World Health Statistics Annual, Volume III 1966: Health Personnel and Hospital WHO


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World Health Statistics Annual, Volume III 1966: Health Personnel and HospitalEstablishments. by WHOBiometrics, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Jun., 1971), pp. 472-473Published by: International Biometric SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 25/06/2014 04:25

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STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE MATHEMATICAL CENTRE 223 TRACTS. Selected Statistical Papers 1 (No. 26) and 2 (No. 27). Mathematisch

Centrum, 2E Boerhaavestraat 49, Amsterdam, 1968. 95 and 95 pp.

Thirteen selected papers presented at the 1968 European Meeting on Statistics, Econometrics, and Management Sciences, Amsterdam, are published in these two publica- tions. The authors and titles of those papers in No. 26 are: M. Rao and H. Wedel, 'Poisson processes as renewal processes invariant under translations,' pp. 3-6; A. M. Kagan, 'Some analytical aspects of estimation theory,' pp. 7-14; H. K. Ury, 'The behavior of some tests for ordered alternatives under interior slippage,' pp. 15-25; D. Bierlein, 'The development of the concept of statistical decision theory,' pp. 27-35; R. L. Brown and J. Durbin, 'Methods of investigating whether a regression relationship is constant over time,' pp. 37-45; W. G. Cochran, 'Some effects of errors of measurement on multiple regression,' pp. 47-69; J. F. C. Kingrnan, 'Some recent developments in the theory of Markov chains,' pp. 71-9; and B. Eichhorn, 'Oni sequential search,' pp. 81-95. The authors and titles of the papers in No. 27 are: P. J. HIuber, 'Robust estimation,' pp. 3-25; J. Th. Runnenburg, 'Limit theorems for stochastic processes occurring in studies of the light-sensitivity of the human eye,' pp. 27-48; R. E. Barlow, 'Some recent developments in reliability theory,' pp. 49-66; H. Witting, 'Finite and asymptotic optimality of rank tests,' pp. 67-81; Z. W. Birnbaum, 'On the importance of components in a system,' pp. 83-95.


WHO. Mortality from Malignant Neoplasms 1955-1965, Number of Deaths by Site, 224 Sex and Age. Parts I and II. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1970. 1147 pp.,

?11, $36.00, Sw. fr. 110.-. Bilingual edition (English and French).

This volume is published in two parts. It presents malignant neoplasm mortality data by sex, age, and site. The sites are classified according to the International Classifica- tion of Diseases (7th revision, 1955), using the most detailed list as far as information is available. The following age grouping is used: under one year, 1-4 years, five-year groups from 5 to 84 years, and 85 and over. A table showing the available data on population by sex and age has been added to allow computation of rates. It is hoped that this publication will form a contribution to the stuidy of this important health problem.

(Author's summary)

WHO. World Health Statistics Annual, Volume III 1966: Health Personnel and 225 Hospital Establishments. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1970. 253 pp., ?2.10s.,

$8.25, Sw. fr. 25.-. Bilingual edition (English and French).

This volume contains statistics on health personnel and hospital establishments, showing in particular the number of persons working in the various health occupations as well as the ratio of physicians, dentists, pharmacists, medical assistants, and nursing personnel to the population of the various countries. Information is presented, for the first time, on the sex and age distribution of personnel practising certain medical and paramedical professions. The percentage of each age-group based on the total of all ages has been calculated for each sex. Also, the proportion of women is shown as a percentage of the total personnel active in the following occupations: physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and medical technicians. The sex distribution of physicians, dentists, and pharmacists is illustrated by graphs. Information is given on the number of hospitals by category (general or specialized), types of administration (government or private), bed complement, number

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of admissions, and patient-days. Certain indices on hospital utilization, such as beds per 10,000 population, admissions per 10,000 population and per bed, bed occupancy rate, average length of stay, etc., are also published.

(Author's summary)

W HO. World Health Statistics Annual, Volume I, 1967: Vital Statistics and Causes 226 of Death. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1970. 783 pp., ?7.10s., $25.00, Sw. fr.

75.-. Bilingual edition (English and French).

This volume provides statistical data on area and population (12 pages), on natality and mortality (5 pages), and on causes of death (762 pages), for various countries and territories of the world.

Area and population by age and sex are given as of mid-year 1967. Latest census population by sex is also listed. Natality and mortality cover, in absolute numbers and rates per thousand, natality and general, perinatal, neonatal, and infant mortality. Tabula- tion by country presents the causes of death by sex and age in absolute numbers and sex/age specific death rates for 47 countries according to the Intermediate List of the 1955 revisions of the International Classification of Diseases (150 causes), and for 8 countries according to the Abbreviated List (50 causes). Tabulation by cause provides information on important cause groups such as, infections and parasitic diseases (A70, A79-A-86), senility and ill-defined and unknown causes (A136, A137), and accidents, poisonings, and violence (AE138-AE150). In addition to absolute numbers and sex/age specific death rates, the percentage proportions to all causes were calculated for these groups. Further, to satisfy the needs of various workers engaged in health studies, infant mortality is listed in a special table by sex, age, and cause in absolute numbers and rates per 100,000 live-born.

(Author's summary)

WHO. World Health Statistics Annual 1967, Volume II, Infectious Diseases: Cases, 227 Deaths and Vaccinations. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1970. 235 pp., ?2. 0. 0.,

$6.75, Sw. fr. 20.-. Bilingual edition (English and French).

Information is published relating to all the cases notified and deaths reported from communicable diseases in the various countries or territories. For a certain number of diseases, the seasonal distribution of cases and deaths is given, and for certain diseases the sex and age distribution of the cases notified is also shown. The volume also contains data on the number of prophylactic vaccinations for all the countries and territories that made this information available to WHO. Details of the population groups vaccinated and the different states of immunization are provided with the tables.

(Author's summary)

The following books have been received for possible review in BIOMETRICS:

BAKER, J. J. W., and ALLEN, G. E. The Process of Biology: Primary Sources. Addison- Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass., 1970. viii + 380 pp. $4.95.

BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN. Vol. 27, No. 1 (January 1971). Special issue on: Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Disease. The British Council, Park Street, London W1Y 4HQ. iv + 94 pp. $6.50.

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