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English 102013-2014


Paragraph’s are organized around the ______________ All sentences in paragraph make the main

idea clear

Topic Sentence Usually one ______________ Helps reader ____________the main idea. Supporting sentences provide details and



Paragraph _______________ All sentences relate to main idea or implied main

idea. All sentences relate to a sequence of

_________________. Destroying unity

_____________– ideas are clearly connected and arranged Chronological order –__________ Spatial Order – arrange details according to ________ Order of Importance – Most to least important or

vice versa Logical order – grouping _____________ideas


A sentence is a group of words that contains a ____________and a ______________and expresses a complete thought.

It must make sense by itself. If not…it’s a ______ A sentence has two parts

________________- names the person, place, thing or ideas spoken about in the rest of the sentence

________________– says something about the subject

Parallel Structure

Reduces choppiness in your writing by ____________sentences

Joining several equal or ______________ideas in a sentence

Must write in a ______________way Practice, Practice, Practice

Figurative – add own example

Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else,you are using figurative language. 

________________A simile uses the words “like” or “as”to compare one object or idea with another to suggest they are alike.Example: busy as a bee

__________________The metaphor states a fact or draws a verbal picture by the use of comparison.A simile would say you are like something; a metaphor is more positive - it says you are something.Example: You are what you eat.

_________________  A figure of speech in which human characteristics are givento an animal or an object. Example: My teddy bear gave me a hug.

Figurative Language

__________________The repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words.Alliteration includes tongue twisters. Example: She sells seashells by the seashore.

____________________The use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound or the soundmade by an object or an action. Example: snap crackle pop

____________________An exaggeration that is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true.Tall tales are hyperboles.Example: He was so hungry, he ate that whole cornfield for lunch, stalks and all.

Figurative Language ________________A natural way of speaking to a native speaker of the

language. Example: A Blessing In Disguise; A dime a dozen

_________________  A cliché is an expression that has been used so often that it has become trite and sometimes boring. Example: Many hands make light work.

________________– a subtle distinction or variation, differencethings may seem very much alike, but their nuances are what make them different. Usage Examples:

There was a nuance of anger in his voice that was almost undetectable in his otherwise calm demeanor. (hint, trace, shade)

My best friend is allergic to almonds, and even a nuance of almond flavor will cause her to have a reaction. (suggestion, trace)

If you don't understand the nuances of the author's language, you may not fully appreciate his book. (subtleties, refinements)

The actress is so highly acclaimed because she is able to convey the slightest nuance of emotion with only her eyes. (hint, trace, suggestion)

Figurative Language

_____________________-The substitution of an inoffensive term (such as "passed away") for one considered offensively explicit ("died").

Mr. Prince: We'll see you when you get back from image enhancement camp.Martin Prince: Spare me your euphemisms! It's fat camp, for Daddy's chubby little secret!("Kamp Krusty," The Simpsons, 1992)

_________________– A figure of speech which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side; a compressed paradox.

"act naturally," "random order," "original copy," "found missing," "alone together," "criminal justice," "old news," "peace force," "even odds," "awful good," "student teacher," "definite possibility," "definite maybe," "terribly pleased," "civil war," "real phony," "ill health," "turn up missing," "jumbo shrimp," "loose tights," "small crowd," "clearly misunderstood“

Denotative and Connotative

The _____________meaning of a word is its literal meaning – the definition you’d find in the dictionary meanings of words

General ___________is different – it’s what a word means to a large group of people; a mind picture that is shared. General connotation doesn’t mean that everybody in the world thinks the same way about something, just that large groups of people do.

Example: Mom, Cat

Using Connotative Language

When many words with strong connotations appear in the same news report, that news report is said to be “slanted” or “loaded.” This means that the words have been chosen to create either a favorable or unfavorable impression. Professor Vosovic of Stanford University has written two different accounts of the same event:

Five teenagers were loitering on the corner. As their raucous laughter cut through the air, we noticed their sloppy black leather jackets and their greasy dyed hair. They slouched against a building with cigarettes dangling contemptuously from their mouths. 

Five youngsters stood on the corner. As the joy of their laughter filled the air, we noticed their smooth loose-fitting jackets and the gleam of their colorful hair. They relaxed against a building smoking evenly on cigarettes that seemed almost natural in their seriousyoung mouths. 

The same event, yes. But two very different accounts of it. How does each report make you feel?


A __________is a group of related worlds that does _______contain both a verb and a subject.

Noun Phrase A word group with a noun or pronoun as its

head. A noun phrase does the work of a noun in a

sentence. I read that book about dinosaurs She wants to be a doctor.

Verb Phrase should have waited


_______________phrases have an adjective as their head. e.g. very tall

_____________phrases have an adverb as their head. e.g. very quickly

________________ Group of words that begins with a preposition

and ends with a noun or pronoun.


_______________ A group of words that modifies an independent clause as

a whole. An absolute is made up of a noun and its modifiers. It

may precede, follow, or interrupt the main clause: Their slender bodies sleek and black against

the orange sky, the storks circled high above us. The storks circled high above us, their slender

bodies sleek and black against the orange sky. The storks, their slender bodies sleek and black

against the orange sky, circled high above us.


A ____________is a group of words that contains a verb and its subject is used as part of the sentence. ____________clause – expresses a complete

thought – can stand alone as a sentence The outfielders were missing easy fly balls. The infielders were throwing wildly. Join the two together to form one sentence.

______________Clause- (subordinate clause) does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone The woman who spoke to our class yesterday was
