

1,1 v a fibre-line- d k- -which we had to ift --



It is hardly necessary to direct theattention of the public - to the fact thatpure water is one of the principal agentsin preserving health and insuring per-

fect comfort in a household. The germof our most malignant diseases can betraced back to impure water.

, --i The filter works easily, and, likemagic, turns the impurest water into aperfectly colorless and absolutely pureliquid.

This apparatus is attached to the or-

dinary water-pip- e and filters rapidly. Itis displacing the old slow-worki- ng filtersin the United States.

Call and examine the above at the

resent occupied by the Union account oi i c of , ionany of the H q JeJ a8t fcjce uompany, on the Esplanade.

Size of Building, 40x80 feet in theUp and down stairs connected by aphine. made op t'- - . oE;clear. S, which jselevator. t or particulars enquire on the

In Thursday's issue of the Advertisera communication was published callingattention to the above institution, theinstruction afforded and lectures' givenunder its auspices. This is not a matterwhich the public can afford to let drop.The association is not a money-makin- g

concern. It was founded to assist insupplying a need much felt and oftencomplained of the lack of externalopportunities in the way of self-cultu- re

afforded in our community, isolated-- ait is from the great intellectualcentres of the world. The societyis thus a quasi-missiona- ry organ-ization, and deserves the earnestsupport of all who are interested inits specific object; of all, in short, whoare lovers of knowledge and light, andare interested in their further diffusion.

The instruction offered by the associa-tion we believe is cf a good quality. Thelectures given are on topics of import-ance and are of a kind to instruct as wellas entertain. It will be a pity indeed ifthis useful association, like so manyothers of a similar character in ourlethargic city, is permitted to languishand die for want of a little public interestand support.

2878-t- fpremises.

of conditions, we have cap-tured from a large manufac-turer a lot of these Lamps thatshall go to you at prices younever heard of before. Silver,Brass, Nickel, Wrought Ironand some not so good. May-be you need to be told whichis the most costly. - The sortsat the least price toss back atyou the impressions you mayhave of what is really goodworkmanship in lamps. Areyou a bit fastidious? Youshould be when buying lampsto live with. .

VFand your loou uc

iUthan anything )

this market.

ll.fi Gurney,FOR RENT.


BUTTERNew Pack Just Received !

Quality Unsurpassed!OUR NEW CATCH EASTERN

MACKERELShould be on every Hawaiian table. Ready

for delivery October 1st.

S. FOSTER & CO., Sole Agents,26 and 28 California St., San Francisco.

2686 1360-- y

Furnished Rooms.

PACIFIC HARDWARE MMCO., LtU, ctinr.t on anu r- -jMD "


COOL, FURNISHED ROOM,located on Nuuanu Avenue, with

or without Board. Also, Table Boardersdesired. Address P. O. Box 337. 2891


FORT STREET.2S53 1389-- 4

in every xe ' theinbo have BuUtitoieu

ere can tfttiny.V1

11DB- carryFor the latest and most ele-gant styles of Ladies' VisitingCards, or Wedding Invitations

ways given satisfaction. They are plain, well inauc g ofHOUSE, CORNER OF BERE-tani- aand Keaumoku streets,

containing 10 rooms, dinin groom,kitchen and out houses. Apply

The WHITE MOUNTAIN ICK UKt ajji Ve have an rhtu i j. j ii . i .i nnronfl.ieu. ere wNotices, go to the Hawaiian GazetteorHAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., L'D.

(Opp. Spreckela' Block),

FORT STREET.Office, No. 46 Merchant. The cards printedthere are perfectly charming. . . 2907

to David Dayton, 91 King street, upstairs.2372-t- f

duiu uuuureus, are generally kduwu buu "fi"1."-,flt- nrV i d" --

hand from a large invoice just received from thepatterns. ' orices.

fiCTWe keep-reliabl- e goods and eell at reasonableAPPLY AT NO. 4 GARDEN LANE.



at Emma Square --Peace Restored in the Bank nfBand concert

this afternoon.TABLE- -

1, 1891. WORKSMAY,-- o RTSDON IHOTsTi u Bw?n .chi,Ps fresh aDd crisp, atto-da- y.

4?hoebx?s.eb?U Same will be calledat 3:6J this afternoon.


the Hui Kalaiaina.meeting of the Hui Kalai-am-a

was held at Robinson Hall onFriday evening, a large number of peoplebeing present, many of whom were notmembers of the Hui . Mr. R.W.Wiw

SAJSI FRAJSTCISCO,Matheson Patent Lock Joint. MACHINERYSUGAR1MEDBUILDERSE. G. Schuman wishes to sell a sea who was elected last Tuesday eveningside residence and lot at Kaniolani

Park. by another portion of the Hui Kalaiaina. U ANY STYLE OR CAPACITY1 .ir. 1:45 4:30t vv,uFicu me cnair. a question as to his9 5:35t right in assuming the Presidency soon

For Dyspepsia.A. Bellariger, Propr. , Stove Foun-

dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "Ihave used August Flower for Dys-pepsia. It gave me great relief. Irecommend it to all Dyspeptics as avery good remedy."

A bicycle tool-pouc- h has been lost.Finder will please return to thisoffice.

i .1.10:513:51 5:45t4:35 fl:50tll:oJ.3:35 !!1!:,;!!iw! !ti!i!!!!l!:te

WROT IRON and STEEL RIVhTED PIPE,The Largest Manufacturers over 350 Miles Made, varying

from 6 inch to 6 feet in diameter., ClTT LOCAL. The Elite will have on hand this

morning a large variety of freshpies, pastry, etc.


arose, and in the disorder and chaoswhich followed, Mr. Wilcox thoughtfullvvacated the chair, still believing, how"-eve- r,

that he was rightful President.The Hon. J. Nawahi was called to thechair. As soon as he had taken hisseat, almost everyone wanted to express

his views.Among those speaking was a Mr. Ka-n- ui

who after talking at some lengthconcluded his remarks by requestingMr. It. W. Wilcox to resign the presi-dency to Mr. J. A. Kahoonei the dulyelected President of the Hui.

Mr. Pua wished that the office should

ock Joint Pile!ritv-- v" Mmumet Justice Judd left foryesterday, to preside at the No-

vember term there.4"


Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer,Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes: "Ihave used August Flower with thebest possible results for Dyspepsia."

C. A. Barrington, Engineer andGeneral Smith, Sydney, Australia,writes: ' 'August Flower has effecteda complete cure in my case. It act-ed like a miracle."


- 'V

,:e.l2S03-- O

A communication regarding Illus-trated Hawaii will be found on thefirst page of this issue.

.tfM.IGENCEw" Rumor says that there will be a few De Dauoted, and another amongtne audience sutrirested that achanges in Port Surveyor Crabbe's


THE MAT1IESON JOINT is made by enlarging or belling one end of

the wrot iron tube (as shown in the cut), thereby requiring one iiaif the lkadof any other pipe joint and one half the chance of leakage.

THE PIPE is made of any thickness necessary for the desired pressure

or head and


aBkitals.Fbidy Oct. 30.

4 MaKee.Haglund. from

department very shortly.

from circuitIn the trespass case against Mar-

shal "Wilson the jury brought in averdict for 375 damages.

W. V. Lockwood left for Hawaii

Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes:11 1 consider your August Flower thebest remedy in the world for Dys-pepsia. I was almost dead withthat disease, but used several bottlesof August Flower, and now con-sider myself a well man. I sincerelyrecommend this medicine to suffer-ing humanity the world over."

G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.

Annuar Meeting.


for that purpose be held next Friday.Mr. J. A. .Kahoonei then briefly ad-

dressed the meeting as follows: TheHui Kalaiaina was organized in 18S7,with Mr. Bush as its first Prebident. Iwas chosen President in May, 1889. Ihave worked hard for the good of theHui, going to great expense, so greatwas my desire to promote its ob-jects. At one time I wrote asmany as fifty-thre- e letters per dayand forwarded them to branches on theother islands. Now, after having passedthrough this very trying experience, Ihave learned to love and cherish theHui, its aims and objects, more than

Elbows, Tees, Grates, and all FittingSUPPLIED FOft THE SAME.

yesterday on a business trip. Hewill bo absent several days. w 'Ml till i'Friday, Oct. 30.

,,.ie tpavies. fur Muni and

Ben Hogan will give another ofifihine tor thehis stereopticon exhibitions at

Y. M. C. A. Hall this evening.fru LEAVING

0"For further particulars, apply to

JOFTIESr DYER,2858 Room ii, Spreckels Block.

suythe, for Honuapo, Ua- -B Bell end Pipe.CC Body Pipe.DD Lead Space.showing point Lock Joint.E Lead Space


There will be a celebration of theHoly Communion at the 9:45 a.m.service at St. Andrew's Cathedral to-morrow.

A number of subscribers to theEalakaua Monument Fund areanxious to know what the Committee

IT ...n.s IS FOlii.R1CHAKDS0NPALMEROpening of Fine Millinery Goods

ANNUAL MEETING OP THEStockholders ot E. O. Hall & Son, L'd,

will be held at their office on THURS-DAY, November 5th, at 2 p. m.

E. O. WHITE,2900-2- W Secretary.

Notice of Annual Meeting.

,H does not include coasters.)

Kautz, San Francisco.tLr'e! Gill. Melbourne.

Martin. Hongkong.?vi Schmidt, iSan Francisco.

most ; so I do not wish to see any iilfeeling nor anything that will bring dis-repute upon our organization. I wishharmony and good will to reign amongus.

Mr. J. K. Kaulia said: The matterbefore us is which of the two presidentsis the rightful one? Why was Mr. Ka-hoonei removed without cause? Was hebrought before any meeting of this Huiand found guilty of any misdemeanor?If the action of the meeting whichelected Mr. Wilcox was illegal, why con-tinue to uphold his claim?

-- AT-are doing.

Mr. C. McLennan states that thesale of the estate of Quon Son willEXl'ECTKJ).

ARCHITECTS.Wher lrom take place at Kaiaakea, North Hilo,on November 3d.

Stylos of Architecture :TV 1 - 1 - w-- , . - ii J. ipiUtUE VUliHstk.J CL1 UOU tlUU, 111

Davis, cosum ...... .yc!fijohnson..Ncwork ... Jov 4

VHTalbot.rortTown'd..ov 16

liiofLeny..lasKOw......ov 27-- elia Y't T'wns'nd.Nov 27vr'0h'prT. Liver dooI Nov 28

UTOCKHOLDERS OP VVAIHEESugar Company will please take notice

that the Annual Meeting of the Companywill be held at C. Brewer & Co.'s office onMONDAY, November 9, 1891, at 10 o'clockA. M. J. O. CARTER,

Secretary Waihee Sugar Co.Honolulu, Oct. 2G, 1891. 2901--2 w

Election of Officers.

Eastlake, Queen Anne.Renaissance, Gothic, Italian,Classic and Norman,

rJx 1? aiJieurieu. 113 ae" roaring tones resembling a mad steer,cided to stop the frequent rioting at proposed that those who wished Wilcoxthe Chinese Theatre; he threatens to be president should follow him, andto revoke their license. those who favored Kahoonei should fol

1ST. S. SAOHS',104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

latest novelties in fall and winterTRIMMED PATTERN TOQUES AND BONNETS


Choice Assortment of j

Fine Flowers and Fancy Feathers, j



la Stone, Brick, Iron or woodlow him and organize another Hui. Fori ...Hong Kong.. Dec 1

ardMav..l5oston Feb 29JGlrwi" San Francisco.. .Nov 1

.San Francisco.. Nov 7-The services of Mrs. Van Anglen, himself he saw no other wav of getting

of ban rancisco. have been secured out OI the present dimculty. He himselfil'i'iieJa --an Francisco.. Nov 19'.Siricosa. .Colonies Nov 19 by the Kawaiahao Seminary dress- - woma join wncox.

Best Modern Designs in Residences.Cheap Artistic Cottages a Specialty.

CTComplete plans and specilicationsm Mr. Kaulukou aaid he did not approve

Mm ..tjan r rancisco..Uec 15 makiDg department.iVrt . can r rancisco..ov

given; also supermienuence or construcAnna .....S t (Kauului)..iNOV isN'tV!e .S:m Francisco.. Nov 25

tt!Mt Prut Towns'nd.Nov 20tion.


of the ill-feeli- ng shown by some present.Gentle measures were best. A nationat war with itself is doomed to destruc-tion. He moved an ad journment.

The Chairman thought according to theconstitution that neither Kahoonei nor

Jauldi ... Port Towns'nd.Nov 30 Room 3, Spreckels Block.2867-- q

A T THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THEStockholders of the Honokaa Sugar

Company held this day, the following gen-tlemen were elected officers for the ensu-ing year:

P. A. Schaefer PresidentJ. Hoting Vice-Preside- nt

H. Renjes SecretaryJ. Hoting TreasurerM. Mclnerny Auditor

H. RENJES, Secretary.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1891. 290G 3t


George.Lngiand uct 61!i)kane..Fort Towns'nd..Nov 30 0BEG0N KIDNEY

Attorney-Genera-l Whiting, Mar-shal Wilson and Deputy-Marsh- al

Wilder have gone to Waimea to rep-resent the Crown at the Novemberterm.

The jurors who have served forthe past month are excused fromfarther duty in the Supreme Court.This accounts for the many happyfaces you see around town.



Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, H. I.



Wilcox was legal President as the con-stitution had not provided for the elec-tion of President

Mr. R. W. Wilcox said : We must har-monize. I do not like the present situa-tion of our Hui. If I thought Mr. Ka-hoonei were influenced by unprincipledforeigners, as I at first susoected. I would

Is the Most Wonderful MedicaltLwiliwiii, ier stmr Jas Makee,liF UackfeM, Norman Hulbert, E Modern Times.

. Messrs. Ripley and Reynolds, J not yield the chair to him. I appreciate BACKACHEELECTION OF OFFICERS. I C)TJR11jSMartin. Mr Urquhardt, and 16

: ixki ami Vv'aialua, perstnirC:;,'Jct 30- -U Conradt, and J F


architects, have drawn a competitive--A. 1ST U- -design for the new Hotel at Pearl

KI33ISTEY THOTJBlE:ii;':d Hawaii, per stmr Claudine,Chief Justice A F Judd,

iinier, Mrs M Brown, J Kenton,jir, J shimmies, L Hopkins, U

City. The drawing is on exhibitionat the Pacific Hardware Co.

Under foreclosure of mortgageJas. F. Morgan will sell at hissalesroom at noon to-da- y severalpieces of property situate at Itobellolane, Palama, and at Waialua.

It is strictly a vegetable production and will not injure the smallest childnor the most delicate woman, but will cure pain in the back and kidneys, non- -

PLACE THAT HAS RETAINEDA the same management, the sameguests, and the same employees continu-ously, from its inception, is generally con-sidered trustworthy and reliable.

We need say no more ; but a9 always ,

respectfully solicit the patronage of ton r-i- sts

and others at the liberal rates ofPer day $ 2 00Per week 12 00

With special monthly rates.

THOS. E. KROUSE. Prop.P. O. Box 390; Bell Telephone 353.


F. Hustace. J. F.Morgan. W. II. Hoogs

how Kahoonei has toiled for the Hui. Itwas not Dan Lyons who organized it, hewas only a tool, but Mr. Kahoonei. Ihave great confidence in hira, not on ac-count of his scholarly attainments, butfor his integrity and honesty. Therefore,I now gladly resign the Presidency tohim. (lrolonged cheers.)

Mr. Pipikane, a strong adherent ofMr. Wilcox, then stood up and shoutedat the height of his voice that he wouldnot give in ; he was still for Wilcox whowas foolish in relinquishing his claims .

Mr. J. A. Kahoonei was then askedto take the chair, after which the meet-ing adjourned .

THE ANNUAL MEETING OFAT Planters' Labor & Supply Companyheld this day, the following officers wereelected for the coming year:

A. Young PresidentJ. B. Atherton Vice-Preside- nt

F. M. Swanzy : TreasurerW. O. Smith SecretaryJ. O. Carter Auditor

W. O. SMITH, Secretary.Honolulu, Oct. 26, 1891.

1399-2- t 2905 3t

Election of Officers.

c ft' ( Walker, His Ex W Ai 4 Hon C B Wilson, S Kimura, Hontoann, Mis Mary Low, MissHlaws, R Love, C Maguire. G

s U'sKvnnerslev, Mrs C H Pu- -

retention of urine, diabetes, inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, brick dustdeposit in urine, leucorrhoea, painful or suppressed menstruation, nervousness,and all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated state of the kidneys orurinary organs of either sex.

Many mistake the pains arising from defective action of the kidneys forrheumatism, and in attempting to cure the latter by outward applications, fail

n tirftlv to reach the seat of the disease. We do not offer the OREGON KID

U-s-ar, W S Akana and wife, Miss

Na. Wm 11 Wrieht. l)r A EiBycruft. S K Kane. P A Dias.

L Aseu. J A M Osorio. Hon Jfflo, and 54 deck passengers. NEY TEA as a specific for rheumatism, but are satisfied that many cases of so--

At last that eye-sor- e has been re-

moved from King street, betweenBethel and Nuuanu. Give the StreetDepartment two or three years time,and it will get there occasionally.

The Lord's Supper will be admin SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. HTJSTACE & CO.,feier C R Bishop broucht 1G0 istered to all Christians who may

desire to commemorate the suffer

caneu rneumatism wouiu yieiu 10 us remeuiai vumco.The leaf is put up in air tight tin caddies which preserve intact its medical

properties and the decoction is made by the person using it, thus securing its ab-

solute purity. .There are thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs

who suffer in silence rather than make known their troubles. Others seek reliefby the use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not aggravate the dis-

ease, at least do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice of - physiciansoften fail to get relief, owing to the very complicated and delicate nature of the

ARE YOU TIRED OFSweet Pies? If so; then tryour fine eating Cranberry Piesings and death of the Lord Jesus, at

the residence of Dr. Hammond, onthe Lord's Day at 3:20 p.m. Com.

AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OFthe Stockholders of The Onomea Sugar

Co. held in Honolulu October 27th, thefollowing officers were elected for the en-

suing year:J. B. Atherton PresidentJ. O. Carter Vice-Preside- nt

G. P. Castle SecretaryG.H.Robertson ....TreasurerW. A. Bowen Auditor

G. P. CASTLE,2905-6-t 1399-4- t Secretary O. S. Co.

'3 irom Koolau yesterday. Sheseit Monday niorniug.

afpecters repairing the bulwarks of?"pcct to finish their work to-;- 1!

Rping has been taken down?wu's meu are overhauling it.

:;aer Alika arrived on Fridayna, Hawaii, with about 35

D RAYMEN !made from the fresh fruit; they have a de-

lightful tart taste.A superior assortment of all kinds of

Fancy Pastry, Pies, Cakes, Rolls andCream Bread baked fresh this morningonly at

The Elite Ice Ceeam Parloes.

At the Central Union Church to-

morrow (Sunday) : Preaching by thepastor at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The

-- a firewood. On her down tripfJatKahului and after taking All orders for Cartage promptly attended

organs affected. .

It Has no Eqiaal !

SHFor Sale byBBNS0K. SMITH & CO., 113 Si 115 Fort Street.

to. Particular attention paid to mo:Ji5 head of cattle left again for evening discourse will be upon theg Jioiokai, where the cattle book of Joel. Subject: "God's great Family Residence to Let, armv of the Locusts." All are in- -

Shipping and Storing of Goodsj. , " wo UlUUgUV 1Ur- XT orvnn a n A

FRESHat "The

CHIPSto-da- y

BOSTONand crisp 2804 1382--q

I r,' ue Irra awihwih. She mu moo ool troafoWlftvin transit to the other Islands.


on Beretania street, be-

longing to the Dickson Estate,occimied bv Mr. J. H. Soper, is

rt4;3ui next Monday I U moo ouumu jfhbark velocity will leave for morning by a report of murder on 2908-- lt

ALSO. yiutr next Tuesday or Wed-- Aiapai sweet, xt lumeu uuu maiui over 150 Chinese two Chinese nad a quarrel; one uaa

angers from this nort. I v - i ,i i un o Wt frnm nfor rent on November 1st. For particularsinquire of W.F.ALLEN,

fiishop & Co. Building, Kaahumanu St.2906-l- m

aUNN,Brewer Block,

Black and White SandEGAN &100 Fort St., :wo' bowl. His assailant was ar- -

s.i , eeks to have new tubes in quantities to suit at Lowest Prices'.will resume her regular j rested.itU Koulau and Wairaanalo Administrator's Notice of Post-

ponement of Sale.Assignee's Notice to Creditors. HAVE JUST RECEIVED EX AUSTRALIA,Reerardiner the change of venue in

Su !i!)au wa moved down to the Chinese arson case, counsel onbnth sides asrreed to have the trial Office Next to Morgan's Auction Room.

yesterday. NEW BUGS, CURTAINS, PORTIERES!at mil h T. ratine Irmnr(i win co.i o iaK6 place at ojauaiua uiuiug tuo XTOTICE 13 HJSKKdx uiYJ2ii?t

December term. Deputy Attorney- - ri the sale of the property belonging to theJut next Thursday.VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THEW creditors of Aka, a bankrupt, and toall other persons, that the assignee willask the Supreme Court on WEDNESDAY,xt a icoi irw ir fnutmrnvfl his anrnnnts.

Mutual Telephone 19: Bell 414.2901-- qHATS and CAPS, BOYS' CLOTHING,acfoto nnnn json. aeceaseu. auvtsrwscu

is:. u carL'o of susrar forw 0 Hawaiian Opera House.order the payment of a first andifinai Parasols Gloves Laces, Handkerchiefs, Kibbons, Etc.dpnrl annrnveof anrivatesaleof thesaid 5


General Creighton win representthe Crown. . .

The services cf the Second Con-

gregation of St. Andrew's CathedralSaints' Day,Twenty-afte-r

Trinity, will be

bankrupt's property, and to discharge said v,.T-n- i, --rT-r-r-rT Tmnmnassignee from all further liability with reL


Hawaiian Slilit

to takf place at Kaiaakea, North Hlo, atof October, 1891, hasnoon o the 27th day

been p. .spumed to November 3d, at thesame hou-an- d place.

McLennanAdministrator Estate of Quon Son.

Laupahoehoe, Hilo, October 24, 1891.2907-3-t


Dress-makin- g Dept.

, jand Upwards.as follows: 9:45 a. ii.. Holy Com SPECIALTY 15 Cents

2848 1389--q istotich:.Uironoi Prof. II. Berger,? a

concert at Emma3Wfcrnoonat4-:tr- t ti. fi- -

munion; hymns 427 and 322. Atj

spect to said estate. -Assignee of Aka.

Dated Honolulu, Oct. 2G, 1891. --

2904-8 1


Veterinary Surgeon.

J l t - Ilk J A


'S? City ScbrammelH. E. M'INTYRE & BRO.v


6:45 p. m., evensong; antnem, "u,how amiable are thy dwellings," byJ. E. West; hymns 429 and 12. Rev.Alex. Mackintosh, pastor.

Thoro was an; alarm of firo lastXi.;i.T--.- ; Verdi

"""Eate and Frogs.... . iilenberg

HAVE APPOINTED MR LEWISWE LEVEY Agent for the HawaiianOpera House, and parties wishing to rentsame for the purpose of entertainments orshows will please apply to him.

. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.- 2902-l- m

mHE SERV1CE3 OF MRS. VAN1 ANGLEN (of San Francisco) have

ri satisfaction is guaranteedMnube straus3 night at ten minutes past eleven; the'fnrniahed by the ex-- Groceries. Provisions and Teedllerve. . .

-- -. -uceuscvm""-'- - rST"Omce at Club Stables, Fort street.

Both Telephones 477. -2895-lr- a

FOR SALE.aaii Ponoi. plosion of lampin a Chiuese place fc2&8S?.i3 solicited. Prices


For Lease or Sale.on nunauu bucoh, uo "bakery. The lamp was thrown intothe street, and no further damage New Goods' received bv eve rv packet from the Eastern States and Europe.

reasonable. i- -u

Election of Officers.well Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfnlly attended to, andGoods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited.Satisfaction guaranteed. Po3t Office Box No. 174. Telephone No. 92. 2804-- qist,, ,fcU0mi recently took a

iCS.and La3 retirned withftw 'uSt1'1? Edison phono-f;f- W

Sehls first exhibitionTHE "ANNUAL MEETING OF

was done. The lire . engines wereout, No. 2 being on the spot in veryshort order, followed a little later byNo. i. . . .; : ,

Tim TCrttrlish vacht Beagle will



A Bantams. Inquire of Mrs.Riemenschneider, Punchbowl street.

2901-l- w


RESIDENCE ON LUNALILOstreet, at present occupied by Mr.J. A.Kennedy, containing doubleparlors, 4 bedrooms, dressing and

the Stockholders oi me jrauiuo

Bice Straw. For Sale.Mill, held this day, me ioiiowui5 um.owere elected for the ensuing year: bath rooms, dining room, pantry and

kitchen. Grounds 300x105 feet, well laidI leave some day next week on a shortthe other islands and F. A. Schaefer

C. K. Bishop Vice-Preside- nt out; servants' rooms, stable and chicken, .Treasurer

111 miroauce isfe'iS?Sff?- - The songs return. Captain Gill, who has been J. Hoting..... . :

: H. RenjesJ. H. Paty

house m rear of mam building, vacanton August 14th. R. 1, LILLIE,. ; 2822-t- f with Theo. H. Daviea & Co. -


A LOAD, DELIVERED.AH CHU.$4.00fmm sickness for some

Comfortably Foraged Rooms !


No. 8 Union Street, (next to Bell Tower).

Mutual Telephone 394. I O. x 475.

23C9-3- m T. A. SI MP?"N, Prop.


Si . uiuhoi me on-- 22 Nutfanu Street.2875-l- mtime past, is rapidly recovering, and;n0u( - that he will - be , so im-- . H. RENJES, Secretary.

Honolnlu, Oct. 29, 1891. 2907it FOE KENT !

r HAVE GIVEN WILLIAM F. ALLEN--I- my full power of Attorney, to act forme during my absence from the Kingdom.Mr. H. A. Paeon will have charge of theEnterprise HUI. and all budding and con- -

Oct.'lC, 1891. 2896-3,- "

Ufs proved in health as to enable him tofoi.Q nnt. his vessel on her intended

vs. Crescent. FOE RBISTT.cruise, otherwise .an acting captainwill go in his stead."kcruoon :

SUN NAM SING,No. 109 Nuuanu Street,

P. O. Box 175, --

Begs to call the attention of the publio totheir large and well selected

Slock of Japanese Goods !

Suitable for this market, which willbe sold at Lowest Prices.



located on Kinau street nearthe corner of Pensacola street, preTO LKT ! . THE LEASE OF ABOUT 15

Acres of Rice and Taro Land,-wit- h

water right, well adapted for pine

P ...lstb..2dbsab:;-


.a a

A CHOICE LOT SITUATE ONPunchbowl Hill, commanding a

THE STORE NOW OCCUPIEDm by the Pacific Hardware Companyin the Mclnerny Block. : Posses- -'

siori given about November 1st. This Is,the very best business site in the city. ;

Also, the Cellar under the corner storo. 1

Rents moderate. ' ,

M. McINERNY.Sept. 30, 1891. . 28324m;

Crescent...C Willis

...G. Angus. ..J. Soper

...P. HaleyP. Lishman

L. HartJ, Grube

. 1. ThrumC. Holt

grana view oi me uaruur nuu dia

sently occupied by P. F. August rulers.House contains, parlors, dining room,kitchen, three chambers, bathroom, pan-tr- v

veranda rooms and ample closet space.December 1st. Inquire at

POSSHAWAflAN HARDWARE &.,2897-t- f Fort St., opp. Spreckels'.

apples or other fruit. Taro and banana9are now growing on part of this land.

For particulars address. DR. F. L. ALVAREZ,

2899-lmt- f Waialua, Oahu.

toNEWLY FINSHED COTTAGEft Palama, near King street, and

inso tr the tramcars. Apply to t. Amond Head. Daily Advertiser 50e. per month.A FRED MAG OON,Merchant street.2323-t- fF. Peterson, over Bishop & Co.'s Banfc. '

2884-t- f'sub'




win? jyjjj&&owjM tmrnmrnAL ApyEBgiam October 3i i89i.I fi .... .... f Lt I ! - " - - . n t nrv r- n I Ml Jbui!tiiul I Zta

lit I - I i

Toledo, Ohio, will have a beetsugar plant.Baldwin Locomotives!

. Austria has a 3000-ton-a-we- ek

sugar refincrv.

Gr. L. MEYER & CO.,

Architects and Buildersfi3Union Assurance Society

FIRE and life.. i ;. ' 3:

; " I -'


' i :

Two hundred styles of locomo-tives are made.

A big now shoe factory is to boerected in Atlanta.

Union glass works- - at Findley,

The undersigned having been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


INut iiHaving had much experience in superintending buildings and carpenter work ingeneral, in the United States, and having associated myself with a practicalArchitect and Builder, we are now ready to furnish plans and specifications, and

FOR THE CELEBRATED are resumiDg.Connecticut's tobacco crop is DillIDcLlCLWlIl LiOCOHlOLiVPS uu auy sma oi ouiiaing or carpenter wort wanted. wortn 30,000,000.A 400,000 cotton mill is to be


run at Kiverside, Ala.TheDuquesne, Penn., tube works

tttMI - 1 onr.Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co., vaworfcj- -Soth Padfic 0 nWestern pamBVirginia has 100,000 acres de

voted.to tobacco culture.Philadelphia, 3Penix.,

EFWe make a specialty of fitting up stores and putting in store fronts ofnew and novel designs. All kinds of repairing done promptly and neatly atreasonable rates.

G. L. MEYER, 130 Fort Street2894-S- , ,


There is a new furniture factoryAre now prepared to give estimates and1 m a

receive oraers lor tnese engines, of anysize and style. ' HEAD OFFICE: 81, CORNHILL, LONDON, E. C" West l ChiDa- -

San Blas.f AtneriPan,

at Montgomery, Penn.A hew iron foundry is to be

started at Brewster, N. Y.Iron is to be made at Chatta-

nooga by an electrical process.The Baldwin TjonoMnTrnz Wnwwa ora Charte of Harbors

Maui and vn?n "awaiinow manufacturing a style of Locomo--

of Ha W.Peart Ki. HonokiJNorte's and Tborn's N. (

wve panicmany adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in urnishinc Plaiitafirm

Capital Fully Subscribed,Capital Paid Up,Total Invested Funds Exceed,Total Annual Income,


2, 1 50,000.



Nantieai A!,,,Agents and Managers with particulara ofsame.

The-- ii


of these.Locomotives

over an oirier maKes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States. n

Over 2000 men are at work onthe Chicago World's Fair Park.

Five Virginia cheese factoriesturn out 15,000 pounds a week.

Pittsburg Locomotive Works areto have a large machine shop.

American Car Company, capital100,000, is to start at St. Louis.. The wheat crop of the Argentine

Republic is valued at 00,000,000.An expert says a kitchen range

wants cleaniDg every six months.Two Englishmen have establish-

ed a linen mill in the City ofMexico.

A cotton mill to cost 1,250,000is to be erected at Kansas City,Kan.

An order for 10,000 tons of steelrails was made at a Pennsylvaniamill.


E&TThe undersigned, liaving been appointed Agent of the above In 1 , IWM. 6. IRWIN & Oa,

Solk Agents for Hawaiian Islands.2804 1382-- q

Society for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to issue Policies against Fibe for Bale J QhwJ

on the usual terms. (Signed)!. G. Irwin & Company, Steel and Iron Banges, Stoves and Fixtures, S3.00 per nj


OFFER FOR SALE And under, by2881 1395-l-m HONOLULU, H. I.


AliATE WARE IN GREAT VARIETY,White, Gray and Silver-plate- d.

Lime and Cement, K. 0. HALL k iIII: P. O. Box No. 480. :PARAFFINS PAINT CO.'S : Mutual Tel. No. go :LAMP'S A.ISTD FIXTURES!RUBBER HOSE,

Cor. FORT fc KING STCompounds and Eooflng

Frogs' legs from Canada areesteemed a great tidbit.

Missouri has 27,000 square milesof coal land and each is about amile deep.

An English syndicate has taken3,000,000 in stock in a South Da-

kota tin mine.There are over 1,100,000 railroad

cars and 33,000 locomotives in theUnited States.

A Delawarian has contracted tofurnish 100 tons of cat-tai- la to afirm in St. Louis.

The copper output of the UnitedStates this year fell short of theusual amount by more than 100,000tons.

West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets,o

UJ All kinds nf NT!IV an1 fiCPnwn tj a xrrv nrrnxumTmn .2836 1387-- q

or cash at the I X Lv.-.- i s unnuvxitu eoiu cneap


. .A "Also.


Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. o . . - .w- - " FJD mo UflSn I K fnr a 1 1 IrinUS oil u iub


Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,

oecona-nan- d furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines. Etc. uiiA-NDLER- LINK9 m

ELL out your Household Furniture itsin en-tiret- y,

call at the I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu and King Sts.For Sale b)'I-Pro-


returns made on goods Sold on Commission.. ...

Tli . jS. W. LEDERER,In a Berks county, Penn., cigar rroprieior. o () HA II, JDIMONO BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.2804-1382- -q


Wool Duet,Bone JVXeal,

M8li GuanoALSO


lautory, iour-nitn-s of tho cigarmakers are women., Cy-ST0-

RE Open Satubday Evenings Till 9 O'clock.-The resumption of window-glas- s

factories will give employment toBe flooo lulu WorksSoap bliip Chandlers.Choice io,uuu men ana boys. For Bargains of SniMillinery !

1 A ( JnlifAiininSititriistmtnis.High Grade Chemical Cane Manure. O O TOThe undersized have just completedtheir NEW STEAM SOAP WORKS, RIBBONSana are prepared to supply the trade a EEED aB. F. Ehlers & Co

99 FORT STREET.Just lieceived

Per Bark ' CHARLOTTE," a number of


Cocksfoot, Rye Grass and Clovers. Pure Laundry Soap! ANDAH our Goods Greatly Reduced in order to make room for New & MUX hi

flowers Pianos ! Pianos !Importations to Arrive. Have on Hand and For

From the Celebrated Factory ofETC., ETC., ETC., low prices. ,BM," PPt auenuon ana will be filled at the same Fresh every month from theCof


Falrbank Canning Co.'s CornedBoef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,

of 42 and 56 Bars each.

We guarantee our Soap to be pure,and much better than the imported.

fiCEach box is stamped " Honolu-lu Soap Co.," and is

For Sale by all Retailers.

C. BECHSTEIN, LONDON and BERLIN the very best quality of

KTDnasmakiDg Department under the management of Miss K. Clark. IIJllSt AlTiVed Australiaper Now ready for inspection, for saleby ay and Gn--AT-:n"otioe. Of All kirxlfl nf. fli A v(rv lowest DUNION IRON WORKS OO.


Soie Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands.

j w - - j . jDelivered promptly to any part

or tne city.GOOD9 2840-- qs J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :

Manager.Superintendent. GIVE US A TBIALIFROM AND AFTER

this date we will not be



1390 2856-3- m AGENTS.

K. W. M'CHKSNEV.resnnnqihla fnn Ann Clay St., S. F. 40 Queen St, Hono.f freight after same bas Leleo-Mu- tualTeleJEngineers and Iron Pounders, 12SM. W. McCHESNEY & SONS,Mclntyre Block, Fort Street.

2864-3m- q r,.;ii n T rinliVlr Bell

been landed. Parties to whom freight isconsigned must be at the landing to receivetheir fre:ghtWILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.

Honolnln. Sent. 5. 1S90. 2836-- a

Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer phone 348: Mutual Telephone 139,

chants and Importers. - WJM-- q

CASTLE & COOKE, " - lanade, Honolulu,

MANUFACTURERS OIPu Queen St., Honolulu. 2840-l- y


'.82 King Street,JAMES NOTT, JR.,

PRACTICALrnTTTn nTCTifUATLAS Sogar lUchiner IrrigatiDg Machinery, Steam En8ines,

. . rrr Id'

Life, Fire and Marina

Insurance Agents !Iron and Locomotive wbwhTINSMITH & PLUMBER Assurance Company xuif vooiers, Molasses CarsCane Ca, Elevators, ConveyorsFurnace Fitting?, '

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for Hon pn:ufl Corner of Bel nd Howwd BtrMMJDEALER IK COALAGENTS FOB: :Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc. Fr.nci.co


Corner of King nd AUken Sti..Honolulu, H. I.

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261residence, Mutual, 236.

DIFFUSION HACHIMKRY TO am. mo nncapital, . - $ 6,000,000Has on Hand For Sale uiuj axij miiI1UllCiO -

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


--Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

Assets, . . $ 9,000,000

Havinor hflAn n.nnninf A crania il.-s-ls . FpR thb Bllii(jers of Sleaffl jiatii

x-ei-toii Water "Whftl In all Iti brnob.SSSTO'SiiiSS! l)'lartnre Bay Coal, a. 1 I "bv-'"-J VI tUjabove Company we are now ready to" ""o awve orancnea oi mvat reasonable rates. 280iq iiioujttuuea a i, uio lowest rates ofUNION

Insurance CompanyNanaimo Coal,RATES and at SHORT NOTICE

KY dDe at REASONABLE BTEAM vessels of ail

premium.H. W. SCHMIDT & NONS.

1387 2836--q


O la acknowledsedthe leading remedy forGonorrboea A Gleet.In A nniv a . .Cuns In 2871-1392- -q VUll llUlli VI - . . j

. ..ntlTVO .AMMllldH WBITO 6 DAYS.

UuftraBtaad not t tciucuj lor Newcastle Coal,



F. H. RED WARD,hw Stricture. ucwrHva or nnitea. TlBabie.

yrvnr T.ATTvnnE8.Barfi;eiana8tM""1 prescnDe it and feel PIANOS!HTi odj by s&fe iq recommend n itTHEEyAJisCKEKtnuCo. to all sufferers.


i ."i1. '


a xuii : a"oi'"!r,tu!"r. akin iucwTF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOBA Oi Paint.incr nf n n xr r)aemml!nn .1B(j.. DlCATUR. Ill

1EICE 1.00.TiJ Jnst Arrived per Wooaung, 135 uaya from Bremen, three of those Fine raBoiler iron work connected JINQUANf ITIESITO SUIT,

Delivered in anypart of the town.

ggBoth Telephones 187. 2852-3m- tf

ivxjxv oniy. imt tori St. P o WATER PIPE, or JZtotcolze, made in "ffiandp

tosetner. or SbeeU rolled, PUMJ 0, IContractor and BuilderHolmstkb & Co., Wholesale Agents.

Bckson.Smith & Co., Wholesale Agenta. 1391 2866-- q

WESTERMAYER'S PIANOS,for their sweet tone and dabilUy in uis climate. All

p , i for anipmeni. rewBrick, Stone and Wooden Building Pianos For Rent,

A mu i pe maae dj "r titt fl"'y ISTEW 1GOODPA Fine Assortment. Parlor O re--a ,n ?

njdranllcrlTenBg --""'"ia wor.work belns far -- nperlor U

SHIP WOBE, Bblp JgJB5SandWlncbei. Air

i mm - Dr A xTra tv ntnxnsd ftfpii'J from $4.00 to $7.00 per month.I S 11 MUSIC DEPARTMENT OK after the most approrea -- -vCornish & Co., Washington, N. J., Maker8. F Sae at- Vf


Given.Jobbing Promptly Attended to.


Bell Telephone No. 3. y 0 Box 492850-- q



Oowtof tbe Heine Safety-"-.

. . xiini for irn.TiHand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

E. HOFFSCHLAEGER PDMPS-Dir- ect Acunu u.Ttbtlicitrworki'puiM.y0, to as;

nn Valve Motion,& CO.'S1:1 pST. nvm 1 th.f tMm CvvlA few of those fine hand-embroider- ed

SILK and SATIN SCREENS, DBS. ANDERSON & LUNDY3offering th Rm SJ ,2804 1382--q

Corner of King and Bethel Streetspomp.

JOHN DYEBIn the World.

Celebrated Ajpli-- )iaa ber jtcTtnnaivAi.V V EBONY FRAMES.

Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeA ' I 'said lnr many y ars and h&s vSiir wo. s.oritairi.Byr- --ou ouawis. juegani a eie-- a te uupsand Saucers. A fine lot ofw ce or uapture! This is mVKleefrle Truss (the only suceesBful ocSV 280412H. S. TREGLOAN & SON.A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.

Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block.(Mutual TeL 208).

New Designs Modkkn Buildings.aiau, n Rswraaeni or new styles of '--or. Fort and Hotel Sts.. THOIIAS IJNDSARattan Chairs and Tables Complete Plunq nnH RncwviAAa.nM

Springs about it, and being elastic, can be wornwith ease and comfort Nigrhiand Day. It's a perTevt retainer I yFbr farther partioalars ari1-'---il-

-la"tamps for JPainphlet o.l am

H F 1 8 F R that Dr.erce'a Genuine Electri,II L III LfSiO Lll Trusses contain our Private HIuatu iactly like that shown at ton of thii

. (tdjerUfcvent. Beware oX inferior imitationsaddress ; -


Atev81111 "election of JAPANESEr- - ' vuvvuHiatiuus 1 1 1 rEvery Description of Building.

Contracts drnvn onr? ro rcfnl fTAILORSHotel St., opp.Br.J. S.McGrew's" " v.. v.. OULTCflUtendence of construction given when re--WING WO CHAN & CO.22 Nuuanu Street.2S5q Dealers;

' '

2823 13864uireu.

Call and examine plans.2830-Sm- tf ,

Thon. Block. W, :

;4 Min Gent's Fine Furnishing Goods. 4

SSr-QA- S ADMINISTERED.2804 1343--y

Particular attention

kinds of KepairiDg.
