Writing Memoir Leads Grab the readers attention with an interesting opening


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Writing Memoir LeadsGrab the reader’s attention with an interesting opening

Descriptive Leads

Descriptive leads “set” the scene by painting a picture in the reader’s mind. “The doorman of the Kilmarnock was six foot

two.  He wore a pale blue uniform, and white gloves made his hands look enormous.  He opened the door of the yellow taxi as gently as an old maid stroking a cat.” Raymond Chandler

“What I can’t know about Africa as a child (because I have no memory of any other place) is her smell; hot, sweet, smoky, salty, sharp-soft. It is like black tea, cut tobacco, fresh fire, old sweat, young grass.” Alexandra Fuller

Suspense Leads Suspense leads create curiosity in the

reader’s mind and leave them wondering what will happen next. “Suddenly everything stops.” Alison James “Every so often that dead dog dreams me up

again.” Stephanie Vaughn “I have a confession to make: I threw the

Trivia Bowl. The year was 1988. The place, eleventh grade.” Robert Siegel

Dialogue Leads Dialogue leads immediately draw the reader

into the story as they literally enter into your narrative in mid-conversation. “You must not tell anyone,” my mother said,

“what I am about to tell you.” Maxine Hong Kingston

“’BEBE! Comehererightquick.’ When Daddy wanted me “right quick” it meant he needed my help. I liked helping my father.” Bebe Campbell

Question Leads Question leads immediately draw the reader

into the memoir, inviting the reader to ponder the events that lie ahead. “Why on earth had she shown up after ten

long years, and what was that expression of fury on her face?”

“If I had a crystal ball to predict my day ahead, would I have done anything differently?”

Leads that introduce the narrator “Narrator” leads introduce the reader to the

narrator, acquainting the reader with the main character in the memoir. “The name my family calls me is Morning Girl,

because I wake up early always with something on my mind.” Michael Dorris

“We were terrible kids, I think. My brother, sister, and I felt a general meanness begin to surface from our tiny souls while living on Braly Street, which was in the middle of Industrial Fresno.” Gary Soto

Thematic Leads Thematic leads hint to the reader at the ‘life’

lesson that the memoir will teach. “I was six years old when my mother taught

me the art of invisible strength.” Amy Tan “The salmon colored walls were all my eyes

could see as I breathed in the disturbing smell of the waiting room: a smell beyond cleanliness, a smell I would soon come to hate—the smell of death.” Norma Fox Mazer

Avoid the following kinds of leads

Famous quotations/sayings “Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run

fast.” “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never

know what you’re going to get.” Rhetorical, “thought-provoking”

questions “Do you have any regrets in life?” “What would you do differently if you knew no

one would judge you?”

Definitions Webster’s dictionary defines courage as “the

quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery”

Avoid the following kinds of leads

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