WUP Handwashing



handwashing procedure checklist

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  • W e s l e y a n U n i v e r s i t y - P h i l i p p i n e s

    Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City Phone: (044)463-2074/2162 loc.126, Fax: (044)463-0596

    C o l l e g e o f N u r s i n g

    NCM-100 (SKILLS)


    Procedure 5 4 3 2 1

    1 Assemble all necessary equipment

    2 Stand in front of the sink but do not allow the uniform to

    touch the sink and become wet

    3 Roll sleeves above elbow and remove watch/ any jewelry

    4 Turn on the faucet and adjust the force of the water

    5. Wet the hands, wrist area, arms up to the elbow

    6 Get the soap from the soap disk and wash it under the

    running water

    7 With friction and circular motion, soap the palm, back of

    the hands, each finger, knuckles, wrist and forearm as far

    as the contamination is occur

    8 Rinse the bar soap and return it to the soap dish properly

    9 Rinse the hands, wrist and forearms under running water,

    keeping the hands lower than elbow

    10 Use an orangewood stick to clean under fingernails

    11 Dry hands thoroughly from finger to forearm using a hand towel

    12 Use a paper towel to turn off the faucet


    Students Signature___________________________________Date:_______________________________

    Instructor Signature__________________________________Date:________________________________



