Wonderland Jam Session 2012



The Wonderland Jam Session 2012 photo journey

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Rip n SnapSpecial edition

Spring 2012


hen I was a little kid my mom used to read Alice in Wonderland loud to me, and I loved every second of it. It was like stepping into a completely weird fantasy world where eve-rything was possible, no limits, just a world of pure colorful childish fantasy.

So when my friend Herbert asked me if I wanted to meet up with him for some Wonderland Jam, I just couldn’t say no, even though I don’t know much about Skateboarding, since my “thing” used to be wave surf-ing and I never really got into skateboarding.

Anyway, I always enjoyed watching this “urban surf-ing style” with it’s wide range of extremely demanding and powerful maneuvers, so a couple of hours later we meet up for some pure Wonderland Jam.

When we arrived the place was already fully packed, it was actually nearly impossible to get into the place, but we kept on it, and after a while we succeed in getting in. I have to say that it was really worth all the strug-gle, because the atmosphere inside was unbelievable - simply pure magic - I was back in Wonderland, and this time it was for real.......


Everybody just had a really great time and all the sk8‘ers showed some magical moves, which I have the deepest respect for. What these guy’s squeezed out of this relative small place was beyond any-thing I had imagined could be done on a skate-


Besides that it was fantastic to experience that nobody showed any kind of aggression at all, even though we were completely packed shoulder by shoulder.

The whole place was simply boiling and filled up with smiles, fun, amazing skating and lot’s of pure Wonderland magic......and I LOVED every second of it. So I’ve tried to make this Special Edition of Rip’n Snap in the spirit of Wonderland at-mosphere, with lot’s of hidden magic all through the mag.

So welcome to a magic world filled with Skate Gods and Jazzy maneuvers. Hope you will enjoy this little “Sk8te-pho-to-journey” through the Wonderland Jam Session 2012 - as much as I did shooting and making it.

Peace & Pure Magic.

Rip n Snap'

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a disorienting condition that affects one’s perception. AIWS is a neurological disorder that disturbs signals that are sent from the eyes to the brain, thereby causing a subsequent distortion in perception.

The patient complains of visual, auditory and tactile hallu-cinations and altered perceptions. Alice in Wonderland Syn-drome can be baffling and terrifying for the patient; for he feels he is going mad in a weird world with warped percep-tions and hallucinations.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS)
