WoZ Way: Enabling Real-Time Remote Interaction Prototyping & Observation in...


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WoZ Way: Enabling Real-Time Remote InteractionPrototyping & Observation in On-Road Vehicles

Nikolas MartelaroCenter for Design Research

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA, USA


Wendy JuCenter for Design Research

Stanford UniversityStanford, CA, USA


ABSTRACTInteraction designers often have difficulty understanding peo-ple’s real-world experiences with ubiquitous systems. Theautomobile is a great example of these challenges, where on-road testing is time-consuming and provides little ability forrapid prototyping of interface behavior. We introduce WoZWay, a system to connect designers to remote drivers. We uselive video, audio, car data, and Wizard of Oz speech and inter-faces to enable remote observation and interaction prototypingon the road. Our implementation integrates environmental,system level, and social information to make the invisible visi-ble. We tested across three example deployments highlightingusage in interaction prototyping and observational studies.Our findings illustrate how designers explored the situatedexperiences of people on the road, and how they experimentedwith different improvisational Wizard of Oz interactions. WoZWay is both a design research and a design prototyping tool,which can support the work of interaction designers throughnaturalistic observations, contextual inquiry, and responsiveinteraction prototyping.

ACM Classification KeywordsH.5.2. User Interfaces: User-centered design;

Author KeywordsInteraction Design; Design Methods; Wizard of Oz;Prototyping; Ethnography

INTRODUCTIONThe automobile is a space where many people spend much ofevery day, yet in many ways, it is understudied. There is noshortage of products for the car; with infotainment displays,navigation systems, and semi-automated driving features, thecar is a multifunctional living space, an interconnected work-place and a personal communication center [27]. However,it can be a challenging site to research, and an even morechallenging site to design for. On one hand, the car’s cabinis relatively controlled, readily instrumented, and provides a

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Figure 1. WoZ Way, a real-time interaction prototyping and observationsystem connecting designers to drivers on the road.

unique opportunity for understanding people. On the other,cars are on the move and are constantly changing contexts.Sometimes the person driving the car is interacting with oth-ers in the car. Sometimes the driver is interacting with theinformation presented on the dashboard, on the center console,on brought-in mobile devices, or on the entertainment system.It is nigh impossible to replicate the richness and spontane-ity of everyday driving in a laboratory simulator [35]. Evenin a real car driving on real roads, designers and researchersoften face challenges including geographical logistics, the ob-server’s influence on drivers and passengers, social interactionchallenges, difficulty studying groups, and even car sickness[32].

In this paper, we present WoZ Way, a system to enable remoteobservation and interaction prototyping in a car. WoZ Wayenables designers to remotely observe and test new drivingexperiences and interfaces. It provides designers with the abil-ity to observe environmental, system and social informationfrom the car, and to interact with drivers in real-time. Oursystem is intended to help designers and researchers to betterrespond to the situated contexts of the user without having tobe physically present in the car. We outline the design and im-plementation of the system and present three test deploymentshighlighting the use of WoZ Way for interaction prototypingand user experience research. We discuss how the system ex-

tends the research tools for interaction designers targeting theautomotive context and addresses the shortcomings of existingin-vehicle field-based design methods. We feel that by allow-ing the designer to be in the car without “being there,” WoZWay can enable many new opportunities for CSCW researchin the car.

SafetyThese new opportunities for conducting on-the-road researchalso come with the inherent risks of testing new automotiveinteractions. One of the reasons we have designed this systemis to prototype interactions to make sure they are safe. Oneof the corollaries of this is that some of the interactions weare prototyping may be dangerous. From an ethical perspec-tive, it is preferable to discover safety issues during design,development, and testing rather than in commercial productionvehicles. On-road testing of prototype cars and interfaces iscommon in the automotive industry. As in-car interactionsbecome increasingly computer enabled, automotive HCI re-search will become even more important. Our system enablesa new form of conducting this type of work so that new inter-actions can be designed, tested and understood before movingto mass production.

We also consider saftey from a human-subjects perspectiveand recommend that researchers exploring automotive inter-action design consider the saftey of their participants. Wefully disclose the risks of driving and on-road testing to partici-pants in our studies. All experiments take place with real-timeresearcher supervision. To mitigate risk while testing, weanticipate possible issues in advance, take as many saftey pre-cautions as possible, and have prepared researchers to respondto issues should they arise. By acknowledging risks and tak-ing precautions, we feel that HCI researchers can responsiblyexplore new on-road interactions.


Design Research Methods in CarsDesigners have explored the automotive environment usinga variety of design research tools. Designers often interviewpeople using speculative participatory design methods [38]or have them fill out diaries after a drive to understand thein-car experience, for example, with music and sound in thecar [3]. These post-facto methods can provide rich depictionsof user experience, but limit designers to moments that theusers noticed and remembered. Incorporating in-vehicle videorecording of naturalistic driving allows for post-drive videoanalysis, but researchers often lose the ability to inquire whatis being thought about or observed in-the-moment. For thisreason, Perterer et al. argue that truly understanding driversand passengers can only be done by being in the car [37].

In-situ methods such as contextual inquiry, ethnographic study,and cultural probes can be adapted to the constraints of the car;for instance, in-car observation and contextual inquiry havebeen used to understand the use of GPS navigation systems[30] and to test the design of new collaborative navigationapps [15, 22]. During these studies, the experimenter can ob-serve the real-time experience of drivers and interact by askingquestions. However, Meschtscherjakov et al. note that the

presence of the researcher in the car presents its own problems[32]. For instance, coordinating a researcher to ride-along canbe difficult and can limit drives to pre-planned routes, and cutdown on the spontaneity of naturalistic driving. The presenceof the researcher can also bias the behavior of the participantsand potentially influence the driver’s actions or make the driverfeel uncomfortable if they do not know the researcher. It canalso be challenging for the researcher to observe the situationat a high-level, take detailed notes about specific aspects ofthe drive, and control the behavior of interactive prototypes.Researchers can also become motion sick while attempting towrite notes or control screen interfaces in the car. Finally, anyinteraction within the car can pose a safety risk by distractingthe driver. We have developed WoZ Way in order to addressthe associated challenges with in-vehicle observation and in-teraction prototyping while still providing designers a richview of the on-road experience. Our system employs remotecommunication technology with a Wizard of Oz methodologyto allows a researcher to “be there” without actually needingto be there.

Wizard of Oz Interaction Prototyping in Driving StudiesOriginally developed by J.F. Kelley to prototype an interactive,speech based computer calendar service in 1983 [26], theWizard of Oz (WoZ) methodology has long been used to standin for computational recognition, planning, and interactionsystems that do not yet exist. From a design perspective, WoZenables a fluid and improvisational means to test new designideas and to understand people using the technology in specificcontexts [12]. With well designed WoZ systems, non-technicaldesigners can engage in rapid interactive prototyping of thebehavior of new interfaces [28] and explore new interactionpossibilities between people and technology [34].

WoZ methods have long been used in automotive interactiondesign to simulate and explore systems requiring considerablehardware for sensing or processing. Often, these experimentsinvolve driver interfaces in on-the-road test vehicles whichwere surreptitiously controlled by a back seat experimenterwith a numeric keypad [21, 20, 19] or tablet PC [23]. WoZtechniques are also frequently employed to develop speechinterfaces for cars [18, 29] and collect data for bootstrapingnatural language algorithms [11, 42]. WoZ speech systemshave also been used to explore user experience. Sirkin et al.[40] used WoZ speech in a driving simulator to promote adhoc conversation with drivers. This setup enabled researchersto inquire what people were thinking and feeling while mini-mizing the distorting effects that can occur when people arebeing interviewed in person, a common issue for usabilityresearchers [41].

Recently, WoZ has been used to simulate wholly autonomousvehicles. Schmidt et al. [39] modified a vehicle to have a hid-den compartment with driving controls for the Wizard. Thisallowed the Wizard to fully simulate and prototype the be-havior of advanced driving features such as automatic lanekeeping and infotainment interfaces. Furthering this work, theReal-Road Autonomous Driving Simulator (RRADS) systemutilized both a hidden Driving Wizard to simulate autonomousdriving and a known Interaction Wizard in the back seat to

control various car interfaces [1]. While these studies haveshown the benefits of the WoZ methodology for on-road in-teraction studies, they can require significant modifications tokeep the Wizard hidden in the car and to preserve ecologicalvalidity. To avoid these challenges, we have taken inspirationfrom the ubiquitous computing community to create a systemthat allows remote WoZ interaction and observation. In doingso, we allow designers to experiment remotely with drivingexperiences in an ecologically valid manner [5].

Remote Observation and Interaction PrototypingMuch of the prior work in remote observation techniques fordesigners to understand users comes from the mobile phonespace. Early systems focused on extending the experiencesampling method [10] as a technique to evaluate and improveubicomp applications [8]. Froehlich’s MyExperience, for ex-ample, enables designers to survey users after specific interac-tions with their device [16]. One example had users rate thecall quality after a mobile phone call on the phone itself. Carteret al.’s Momento [4] was developed to help designers betterunderstand the in-world context in which people were usingmobile computing applications. Designers receive notifica-tions around specific trigger events notifying of a participant’smobile application use, in real-time. They can subsequentlyinteract with the user over multimedia messaging by send-ing questions and requesting photos or videos of the user’senvironment.

While the discrete messaging model of Momento workedwell for the incidental use patterns typical of mobile appli-cations, higher bandwidth models for observation and inter-action are required to enable continuous and sustained expe-riences. McIntyre et al.’s DART allows designers to proto-type augmented reality experiences in real-time, respondingto interaction data transmitted over a network [31]. In oneimplementation, the designers prototyped a “voices of thedead” storytelling experience of the Oakland Cemetery [13]by following participants from a short distance, logging theirGPS coordinates, and triggering audio on their AR interface.

In discussing the future of remote interaction design tools,Crabtree et al. point out that many aspects of interaction inubiquitous environments are invisible and fragmented, andthat “there is a strong need to enhance observation in theseenvironments, making the invisible visible and reconciling thefragments to permit coherent description.” [9] They championthe combined use of video and system data in remote ethnogra-phy to enable sensemaking of increasingly computational userexperiences. Most recently, Chen and Zhang created a systemusing Google Glass and video conferencing to remotely pa-per prototype mobile applications [7]. This system alloweda designer to quickly test low-fidelity prototypes in the wild,helping them discover issues they could have never found inthe lab. The WoZ Way system blends the video-based WoZcapabilities of this remote paper prototyping with the data andinteraction features of Momento and DART for use in the car.

The automotive setting is a strong example of an environmentwhere the challenges addressed by this previous work in in-situinteraction prototyping are present. Our system goes “beyond

being there” [24] to provide the designer with a holistic viewof the visible and invisible aspects of the driving experience.

Designers of in-car experiences need to respond in real-time toevents that are occurring in the vehicle, around the vehicle, andthroughout the drive. An interaction prototyping system thataddresses this context needs to integrate information aboutthe driver, from the car, and from the road in order to becomplete. The system needs to be networked to span thedistance covered by a drive. We extend previous systems,foreshadowed by Carter et al. [4], by providing networked,high-quality, real-time video and automotive data with theability for designers to directly interact with a driver throughspeech and in-car interfaces. The architecture of our systemallows designers to observe and interact with drivers in theirremote contexts, providing a platform for understanding andcreating real-world driving experiences. It is both a designresearch and a design prototyping tool.

THE WOZ WAY SYSTEMUsing WoZ Way, researchers can observe and interact withdrivers during their everyday commutes, reducing the logisti-cal struggles of route planning, enabling on-road observation,and allowing real-time prototyping of in-car interface behav-ior.

FunctionWoZ Way allows designers to watch the real-time drivingexperience via high fidelity video and audio, and also simulta-neously receive meta-data about the drive, such as the vehicletelematics data and/or real-time map or traffic information.The designer can also interact or intervene, asking questionsby using a text-to-speech messaging system, or remotely trig-gering custom in-car screen and electromechanical interfaces.Together, this observation and interaction allow the designerto explore and experiment with the driver’s experience.

Key FeaturesThe key features of the WoZ Way system include:

• high bandwidth, low latency, self-resurrecting remote con-nection capabilities

• real-time synchronization of multiple data streams from thecar to the designer

• “interaction through a machine” capabilities using multi-language text-to-speech and remote control of electrome-chanical interfaces to prototype their in-car behavior

• multi-channel data capture to enable post-facto analysis ofinteractions

ObservationBy having a remote connection to the car, a designer canunderstand experience without physically riding along. Thisallows for exploration in real-world contexts and shows thedesigner a much richer picture of someone’s experience inthe car. Live video and car data streams provide the remotedesigner more information than what is available to peoplesitting in the car. With these data streams, designers can takea holistic view of the visible and invisible actions in the car.




CAR SUBSYSTEMFigure 2. System architecture for on the road, real-time, remote observation and interaction prototyping.

They can observe facial expressions, system usage, and on-road events within a single interface. This helps to bring thedata-driven methodologies used for understanding people onthe web into the physical world.

The system also allows researchers to be a part of longerone-way drives that would otherwise be inconvenient for theresearcher to join, such as a long commute. The mobile natureof the system also allows observation during multiple drivesover many days, allowing more longitudinal studies of drivers.Finally, it increases the ability to observe and design servicesthat address passengers, such as children being dropped off orpicked up from school or group carpooling.

Data Streaming and CaptureWoZ Way has also been designed to provide the designermore contextual information than potentially possible if thedesigner were merely riding along in the car, such as a livestream of car data and multiple camera views. This not onlygives the designer a richer picture of the driving experiencebut also helps alleviate the workload to record and respond tolow-level details and overall experience. Automatic collectionof video, audio, and automotive data also allows designersmore freedom to interact with a driver and can be used formore detailed post-drive analysis. Researchers will also avoidmotion sickness as they are not writing notes or controlling acomputer interface inside of the car. This can allow for safertesting as the designer can focus on their interaction with thedriver rather than on the mechanics of the study.

Interaction PrototypingInteraction between the designer and the participant is enabledthrough in-car speech, screen, and electromechanical inter-faces. Designers can prototype the interactive behaviors ofin-car interfaces by interacting through a machine. This al-lows designers to use connected technology as a design toolto understand people. Additionally, by being the voice andbehavior of the machine, the designer simulates the mind ofthe machine, helping to draw out a sense of the appropriate“goals, plans, expectations, and desires” for future technologies[36]. In some ways, WoZ Way allows the designer to hide,even when interacting with people in the car, by allowing himor her to act as the car. This can help to avoid the unintendedbiasing pointed out by Meschtscherjakov et al. [32].

SafetySafety is a key system design consideration for WoZ Way, asit is meant to be used on-the-road with actual drivers. One

advantage of the WoZ Way system is that the Wizard canobserve both the driver and driving context in real-time. Hav-ing the remote observers see what the driver sees on the roadhelps to mitigate distraction [17]. This allows the Wizard tobe judicious in choosing when to interact with the driver, orwhen to control in-car interfaces responding to the driver orenvironment. It is important to note that having a view ofthe road is critical. A video chat of the driver or voice onlyis can lead to similar problems as cell phone distraction [6].The system also allows the Wizard or a supervising researcherto easily turn off any interactive prototype during an on-roadtest. This ability for the Wizard to fully control or disableinteractions with the driver is an important capability that isnot present in current-day in-vehicle interfaces. In fact, theinformation about when the Wizard chooses to interact andwhen the Wizard chooses to wait could be an important inputinto how future in-vehicle systems interact with drivers.

While it is possible to prototype the behavior of many systemsin the car, special care must be given to what interactionswill be explored. For example, it is fairly easy to connect toand control vehicle subsystems such as information displays,steering, braking, and acceleration via the CAN interface [33].In some cases, these may present interesting opportunitiesfor prototyping the car’s behavior and may be warranted forsome studies. For example, Jung et al. installed and tested cus-tom battery indicators to explore their impact on driver rangeanxiety in electric vehicles [25]. Researchers have also de-signed hidden driver compartments allowing an experimenterto prototype features such as lane keeping [39]. While WoZWay could allow for the remote control of these systems, forsafety reasons, we have focused our interaction prototyping onspeech interfaces and brought in electromechanical interfacesthat do not interfere with the driver’s ability to control the car.

ArchitectureThe system architecture for WoZ Way has three major compo-nents as seen from left to right in Figure 2:

1. A Wizard interface with live video, audio, and data displaysfrom the remote vehicle and controls to send text-to-speechmessages to the driver or control the behavior of in-carprototypes

2. A mediating data server to manage communication betweenthe remote vehicle and the Wizard interface; the data serveralso collects time-stamped data logs

3. A computer in the car to collect and share video, audio,and automotive data over the internet with the Wizard inter-face and to control spoken text-to-speech messages, screeninterfaces, and electromechanical components

4. Auxiliary interfaces including screens, sensors and actuatorsused in each specific study

The components of this architecture allow for data to flowbetween the remote car and Wizard. Video and audio arestreamed from the car using a video chat client. Car data andinterface control messages are streamed through a separate,centralized data server. The Wizard interface shows the datastreams from these two sources and allows for creating customdevice controllers.

Figure 3. Screenshot of an example Wizard data and control interface.

IMPLEMENTATIONTo encourage adoption of WoZ Way as a research platformfor in-vehicle experiences, we implemented the majority ofthe WoZ Way architecture using off-the-shelf hardware andsoftware. Custom software for the in-car data and interac-tion systems and the Wizard control interface is written usingwidely available open-source tools and is made available onGitHub for others to modify and reuse. 1

Wizard InterfaceThe Wizard interface, which is based on HTML and JavaScript,can be adapted for different applications and deployments. Ingeneral, we have found it useful to have the Wizard interfacedivided into three main regions: The display area, whichfeatures the live video, audio, and car data feeds; the Wizardinput area, which allows the Wizard to input text and track thehistory of queries; and the control area, which features buttonsfor settings, common text-to-speech messages, and customcontrols for auxiliary interfaces.

We found it best, when possible, to dedicate a separate HDmonitor for the display area, giving the Wizard a large viewinto and around the car, and leaving more room for the interac-tion controls. Figure 3 shows a detailed view of the interfacethat was used in one of our test deployments focused on un-derstanding the driver experience of automatic cruise controlsystems. Live data from on this interface includes:


• Vehicle speed [mph]

• ICC Display Engaged - shows if the ICC system is readyand the display on the console is visible to the driver

• ICC Engaged- shows if the ICC has control of the vehiclespeed, braking, and lane keeping

• ICC Set Speed - speed setting for cruise control in [mph]

• ICC Following Distance - setting for how much space toleave ahead of car [long, medium, short]

• Brakes - indicates if brakes are engaged [1] or off [0]. Ifbrakes engage and ICC Engaged stays ON, the car is auto-matically braking. If brakes engage and ICC Engaged turnsOFF, driver is braking manually.

• ICC Speed Above Set - indicates if car is traveling at orbelow set speed [false] or faster than set speed [true]. If[true], driver may have accelerated manually.

Vehicle speed is updated at a rate of 1 Hz. To minimize net-work bandwidth, transmission of all other data measures aretriggered by change events. Color and text are used to encodedata values and allowed the Wizard to quickly see changes inthe car’s state. It should be noted that this information is notavailable on all cars or is required for all studies. Thus, eachinterface should be designed with the study goals in mind.

In the input region of the interface, we provide a text inputfield where the Wizard can send messages to be spoken ordisplayed in the car. Messages are sent on an “enter” keypress or using the “send” button. Sent questions are loggedsequentially below the text input field. Each sent message hasa “replay” button to quickly repeat the message.

The control region of the interface features a set of commonquestions or interface controls. A set of pre-programmedmessages enables Wizards to respond quickly to common andanticipated events. We also use this region to enable settings,such as the language used by the text-to-speech system, as wellas controls for in-vehicle interface prototypes. For example,in a prototype exploring ambient car lighting we included anRGB color picker that allowed the wizard to quickly try hownew colors were received.

Using the Wizard interface, designers can observe the datastream and live video from the car. While observing, they canactively query the driver using the text-to-speech messagingsystem or interface messaging system. With added controls,the Wizard can prototype screen or electromechanical interfaceinteractions.

Mediating Data ServerA centralized data server is used to manage communicationbetween the Wizard and the car. All car data and input mes-sages are routed through this server so the Wizard interfaceand car only need to communicate with the data server. Thisallows the Wizard station to be used in different network loca-tions without reconfiguration. We use MQTT , a lightweightmachine-to-machine communication protocol, to send andreceive data. The central data server (Lenovo ThinkServer,



4G LTE Router

USB Capture Card

Road Cam


Driver Cam

Touch Screen



LED Lights

Video Mixer

Figure 4. In car subsystem allowing for remote control of speech and electromecahnical interfaces along with live video and audio.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) runs a Mosquitto MQTT broker. 2 Theserver is located on a university campus and networked witha 1 Gbps Ethernet connection. In addition to managing thecommunication, all messages to the server are time-stampedand logged for later review.

Car SubsystemA laptop computer is used inside the car to manage video,audio, and car data capture as well as to generate the text-to-speech messages received from the Wizard station. Thiscomputer also mediates communication to auxiliary interfaces.High speed (5 - 10 Mbps) internet is provided by a 4G LTEWireless Router (Cradlepoint COR IBR600).

Video and Audio StreamsOur system implementation supports up to four video streaminputs, including video capture and screen capture. For mostprojects, we have found it necessary to have one view that in-cludes the driver’s hands, facial expressions, and body posture,and another that includes driving context through a road view.We usually have one or two further feeds dedicated to specificinformation such as the instrument cluster, a facial close-up,or an interface screen capture.

The video feeds are connected to a video multiviewer (Gra-Vue MIO MVS-4HDMI), which synchronizes and stitchesthe video into a single 2x2 view. This stitched view is thenconnected to the computer via a video capture card (Inogeni4K2USB3). Audio is captured using a high-quality micro-phone (CAD Audio U9 USB Condenser, Omni) mounted tothe rear view mirror and directed toward drivers, to capturehis or her speech and minimize road noise inside the car. Thevideo and audio are streamed using a video chat client. Wespecifically chose Skype, as it has the ability to stream highquality (720p) video and audio, and dynamically prioritizesaudio quality over video quality. Additionally, Skype is config-ured to automatically connect calls and start streaming videoand audio without ringing, which allows automatic connectionresurrection following inevitable on-road network disconnectevents.


Car Data StreamLive car data such as speed, braking, and system status iscaptured from the car’s built-in On Board Diagnostic (OBD)port. We capture data using a Bluetooth OBD logger (OpenXCcompliant CrossChasm C5), which gives access to low-level,manufacturer specific data streams often not available in otherOBD loggers. This device also allows for custom data filtersand rate settings, allowing us to limit the amount of datacaptured to what we want to provide to the Wizard. The datais streamed over Bluetooth to a custom program running onthe car laptop.

Input messagesText-based messages are sent from the Wizard station to thecar and are rendered to audible speech or on-screen messagesby an in-car laptop. For the text-to-speech system, we leveragethe built-in speech capabilities of MacOS. Sounds and spokenwords are communicated through a wired, portable speaker(JBL Charge 2) placed in the car’s cupholder. Using a separatespeaker allows drivers to listen to music or use the in-carnavigation as they normally would.

Auxiliary InterfacesThe Wizard can control custom interface prototypes using con-trol messages sent from the Wizard interface via the laptopover WiFi. Screen-based interfaces can be prototyped usinga tablet computer attached to the center stack of the car. Thetablet also provides a built-in set of sensors such as GPS, ac-celeration, and orientation that can be streamed back to theWizard interface, if desired. For custom electromechanicalinterfaces, such as ambient light controllers, we use microcon-trollers with a USB serial interface to communicate data backand forth between the interface and the Wizard control station.

TEST DEPLOYMENTSIn order to explore the use of WoZ Way in real design con-texts, we conducted three test deployments with designersand on-road drivers. In each of the studies, the designersacted as Wizards to interact with the drivers. Our tests includetwo proof-of-concept deployments, where we piloted novelin-car prototypes: 1) an interactive chatbot that converses withdrivers during commutes, and 2) a touchscreen-based appli-cation of the car’s center console. In our third deployment,we collaborated with an automotive industry research lab on

an in-situ field study exploring the driving assistance of ad-vanced Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) and lane-keepingsystems. In the next sections, we describe how designers andresearchers employed Woz Way for various purposes acrossthese test deployments. These serve as examples of how theWoZ Way system can be used as a tool for observation andinteraction prototyping.

ProtocolDuring all driving tests, the Wizards were free to interact withthe drivers as they deemed appropriate for the specific testdeployment. Drivers were made aware that there was a personcontrolling the interfaces. After every drive, we interviewedthe Wizard for his or her experience using the system. Wealso interviewed the drivers, when available, about their expe-riences interacting with the speech system. We recorded videoof the drivers, Wizards interacting at their stations, and screencaptures of the Wizard interface. We also recorded audio ofpost-session interviews. These deployments were conductedunder a research protocol (IRB-36970 Understanding on-roaddriving assistance) approved by our institutional review board.

Prototyping an Interactive ChatbotWe are currently working closely with a researcher who isexploring the commute as a space for mental wellness inter-ventions. For one prototype interface, we are developing aspeech-based chatbot for conducting therapeutic interviewswith drivers. Drivers interact with the chatbot via speech whiledriving on their daily commute. The chatbot is controlled by aWizard with experience conducting wellness and therapy inter-views. We have setup WoZ Way as the prototyping platformfor testing interactions between the chatbot and the driver, aswell as a tool for collecting data to train natural language mod-els for car-based wellness. We modified the audio setup suchthat the speech comes from the car’s speakers and appearsas if you were chatting with the car itself. We deployed thesystem to test its appropriateness for speech-based interactionprototyping during a short 10-minute test drive. The interfacefor this setup is shown in Figure 5.

The Wizard and the driver framed the discussion about foodchoices. During the course of the drive, the Wizard respondedto the driver’s answers and asked different types of questionsto delve deeper into topics such as the driver’s reasons forskipping meals, motivation to work hard, and goals in life. Ourgoal during the session was to explore how well the systemwould allow a chatbot designer to interact with the driver.

Figure 5. Screenshot of chatbot control interface.

Figure 6. Screenshot of touchscreen message and light control interface.

Prototyping a Touchscreen Center Console InterfaceIn another research project, we are developing a touchscreeninterface using a tablet computer to assess the Situation Aware-ness [14] of drivers on the road. During the drive, the Wizardcontrols pop-up messages that ask drivers questions aboutevents that occur on the road, to see how well they notice theirsurroundings. For example, the Wizard might ask drivers ifthey passed a bicyclist or a construction zone. For this project,we also developed a simple set of ambient lights around thedashboard, to alert the driver that a question was waiting onthe center console interface. These lights turn on when a newscreen alert pops up and can glow specific colors determinedby the Wizard, shown in Figure 6.

Our goal in this deployment was to test the ability of a remoteWizard to control interactive screen and electromechanicalprototypes while also conducting a user test of a new appli-cation. We used the WoZ Way system to allow designers toobserve the drive and to act as system Wizards to dynamicallyrespond to on-road events without interfering with drivers. Ina previous prototype of the situation awareness application, adesigner sat in the back seat of the car to observe. While thissetup works, the presence of the designer may heighten theawareness of the driver. Additionally, some of our researchersare prone to motion sickness while working on a laptop inter-face in a moving car. We modified the Wizard control interfacefor the current study to allow the Wizard to see the road, thedriver’s face, the driver’s upper body and arms, and a screencapture of the application. We also added common alert mes-sages with associated colors so that the Wizard could quicklyask if the driver saw common events like pedestrians. Weused the text input area to allow the Wizard to create custommessages for unique events on the road. Finally, we added anRGB color picker to allow the Wizard to change the ambientlight colors with relative ease.

During a 30-minute pilot, a Wizard spoke to a driver throughthe video chat interface to provide directions and to inform thedriver about the situation awareness application features. TheWizard opted to speak directly to the driver, as it was easier todirect the driver along an ad hoc route. The Wizard followedthe driver’s location on the map and observed the surroundingarea to choose locations for the driver to head based on wherehe thought interesting on-road events would occur.

Observing Use of Driving Assistance SystemsWhile the previous two test deployments were developed withdesign researchers working with our lab group, we also wantedto see how industry automotive designers and researcherscould employ WoZ Way in the context of a real design chal-lenge at an automotive research facility. Our partners are cur-rently studying drivers’ use of advanced cruise control (ACC)and lane-keeping systems. The designers were collecting realworld usage logs, but they were interested in understandingdrivers’ in-the-moment experience. In addition, the grouphad an interest in designing speech-based interaction systemsfor use in the car. We co-developed a driving assistance casestudy to allow these researchers to remotely observe and in-teract with drivers. As the designers were primarily focusedon understanding the current driving experience, this casestudy focused primarily on speech-based contextual inquiry. Itserves as an example of the rich, ethnographic style of researchthat can be conducted using the WoZ Way system.

Vehicles UsedThe study used four vehicles, across 12 different interactions.We conducted 10 sessions in either a 2016 Infiniti Q50 orQ50 Hybrid with Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC). Two pi-lot sessions were also conducted, one in a 2013 Tesla P85Dwith Autopilot and one in a Nissan Murano with ICC. TheACC+lane-keeping capabilities and the control interface of thehybrid and non-hybrid Infiniti Q50’s were identical.

Wizards and DriversWe recruited nine Wizards from the research facility staff.During the two pilot sessions, the first author acted as theWizard. For the 10 sessions in the Infiniti Q50’s, the Wiz-ards were either designers, user researchers, or engineers cur-rently working on aspects of new driving assistance featuresand in-car interfaces. All Wizards were interested in under-standing the driver’s experience using the ICC systems. FiveWizards had formal training with user research methods andhave conducted formal user studies in that past. One Wizardparticipated in two sessions.

We also recruited 11 drivers from the automotive researchfacility to take test drives in the vehicle. These drivers wereengineers, designers, and researchers working on new auto-motive interface and driving assistance systems. One driverparticipated in two sessions: one in English and one in French.

Driving SessionsDrivers were invited to borrow one of the vehicles to eithertake home for the evening on their regular commute or fora 30–90-minute test drive. Drives ranged from 10–60 miles.Before their drive, drivers were told that the purpose of thesession was to understand the driving assistance using theACC+lane-keeping systems available in the car. They weretold to drive safely, and as they normally would, but also totry the ACC+lane-keeping system when they felt it was safeto do so. Drivers were allowed to listen to music, use theirphone, or have a passenger ride along. Two of the drivers wereaccompanied by a passenger.

Wizards interacted with the drivers through the text-to-speechsystem, asking questions about the drivers’ experiences. The

Wizard interface was modified for this study to include a livedata stream including ACC+lane-keeping system state. Weworked with our industry partners to develop a set of standarddesign research questions to such as “Do you feel safe?” or“Can you tell me more?” We also modified the speech systemto allow French and Japanese researchers and designers to usethe system.

FINDINGSIn this section, we discuss how the designers and researchersacross all of our test deployments used the remote observationand interaction system. After each driving interaction, we con-ducted semi-structured interviews with the Wizards, and whenpossible, the drivers, about their experience using the system.We reviewed the interviews and have grouped our findings intofour categories: system benefits, challenges, methodologicaldiscoveries, and implications for ethnography and design.

System BenefitsReducing Interference with the DriverWe found that Wizards could react to on-road events that theyobserved without interfering with drivers. For example, duringthe touchscreen interface deployment, Wizards were oftennervous about drivers’ behaviors, much like a backseat drivermight be. Since the Wizards were not physically present in thecar, however, these actions did not influence or bias drivers’actions.

We have a similar anecdote from the driver’s perspective dur-ing the chatbot deployment. The driver noted that talking to amachine voice allowed him to focus more on the road ratherthan needing to turn and acknowledge the person sitting nextto him. This allowed him to speak more freely without hisneed for visual, social feedback from another person.

System Supports Flexible UseWizards were able to flexibly adapt WoZ Way to their ownresearch goals. During the chatbot test, the researcher feltthat WoZ Way allowed him to quickly explore the interactionpossibilities of a chatbot in the car. He found the system usefulfor generating hypotheses for future studies and for generatingideas for autonomous chat algorithms.

The researcher in the touchscreen interface deployment foundthe system to be useful both for exploring how the app couldinteract with drivers and for running semi-controlled fieldstudies.

In our experiences with industry designers, we found that Wiz-ards with different backgrounds within the company used thesystem to help them answer specific questions that relatedto their own work. The system also allowed designers with-out formal user experience training to engage in exploringthe driving assistance features. Designers with backgroundsdeveloping control algorithms for advanced driving featuresnoted how watching the interaction made them interested inmaking the automatic driving experience more human. Thesesystem designers often asked questions regarding the feel ofthe automatic speed adjustments during events such as lanechanges or low-speed driving. Other designers working onin-car displays asked questions about the instrumentation in

the car, what information the driver understood, or how thedriver interacted with components such as the entertainmentsystem. For example, when one driver turned on the radio, theWizard asked, “What do you listen to: radio, podcasts?” Otherresearchers who were exploring interactions outside of the careven asked questions about how the driver interacted withbicyclists and pedestrians. Overall, the system allowed design-ers and researchers with varying backgrounds to investigatedriving assistance and test new interaction prototypes.

Designers Improvise New Services On the SpotWe found that designers and researchers in the driving assis-tance deployment responded to drivers’ experiences by pro-totyping new interactions as they came up during the drive.Some Wizards experimented with using WoZ Way to pro-totype an interactive user support system. For example, re-searchers who worked on advanced driving systems helped thedrivers understand how the automated system worked whenthe drivers were confused. In other instances, drivers wouldrequest information from the Wizard about things relating tothe drive itself. In one vivid example, a driver using GPS to getto a university campus was unable to find parking. The Wizardwas familiar with the campus, and guided the driver to one ofthe visitor parking lots with turn-by-turn directions, using thelive video feed to determine the car’s location. The Wizardwas even able to automatically pay the parking fee from amobile app. From this emergent experience, the designer wasable to prototype the interaction for a parking spot assistancesystem, a feature currently absent from most navigation apps.

Synchronized Data Streams Reduce Designer WorkloadWhen asked how they used the Wizard interface, many Wiz-ards found the video and data display to be useful for under-standing the car’s state. They remarked that it was nice to geta sense of what drivers might be able to see on the road and ontheir dashboard. By having all of the video, data, and controlsin one interface, the Wizards felt they could control the insideof the car while experiencing the drive from the driver’s pointof view. Having data automatically synchronized and loggedfreed the Wizards from spending time to establish a groundlevel understanding of what was happening, like “Is the ICCon?” Wizards focused on asking higher level questions, suchas “Do you feel the ICC is more likely to fail with heavy traf-fic?” or “Do you feel the car prevented you from driving howyou normally would?”

Interaction Alleviates Concerns Over SurveillanceDuring our evaluation, the drives were explicitly framed asuser experience studies. All the drivers knew that there was aperson on the other end whose goal was to test new automotiveuser interfaces or to understand the driving experience. Evenafter understanding the data recording systems used in the car,most drivers did not voice concerns about privacy or beingsurveilled. If drivers did not want to answer a question, theyseemed comfortable to stay silent. However, interactions weregenerally viewed positively and drivers answered questionsopenly. For example, during the chatbot deployment, thedriver stated that speaking with the machine voice made himforget the person on the other end, and caused him to open upabout his answers to the interview questions. Another driver

in the driving assistance deployment said that the interactionhe had, where the machine would respond to events on theroad and inquire more about the driver’s opinions, made himfeel that his feedback might be heard by someone who mayactually be able to change the experience for the better.

In another session, the driver initially showed hesitancy inbeing recorded, asking “Are you guys watching me?” TheWizard replied, “The cameras enable my contextual reasoning.”This ended up being a very chatty session. After becomingmore comfortable with the interaction during the drive, thedriver needed help parking and the Wizard assisted. The drivereven began to thank the system for helping her navigate toa location she was unaware of. This provides an example ofhow interacting with drivers, rather than just monitoring them,can go beyond disclosure to help ease privacy concerns; theinteraction helps to frame the purpose of the data system as acollaborative design tool rather than as spyware.

Remote Interaction Reduces Logistical HeadachesDuring our drives, we avoided the logistical challenges ofdriving along with people on their daily commutes. Althoughsetting up the system can take some time, it gives Wizardsmore freedom to be a part of the drive from their own location.Many of our drives began or ended at drivers’ homes, some-times up to 60 miles from designers’ offices. Using WoZ Wayallowed designers to observe and interact in these everydaydrives without requiring the complicated planning associatedwith getting researchers to meet up at someone’s home, orarranging chase vehicles to take researchers back home afterthe fact. This reduced logistical burden made it possible to domore runs and observe more people.

System Challenges

Dangers of Remote InteractionWizards across all of the test deployments felt that they neededto alter their behavior based on what drivers were doing onthe road, so they would not distract the drivers too much.Specifically, during taxing or dangerous events for drivers,Wizards often held off on planned interactions. They wereoften challenged to find the appropriate time to ask about theexperience. One Wizard noted after a cut-off event that shetried asking a question when the driver was overloaded andneeded to wait until the driver had calmed down to ask thequestion again. Although the driver was able to ignore thequestion and focus on driving, the Wizard would have likedto understand what moments were, and were not, appropriateto interact with the driver. We also saw this in our interactionprototyping deployments. Wizards would often cringe if theysent something at the wrong moment as they were askingquestions with the chatbot or controlling the touchscreen.

Throughout our testing, no prototyping or observation sessionsneeded to be stopped. While drivers did note that some inter-actions from the speech system were awkward, these did notinhibit the driver from safely operating the car. Designer’s whohad an awkward interaction often waited for a better momentand then continued their testing. Still, this suggests furtherresearch about how designers should handle these situations.

WoZ Way is Network DependentWizards generally did not notice significant latency from thetime they sent a message to hearing it or seeing an interfacechange in the car (< 1s). However, in two sessions, heavynetwork loads caused the video and data link to be severelydelayed (> 5s) or to completely disconnect for several min-utes. This was associated with dense, slow-moving traffic; it ispossible that cellular towers are impacted by having too manycars in one location. When the system is fully disconnected,there is nothing the designer can do but wait for a better signaland for the car to reconnect. This causes gaps in real-time un-derstanding of the driver’s experience, loss of control of in-carinterface, and can cause breakdown in the interaction, as thedriver is often unaware the system has disconnected. Duringsessions with poor video quality or a loss of car data, the Wiz-ard often reverted to asking low-level system questions, likewhat speed the driver was going. During one session with verypoor video quality, the Wizard had the driver conduct a speak-aloud protocol to describe what was happening. Although thisworked for one session, it speaks to the importance of havinghigh-quality, real-time data streams and for designing robustsystems with automatic reconnection.

Methodological Discoveries

Remote Observation is Different from Backseat ObservationAlthough designers are virtually riding along with drivers, wefound a number of differences from having designers in thecar with drivers. Designers were better able to understandthe single-driver experience. Remote designers also had abetter view of the driver than is available from the passengeror rear seat, and without the awkward overhead of trying toremain invisible while being hosted as a guest of the driver.The researcher in the touchscreen interface deployment statedthat he “felt like a drone pilot or an air traffic controller.”The ability to see many views and data streams at once wassomething he could not do before.

Interacting remotely also changed the process used by the de-signer while observing and interacting with drivers. A designanthropologist in the driving assistance deployment noted howshe did not feel the need to make small talk, asking about thedriver’s day or her plans for the evening. Instead, she eitherasked focused questions or sat back and watched the drivein silence, observing the driver and the surrounding contextwithout interruption. The Wizard felt that this allowed her tothink more about what interactions were happening rather thanthinking of what to say next. This allowed her to more readilyunderstand and engage with the driver’s on-road experience.

From the drivers’ perspectives, their interactions with Wizardsthrough the machine interface gave them more freedom to notanswer questions. For example, during the driving experiencestudies, some drivers did not answer questions because theywere focused on the driving task. Other drivers did not respondto questions they were not comfortable answering. Still, manydrivers forgot that the car interfaces were controlled by aperson and interacted as if it were a machine. The removedsocial presence of the designer gave more room for the driversto act more naturally while driving.

Delays Disrupt Fluency but Increase DisclosureAlthough the relay of messages or control commands was nearreal-time, Wizards were often limited by their typing speedduring speech-based interactions. This altered the interactionbetween the Wizards and drivers. During the chatbot and thedriving assistance deployments, Wizards discussed how theywould begin writing a new question only to have driver changethe topic. This caused the conversation to lose fluency as theWizard needed time to write a new question. Drivers notedhow long pauses broke the flow of conversation. However, thisalso made them feel more like they were talking to a machine.Often, the long silences led the drivers to feel as if they shouldexpand more on what they were talking about. Although thisis partly a challenge of using a typing-based system, we foundthat the natural elicitation from awkward silences could belead to deeper discussion of certain topics.

DISCUSSIONBased on the development of WoZ Way and our evaluationwith designers and researchers, we believe our system enablesmany new opportunities for remote observation and interactionduring the development of interactive automotive technologies.During our deployments, these professionals were able to ex-plore a wide variety of situated real-world driving experiences.They then employed a variety of improvisational interactiontechniques to better understand drivers’ experiences. By blend-ing rich, social interaction and web-like data collection, WoZWay allows for new forms of computer-supported design workfor interactive, physical systems in-the-world. This contingentinteraction model can support many aspects of the interactiondesign process.

Implications for EthnographyOur test deployments captured all of the spontaneity and messi-ness of real-road drives. They included drivers being cut off,getting stuck in traffic jams, listening to music, interacting withpassengers, and getting lost. The richness of these real-worldoccurrences allowed the designers to see a breadth of drivingassistance opportunities that would not have been present in acontrolled environment.

The real-time capabilities of the system allowed drivers torespond immediately to quickly changing contexts and inquireabout relevant and salient experiences a person might have.During the touchscreen interface deployment, the designerwas able to ask about the app usage and get feedback rightaway, which allowed him to further guide the user test. Inanother example from the driving assistance deployment, thedriver of the Tesla P85D heard a squeak on the door panel andbegan prodding the various panels in the car. The remote de-signer asked, “How is the build quality?” to which the driverresponded “Not very good” and explained how the panelsshould not make a “quack” noise in such a high-end vehicle.This interaction showed how even when the focus of the driv-ing study is to explore the driving assistance capabilities, theWizard is also able to respond to interesting events in the car.This shows the opportunity for designers to understand theholistic product experience and perform contextual interviewsin real-time.

Figure 7. Screenshot of video interaction interface created with WoZWay data.

By not being in the car, the designers felt more anonymous andremoved, reducing social pressure in the conversation. Duringthe chatbot study, the premise of acting like a chatbot pushedthe designer to ask more and more personal questions. We sawa similar pattern in the driving assistance deployment. OneWizard suggested that “The system could be useful for findingdeep needs, or deep desires.” Wizards often asked questionssuch as“What new driving pleasure could we imagine in thefuture?” or “Do you think a machine could be better thanman?”

Another designer found that acting through the machine couldallow many designers to interact through the system over timewith the same driver. This would allow multiple perspectiveswhile having the speech system appear to be stable acrossinteractions with a driver. The designer also suggested that thesystem could be used for longer term studies and that it wouldreduce the need to plan drive-along style sessions.

Finally, the synchronized data collected from the driving ses-sions can be used for detailed video interaction analysis. Wehave created an interactive data analysis interface, shown inFigure 7, with the video, car speed, and designer questions.This interface allows designers to review drives by select-ing interesting points in the data, automatically jumping tothose moments in the video. This allows designers to usethe collected data as a means to review the qualitative driverexperience.

Implications for DesignWith real-time control of in-car interfaces, designers are ableto prototype new interactions based on the behavior of thedriver and events on the road. The ability to control interfacesremotely allows designers new opportunities for exploringproduct usage in the real world. The chatbot and touchscreendeployments specifically intended to show the responsive inter-action prototyping capabilities of the WoZ Way system. TheWizard in the chatbot deployment found that he was able toactively respond during his interview with the driver. During

the touchscreen interface deployment, the Wizard was ableto rapidly respond to events on the road and test new inter-actions with the interface. This is different from testing apre-programmed app, as it allowed the designer to test newideas improvisationally. For example, near the end of the drive,the Wizard was interested in how the ambient lights causedthe driver to instantly focus his attention toward the touch-screen. He changed the color of the interface without a pop-upmessage and saw that, indeed, the ambient lights caused aconditioned response for the driver to look at the screen.

One aspect of our system that we would like to address isthe difference between interaction and monitoring. As datalogging becomes more pervasive in our daily interactions withtechnology, questions often arise about the ethical use of thecollected information. Although our system does allow for re-mote observation and logging of people’s interactions, whichcan present privacy concerns, we place a focus on facilitatinginteractions between designers and drivers. These interactionsreframe the intent of the observation to the design of betterproduct experiences and invite drivers to be active, collabora-tive participants in the design process. Brereton et al. arguethat engagement and reciprocity are critical to conductingethnographically driven design work, especially with remotepopulations [2]. While their work explores engagements withaboriginal populations, it suggests how we can use interactionto positively frame remote design observation and prototyping.

Opportunities for use in CSCW workThe unique, enabling features of the WoZ Way system caninfluence the overall design process of interactive automotivesystems in a number of ways.

Evaluating PrototypesUsability researchers can evaluate prototypes in real-worldcontexts and gather both qualitative and quantitative data abouta person’s experience. Researchers can better understandcausality and rationale for various behaviors by observingusability data and contextual inquiry.

Designing InteractionsDesigners can quickly explore the interaction design space ofnew technologies without investing significant time toward al-gorithm development. Interactions can move from improvisedto more supervised over time. The underlying computing ar-chitecture of the system can easily extend to broader graphicalor physical interfaces.

Group StudiesBy interacting remotely and not occupying a seat, researchersand designers can better explore how groups interact withinthe car. This can be useful for studies of families on roadtrips, coworkers carpooling, and passengers using ride-sharingservices.

Mixed Methods ResearchThe use of WoZ Way enables designers and researchers toemploy many types of research methods for their work. Thein-situ observation and interaction provides the designer withrich moment-to-moment understanding. Data logs and video

recording from the session then allow for further data andvideo interaction analysis.

Studying Demographics/Individual DifferencesIt is possible to work across demographics and in differentlocations. With fast internet, the system architecture can beused for conducting studies between different states or coun-tries. For example, we have be able to connect designers inEurope to drivers in California. It is also possible to focus onindividual differences between people. This can provide a richand nuanced understanding of users that can lead to the basisfor adaptable systems.

Longitudinal Studies Over TimeIt is possible to embed the features for remote observation andinteraction into the car itself. More generally, the architectureof WoZ Way is similar to that of connected devices, which isan indicator that the observations and interventions enabled byWoZ Way can be inherent features of connected devices. Thiscan allow exploration of people’s experiences over longer timeperiods. Since designers simply need to “log in” remotely,rather than be present to interact with someone, they can morereadily interact over weeks or months. This can help design-ers to develop adaptive systems and to see how experienceschange over time.

Future WorkWhile we have shown several specific uses for a WoZ systemwithin the context of the remote car, we see many future av-enues for exploring these forms of systems in general. Forinstance, the Wizard interface can take on different config-urations and features to support the specific workflows ofdesigners and researchers. For example, note taking capabil-ities could be added to support in-the-moment learning. Weare also interested in new forms of real-time data visualizationthat would better support working with the live data streams.

Finally, there are many open questions about best practices forremote WoZ interaction in the car. For example, what latencystill allows smooth interaction? What aspects of the road ordriver state can signal a good time for the Wizard to interact?In what other contexts can WoZ systems be used remotely?Just as WoZ Way borrowed insights and practices from otherubicomp design research systems, the discoveries made inthe in-vehicle environment might inform practices outside thecar. We can imagine different deployments exploring interac-tive technologies in the home or at work and we are excitedto support designers in the development of new interactivecomputing contexts.

CONCLUSIONAs computing applications spread beyond the workplace andhome, there is a need to support designers in understandingpeople and creating new interactions in transitional environ-ments like the car. By creating tools to give designers a richunderstanding of users in-situ, we enable the invention of in-teractive systems that make the most of the environmental,system, and social contexts that users find themselves in everyday. In this systems paper, we have introduced WoZ Way asan interaction design system for understanding and prototyp-ing driving interfaces during real-world driving. Through our

deployment with professional automotive designers, we havefound opportunities for real-time, remote observation and in-teraction during the design process. Our primary contributionis showing how such remote interaction and observation sys-tems can enable new capabilities for user research and designprototyping.

As computing becomes ever more prevalent and objects be-come ever more imbued with interactive and adaptive capa-bilities, it will be increasingly important to explore designsupport tools for understanding and creating these experiences.A system such as WoZ Way can aid in the design process andhelp designers and researchers to better understand peopleand design exciting new experiences. Moving forward, weimagine that interactive objects will serve both as designedproducts and also as design tools. As tools, they can facili-tate an ongoing conversation between designers and people.Through this conversation, we anticipate that designers will beable to better understand people’s changing needs and activelydesign useful and delightful product experiences.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was financially supported by the Renault-NissanAlliance and conducted under Stanford University IRB pro-tocol IRB-36970 Understanding on-road driving assistance.We would like to acknowledge our research partners NikhilGowda & Pierre Delaigue from the Renault-Nissan Alliance,for collaborating with us on this research. We also thankHamish Tennent & Aaron Levine for their help creating thefigures throughout this document. Finally, we would like tothank Jessica Cauchard & Pablo Paredes for their feedback onearly drafts of this paper.

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