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October 5, 2017 Regular Meeting including Tax Rate Public Hearing 5:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Certification of the Posting of the Notice of the Regular Meeting and Tax Rate PublicHearing

IV. Closed Session

The Board of Trustees, in accordance with Section 551.001, et seq. of the TexasGovernment Code will move into Closed Session under one or more of the followingprovision(s) of the ACT:

Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney • Status of Pending or Proposed Litigation• On any item on the Agenda

Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property • LSC-University Park, LSC-CyFair, LSC-North Harris, LSC-

Tomball, LSC–Montgomery, LSC-Kingwood, LSC-System OfficeSection 551.074 - Personnel Matters

V. Reconvene Regular Meeting

VI. Tax Rate Public Hearing – 2017–2018

VII. Presentation of the 2017-2018 Proposed Tax Rate

VIII. Announcements

Date, time and place of the meeting at which the Board will vote on the proposed tax rate

Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017

Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Board Room of the Training and Development Center

5000 Research Forest Drive The Woodlands, TX 77381

IX. Citizens Comments

X. Adjournment of Tax Rate Public Hearing

XI. Reconvene Regular Meeting

XII. Introductions, Special Guests, Recognitions

XIII. Workshop - None

XIV. Approval of the Minutes of the September 13, 2017 Workshop and Regular Meeting of theBoard of Trustees

XV. Special Reports and Announcements1. Chancellor – Reports and comments from the Chancellor regarding meetings and

conferences attended, campus visits, community and district activities, educationprograms, current affairs related to higher education

2. Presidents – Lee Ann Nutt

3. Vice Chancellors – Link Alander

4. Faculty Senate Presidents

5. Board Members• Reports and comments from Board chair and Board members regarding meetings

and conferences attended, campus visits, community and district activities,education programs, current affairs related to higher education

• Board Committee Reports

XVI. Citizen Participation

XVII. Consideration of the Consent Agenda

(The purpose of the consent agenda is to allow the Board to identify and approve actionitems which require no additional information or discussion and for which there is

unanimous approval. Trustees receive agenda materials one week in advance of the meeting to prepare for the business to be conducted.)

XVIII. Policy Reports and Considerations

1. Consideration and Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College(the “College”) Board Policy Manual Section I.F.1.06. Public Participation (ACTIONITEM 1)

2. Consideration and Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star CollegeSystem Board Policy Manual Section VI.G.1.10. Discipline in Health OccupationsPrograms (ACTION ITEM 2)

XIX. Foundation Report and Consideration

1. Ratify and Approve the Appointment of LSC Foundation Board Members (ACTIONITEM 3)

XX. Curriculum Reports and Considerations

1. Consideration of Approval to Expand Lone Star College (the “College”) VisualCommunication Associate of Applied Science (“AAS”) 3D Animation and WebDesign Tracks to Lone Star College – CyFair (“LSC-CyFair”) (ACTION ITEM 4)

2. Consideration of Approval to Expand Lone Star College (the “College”) AccountingAdvanced Technical Certificate (“ATC”) in Professional Accountancy to Lone StarCollege – University Park (“LSC-University Park”) (ACTION ITEM 5)

3. Consideration of Approval for Lone Star College (the “College”) to Offer a Culinary,Cook Fast-Track Certificate at Lone Star College – Montgomery (“LSC-Montgomery”) (ACTION ITEM 6)

4. Consideration of Approval to Expand Lone Star College (the “College”) VisualCommunication Associate of Applied Science (“AAS”) and Web Design CertificateC2 to Lone Star College – University Park (“LSC-University Park”) (ACTION ITEM7)

XXI. Financial Reports and Considerations

1. Consideration of Approval of Investment Broker/Dealers to Act on Behalf of Lone StarCollege (the “College”) for FY 2018 (ACTION ITEM 8)

2. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate andExecute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Cardiac

and General Ultrasound Machines for Lone Star College - CyFair (“LSC-CyFair”) Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program (ACTION ITEM 9)

3. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate andExecute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase CardiacUltrasound and Obstetrical & Gynecological Ultrasound Simulators for Lone StarCollege – Cyfair (“LSC-CyFair”) Diagnostic Medical Sonography program (ACTIONITEM 10)

4. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate andExecute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase WaterTreatment Maintenance Services (ACTION ITEM 11)

5. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate andExecute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase a LandSurveying Robotic Stations for Lone Star College – Montgomery (“LSC-Montgomery”) Land Surveying Program (ACTION ITEM 12)

6. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate andExecute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) for ConstructionServices for Lone Star College – Tomball (“LSC-Tomball”) Center for Leadership,Academic and Student Success (ACTION ITEM 13)

7. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate andExecute Interlocal Cooperative Agreement on Behalf of Lone Star College (the“College”) with Dallas County Community College District on Behalf of RichlandCollege (ACTION ITEM 14)

XXII. Personnel Report and Considerations1. Consideration and Authorization for the Chancellor or Designee to Execute Proposed

Employment Contracts for the Attached Employees (ACTION ITEM 15)

2. Consideration and Authorization for the Chancellor or Designee to Execute ProposedEmployment Contracts for the Attached Individuals (ACTION ITEM 16)

XXIII. Lone Star College Foundation Report

LSC Foundation Gifts Received Report

XXIV. Financial Report

Monthly Financial Statements

XXV. Buildings and Grounds Report

Construction Projects Update

XXVI. Suggested Future Agenda Items

XXVII. Adjournment

If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to an item noticed in this meeting, then such closed session as authorized by Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Section 551.071-551.089, inclusive, of the Open Meetings Act, including, but not limited to:

Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property Section 551.073 - Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters Section 551.076 - Deliberation Regarding Security Devices Section 551.082 - Student Discipline Section 551.0821 - Personally Identifiable Information About Student Section 551.084 - Exclusion of Witness Section 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations

Certification of Posting of Notice to the October 5, 2017 Workshop and Regular Meeting of the

Lone Star College System’s Board of Trustees

I, Stephen C. Head, Chancellor of the Lone Star College System, do hereby certify that a notice of this meeting was posted on Monday the 2nd day of October, 2017 in a place convenient to the public at LSC-System Office The Woodlands, The Woodlands Leadership Building, on all college campuses and on the system website as required by Section 551.002 et seq., Texas Government Code. Special notice of the meeting was provided to the news media as required by Section 551.001 et seq., Texas Government Code.

Given under my hand this the 2nd day of October, 2017.


_____________________ Stephen C. Head


Certification of Posting of Notice to the October 5, 2017 Public Hearing

2017-2018 Proposed Tax Rate Lone Star College System’s

Board of Trustees

I, Stephen C. Head, Chancellor of the Lone Star College System, do hereby certify a notice of the Public Hearing was posted on Monday the 2nd day of October, 2017 in a place convenient to the public in the Administration Office of the Central Services and Training Center, on all college campuses and on the system website as required by Section 551.002 et seq., Texas Government Code. Special notice of the meeting was provided to the news media as required by Section 551.001 et seq., Texas Government Code. The statutory newspaper advertising requirements has been met.

Given under my hand this the 2nd day of October 2017.


_____________________ Stephen C. Head






THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS 77381-4356 September 13, 2017

5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Dr. Alton Smith, Chair Dr. Kyle Scott, Vice Chair Mr. Ken Lloyd, Secretary Ms. Myriam Saldívar, Assistant Secretary Ms. Linda Good Dr. David Holsey Mr. David Vogt Dr. Ron Trowbridge

ABSENT: Mr. Art Murillo

I. CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Smith called the workshop and regular meeting of the Board ofTrustees to order at 5:00 p.m. after determining that a quorum was present.

II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Dr. Scott led the Board and guests in reciting the Pledgeof Allegiance.

Mr. Lloyd entered the meeting at 5:07 p.m.

III. CERTIFICATION OF THE POSTING OF THE NOTICE OF THE MEETING:Chancellor Head confirmed that the Notice for the meeting had been properly posted. Noaction was required. A copy is attached as Exhibit “A”.

IV. INTRODUCTIONS, SPECIAL GUESTS: Dr. Head introduced Jennifer Worth seniorvice president for workforce and economic development of AACC (American Associationof Community Colleges) who is here with colleges from Pennsylvania and Ohio and theAppalachian Regional Commission to learn best practices from Lone Star College inrelationship to the oil and gas industry. The colleges and entities represented were BelmontCollege, Butler Community College, Community College of Allegheny County,Community College of Beaver County, Westmoreland Community College, EasternGateway Community College and the Appalachian Regional Commission.

V. CLOSED SESSION: At 5:07 p.m. Dr. Smith convened the Board in closed session, inaccordance with Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code under one or moreof the following provision(s) of the Act:


Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney • Status of Pending or Proposed Litigation • On any item on the Agenda

Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property • LSC-University Park, LSC-CyFair, LSC-North Harris, LSC-

Tomball, LSC–Montgomery, LSC-Kingwood, LSC-SO-University Park

Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters

Mr. Vogt entered the meeting at 5:26 p.m. VI. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: The regular meeting was reconvened at 6:05


VII. INTRODUCTIONS, SPECIAL GUESTS, RECOGNTIONS: Dr. Head introduced Beth Marshall from Community Impact.


IX. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 3, 2017 WORKSHOP AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: upon a motion by Ms. Good and second by Dr. Scott the board approved the minutes of the August 3, 2017 Workshop and Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


1. Chancellor: Dr. Head announced a recent news release recognizing Lone Star College by the Department of Education and Hispanic Outlook magazine as one of the top colleges for Hispanics to attend. Dr. Head announced fall student enrollment was up 4% over this time last year and contact hours are up 2%. We are still waiting on updates after LSC-Kingwood late start for final numbers.

Ms. Nicole Robinson, executive director of the LSC Foundation, gave a report on the assistance checks distributed to Lone Star College students and employees who suffered losses due to Hurricane Harvey.

2. College Presidents: Dr. Gerald Napoles, president of LSC-North Harris, gave a presentation on Hurricane Harvey Servant Leadership highlighting the collaboration of campuses and personnel who helped run shelters at LSC-North Harris, LSC-CyFair and LSC-Tomball during Hurricane Harvey. Dr. Katherine Persson, president of LSC-Kingwood, gave a presentation and description of the devastating impact of Hurricane Harvey on the LSC-Kingwood campus. Jennifer


Olenick, executive vice chancellor and CFO followed with the financial impact of the Hurricane on LSC-Kingwood and the other campuses.

3. Vice Chancellors: None.

4. Faculty Senate Presidents: Mr. Bob Lynch, faculty senate president at LSC-North Harris, gave a presentation on the history of the faculty senate at LSC-North Harris and their recent celebration of 40 years in existence.

5. Board Members: Dr. Trowbridge announced he would be coauthoring a book with Lee

Ann Nutt, president of LSC-Tomball, about GRIT and success stories of students. Dr. Trowbridge would like a future agenda item to stop all employee appeals at chancellor level due to the high legal costs of adjudicating the grievance appeals.

XI. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mr. John Burghduff, representing the AFT, spoke about

Hurricane Harvey and commended the response of Lone Star College to contact students and employees with updates, resources and setting up shelters.

XII. CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA: Item number 4, 5, 13, 15, 16 and 18 were removed from the agenda to be considered separately. Item number 8 was pulled from the agenda to be considered at a future board meeting. Chair Smith proceeded with the Consent Agenda. Dr. Trowbridge made a motion to approve Action Items 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Dr. Scott seconded the motion and the Board unanimously passed the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “B”.

XIII. POLICY REPORTS AND CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Consideration and Review of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College (the

“College”) Board Policy Manual Section I.F.1.06. Public Participation (FIRST READING): the Board of Trustees considered and reviewed revisions to the College’s Board Policy Manual Section I.F.1.06. Public Participation to revise the registration time to 5:55 p.m. A copy is attached as Exhibit “C”.

2. Consideration and Review of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College System Board Policy Manual Section VI.G.1.10. Regarding Discipline in Health Occupations Programs (FIRST READING): the Board of Trustees considered and reviewed the revision of the College’s Board Policy Manual Section VI.G.1.10., to delete that Section. With that Section deleted, deans of health occupations programs would no longer act as chief conduct officers for their programs for instances of non-academic student misconduct. A copy is attached as Exhibit “D”. :

XIV. FINANCIAL REPORT AND CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Consideration of Approval of the Proposed 2018 Lone Star College (the “College”)

Internal Audit Plan (ACTION ITEM 1): the Board of Trustees approved the Fiscal Year 2018 College Internal Audit Plan based on a risk assessment completed in August 2017. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “E”.


2. Consideration of Approval for the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a

Payment-in-Lieu-of-Tax Agreement and Provide a Letter of Non-Opposition on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) in Support of a Foreign Trade Zone (“FTZ”) Application (ACTION ITEM 2): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or his designee to negotiate and execute a payment-in-lieu-of-tax agreement on behalf of the College with Sigma Tube & Bar LLC (“Sigma”), 363 N. Sam Houston Parkway E, Suite 770, Houston, Texas 77060, and provide a letter of non-opposition in support of its FTZ application for property located at 14315 W. Hardy Road, Houston, Harris County, Texas. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “F”.

3. Consideration of Approval of the Annual Appointment of County Tax Assessor-

Collectors to Collect Property Taxes Levied on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) (ACTION ITEM 3): the Board of Trustees approved the annual appointment of the county tax assessor-collectors to collect property taxes levied on behalf of the College for the tax year 2017 (FY 2018) as detailed: Ann Harris, Harris County at an estimated cost of $1,720,000 and Tammy J. McRae, Montgomery County at an estimated cost of $550,000. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “G”.

4. Consideration of Approval for Lone Star College (the “College”) to Provide Notice of

Intent to Hold Required Public Hearings and to Set the Ad Valorem Tax Rate for the Tax Year 2017 at the October Board Meeting (ACTION ITEM 4): Dr. Smith moved to propose the Maintenance & Operations ad valorem tax rate of eight cents ($0.0800) per $100 of valuation for the 2017 tax year be adopted at the October 12, 2017, 5 o’clock PM special meeting of the Board of Trustees in this room of the Lone Star College Training and Development Center, and that two public hearings be held in this same room to consider the proposed rate - the first public hearing at 5 o’clock PM on Monday, October 2, 2017, and the second public hearing at 5 o’clock PM on Thursday, October 5, 2017. At each public hearing, proponents and opponents of the proposed tax rate will have an opportunity to present their views. If the Maintenance and Operations rate is adopted as proposed, the total 2017 ad valorem tax rate for Lone Star College will be ten point seventy-eight cents ($0.1078) per $100 of valuation. Dr. Scott seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken. Voting aye: Ron Trowbridge, Ken Lloyd, Myriam Saldívar, Dave Holsey, Alton Smith, Kyle Scott, David Vogt and Linda Good. The motion passed. Mr. Murillo was absent. A copy is attached as Exhibit “H”.

5. Consideration of Approval of a Resolution to Authorize the Imposition of an Additional Penalty of 20% of the Delinquent Tax, Penalty, and Interest Owed to Lone Star College (the “College”) on Real Property and Tangible Personal Property in Harris, Montgomery, and San Jacinto Counties for the 2017 Tax Year, and For Each Succeeding Year Thereafter in Order to Defray the Costs of Collecting Delinquent Property Taxes (ACTION ITEM 5): upon a motion by Dr. Scott and a second by Dr. Holsey the Board of Trustees approved the resolution to authorize the additional 20% collection penalty to defray the cost of collecting delinquent taxes on real property and tangible personal


property in Harris, Montgomery, and San Jacinto counties for Tax Year 2017, and each succeeding year thereafter. A copy is attached as Exhibit “I”.

6. Consideration of Approval of the Spring 2018 Credit Tuition and Fee Schedule Changes for Lone Star College (the “College”) (ACTION ITEM 6): the Board of Trustees approved the adoption of the College’s tuition and fee schedule changes for Spring 2018. The recommended tuition rates and assessed fees include the following changes from the 2017-2018 tuition and fee schedule: increase in the out-of-district fee from $75 to $85 per credit hour and an increase in the out-of-state/international fee from $90 to $100 per credit hour. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “J”.

7. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase a Five Axis Milling Center for LSC-North Harris Machining Technology Program (ACTION ITEM 7): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with Mazak Corporation, 10950 Greenbend Blvd., Houston, TX 77067, to purchase a five axis milling center in a sum not exceeding $168,423. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “K”.

8. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase a Multi-Story Burn Building for the Lone Star College-Montgomery (“LSC-Montgomery”) Fire Science Program (ACTION ITEM 8): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with Draeger, Inc., 3135 Quarry Road, Telford, PA 18969, to purchase a multi-story burn building in a sum not exceeding $195,000. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “L”.

9. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Electrical Equipment for the Lone Star College-Creekside (“LSC-Creekside”) Electrical Technology Program (ACTION ITEM 9): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with Advanced Technologies Consultants (“ATC”), 110 West Main St., P.O. Box 905, Northbend, MI 48167, to purchase electrical equipment for LSC-Creekside Electrical Technology program in a sum not exceeding $728,807. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “M”.

10. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute Contracts on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Medical Radiographic Imaging Equipment for Lone Star College-CyFair (“LSC-CyFair”) Medical Radiographic Technology Program (ACTION ITEM 10): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the College to purchase equipment for the LSC-CyFair Medical Radiographic Technology Program in a sum not exceeding $656,916 with the following vendors: Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., 40 Liberty Blvd., Malvern, PA 19355; Philips


Healthcare a division of Philips North America, LLC., 3000 Minuteman Rd., Andover, MA 01810. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “N”.

11. Consideration of Approval to Change Lone Star College’s (the “College”) Funding of

Science Lab Equipment for Lone Star College-University Park (“LSC-University Park”) Center for Science and Innovation (ACTION ITEM 11): the Board of Trustees authorized a change in the College’s funding of science lab equipment for LSC-University Park Center for Science and Innovation. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “O”.

12. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute Contracts on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Welding Machines and Testing Equipment for the Lone Star College-North Harris (“LSC-North Harris”) Welding and Inspection Technology Programs (ACTION ITEM 12): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the College to purchase equipment for the LSC-North Harris Welding and Inspection Technology Programs in a sum not exceeding $424,923 with the following vendors: Conroe Welding Supply, Inc., 415 South Frazier, Conroe, TX 77301; GE Inspection Technologies, 50 Industrial Park Road, Lewiston, PA 17044; Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Company, 1065 Easton Road, Horsham, PA 19044; and Hocker, Inc. 13402 Weiman Road, Houston, TX 77041. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “P”.

13. Consideration of Approval of Annual Purchases of Bond-Funded Technology

Hardware, Software, and Services on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) (ACTION ITEM 13): upon a motion by Dr. Scott and second by Mr. Lloyd the Board of Trustees approved the purchase of bond-funded technology hardware, software, and services on behalf of the College in a total sum not exceeding $15,000,000 during FY 2018. The Board also approved authorizing the Chancellor or designee to execute individual contracts in excess of $100,000, but less than $500,000, without obtaining the Board’s individual pre-approval for each such contract and authorizes the Chancellor or designee to execute the contracts detailed in the attached Appendix A for the not exceeding sums listed therein. A copy is attached as Exhibit “Q”.

14. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Purchase Analog

Telecommunication Services for Lone Star College (the “College”) (ACTION ITEM 14): the Board of Trustees approved the purchase of analog telecommunication services for the College for a sum not exceeding $771,000 for a five-year period from the following vendors: Windstream, 600 Willowbrook Office Park, Fairport, NY 14450; Consolidated Communications, 350 S. Loop 336W, Conroe, TX 77384; AT & T 6500 W. Loop South, Bellaire, TX 77401 and Century Link Communications, 312 Higgins St., Humble, TX 77338. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “R”.

15. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) for Data Backup


Services (ACTION ITEM 15): upon a motion by Dr. Holsey and second by Mr. Vogt the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with AT&T, 6500 W. Loop South, Bellaire, TX 77401, to purchase data backup services for a sum not exceeding $350,000 for a five-year period. The initial term of the contract will be for two years with an option to renew for three additional one-year periods. Either party may terminate the agreement upon 30 days’ written notice. A copy is attached as Exhibit “S”.

16. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute Contracts on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Audio Visual Equipment, Installation and Integration Services and Maintenance and Repair Services (ACTION ITEM 16): upon a motion by Dr. Holsey and second by Mr. Vogt the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute contracts on behalf of the College to purchase audio visual equipment, installation and integration services, and maintenance and repair services from the following vendors: Buckeye Technology Solutions dba CCS Presentation Systems, 20212 Hempstead Rd. Building 1, Houston, TX 77065 and Troxell Communications, Inc., 2951 Marina Bay Dr. #130, League City, TX 77573 in a sum not exceeding $10,000,000 over a five-year period. The initial term of the contract will be for a period of three-years with the option to renew for two additional one-year terms. The Board authorized the Chancellor or designee to execute individual contracts in excess of $100,000, but less than $500,000, without the Board’s individual pre-approval for each such contract. Contract sums in the amount of $500,000 or more will be individually presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration of approval. A copy is attached as Exhibit “T”.

17. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Amend the Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) with the Lone Star College – East Aldine Satellite Center (“LSC-East Aldine Satellite Center”) Architectural Firm for Additional Services Related to the Design and Construction of the LSC-East Aldine Satellite Center and the MacArthur Early College Facility for Aldine Independent School District (“AISD”) (ACTION ITEM 17): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to execute a contract amendment on behalf of the College with Texas-IBI Group architects, formerly known as Bay-IBI Group Architects, 455 East Medical Center Blvd., Suite 500, Webster, Texas 77598 for additional architectural service in a sum of $70,200 for a revised contract sum of $1,897,042. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “U”.

18. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Amend the

Construction Manager at Risk (“CMAR”) Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”) for Construction Services Related to the Lone Star College – University Park (“LSC-UP”) Center for Science and Innovation, a Phase One Group 6A Project under the 2014 General Obligation Bond Program (ACTION ITEM 18): upon a motion by Dr. Holsey and second by Dr. Scott the Board of Trustees approved authorizing the Chancellor or designee to amend the CMAR firm, E.E. Reed Construction, L.P., (“E.E. Reed”) 333 Commerce Green Blvd., Sugar Land, Texas 77478, for construction services related to the LSC-UP Center for Science and Innovation, a phase one, group 6A project under the 2014 General Obligation Bond Construction Program, to increase the agreement’s


GMP in an amount not to exceed $725,000. Mr. Vogt opposed. A copy is attached as Exhibit “V”.

19. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract on Behalf of the College for the Construction of the Underground Chilled Water Piping at the Lone Star College-Kingwood (“LSC-Kingwood”) Performing Arts Center (ACTION ITEM 19): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with HCL Mechanical services, LLC., 6877 Wynnwood Lane, Houston, Texas 77008, for construction of the underground chilled water piping at LSC-Kingwood Performing Arts Center in a sum not exceeding $600,000. The Chancellor recommends that the firm with the highest evaluation score be awarded the contract. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “W”.

20. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Renew the

Interlocal Agreement on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) with Royal Independent School District for the Early College High School (“ECHS”) Initiative (ACTION ITEM 20): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to renew an Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the College with Royal Independent School District for the ECHS Initiative. The term of the agreement will be one year, ending on July 31, 2018. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “X”.

21. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Air Handlers for Lone Star College-Kingwood (“LSC-Kingwood) (ACTION ITEM 21): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with TD Industries, Inc., 9525 Derrington Road, Houston, Texas 77064, to replace five air handler units at LSC-Kingwood Library in a sum not exceeding $615,000. The Chancellor recommends that TD Industries, Inc., the firm with the highest evaluation score, be awarded the contract. If negotiations cease for any reason with TD Industries, Inc., the College may proceed to negotiate with the next firm in the order of selection ranking with a score of not less than 70 until a contract is executed. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “Y”.


1. Consideration and Authorization for the Chancellor or Designee to Execute Proposed

Employment Contracts for the Attached Individuals (ACTION ITEM 22): the Board of Trustees authorized the Chancellor or a designee to execute proposed employment contracts for the attached individuals. Each individual’s name, job title, not-to-exceed contract sum, and hire start date is attached. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “Z”.



Monthly Financial Report: Ms. Jennifer Olenick, vice chancellor and CFO for finance and administration, presented the monthly financial statements for the month ended July 31, 2017. A copy is attached as Exhibit “aa”.


Construction Projects Update: the Board reviewed the report as presented. A copy is attached as Exhibit bb”.

XVIII. SUGGESTED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Dr. Smith asked that Dr. Head and his legal staff along with the board policy committee to revisit the board policy on grievance appeals to see what changes need to be made.

XIX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. ATTEST: ______________________________ ______________________________ Board of Trustees, Chair Board of Trustees, Secretary


Consideration of Consent Agenda Board Meeting 10-5-17 Consent Agenda:

A roll call of individual action items will determine the consent agenda. If a trustee has a question or plans to cast a negative vote regarding a specific recommendation, then the trustee/trustees need to acknowledge their intention to the Chair by show of hand during the roll call: this action item will be considered in the regular order of business as an individual action item. Those action items that the trustees plan to approve without further question or discussion will be placed on the consent agenda during roll call of individual action items. Upon the creation of the consent agenda, a motion, a second to the motion, and unanimous approval of the Board of Trustees is needed to approve the action items. Upon approval of the consent agenda, the Board of Trustees will proceed with the remainder of the agenda.

Rationale: The consent agenda format is an organization process for meetings that allows the

governing board to focus their time and attention on action items that require more elaboration, information, and/or discussion. The intent of the consent agenda is to support efficiency and effectiveness of the meeting.

Tally of Action Items: Chancellor Board

Consent Recommended Separate Agenda Separate Action Action

# 1 – Approve Board Policy Manual Section I.F.1.06 ______ ______ ______ # 2 – Approve Board Policy Manual section VI.G.1.10 ______ ______ ______ # 3 – Ratify and Approve Appt of LSC Foundation Board ______ ______ ______ # 4 – Approve Visual Communication AAS LSC-CyFair ______ ______ ______ # 5 – Approve Acct Advanced Tech Cert ATC LSC- UP ______ ______ ______ # 6 – Approve Culinary, Cook Fast Track Cert LSC-Mont ______ ______ ______ # 7 – Approve Visual Communication AAS Web Design – UP ______ ______ ______ # 8 – Approve Investment Broker/Dealers FY 2018 ______ ______ ______ # 9 – Auth Chan Neg/Exec/Purch/Cardiac Ultra Sound Mach ______ ______ ______ #10 – Auth Chan Neg/Exec/Purch/OB/GYN US Simulators ______ ______ ______ #11 – Auth Chan Neg/Exec/Cont/Purch Water Treatment Svcs ______ ______ ______ #12 – Auth Chan Neg/Exec Purch/Land Surveying Stations ______ ______ ______ #13 – Auth Chan Neg/Exec Const/Svcs/Ctr Leadership/SS ______ ______ ______ #14 – Auth Chan Neg/Exec Interlocal Coop/Agree/DCCCD ______ ______ ______ #15 – Auth Chan Exec/Employment Contract Renewals ______ ______ ______ #16 – Auth Chan Exec/Employment Contracts ______ ______ ______

Policy Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 1) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration and Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone

Star College (the “College”) Board Policy Manual Section I.F.1.06. Public Participation

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees consider and approve revisions to the College’s Board Policy Manual Section I.F.1.06. Public Participation to revise the registration time to 5:55 p.m.

Rationale: The Board recently revised its meeting start time to 5 p.m. To allow citizens

time to register after the meeting is called to order, this proposed revision changes the in-person public participation registration deadline to 5:55 p.m.

Fiscal Impact: None Staff Resource: Mario K. Castillo 832-813-6655


Fourth Edition

Notice and Comment Draft 7.19.2017

I.F.1.06. Public Participation

Citizens may address the Board immediately before the Board considers the Consent Agenda if they have registered to speak. Each citizen may speak for up to five minutes, but citizens’ total time is limited to 30 minutes. Groups speaking about a topic must appoint a spokesperson. Citizens may register to address the Board (1) online 24 hours before the Board Meeting; or (2) in person by submitting a completed registration form to the Chancellor’s Chief of Staff no later than 5:55 p.m. on the day of the Board Meeting. The Board may allow an individual to testify at a Board Meeting from a remote location by videoconference call.

Policy Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 2) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request:

Consideration and Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College System Board Policy Manual Section VI.G.1.10. Discipline in Health Occupations Programs

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees consider and approve the revision of the College’s Board Policy Manual Section VI.G.1.10. to delete that Section. With that Section deleted, deans of health occupations programs would no longer act as chief conduct officers for their programs for instances of non-academic student misconduct.

Rationale: The College’s administrative officials over health occupations programs

believe that student non-academic disciplinary matters in health occupations programs would be best handled by the same chief conduct officers that handle non-academic misconduct for other academic programs.

Fiscal Impact: None Resource: Mario K. Castillo 832-813-6655


Fourth Edition

Page 1 of 1

VI.G.1.09. Periods of Disruption During periods of disruption, the powers and procedures in Texas Education Code Chapter 51, Subchapter E-1 shall apply and shall prevail over this section if they conflict. Students must receive due process as soon as practicable during periods of disruption.


VI.H.1. Student Records The College will comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) when collecting, maintaining, and releasing student records. Students have rights regarding their records.

(a) The right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of the College’s receipt of a written request for access.

(b) The right to request amendment of the student’s education records if the student believes the records are inaccurate, misleading, or violate the student’s privacy rights.

(c) The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

(d) The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Directory Information. The College collects directory information regarding each student. Directory information includes the student’s name, classification, full or part-time enrollment, program of study, dates of enrollment, degrees and certificates received, and awards and honors received. The College may release directory information without the student’s consent unless the student requests that the College not release directory information. A student may make such a request to the Office of Student Records or by updating their MyLoneStar settings.

Limited Directory Information. The College also collects the student’s address, telephone number, and email, which the College classifies as Limited Directory Information. Only College Partner Organizations can request a student’s Limited Directory Information. The College may release Limited Directory Information to College Partner Organizations without the student’s consent unless the student requests that the College not release this Limited Directory Information. A student may make such a request to the Office of Student Records or by updating their MyLoneStar settings. The Associate Vice Chancellor of Analytics and Institutional Reporting maintains an updated list of approved College Partner Organizations.

Foundation Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 3) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Ratify and Approve the Appointment of LSC Foundation Board Members Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees ratify and approve the appointment of the LSC Foundation Board Members listed on the following page for the positions indicated. The attached list represents those individuals selected by the LSC Foundation Board of Directors at their June 22, 2017 meeting.

Rationale: The Lone Star College Foundation is a stand-alone 501(c)3 organization

established solely to support Lone Star College. The Foundation By-Laws establish a Board of Directors to serve three-year terms.

Fiscal Impact: None Staff Resource: Amos McDonald 832-813-6621

Revised 08/16/17

Board of Directors

September 1, 2017 – August 31, 2018

Officers: Directors:

Saul Valentin, Chair Principal, Collaborate Architects, LLC

Lynn LeBouef, Treasurer CEO, Tomball Regional Health Foundation

Carl A. Joiner, A.I.A., Immediate Past Chair Chairman & CEO, Joiner Partnership, Inc.

Faisal Amin Director Berkeley Research Group, LLC

Fred Caldwell President/CEO, Caldwell Companies

Mario M. Coll, III SVP, Chief Information Officer Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Larry E. Franco Executive Vice President, Retail Banking BBVA Compass

James B. Harrison, III, RA, NCARB Principal, Harrison Kornberg Architects

Nancy Martin, J.D. Sr. Assistant General Counsel The Woodlands Development Company

Michael Nansel Lieutenant Humble Police Department

Lori Klein Quinn, CPA, PFS, CGMA, CFP, CFS President, Klein Wealth Management

Sallie Rainer, MBA President & CEO, Entergy Texas, Inc.

Debra F. Sukin, MHA, PhD Regional SVP, Houston Methodist CEO, Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital

Massey Villarreal President & CEO, Precision Task Group, Inc.

Michelle Wogan, Vice Chair Executive Vice President Transwestern

Daniel L. Wilson, P.E., Secretary Executive Vice President Upstream G2X Energy, Inc.

Executive Director: Nicole Robinson Gauthier, CFRE Lone Star College Foundation

Ex-Officio: Alton Smith, Ed.D. Chair, Board of Trustees Lone Star College

Stephen C. Head, Ph.D. Chancellor Lone Star College

Amos McDonald Vice Chancellor, External Affairs Lone Star College

Seth Sharr Aldine Education Foundation

Curriculum Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 4) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration of Approval to Expand Lone Star College (the “College”)

Visual Communication Associate of Applied Science (“AAS”) 3D Animation and Web Design Tracks to Lone Star College-CyFair (“LSC-CyFair”)

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees approve expanding the Visual Communication Associate of Applied Science (AAS) 3D Animation and Web Design Tracks to LSC-CyFair.

Rationale: LSC-CyFair seeks approval to offer the Visual Communication Associate

of Applied Science (AAS) 3D Animation and Web Design Tracks in the Spring of 2018. Currently, the 3D Animation track is offered at LSC-Kingwood and LSC-North Harris, and the Web Design track is offered at LSC-North Harris. Demand in the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugarland Metropolitan Statistical Area (“MSA”) shows considerable growth for related occupations. In addition, labor market data from the Texas Workforce Commission and Burning Glass Technologies shows strong wages for this occupational field. Visual Communication AAS Web Design and 3D Animation Track Occupation: Web Developers and Multi-Media Artists and Animators TWC Forecasted Total Annual Average Job Openings in the Gulf Coast (2014-2024)


TWC Gulf Coast Median Wage (2015) $29.81/hr. Burning Glass Job Postings (Jul. 01, 2016 - Jun. 30, 2017, Houston-The Woodlands- Sugarland MSA)


Sources: Texas Workforce Commission, Burning Glass Technologies The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requires that the College’s Board of Trustees approves new programs.

Fiscal Impact: Estimated start-up costs of $26,532 will be funded from the LSC-CyFair

FY 2017-2018 operating budget.

Staff Resource: Seelpa Keshvala 281-290-3940 Mario Castillo 832-813-6655

Curriculum Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 5) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration of Approval to Expand Lone Star College (the “College”)

Accounting Advanced Technical Certificate (“ATC”) in Professional Accountancy to Lone Star College-University Park (“LSC-University Park”)

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees approve expanding the Accounting Advanced Technical Certificate (“ATC”) in Professional Accountancy to LSC-University Park beginning in the Spring of 2018.

Rationale: LSC-University Park seeks approval to offer the Accounting Technical

Certificate (“ATC”) in Professional Accountancy. Currently, this program is offered at LSC-CyFair, LSC-Kingwood, LSC-Montgomery, LSC-North Harris, and LSC-Tomball. Demand in the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugarland Metropolitan Statistical Area (“MSA”) shows considerable growth for related occupations. In addition, labor market data from the Texas Workforce Commission and Burning Glass Technologies shows strong wages for this occupational field.

Sources: Texas Workforce Commission, Burning Glass Technologies The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requires that the College’s Board of Trustees approves new programs.

Accounting ATC Occupation: Accountants and Auditors TWC Forecasted Total Annual Average Job Openings in the Gulf Coast (2014-2024)


TWC Gulf Coast Median Wage (2015) $36.89/hr. Burning Glass Job Postings (Jul. 01, 2016 - Jun. 30, 2017, Houston-The Woodlands- Sugarland MSA)


Fiscal Impact: Estimated start-up costs of $7,508 will be funded from the LSC-University

Park FY 2017-2018 operating budget.

Staff Resource: Shah Ardalan 281-290-2999 Mario Castillo 832-813-6655

Curriculum Report and Consideration No. 3 (ACTION ITEM 6) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration of Approval for Lone Star College (the “College”) to Offer

a Culinary, Cook Fast-Track Certificate at Lone Star College-Montgomery (“LSC-Montgomery”)

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees approve offering a Culinary, Cook Fast-Track Certificate at LSC-Montgomery beginning in the Fall of 2018.

Rationale: LSC-Montgomery seeks approval to offer a Culinary, Cook Fast-Track

Certificate. Demand in the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugarland Metropolitan Statistical Area (“MSA”) shows considerable growth for related occupations. In addition, labor market data from the Texas Workforce Commission and Burning Glass Technologies shows strong wages for this occupational field. Line Cook Occupation: Cooks, Restaurant TWC Forecasted Total Annual Average Job Openings in the Gulf Coast (2014-2024)


TWC Gulf Coast Median Wage (2016) $11.07/hr. Burning Glass Job Postings (Job Postings Aug. 01, 2016 - Jul. 31, 2017, Houston-The Woodlands-Sugarland Metropolitan Statistical Area)


Sources: Texas Workforce Commission, Burning Glass Technologies The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requires that the College’s Board of Trustees approves new programs.

Fiscal Impact: Estimated start-up costs of $56,418.72 will be funded from the LSC-

Career & Technical Education FY 2017-2018 operating budget and Workforce Council program development funds.

Staff Resource: Rebecca Riley 936-273-7222

Mario Castillo 832-813-6655

Curriculum Report and Consideration No. 4 (ACTION ITEM 7) Board Meeting 10-5-17

Request: Consideration of Approval to Expand Lone Star College (the “College”) Visual Communication Associate of Applied Science (“AAS”) Web Design Certificate (C2) to Lone Star College–University Park (“LSC-University Park”)

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees approve expanding the Visual Communication Associate of Applied Science (“AAS”) and Web Design Certificate (C2) to LSC-University Park beginning in the Fall of 2018.

Rationale: LSC-University Park seeks approval to offer the Visual Communication Associate of Applied Science (“AAS”) and Web Design Certificate (C2).

Currently, the Visual Communication degree is offered at LSC-CyFair, LSC-Kingwood, and LSC–North Harris, and the Web Design certificate is offered at LSC-North Harris.

Demand in the Houston-The Woodlands-Sugarland Metropolitan Statistical Area (“MSA”) shows considerable growth for related occupations. In addition, labor market data from the Texas Workforce Commission and Burning Glass Technologies shows strong wages for this occupational field.

Visual Communication AAS and Web Design Certificate Occupation: Web Developers and Multi-Media Artists and Animators TWC Forecasted Total Annual Average Job Openings in the Gulf Coast (2014-2024) 130

TWC Gulf Coast Median Wage (2015) $29.81/hr. Burning Glass Job Postings (Jul. 01, 2016 - Jun. 30, 2017, Houston-The Woodlands- Sugarland MSA)


Sources: Texas Workforce Commission, Burning Glass Technologies

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requires that the College’s Board of Trustees approves new programs.

Fiscal Impact: Estimated start-up costs of $151,662 will be funded from the LSC- University Park FY 2017-2018 operating budget.

Staff Resource: Shah Ardalan 281-290-2999Mario Castillo 832-813-6655

Financial Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 8) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration of Approval of Investment Broker/Dealers to Act on

Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) for FY 2018

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees approve the attached recommended list of investment broker/dealers for FY 2018 on behalf of the College.

Rationale: The Public Funds Investment Act (“PFIA”), Texas Government Code

Section 2256, requires that the Board approve firms authorized to transact investment business with the College each year. At the October 3, 2016 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the attached list of recommended firms through a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) #448 process in compliance with Texas Government Code Section 2254. The six highest-ranking firms were recommended as the College’s investment broker/dealers in FY 2017 for a three-year period, to be evaluated annually and submitted for approval again prior to the second and third years. One of the firms is no longer in business and has been removed from the list. The performance of the remaining five firms has been evaluated by the Finance and Operations staff, and are now being presented to the Board for their second year of approval. In compliance with College policy and state law, each firm has been provided with a copy of the College’s investment policy. The College will complete the certification process for each of the recommended broker/dealers for the coming fiscal year, documenting their understanding of the PFIA and the suitability of investments in compliance with the College’s investment policy.

Fiscal Impact: None Staff Resource: Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Lone Star College Recommended Investment Broker/Dealers for FY 2017-18

RFQ #448

Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Mr. Charles (Chuck) Landry Vice President Fixed Income Sales 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 210 Dallas, TX 75202 800.937.0998 214.777.4018 UBS Financial Services/Paine Webber Mr. Richard (Dick) Ebert, First Vice President – Investments 10001 Woodloch Forest Drive, Suite 100 The Woodlands, TX 77380 281.362.6340 855/730-4014 Fax Rice Financial Products Co. Mr. Jared Fragin, Managing Director, Taxable Fixed Income 55 Broad Street, 27th Floor New York, NY 10004 212.908.9260

Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. Ms. Carol Mackoff, Senior VP 20 N. Walker Drive, Suite 1829 Chicago, IL 60606 888.857.4740 800.967.9045 Great Pacific Securities Mr. Robert (Bob) Fitzgerald, Institutional Account Executive 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite H8 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.619.3015

Financial Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 9) Board Meeting 10-5-17

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Cardiac and General Ultrasound Machines for Lone Star College-CyFair (“LSC-CyFair”) Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with Philips Healthcare (“Philips”), a division of Philips North America LLC, 3000 Minuteman Road, Andover, MA 01810, to purchase a cardiac and general ultrasound machines in a sum not exceeding $273,458. If negotiations cease for any reason with Philips, the College may proceed to negotiate with the next firm in the order of selection ranking with a score of not less than 70 until a contract is executed.

Rationale: The LSC-CyFair Diagnostic Medical Sonography (“DMS”) program provides a comprehensive education of structured learning experiences to assist in meeting the community’s need for diagnostic medical sonography professionals. The DMS students will be operating ultrasound equipment that is currently used in the community and at several program clinical sites. Currently, our Echocardiography lab does not have a Philips ultrasound machine. The Philips machine will provide a smooth transition for students from lab to clinical, as our clinical partners expect our students to be familiar with this machine. The college will train students using the standard and accepted methodologies for creating highly competent skills and talented graduates along with providing a training environment that embraces cutting-edge technology in the sonography profession.

In compliance with Texas Education Code §44.031 (a), a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) #517 was publicly advertised and four responses were received. The evaluation of the proposals were conducted based on cost, qualifications, experience and service needs met; references; quality of services; the extent to which certified historically underutilized business (“HUB”), minority and/or veteran or women-owned business are utilized; past performance; long-term cost; and enhanced services/completeness and thoroughness of response.

Fiscal Impact: $273,458 for these purchases are available from the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015A.

Staff Resource: Seelpa Keshvala 281-290-3940Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 3 (ACTION ITEM 10) Board Meeting 10-5-17

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Cardiac Ultrasound and Obstetrical & Gynecological Ultrasound Simulators for Lone Star College-CyFair (“LSC-CyFair”) Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with CAE Healthcare, 6300 Edgelake Drive, Sarasota, FL 34240, to purchase a cardiac and general ultrasound machines in a sum not exceeding $195,327.

Rationale: The LSC-CyFair Diagnostic Medical Sonography (“DMS”) program provides a comprehensive education of structured learning experiences to assist in meeting the need for diagnostic medical sonography professionals. The updated ultrasound simulation equipment in the Sonography lab and the addition of the cardiac ultrasound simulator in the Echocardiography lab will be utilized to train students in the DMS program. Mannequin-based simulation allows for the development of psychomotor and cognitive skills needed to obtain ultrasound proficiency. The simulators will provide valuable instructional opportunities for on campus examination protocol skills practice, identification of normal anatomy, cross-sectional anatomy correlation with images, hand-eye coordination, scanning technique, and identification of pathology to correlate with didactic. The training will help provide a smoother transition from the lab setting to the clinical setting. The college will train students using the standard and accepted methodologies for creating highly competent skills and talented graduates along with providing a training environment that embraces cutting-edge technology in the sonography profession.

In compliance with Texas Education Code §44.031 (a), a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) #522 was publicly advertised and one response was received. The evaluation of the proposals were conducted based on cost, qualifications, experience and service needs met; references; quality of services; the extent to which certified historically underutilized business (“HUB”), minority and/or veteran or women-owned business are utilized; past performance; long-term cost; and enhanced services/completeness and thoroughness of response.

Fiscal Impact: $195,327 for these purchases are available from the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015A.

Staff Resource: Seelpa Keshvala 281-290-3940Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 4 (ACTION ITEM 11) Board Meeting 10-5-17

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Water Treatment Maintenance Services

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College to purchase water treatment maintenance services from Design Controls LLC dba ChemDac Solutions (“ChemDac Solutions”), 6762 Bourgeois Rd., Houston, TX 77066, in a sum not exceeding $1,075,000 for a five-year period. The term of this award is for an initial three years with the option to renew for two additional one year periods. The Chancellor recommends that the firm with the highest evaluation score be awarded the contract. If negotiations cease with ChemDac Solutions, the College may proceed to negotiate with the next firm in order of selection ranking with a score of not less than 70 until a contract is executed.

Rationale: Water treatment maintenance services are required for the boiler, chiller condensers/towers and chilled and hot water closed loops. These services also include delivering and managing all chemical inventories, monthly chemical testing and system monitoring, chemical feed adjustments, and control equipment maintenance and calibrations for the College’s water systems. Included in the overall cost, is cooling tower cleanings for use as an option if campuses choose this service from awarded vendor.

In compliance with Texas Education Code §44.031 (a), a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) #510 was publicly advertised and ten responses were received. The evaluation of the proposals were conducted based on cost, qualifications, experience and service needs met; references; quality of services; the extent to which certified historically underutilized business (HUB), minority and/or veteran or women-owned business are utilized; past performance; long-term cost; and enhanced services and completeness and thoroughness of response.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase is included in the FY 2018 operating budget by campus. Funds for subsequent years will be included in future proposed budgets. Historical annual spend for FY 2013 – 2017 is $132,124. The increase in fee is due to the additional pricing for cooling tower cleanings which was not included in previous bid.

Staff Resource: Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 5 (ACTION ITEM 12) Board Meeting 10-5-17

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) to Purchase Land Surveying Robotic Stations for Lone Star College-Montgomery (“LSC-Montgomery”) Land Surveying Program

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with Leica Geosystems Houston, 10621 Harwin, Suite 318, Houston, TX 77036, to purchase land surveying robotic stations in a sum not exceeding $159,000.

Rationale: The LSC-Montgomery Land Surveying Program’s students will be trained in the most current standard and accepted methodologies in the industry in order to develop highly competent and skilled graduates. These students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain gainful employment in the industry as well as in a variety of related fields. This cutting-edge technology will be used to train students in the integration of the various components of capturing data, to include scanning, imaging and surveying. Additionally, students will be trained to apply critical thinking skills in researching, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing information to solve problems related to the setup, operation, and data interpretation of the robotic stations.

In compliance with Texas Education Code §44.031 (a), a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) #520 was publicly advertised and one response was received. The evaluation of the proposals were conducted based on cost, qualifications, experience and service needs met; references; quality of services; the extent to which certified historically underutilized business (HUB), minority and/or veteran or women-owned business are utilized; past performance; long-term cost; and enhanced services/completeness and thoroughness of response.

Fiscal Impact: $157,000 for these purchases are available from the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015A.

Staff Resource: Rebecca Riley 836-273-7222Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 6 (ACTION ITEM 13) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to

Negotiate and Execute a Contract on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) for Construction Services for Lone Star College–Tomball (“LSC-Tomball”) Center for Leadership, Academic and Student Success

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or Designee to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the College with TSG Industries, 2626 South Loop West, Suite 630, Houston, TX 77054, for construction services for LSC-Tomball Center for Leadership, Academic and Student Success in a sum not exceeding $128,000.

Rationale: The Center for Leadership, Academic and Student Success is a build out

of the southwest quadrant of the existing dining area. The buildout will include study rooms, office space, and a reception area in support of the goals and objectives of the Title V grant, which is to encourage, develop and engage low-income students This purchase complies with Texas Education Code §44.031 (a, 4) which allows the use of inter-local contracts. The college will purchase through Choice Partners Contract #15/041JN-15. A market analysis was conducted to determine best value.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are available from the Hispanic-Serving

Institutions Program (CLASS) - Title V Grant.

Staff Resource: Lee Ann Nutt 281-351-3378 Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 7 (ACTION ITEM 14) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request:

Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and Execute Interlocal Cooperative Agreement on Behalf of Lone Star College (the “College”) with Dallas County Community College District on Behalf of Richland College

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to negotiate and execute an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement on behalf of the College with Dallas County Community College District, 12800 Abrams Road Dallas, Texas 75243, on behalf of Richland College, for the Texas Workforce Commission Skills Development Fund awarded to Lone Star College in Partnership with Webber L.L.C. (“Webber”) (Contract 2817SDF000) in a sum not exceeding $95,000. The Chancellor recommends Dallas County Community College District, the community college providing services to Dallas County, be awarded this contract. The term of the agreement will be from execution date through April 30, 2018.

Rationale: A Texas Workforce Commission Skills Development Fund grant has been

awarded to the College for the tuition costs of Webber employees participating in preapproved corporate training courses. Included in the Skills Development Grant funds are funds to provide training for Webber employees employed in the Dallas County Community College District service area.

Fiscal Impact:

Costs of approximately $95,000 are included in the FY 2018 Lone Star Corporate College grant budget. Texas Workforce Commission will reimburse Lone Star Corporate College based upon Skills Development Fund Lone Star College in Partnership with Webber (Contract 2817SDF000).

Resource: Mario K. Castillo 832-813-6655 Jennifer Olenick 832-813-6512

Personnel Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 15) Board Meeting 10-5-17

Request: Consideration of Ratification Authorizing the Chancellor or Designee’s Execution of Employment Contracts for the Attached Employees

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees consider and ratify the Chancellor or designee’s execution of employment contracts for the attached employees. Each employee’s name, job title, not-to-exceed contract sum, and hire start date is attached.

Rationale: Board Policy Section III.D.1.3.(a) requires Board approval of employment contracts. Section IV.A.1.1.(a) and Section IV.B.2.01. allows the Board to ratify such contracts for the attached employees. The attached employees, faculty and non-faculty, started with the College before August 1, 2017, but after the Board authorized the Chancellor or a designee to execute proposed employment contracts for faculty and non-faculty earlier this year in April and June respectively.

Fiscal Impact: Positions and salaries have been budgeted for 2017-2018.

Staff Resource: Mario K. Castillo 832-813-6655

Contractual Employees

Administrative and Professional Staff (One Year)

Name Job Title Contract Sum Hire Date

Anderson, Jonathan Dean, Instruction $97,177 7/17/2017

Barrera, Bobby Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities & Construction $125,741 5/16/2017

Barton, Zarita Director, Financial Aid $63,976 5/8/2017

Caruso, Katharine

Associate Vice Chancellor, International, Honors & Engagement Programs $118,995 5/16/2017

Diviney, Shelley Dean, Instruction $97,177 5/30/2017 Fieramusca, Lisandra Director, Human Resources $63,976 5/16/2017 Hodge, Kevin Director, Financial Aid $63,976 5/22/2017

Long, Richard Senior Information Technology Manager, Data Center Operations $83,623 5/1/2017

Morrison, Marie Dean, Instruction $97,177 6/1/2017 Rios, Maria Director, Business Operations $63,976 5/16/2017

Salas, Aaron Executive Director, First Year Experience $92,812 7/1/2017

Tyson-Ferrol, Cathleen

Director, Education Services & Partnerships $65,255 5/16/2017

VonDervor, Kaleigh Director, Professional Development & Training $77,867 7/1/2017

Wiggin, Melvin Director, Facilities $80,000 5/16/2017

Williams, Zena Senior System Director, Financial Aid $90,000 5/8/2017

Yannuzzi, Laura Vice President, Instruction $116,662 6/16/2017

Faculty Annual Contracts (One Year)

Name Job Title Contract Sum Hire Date

Dobos, Bradford Faculty, Reference Librarian/Assistant Professor

$56,048 5/1/2017

Hall, Lauren Reference Librarian/Associate Professor

$64,381 7/17/2017

Townsend, Nicole Assistant Professor, LVN $60,125 6/13/2017

Faculty Annual Contracts (Multi Year)

Name Job Title Contract Sum Hire Date

Barnes, Mark Reference Librarian/Associate Professor $61,881 8/18/2014

Personnel Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 16) Board Meeting 10-5-17 Request: Consideration and Authorization for the Chancellor or Designee to

Execute Proposed Employment Contracts for the Attached Individuals

Chancellor’s Recommendation:

That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or a designee to execute proposed employment contracts for the attached individuals. Each individual’s name, job title, not-to-exceed contract sum, and hire start date is attached.

Rationale: Board Policy Section III.D.1.3.(a) requires Board approval of employment

contracts. In accordance with this policy, this authorization would expressly delegate such authority to the Chancellor or a designee for the attached Individuals.

Fiscal Impact: Positions and salaries have been budgeted for 2016-2017 or 2017-2018 as

applicable based on hire date.

Staff Resource: Mario K. Castillo 832-813-6655

Name Job Title Contract Sum Hire Date

Aleman, Alana Associate Professor, History $58,495 9/1/2017 Algeo, Timothy Assistant Professor, Mathematics $59,665 8/21/2017 Andrade Rangel, Carolina Assistant Professor, Chemistry $66,297 8/21/2017 Ayache, Talih Assistant Professor, Biology $66,297 9/1/2017 Barron, Anne-Marie Assistant Professor, Mathematics $59,665 8/21/2017 Blanton, Tamara Assistant Professor, AD Nursing $49,683 9/1/2017 Burke, Jennifer Instructor, Speech $40,204 9/1/2017 Bush, Patricia Assistant Professor, Nursing LVN $67,640 9/1/2017 Campbell, Fiona Director, Respiratory Care $85,634 9/1/2017

Cardoso, Cynthia Assistant Professor, Radiologic Technology $55,668 8/25/2017

Chapman, Sarah Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice $52,885 8/25/2017 Cochran, Kirk Assistant Professor- English $55,665 8/21/2017

Coleman, Garrett Workforce Skilled Trade Instructor, Welding $57,893 8/21/2017

Dalvi, Sampada Assistant Professor, English $66,297 8/21/2017 Daniels, Alicia Assistant Professor, AD Nursing $59,665 8/21/2017 Dique, Kenneth Assistant Professor, Respiratory Care $60,125 8/21/2017 Duhart, Bonnie Assistant Professor, ESOL $51,690 8/21/2017 Galvan Rodriguez, Juan Instructor, History $56,309 9/1/2017 Grayson, Laura Instructor, Drama $38,585 8/28/2017 Jackson Joseph, Rhonda Assistant Professor, English $59,452 9/1/2017 James, Alicia Assistant Professor, Chemistry $66,297 8/21/2017 Jelinek Lewis, Margaret Associate Professor, Psychology $70,459 9/1/2017 Jenkins, Jennifer Assistant Professor, History $66,297 9/1/2017 Johnson, Kendra Associate Professor, ESOL $59,665 9/5/2017 Kerstens, Margaret Director, Human Resources $63,976 9/1/2017 Lasyone, James Assistant Professor, Biology $55,122 9/1/2017 Lawry Berkins, Cynthia Assistant Professor, Geology $66,297 8/21/2017

Lister, Renae Career, Technology & Continuing Education, Campus Director $63,976 9/1/2017

Lowery, Joseph Assistant Professor, Respiratory Care $60,125 9/1/2017 Majzun, Ashley Assistant Professor, Mathematics $54,041 9/1/2017 Martinez, Alma Professor, Cosmetology $60,125 8/21/2017 Matthews, Porschia Associate Professor, Respiratory Care $60,125 8/21/2017 Mayadunne, Erandi Associate Professor, Chemistry $57,435 8/21/2017 Meair, Jonathan Associate Professor, Physics $66,297 8/21/2017 Norton, Rebecca Assistant Professor, AD Nursing $51,690 8/21/2017 Omotajo, Adebola Assistant Professor, Mathematics $55,122 8/21/2017 Peters, Wole Assistant Professor, Economics $66,297 9/1/2017 Phan, Grace Instructor, Nursing LVN $42,088 8/28/2017 Rincones, Cassandra Dean, Instruction $97,177 9/1/2017

Foundation Gifts Report Board Meeting 10-5-17 Report: Lone Star College Foundation Report of Gifts Received

To ensure the Board of Trustees is regularly updated regarding gifts received, the

Lone Star College Foundation has provided a summary report. See attached report.

Lone Star College Foundation Report of Gifts Received from March 1, 2017 through August 31, 2017.

Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment:

Split condensing units-coolers & heat pumps, gas furnaces, VRV and mini splits donated to HVAC/R Program at LSC-North Harris. Value $52,714.

Cooling systems, heat pump systems, gas furnaces, high efficiency systems, and commercial package units as detailed, donated to Applied Technology HVAC/R Program at LSC-North Harris. Value $38,386.30.

Cooling systems, heat pump systems, gas furnaces, high efficiency systems, and

commercial package units as detailed, donated to Applied Technology HVAC/R Program at LSC-North Harris. Value $22,619.

US Lattice Tower Model HDX589MDPL, heavy-duty crank up, tilt-over, 89' radio tower w/ 3 extensions, donated to STEM – Engineering & Physics at LSC-Kingwood. Value $10,000.

HP Prime Classroom Set (30 HP Prime Graphing Calculators & Wireless Kit), donated to the Mathematics Department at LSC-North Harris. Value $5,250.

Various Survey equipment, donated to the Land Surveying Department at LSC-

Montgomery. Value $4,635. Six Scientific analytical balances, and nineteen stirring hotplates, donated to the

Science Labs at LSC-CyFair. Value $4,550.

Various Chemistry lab glass-wares including beakers, measuring cylinder, volumetric flask, test tubes and glass bottles, donated to the Health Science Center at LSC-CyFair and the Chemistry Department at LSC-Kingwood. Value $4,500.

Four Dell PowerEdge 1950 servers and four Dell PowerEdge 2950 servers, donated to

the Computer Information Technology Department at LSC-CyFair. Value $4,250.

Ten Scientific balances, and six stir plates, donated to the Science Labs at LSC-Kingwood. Value $4,000.

Various glassware including beakers, volumetric flasks, bottles etc., donated to the

Science Labs at LSC-Kingwood. Value $2,000. Electronic driven Drafting Table and Summagraphic Digitizing Tablet, donated to the

Drafting program at LSC-North Harris. Value $1,900. A 36" x 6" thick Indian Aurora Granite Bench with engraved legs, donated to

Facilities & Plant Operations at LSC-Tomball. Value $1,600. Donation of welding equipment including helmet, gloves, brushes & one Oak Tree to

be planted on campus, donated to the Welding Department and Facilities at LSC-North Harris. Value $200.

Books and DVDs:

Seven boxes of hardcover and paperback books donated to the Library at LSC-Kingwood. Value $818.

Six boxes of various psychology & related books donated to the Psychology

Department at LSC-Tomball. Value $200. A 20-year collection of French Magazines donated to the Library at LSC-Tomball.

Value $200. Three books donated to the Library at LSC-Tomball. Value $100. Sixteen books – fiction & non-fiction books about the military donated to the Library

at LSC-Creekside Center. Value $16. “I’m Just Saying” Book, donated to the Library at LSC-Tomball. Value $10.


Security Consulting Services to include assessment of Lone Star College Systems Office location, donated to System Office at LSC-University Park. Value $10,340.

Iowa State University Soil & Water Conservation Groundwater Flow Model with videotape, 40 years old, donated to the Geology Department at LSC-Kingwood. Value $500.

Financial Report Board Meeting 10-5-17

Report: Monthly Financial Statements

The financial statements for the month ended August 31, 2017 and the quarterly

investment report for the quarter ended August 31, 2017 are presented for Board

review. These financial statements represent preliminary results for the fiscal year

ending August 31, 2017. Final results will be presented in December

accompanied by a report from our external auditors.
















2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

















2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17




Statement of Revenues and ExpendituresGeneral and Auxiliary FundsYear Ended August 31, 2017Unaudited







State Appropriations $ 74,051,000 $ 38,265 $ 74,089,265 100.1% $ 73,968,599 99.8%

Tuition and Fees 119,381,000 (4,521,995) 114,859,005 96.2% 108,163,951 95.9%

Taxes 134,613,000 7,740,552 142,353,552 105.8% 125,807,670 100.4%

Investments 365,000 327,312 692,312 189.7% 436,745 104.0%

Other 5,962,000 687,982 6,649,982 111.5% 5,219,193 86.7%

Total Current Operations Revenues 334,372,000 4,272,116 338,644,116 101.3% 313,596,158 98.4%

Auxiliary Revenues 13,290,000 (447,149) 12,842,851 96.6% 13,817,199 76.2%

Total Revenues 347,662,000 3,824,967 351,486,967 101.1% 327,413,357 97.2%


Instruction-Academic 83,429,207 (3,688,343) 79,740,864 95.6% 79,050,672 93.0%

Instruction-Workforce 30,655,207 1,342,674 31,997,881 104.4% 31,729,906 103.3%

Public Service 615,585 8,708 624,293 101.4% 779,246 100.0%

Academic Support 52,603,117 (1,998,662) 50,604,455 96.2% 47,734,508 92.7%

Student Services 43,932,505 (2,635,198) 41,297,307 94.0% 42,123,661 91.1%

Institutional Support 37,426,125 (3,059,285) 34,366,840 91.8% 31,999,585 97.9%

Plant Operation and Maintenance 35,790,011 (1,938,425) 33,851,586 94.6% 33,557,986 99.0%

Staff Benefits 32,556,914 (2,194,672) 30,362,242 93.3% 28,147,391 102.2%

Total Educational and General Expenditures 317,008,671 (14,163,203) 302,845,468 95.5% 295,122,955 95.7%

Repair, Replacement and Other

Internally Designated 5,562,000 (1,087,060) 4,474,940 80.5% 4,322,527 85.6%

Auxiliary 12,621,707 (2,052,248) 10,569,459 83.7% 16,560,061 89.1%

Total Expenditures 335,192,378 (17,302,511) 317,889,867 94.8% 316,005,543 95.2%

Other Changes - Debt Service & Fund Transfers 7,500,000 93,092 7,593,092 8,926,147

Total Expenditures & Transfers 342,692,378 (17,209,419) 325,482,959 324,931,690


General Funds 4,301,329 19,429,287 23,730,616 5,224,529

Auxiliary Funds 668,293 1,605,099 2,273,392 (2,742,862)

TOTAL NET INCREASE IN FUND BALANCES $ 4,969,622 $ 21,034,386 $ 26,004,008 $ 2,481,667


Revised Forecasted Net Increase in Fund Balance $ 26,004,008

FY 2017 "One-Time" Cash Transactions (16,021,352)

Beginning Cash Reserves, 9/1/2016 42,055,920

Forecasted Cash Reserves, 8/31/2017 $ 52,038,576



Subject to change pending completion of the August 31, 2017 audit



Balance Sheet

August 31, 2017


GASB Memorandum Memorandum

General & Reporting Totals Totals

ASSETS Restricted Entries (*) Current Year Prior Year

Cash, cash equivalents & investments $ 86,660,850 $ 222,723,129 $ $ 309,383,979 $ 182,723,623

Accounts receivable, net 57,008,952 3,278,075 4,971,529 65,258,556 56,383,623

Prepaid and deferred expenses 499,019 - 499,019 14,519,251

Inventories, at cost - - -

Capital assets, net - - 792,784,859 792,784,859 785,069,217

TOTAL ASSETS 144,168,821 226,001,204 797,756,388 1,167,926,413 1,038,695,714

Deferred Outflows - - 21,100,577 21,100,577 8,864,100

TOTAL ASSETS AND DEFERRED OUTFLOWS $ 144,168,821 $ 226,001,204 $ 818,856,965 $ 1,189,026,990 $ 1,047,559,814



Accounts payable & Accrued Absences Payable $ 19,470,246 $ 13,854,227 $ 33,324,473 $ 32,599,375

Deferred revenues 57,250,101 3,887,562 - 61,137,663 57,633,091

Accrued interest payable - 1,814,890 - 1,814,890 437,068

Bonds payable - - 812,577,100 812,577,100 680,913,024

Net Pension Liability - - 51,162,604 51,162,604 48,590,998

Assets held in custody for others - 10,049,602 - 10,049,602 8,847,202

L/T Due to Other Local Government - 16,310,263 - 16,310,263 -

TOTAL LIABILITIES 76,720,347 45,916,544 863,739,704 986,376,595 829,020,758

Deferred Inflows - - 23,436,941 23,436,941 14,864,130

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND DEFERRED INFLOWS 76,720,347 45,916,544 887,176,645 1,009,813,536 843,884,888

TOTAL FUND BALANCES 67,448,474 180,084,660 (68,319,680) 179,213,454 203,674,926


FUND BALANCES $ 144,168,821 $ 226,001,204 $ 818,856,965 $ 1,189,026,990 $ 1,047,559,814

* Includes GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) reporting entries related to Capital Assets, Long-Term Debt, and Pensions


Subject to Change pending completion of the August 31, 2017 audit.


POOLS $ 22,118,950


Operating Cash - Subtotal 23,921,085$

US GOVT. AGENCIES $ 40,825,116



Cash Reserves - Subtotal $ 52,038,576

TOTAL 75,959,661$




AS OF AUGUST 31, 2017






August 31, 2017

Prepared byFinance and Administration Department

/s/ Jennifer OlenickJennifer Olenick, CFA Chief Financial Officer and Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration

/s/ Tammy CortesTammy Cortes, Associate Vice Chancellor for Budget, Finance & Treasury

The investment portfolio of Lone Star College is in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act and the College's Investment Policy andstrategies.



Quarter End Results by Investment Category:

Portfolio Book Value Unrealized Market Value Portfolio Book Value Unrealized Market ValueType of Security % 8/31/2017 Gains / (Losses) 8/31/2017 % 5/31/2017 Gains / (Losses) 5/31/2017

Money Market and Investment Pools 82.8% 249,920,151$ -$ 249,920,151$ 86.2% 324,109,567$ -$ 324,109,567$ Securities 17.2% 52,038,576 (62,492) 51,976,084 13.8% 52,052,330 (76,953) 51,975,377 Portfolio Total 100.0% 301,958,727$ (62,492)$ 301,896,235$ 100.0% 376,161,897$ (76,953)$ 376,084,944$

TexPool 1.24% TexPool 1.07%Logic 1.27% Logic 1.08%Lone Star 1.21% Lone Star 1.01%Southside 1.15% Southside 0.91%

NOTES:1) Yields for the above referenced accounts vary daily.2) The benchmark for the Unrestricted and Restricted Funds is the 90 day U.S. Treasury Bill. As of August 31, 2017 the rate was 1.01%.

Average Yield as of August 31, 2017 Average Yield as of May 31, 2017



Beginning Beginning Ending Period EndingPurchase/Opened Maturity Face Buy Market Value Book Value Interest Securities Securities Disc. / Prem. Book Value Unrealized Market Value

Date Date Amount Yield 5/31/2017 5/31/2017 Payments Purchased Matured Amortization 8/31/2017 Gain / (Loss) 8/31/2017MONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLS

TexPool 9/23/1993 N/A N/A N/A 210,541$ 210,541$ 505$ -$ -$ -$ 211,046$ $ 211,046$ TexPool Prime 9/23/1993 N/A N/A N/A 5,989,995 5,989,995 13,454 21,488,710 20,662,278 - 6,829,881 - 6,829,881$ Logic 9/03/1996 N/A N/A N/A 75,635,212 75,635,212 158,590 38,619,884 80,900,897 - 33,512,789 - 33,512,789$ Lone Star-Govt 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 88,833 88,833 173 2,059,918 2,092,000 - 56,924 - 56,924$ Lone Star-Corporate 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 1,195,369 1,195,369 2,291 1,100,000 700,000 - 1,597,660 - 1,597,660$ Lone Star-Corporate Plus 1/26/2001 N/A N/A N/A 218,311,768 218,311,768 605,634 16,265,070 50,182,986 - 184,999,486 - 184,999,486$ *LSCS-Corp Plus_AldineISD 12/14/2016 N/A N/A N/A 15,752,092 15,752,092 45,951 - 30,495 - 15,767,548 - 15,767,548$ Southside - MMA 4/27/2011 N/A N/A N/A 6,925,757 6,925,757 19,060 - - - 6,944,817 - 6,944,817$

TOTAL 324,109,567 324,109,567 845,658 79,533,582 154,568,656 - 249,920,151 - 249,920,151

COMMERCIAL PAPERCommercial Paper 01/25/2017 7/18/2017 3,000,000 1.13% 2,995,520 2,995,520 4,480 - 3,000,000 - - - - Commercial Paper 01/25/2017 7/1/2017 4,000,000 1.14% 3,995,612 3,995,612 4,388 - 4,000,000 - - - - Commercial Paper 07/24/2017 10/13/2017 3,000,000 1.22% - - - 3,000,000 - (4,354) 2,995,646 - 2,995,646Commercial Paper 07/24/2017 10/23/2017 4,000,000 1.29% - - - 4,000,000 - (7,502) 3,992,498 - 3,992,498TOTAL 6,991,132 6,991,132 8,868 7,000,000 7,000,000 (11,856) 6,988,144 - 6,988,144

BONDSMunicipal Bond 02/22/2017 11/1/2017 2,615,000 0.95% 2,618,975 2,621,025 - - - (3,599) 2,617,426 (674) 2,616,752Municipal Bond 03/30/2017 3/15/2020 1,600,000 1.60% 1,604,928 1,608,672 - - - (782) 1,607,890 (2,514) 1,605,376 TOTAL 4,223,903 4,229,697 - - - (4,381) 4,225,316 (3,188) 4,222,128

US GOVT. AGENCIESFHLMC 2/24/2016 11/07/2017 3,000,000 0.85% 2,999,481 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (69) 2,999,931FAMCA 2/24/2016 09/28/2017 3,000,000 0.87% 2,997,837 2,998,866 - - - 869 2,999,735 (209) 2,999,526FHLB 8/30/2016 08/28/2018 3,000,000 1.00% 2,990,946 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (8,646) 2,991,354 FHLB 10/7/2016 10/01/2018 3,000,000 0.90% 2,984,817 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (13,773) 2,986,227 FHLB 10/11/2016 10/11/2018 3,000,000 1.00% 2,988,501 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (10,929) 2,989,071 FHLMC 1/25/2017 01/25/2019 1,600,000 1.35% 1,598,598 1,600,000 - - - - 1,600,000 (395) 1,599,605FHLB 1/27/2017 12/14/2018 3,000,000 1.28% 3,020,268 3,021,382 - - - (3,500) 3,017,882 (2,321) 3,015,561 FMCDN 1/31/2017 02/13/2019 4,000,000 0.76% 3,980,008 3,985,583 - - - 7,667 3,993,250 (2,430) 3,990,820 FFCB 2/13/2017 08/21/2019 3,000,000 1.21% 2,992,473 2,999,496 - - - 74 2,999,570 (7,322) 2,992,248 FAMCA 2/21/2017 11/03/2017 3,000,000 1.45% 2,993,898 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (7,296) 2,992,704 FCDN 2/17/2017 08/21/2019 3,200,000 0.76% 3,185,578 3,189,600 - - - 6,133 3,195,733 (1,534) 3,194,199 FHLB 2/17/2017 12/08/2017 3,000,000 0.82% 3,030,111 3,036,154 - - - (17,415) 3,018,739 (3,208) 3,015,531 FHLMC 2/17/2017 11/28/2017 2,000,000 0.81% 1,997,598 2,000,420 - - - (213) 2,000,207 (1,235) 1,998,972 FNMA 3/13/2017 03/13/2020 3,000,000 1.80% 3,000,228 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 63 3,000,063

TOTAL 40,760,342 40,831,501 - (6,385) 40,825,116 (59,304) 40,765,812

SUMMARYMONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLS 324,109,567 324,109,567 845,658 79,533,582 154,568,656 - 249,920,151 - 249,920,151COMMERCIAL PAPER 6,991,132 6,991,132 8,868 7,000,000 7,000,000 (11,856) 6,988,144 - 6,988,144BONDS 4,223,903 4,229,697 - - - (4,381) 4,225,316 (3,188) 4,222,128US GOVT. AGENCIES 40,760,342 40,831,501 - - - (6,385) 40,825,116 (59,304) 40,765,812PORTFOLIO TOTAL 376,084,944$ 376,161,897$ 854,526$ 86,533,582$ 161,568,656$ (22,622)$ 301,958,727$ (62,492)$ 301,896,235$

Period Book / Market Transactions



/s/ Jennifer OlenickJennifer Olenick, CFA Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration

/s/ Tammy Cortes






Muni Bond2%

US Govt. Agencies14%

Texpool LSIP Logic MMA CP Muni Bond US Govt. Agencies




OPERATING CASHBeginning Beginning Ending Period Ending

Purchase/Opened Maturity Face Buy Market Value Book Value Interest Securities Securities Disc. / Prem. Book Value Unrealized Market ValueDate Date Amount Yield 5/31/2017 5/31/2017 Payments Purchased Matured Amortization 8/31/2017 Gain / (Loss) 8/31/2017


TexPool Prime 9/23/1993 N/A N/A N/A 4,490,207 4,490,207 8,958 21,488,710 20,650,000 - 5,337,875 - 5,337,875 Logic 9/03/1996 N/A N/A N/A 27,775,731 27,775,731 54,563 38,613,175 53,800,000 - 12,643,469 - 12,643,469 Lone Star-Govt 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 88,292 88,292 171 2,059,918 2,092,000 - 56,381 - 56,381 Lone Star-Corporate 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 1,181,923 1,181,923 2,252 1,100,000 700,000 - 1,584,175 - 1,584,175 Lone Star-Corporate Plus 1/26/2001 N/A N/A N/A 6,444,019 6,444,019 7,675 13,488,428 17,443,072 - 2,497,050 - 2,497,050 Southside - MMA 4/27/2011 N/A N/A N/A 1,797,189 1,797,189 4,946 - - - 1,802,135 - 1,802,135

TOTAL 41,777,361 41,777,361 78,565 76,750,231 94,685,072 - 23,921,085 - 23,921,085



Commercial Paper 01/25/2017 7/18/2017 3,000,000 1.13% 2,995,520 2,995,520 4,480 - 3,000,000 - - - -Commercial Paper 01/25/2017 7/1/2017 4,000,000 1.14% 3,995,612 3,995,612 4,388 - 4,000,000 - - - -Commercial Paper 07/24/2017 10/13/2017 3,000,000 1.22% 3,000,000 (4,354) 2,995,646 - 2,995,646 Commercial Paper 07/24/2017 10/23/2017 4,000,000 1.29% 4,000,000 (7,502) 3,992,498 - 3,992,498

TOTAL 6,991,132 6,991,132 8,868 7,000,000 7,000,000 (11,856) 6,988,144 - 6,988,144

BONDSMunicipal Bond 02/22/2017 11/1/2017 2,615,000 0.95% 2,618,975 2,621,025 - - - (3,599) 2,617,426 (674) 2,616,752Municipal Bond 03/30/2017 3/15/2020 1,600,000 1.60% 1,604,928 1,608,672 - - - (782) 1,607,890 (2,514) 1,605,376

TOTAL 4,223,903 4,229,697 - - - (4,381) 4,225,316 (3,188) 4,222,128


FHLMC 2/24/2016 11/07/2017 3,000,000 0.85% 2,999,481 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (69) 2,999,931 FAMCA 2/24/2016 09/28/2017 3,000,000 0.87% 2,997,837 2,998,866 - - - 869 2,999,735 (209) 2,999,526 FHLB 8/30/2016 08/28/2018 3,000,000 1.00% 2,990,946 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (8,646) 2,991,354 FHLB 10/7/2016 10/01/2018 3,000,000 0.90% 2,984,817 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 (13,773) 2,986,227 FHLB 10/11/2016 10/11/2018 3,000,000 1.00% 2,988,501 3,000,000 - - - - 3,000,000 (10,929) 2,989,071 FHLMC 1/25/2017 01/25/2019 1,600,000 1.35% 1,598,598 1,600,000 - - - - 1,600,000 (395) 1,599,605 FHLB 1/27/2017 12/14/2018 3,000,000 1.28% 3,020,268 3,021,382 - - - (3,500) 3,017,882 (2,321) 3,015,561 FMCDN 1/31/2017 02/13/2019 4,000,000 0.76% 3,980,008 3,985,583 - - - 7,667 3,993,250 (2,430) 3,990,820 FFCB 2/13/2017 08/21/2019 3,000,000 1.21% 2,992,473 2,999,496 - - - 74 2,999,570 (7,322) 2,992,248 FAMCA 2/21/2017 11/03/2017 3,000,000 1.45% 2,993,898 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 (7,296) 2,992,704 FCDN 2/17/2017 08/21/2019 3,200,000 0.76% 3,185,578 3,189,600 - - - 6,133 3,195,733 (1,534) 3,194,199 FHLB 2/17/2017 12/08/2017 3,000,000 0.82% 3,030,111 3,036,154 - - - (17,415) 3,018,739 (3,208) 3,015,531 FHLMC 2/17/2017 11/28/2017 2,000,000 0.81% 1,997,598 2,000,420 - - - (213) 2,000,207 (1,235) 1,998,972 FNMA 3/13/2017 03/13/2020 3,000,000 1.80% 3,000,228 3,000,000 - - - 3,000,000 63 3,000,063

TOTAL 40,760,342 40,831,501 - - - (6,385) 40,825,116 (59,304) 40,765,812

SUMMARY:MONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLS 41,777,361 41,777,361 78,565 76,750,231 94,685,072 - 23,921,085 - 23,921,085 COMMERCIAL PAPER 6,991,132 6,991,132 8,868 7,000,000 7,000,000 (11,856) 6,988,144 - 6,988,144 MUNICIPAL BOND 4,223,903 4,229,697 - - - (4,381) 4,225,316 (3,188) 4,222,128 US GOVT. AGENCIES 40,760,342 40,831,501 - - - (6,385) 40,825,116 (59,304) 40,765,812 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 93,752,738$ 93,829,691$ 87,433$ 83,750,231$ 101,685,072$ (22,622)$ 75,959,661$ (62,492)$ 75,897,169$

Period Book / Market Transactions




Beginning Beginning Ending Period EndingPurchase/Opened Maturity Face Buy Market Value Book Value Interest Securities Securities Disc. / Prem. Book Value Unrealized Market Value

Date Date Amount Yield 5/31/2017 5/31/2017 Payments Purchased Matured Amortization 8/31/2017 Gain / (Loss) 8/31/2017MONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLS

TexPool Prime 9/23/1993 N/A N/A N/A 1,499,788$ 1,499,788$ 4,496$ -$ 12,278$ -$ 1,492,006 -$ 1,492,006$ Logic-CIP GO Bonds 9/03/1996 N/A N/A N/A 47,750,793 47,750,793 103,694 6,709 27,100,897 - 20,760,299 - 20,760,299 Logic-CIP MTN Bond 9/03/1996 N/A N/A N/A 40,759 40,759 125 - - - 40,884 - 40,884Lone Star-Corp Plus Fund 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 150,419,938 150,419,938 439,229 - - - 150,859,167 - 150,859,167 Lone Star-Corp Plus Rev. Bond 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 373,881 373,881 1,092 - - - 374,973 - 374,973Southside - MMA 4/27/2011 N/A N/A N/A 5,128,568 5,128,568 14,114 - - - 5,142,682 - 5,142,682

SUB-TOTAL 205,213,727 205,213,727 562,750 6,709 27,113,175 - 178,670,011 - 178,670,011

*LSCS-Corp Plus_AldineISD 12/14/2016 N/A N/A N/A 15,752,092 15,752,092 45,951 - 30,495 15,767,548 15,767,548

SUB-TOTAL 15,752,092 15,752,092 45,951 - 30,495 - 15,767,548 - 15,767,548

TOTAL 220,965,819 220,965,819 608,701 6,709 27,143,670 - 194,437,559 - 194,437,559

SUMMARY:MONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLS 220,965,819 220,965,819 608,701 6,709 27,143,670 - 194,437,559 - 194,437,559 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 220,965,819$ 220,965,819$ 608,701$ 6,709$ 27,143,670$ -$ 194,437,559$ -$ 194,437,559$

*Funds belong to Aldine Independent School District for the construction of the MacArthur Early College Facility at LSC-East Aldine Satellite Center.

Period Book / Market Transactions






Beginning Beginning Ending Period EndingPurchase/Opened Maturity Face Buy Market Value Book Value Interest Securities Securities Disc. / Prem. Book Value Unrealized Market Value

Date Date Amount Yield 5/31/2017 5/31/2017 Payments Purchased Matured Amortization 8/31/2017 Gain / (Loss) 8/31/2017MONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLSTexPool 9/23/1993 N/A N/A N/A 210,541$ 210,541$ 505$ -$ -$ -$ 211,046$ $ 211,046$ Logic 9/03/1996 N/A N/A N/A 67,929 67,929 208 - - - 68,137 - 68,137 Lone Star-Govt 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 541 541 2 - - - 543 - 543 Lone Star-Corporate 3/29/2001 N/A N/A N/A 13,446 13,446 39 - - - 13,485 - 13,485 Lone Star-Corporate Plus 1/26/2001 N/A N/A N/A 61,073,930 61,073,930 157,638 2,776,642 32,739,914 - 31,268,296 - 31,268,296

TOTAL 61,366,387 61,366,387 158,392 2,776,642 32,739,914 - 31,561,507 - 31,561,507

SUMMARY:MONEY MARKET AND INVESTMENT POOLS 61,366,387 61,366,387 158,392$ 2,776,642 32,739,914 - 31,561,507 - 31,561,507 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 61,366,387$ 61,366,387$ 158,392$ 2,776,642$ 32,739,914$ -$ 31,561,507$ -$ 31,561,507$

Period Book / Market Transactions




/s/ Jennifer OlenickJennifer Olenick, CFA Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration

/s/ Tammy Cortes

This chart tracks LSC's total book value quarter-by-quarter to provide a historical perspective of the College's investment portfolio.












Building and Grounds Report Board Meeting 10-5-17

Report: Construction Projects Update

The monthly construction projects update is presented for Board review.


2014 General Obligation Bond Program Projects Summary

LSC-CyFair• Instructional and Student Life Building - CASE: Project is complete and classes started

September 5th in the new facility. Exterior landscape is complete. A ribbon cutting dateis pending.

• Cypress Workforce Expansion: This project is complete and classes startedSeptember 5th. The project did experience some water damage related to Harvey, butcleanup is completed and sources of leaks addressed prior to starting classes.

• Westway Park Information Technology & Visual Communications Satellite Center:The Westway Park project was advertised for competitive bidding August 24th. Amandatory pre-bid walk through was conducted September 18th. Competitive SealedProposals are to be received October 5th. Recommendation of the successfulRespondent will be made at the December 7th Board Meeting.

LSC-Kingwood • Student Services Center Expansion: Installation of all equipment and furniture is

complete. TAS inspection is complete some adjustments are needed based on theinspection. Waiting for final report to address them. Final punch list items, projectcloseout, and warrantee work are underway. Damage as a result of the hurricane wasminimal.

• Kingwood Pilot Plant: Notice to Proceed (NTP) was issued and the Contractor is nowworking on the site. This facility is slated for an expected Spring 2018 opening.

• Process Technology Center: Exterior site and building envelope are 85% complete.Interior is approximately 80% complete. The site does not have permanent poweryet. There are expected delays due to the storm to get the power and for labor forvarious trades. The substantial completion for the building will be shifted fromSeptember to early November 2017. A combined opening is planned for the ProcessTechnology Center and the Kingwood Pilot Plant in January 2018.

LSC-North Harris • Construction & Skilled Trades Technology Center: The project is complete and

occupied with classes being held for the current semester. There is additional workrequired by LSC to integrate the specialty equipment used as instructional aids into thebuilding. MEP systems have been commissioned and are fully functional.

• East Aldine Satellite Center: Revisions to the construction documents to address codeand program changes are underway. Bid documents will be released later this month.Anticipated cost increases for the facility will need to be reviewed and approved byboth Lone Star College and Aldine Independent School District. A GMP will bebrought to the LSC Board for action in February or March 2018. Construction isexpected to extend through Fall 2019.

• Relocate Electrical Service Underground: The project has been completed.

• Central Plant Renovations: The scope of work is being reconsidered by campus facilities. There is consideration to replace a different chiller. A redesign fee proposal has been received and is under review.

• Transportation Institute: The property has been acquired and programming completed. A draft of the final program document is under review for approval by LSC.

LSC-Tomball • South Entrance Drive: Excavation progress continues with the detention pond. Storm

utility work continues. Recently installed storm lines tying into HCTRA’s main roadway system did prevent major flooding into Tomball’s main campus. Driveway subgrade stabilization is in progress. Concrete paving work of the drive has started. The projected completion continues to be early December 2017.

LSC-University Park • Science and Innovation Building: The building was damaged during Hurricane

Harvey by rising water on the first floor. Repair and replacement work has now started in numerous areas. The punch list items in non-affected areas are being addressed and close out documents collected. Occupancy is expected to occur January 2018.

• Buildings 12 & 13 Entrance Canopy and Parking: The contract amendment with the CMAR is planned to be presented to the November Board. If approved, construction will commence within a few weeks.

• Library Remodel, Building 12 Level 8: This project has been issued as a Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) #501. Proposals have been received and evaluations are complete. The expected completion timeframe is Summer 2018.

• Kitchen Removal, Commons Building Level 1: This project is to be issued for competitive sealed proposals in October. A revised expected completion timeframe will be forthcoming.

• Student Life Renovation, Commons Building Level 2: CSP Bid Documents are 70% complete. Preliminary pricing for construction is complete. Expected completion date is anticipated for Summer 2018.

System-wide Security Upgrades

• Satellite center mass communication upgrades are complete. The procurement has been put on hold until further notice.
