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Marketing: Strategies for Connecting with the World Around You

Why focus on marketing?

A successful marketing plan helps create greater understanding and awareness of the programming and services available to military families, youth and partner organizations.

This is achieved, in part, through

generating buyer/customer personas.

Handout: “Marketing Strategy Template – Meerman-Scott”


Following completion of this training you will be able to:

• Define marketing • Identify the steps in the marketing process • Identify the 7 Ps of marketing • Identify potential strategies for

strengthening current marketing processes

Marketing Defined

Marketing is defined simply as: “…a set of processes for creating,

communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”

The American Marketing Assoc.

• Customer Service is a large component of marketing

Types of Marketing Handout: “Suggested Marketing Strategies”

Marketing comes in a variety of forms: • Online (websites, emails) • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest,

Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, blogs, Vines, etc.) • Print (flyers, brochures) • Media (radio, television) • Publications (magazines, journals) • Word of Mouth

To be successful, you must step into your customers’ ‘shoes’ and determine what works best for/appeals to them

Existing Resources Before we go too far, let’s identify those marketing

resources/avenues already available to us: • Department of Education: build databases of contacts retrieved

from their website(s) (http://www.schev.edu/highered/stateeducationagencies.asp)

• State School Library Assoc: contact your state/territory POC and work to utilize their distros

• FAC/FAS, FRSAs, Chaplains, MLFCs, MOS, YRRP and other programs with state/territory-wide contacts

• FRG Leaders: work with your FRSAs to build a FRG Leader email database

• Teen Councils/Panels: utilize them in the development and distro of information

• Current Partnerships: provide them with regularly updated info for distro to their contacts

• Others?!

Becoming a Strategic Marketer NOTE: Marketing plans should never be set in stone,

they should constantly evolve with your customer’s needs

1. Analyze the situation:

• What are the current challenges faced by customers? • What opportunities currently exist? • What are your current strengths? • What are your areas needing improvement? • What has been done in the past? Degree of success?

Before jumping into developing marketing materials, take time to look at your current situation


What are we doing well?

WEAKNESSES What needs to be


OPPORTUNITIES What resources are

available to us?

THREATS What roadblocks might we


SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis can help you build on strengths, minimize/correct weaknesses and take advantage of potential opportunities, all while working to proactively identify threats before they happen

Becoming a Strategic Marketer 2. Define your marketing goals and objectives:

• What do we hope to achieve through marketing? • Increased numbers of youth at events… • Greater awareness of available resources… • Need for partner organization involvement/engagement…

Start small with your goals and objectives… Remember…Rome wasn’t built overnight! Trying to achieve too much too quickly may result in feeling defeated, overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated

Becoming a Strategic Marketer 3. Identify your target market:

• Start with a ‘universal’ picture of your audience/customer (Service Members, youth, teens, teen council/panel, educators, partners, etc.)

• Next, begin subdividing these groups: • Educators (early childhood, elementary, high school) • Service Members (pre-deployment, during, reintegration) • Partners (geographic location in the state/territory,

profit/non-profit, etc.) If time and resources are limited, identify one or two target groups and focus attention on those groups initially

Becoming a Strategic Marketer 4. Develop and implement a marketing plan:

• Review your goals and objectives • Identify your target audience • Set a start and targeted end date for marketing • Assign specific responsibilities to individuals • Identify your marketing strategy (i.e. print, social media, etc.) • Execute marketing action • Reflect and evaluate effectiveness

Marketing plans do not need to be cumbersome; keeping things simplistic, especially in the beginning, will allow you to fine-tune approaches later

Source: http://www.ncwd-youth.info/assets/guides/mentoring/Mentoring-Chapter_7.pdf

Features and Benefits When marketing your program, being able to identify the

following can be helpful for those receiving your information:

Know how to translate C&YP ‘features’ into customer benefits:

Example Feature: Geographically dispersed access to services Example Benefit: Families can receive support with no/minimal travel involved

Example Feature: No-cost educator outreach support Example Benefit: Free resources for educators help reduce academic stress/improve academic success in military youth

7 P’s of Marketing


• Find out what the customer needs/wants and develop accordingly

• What you are providing must be of value to your customer


• The ‘value’ of your product to the customer will determine their utilization

• Everything you produce must meet customer expectations


• Where are your greatest customer needs

• Also applies to how you display/showcase your product/services

Source: www.cim.co.uk/marketingresources

7 P’s of Marketing


• The way you communicate to customers what you do and services you offer

• Good promotion is a two-way street; paves the way for customer communication


• Many customers cannot separate product/service from staff – remember customer service

• Service after the ‘sale’ adds value/credibility to your product


• Monitor the delivery of services to customer; continual self-reflection

• Customers do not care about the ‘how’… they care about needs being met


• Help customers ‘see’ what they are gaining through utilization of your services

• Always appear polished, professional, organized and relaxed

Branding “Branding is the use of a name, term, symbol or design

to give a product a unique identity in the marketplace.”

HEARST Newspapers – 2014

Strategies to make your ‘BRAND’ stick: • Be consistent: this applies to logos, layouts, color schemes,

distribution and marketing calendars • Connect emotionally: ‘paint a picture’ to help you customers

connect deeply; build personal connections with what they read/see

• Reward customers: be sure to say/send “thank you’s”; this builds loyalty and increases likelihood of return

• Be flexible: if what you are doing is not resonating with customers, change it up and try a new approach

• Monitor competitors: basically, how are other programs marketing their services; can you work to replicate/innovate what they are doing

Source: HubSpot 2014

Promoting Products/Services How you promote your product/services can take on

many appearances:




Best Approach

REACH Posters Informational

Displays Targeted Emails

INFORM Websites Newsletters Videos

ENGAGE Social Media Targeted Events

If your goal is to…

Source: UCL Marketing Toolkit

Social Media Regulations If using social media, remember guidance provided by

the Army: • DTM (Directive-Type Memorandum) 09-026 requires all

official social media presences to be registered with DoD (www.army.mil/socialmedia)

• Each social media presence must have a terms of use statement that informs the visitors of what is authorized when interacting on the platform (Example: https://www.facebook.com/#!/USarmy/info)

• Presence must be designated it as the ‘official’ • Review the US Army Social Media Handbook:


Source: The United States Army Social Media Handbook v. 3.1 – JAN 2013

Using Social Media – ‘Word of Mouse’ Handouts: “Social Media Tips” & “Blog Writing Tips”

NOTE: The use of social media will be greatly determined by your state/territory’s SFPD and PAO. Consult with them prior to implementing any new social media services.

Design your ‘e-approach’ to appeal to customer’s needs BLOGS: These can be used to quickly disseminate

information; consider having teens write articles for posting; include pictures/graphics

SOCIAL NETWORKS: Great for promoting

and connecting; must be updated regularly with acknowledgement of users

Using Social Media SOCIAL MULTIMEDIA SITES: YouTube, Flickr and

Pinterest are great as they allow you to promote to specific communities; great way to ‘showcase’ your Program in action

MICROBLOGS: Twitter is the most common; allows for

short ‘bursts’ of information quickly WIKIS: Easily created by users; great for

sharing valuable, reliable content; appear in online searches; easily updated

Be mindful of keywords when writing

Source: UCL Social Media Guide

Using Social Media QR Codes (Quick Response): At the precise moment a

customer has a vested interest in your program/service, he/she can obtain information immediately; QR Codes allow for transition from off-line marketing to valuable sites

Source: The New Rules of Marketing and PR

www.qrcode.kaywa.com • This site is free • Must register prior to

receiving code(s) • Many other options

are available – just search

QR Code for CYSS Website

Using Social Media YouTube/Vines: Videos engage the viewer/customer;

use videos to showcase exciting programming being offered; if a picture is worth 1,000 words…imagine the power of a video

Google Alerts: Use this site

(or a similar site) to maintain a pulse on searches and what information is readily available to customers

Source: The New Rules of Marketing and PR

Print Material Tips Printed materials can be expensive, so it is important to

ensure they look professional and engaging. Here are some tips for designing effective print materials:

LAYOUT: • The eye follows a ‘z’ pattern; moving across the top,

scanning to the lower left, and finishing in the lower right

• Place important components in this format

ALIGNMENT: • Ensure everything on the page aligns

with something else; orient text to the left

Print Material Tips RULE OF THIRDS: • Divide pages into thirds both vertically and

horizontally • Each section should appear balanced – this applies

to text, photos and other graphics

ONE STRONG VISUAL: • Pair one strong image/visual with a large

headline and some explanatory text – this is a classic arrangement

• Customers like seeing images of people, so include a high-quality picture of a person that ties into the text

Print Material Tips COLOR: • Maintain consistency with colors; avoid using too

many colors, as it distracts from content • Consider emotional responses to color:

• Red: excitement, strength, power, passion • Yellow: happiness and energy • Green: growth, freshness, safety, (ARNG) • Blue: stability, calmness, (ANG) • White: light, goodness, purity • Black: power, elegance, mystery, evil • Purple: joint, support

Consider matching colors to the tone of the topic at-hand

Print Material Tips Handout: “Top 10 Tips for Great Pictures”

TYPEFACE: • Avoid using typefaces with elaborate detailing • People read lowercase letters 13% faster than upper

case; do not use upper case for blocks of text • Dark letters on a light background are easier to read

than the reverse • Mix-matched fonts on a single document can appear

unprofessional IMAGES: • Pictures tell a story; do not convey mixed

messages • Pictures/images should be of high-

quality, crisp, clear and detailed

Source: CISA Marketing 101 Manual

Print Material – Good Example

• Follows ‘z’ layout design • Title draws attention • Text is easy to read • Image, while not a picture,

conveys a cohesive message • Colors elicit a calming but

engaging/supportive reaction • Final statements appear to

state a call-to-action of sorts

Print Material – Good Example

• Follows ‘z’ layout design • Title draws attention • Text is visible (maybe a

little small) • Images are engaging • Colors elicit a vibrant,

action-packed feel • Visually – last element is

important contact information

Print Material – Poor Example

• Overuse of color is distracting • Fonts are inconsistent • Text is small and hard to read • Lack of a focal point • Use of individual objects

conveys a disjointed feeling • Most important information is

lost at the bottom of the page • There is no hierarchy of

the information

Take Aways… • Your marketing process is a continually evolving

process, not set in stone • Start small and build from there • Identify the marketing strategy that best supports

what you hope to achieve • Always remember customers want authenticity • Customers need to seem themselves reflected in

what you are doing/helping achieve • Follow some basic rules of design when laying out

print material • Do not get discouraged…it takes time for

awareness and momentum to build

Don’t be afraid to get creative!

Give them something to think about… work to fuel their curiosity

As evidence of completion of this course, you will need to complete the short assessment tool provided. To access the assessment, please click on the link below: Click here to being your assessment: http://www.classmarker.com/online-test/start/?quiz=a97533d83ba17dd3

Please Note: Following completion of the assessment, please print out the results and write the name of the course next to

your score. Then, scan the document and email the results page to your RAPM.

This will serve as your documentation of completion.

You have now completed the Child and Youth Program Marketing module.
