Wireless Sensor Networks: Scheduling for Measurement and


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Wireless Sensor Networks:Scheduling for Measurementand Data Reporting

MEQUANINT MOGES, Member, IEEEUniversity of Houston


An optimal load allocation approach is presented for

measurement and data reporting in wireless sensor networks with

a single level tree network topology. The measurement problem

investigated involves a measurement space, part of which can

be sampled by each sensor. We seek to optimally assign sensors

part of the measurement space to minimize reporting time and

energy usage. Three representative measurement and reporting

strategies are studied. This work is novel as it considers, for the

first time, the measurement capacity of processors and assumes

negligible computation time which is radically different from the

traditional divisible load scheduling research to date. Aerospace

applications include satellite remote sensing and monitoring and

sensor networks deployed and monitored from the air.

Manuscript received February 3, 2005; revised August 31, 2005;released for publication August 31, 2005.

IEEE Log No. T-AES/42/1/870614.

Refereeing of this contribution was handled by M. G. Simoes.

This work was supported by the NSF under Grant CCR-99-12331.

Authors’ addresses: M. Moges, Dept. of Engineering Technology,University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4021; T. G.Robertazzi, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CosineLaboratory, SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794, E-mail:(tom@ece.sunysb.edu).

0018-9251/06/$17.00 c° 2006 IEEE


Because of its diverse applications, divisibleload theory has been intensively studied over thepast decade or so. Divisible load scheduling theory(DLT) involves the study of an optimal distributionof partitionable loads among a number of processorsand links [1—4]. A partitionable data parallel loadis one that can be arbitrarily distributed among theprocessors and links in a system. Thus there are noprecedence relations among the data. There has beenan increasing amount of study on DLT since 1988.Most of these studies develop an efficient allocationof load to processors over a network by consideringthe processing and communication time as the mainparameters of the system. Thus the objective is toobtain an optimal partition of the processing load toa network of processors connected via communicationlinks such that the entire load can be distributed andprocessed in the shortest possible amount of time.There are many potential optimization problems

involving integrating sensing with communicationand/or computation. The type of application weenvision involves measurements from a samplespace where each sensor is assigned a certainnonoverlapping part of the sample space to measure.For instance, the sample space may consist of a verylarge frequency range and performing measurementsby a single sensor may be both time and energyconsuming. Our optimization problem is to allocatewhich part of the frequency range each sensor shouldmeasure so as to do the sensing and communicationin a minimal amount of time and with a minimumamount of energy. A typical example may be theemployment of sensors where each sensor in thenetwork is made to measure a specific frequencyand directional range so that the report time will beminimum. Such sensors may be carried on satellites.Another typical application may be a very large arrayof antennas that produces images of the radio sky ata wide range of frequencies and directions. A searchfor extraterrestrial signals may involve each antennascanning a different frequency and directional range.We emphasize here wireless sensor network

applications. The processors are assumed to have acertain measurement capacity. In this situation, weassume that computation will be done at the controllerlevel, once all the measured data is gathered formeach sensor. This assumption leads us to consideronly the measurement and communication timesand neglect the computation time of the sensors.Another reason for neglecting computation hereis that in wireless sensor network applicationscommunication time dominates computation time.There may be different strategies by which thecontroller communicates with the processors andthe processors measure and report their data. In thisstudy we consider features including such choices


as whether reporting is sequential or simultaneous(concurrent) across processors as well as whether themeasurement and reporting processes overlap.The study considers both heterogeneous and

homogeneous networks. That is the network elementsmay possess different measurement capacities and linkspeeds or the same measurement capacities and linkspeeds. For homogeneous networks, one can find aclosed-form equation by which one can obtain theoptimal share of the load that has to be assigned toeach processor in the network in order to achieveminimum measurement and report time.Besides the minimum measurement/report time

analysis, energy use is a key feature in networks suchas wireless sensor networks. In sensor networks, finishtime performance optimization methods will need tobe extended and combined in new ways in order toprovide service that meets the needs of applicationswith the minimum possible energy consumption. Todo so, this paper considers the energy consumptionby the different reporting strategies and results arecompared in terms of each processor’s energy use.The organization of this paper is as follows. In

Section II, the literature to date in the areas of DLTand wireless sensor networks is briefly presented.Section III discusses the system model and somenotations used in this work. The analysis of themeasurement and reporting time processes usingdivisible load theory as a starting point is presented inSection IV. The corresponding energy use models forthe various measurement and data reporting strategiesin single level tree networks are also presented inSection V. In Section VI, a performance evaluation ofthe various strategies appears. Finally the conclusionappears in Section VII.


A. Divisible Load Scheduling Theory

The problem of minimizing processing time and/orenergy consumption of wireless sensor networks hasreceived significant attention over the last few years.The optimization process involves a need for efficientallocation of sensor loads to processors as well aslinks. Divisible load theory is used to allow tractableperformance analyses of systems incorporatingsensing, communication and computation aspects.In divisible load theory, an arbitrarily divisible loadwithout precedence relations is partitioned anddistributed among processors in a multi-computersystem so that the entire load is processed in theshortest possible amount of time.Since the original work on algebraic solutions

for divisible load scheduling models by Cheng andRobertazzi [5] in 1988, there has been an increasingamount of study on DLT. Most of these studiesdevelop an efficient allocation of load to processors

over a network by forcing all of the processors to stopprocessing at the same time. Intuitively, this is becausethe solution could be improved by transferring loadif some processors were idle while others are stillbusy [6]. Solutions for optimal allocation of loadsto links and processors using a set of recursiveequations were presented for network topologiesincluding linear daisy chains [5], bus networks [7],tree networks [8], and arbitrary networks [9]. Forcomplex networks, such as multilevel tree networks,the concept of equivalent networks was presented in[10]. There have been further studies in terms of loaddistribution policies for two- and three-dimensionalmeshes [11] and hypercubes [12]. In [13] the conceptof time-varying processor speed and link speed areintroduced. In [14] the integration of monetary costoptimization and divisible load theory is presented.Scheduling policy research includes independenttask scheduling [15, 16], multi-installment sequentialscheduling [17], multi-round algorithms [18], fixedcommunication charges [4], detailed parameterizationand solution reporting time optimization [19]and combinatorial optimization [20]. Recently,though divisible load theory is fundamentally adeterministic theory, a study has been done to showsome equivalence to Markov chain models [21]. Animportant reason for using DLT is its tractability,flexibility, and realism for a large class of dataintensive, data parallel, computational problems.

B. Wireless Sensor Networks

In recent years, wireless sensor networks haveattracted significant attention due to their integrationof wireless, computer, and sensor technology. Wirelesssensor networks consist of a multiplicity of nodes thatare equipped with processing, communicating andsensing capabilities, and use ad-hoc radio protocolsto forward data in a multi-hop mode of operation.Each node in such a network has limited energyresources, hence, minimizing energy usage in wirelesssensor networks becomes important. The majorityof literature on wireless sensor networks involvesminimizing communication since this is the dominantoperation in time. In [22] it is reported that to send1 bit 100 m away uses the same energy as 3000instructions on a microprocessor. Representativework on energy conservation strategies have includedaggregating data at nodes to shorten subsequenttransmissions [23], probabilistically routing traffic tospread load across network nodes and prolong storedenergy [24], putting sensors to sleep when they arenot needed [25], and activating only geographicallylocalized wireless sensors [26]. In terms of thecomputation efficiency of sensor networks, there hasbeen research on sorting [27] and on computationalproblems in distributed sensor networks [28]. Itis clear that the uneven characteristics of wireless


Fig. 1. Single level tree network with controller.

sensor networks functionality require a rethinkingof integrated distributed processing algorithmsand protocols. The following section describes amethodology for wireless sensor networks thatcombines both the communication and measurementaspects of the network.


In this section, the various network parametersused here are presented along with some notation anddefinitions. The network topology discussed in thisstudy is the single level tree (star) network consistingof one control processor and N communicatingprocessors as shown in Fig. 1. It is assumed that thetotal load considered here is of the arbitrarily divisiblekind that can be partitioned into fractions of loadsto be assigned to each processor over a network. Inthis case the control processor first assigns a loadshare to be measured to each of the N processors andthen receives the measured data from each processor.Each processor begins to measure its share of the loadonce the measurement instructions from the controllerhave been completely received by each processor.Naturally, other assumptions are possible, such ashaving each processor commence measurements assoon as receiving measurement instructions. Howeverthis is beyond the scope of this paper. We also assumethat computation time is negligible compared withcommunication and measurement time. This is areasonable assumption in some situations for thereasons given above.Some of the scheduling strategies considered

in this study have a time reversed dual nature withrespect to standard divisible load models involvingonly communication and computation, and arediscussed in the following section.

A. Notation and Definitions

®i The fraction of load that is assigned to processori by the control processor.

yi A constant that is inversely proportional to themeasuring speed of processor i in the network.

zi A constant that is inversely proportional to thecommunication speed of link i in the network.

Tms Measurement intensity constant. This is the timeit takes the ith processor to measure the entireload when yi = 1. The entire assignedmeasurement load can be measured on the ithprocessor in time yiTms.

Fig. 2. Timing diagram for single level tree network withcontroller and sequential reporting time.

Tcm Communication intensity constant. This is thetime it takes to transmit all of the measurementload over a link when zi = 1. The entire load canbe transmitted over the ith link in time ziTcm.

Ti The total time that elapses between thebeginning of the scheduling process at t= 0 andthe time when processor i completes itsreporting, i= 0,1, : : : ,N. This includes, inaddition to measurement time, reporting timeand idle time.

Tf This is the time when the last processor finishesreporting (finish time or make-span).

Tf =max(T1,T2, : : : ,TN):

In all of the sections the same definitions are usedfor ®i, yi, zi, Tms, and Tcm unless otherwise stated.Another convention that is followed in this case is thatthe load assignment originating at the controlprocessor is assumed to be normalized to be a unitload.


A. Simultaneous Measurement Start, SequentialReporting

The timing diagram, Fig. 2, shows that at time t=0, the processors are all idle and the control processorstarts to communicate with the first processorin the network. This process of communicationcontinues and by time t= t1, each processor willreceive its measurement instructions from the controlprocessor. This may correspond to a situation wheremeasurements shall commence at the same time ateach processor. After measurements are made, weassume that only one processor may report back tothe root processor at a time (i.e., there is a singlechannel).


The equations given below are used to find theoptimal allocations of load that minimize Tf ¡T1 inthe context of this particular scheduling policy andinterconnection topology. It is interesting to notethat if time is reversed, the timing diagram of Fig. 2for measurement and reporting time is equivalent tostandard divisible load models of computation andcommunication for sequential distribution in singlelevel tree [7]. In this case the processors receive theirshare of load from the root processor sequentiallyand start computation after completely receivingtheir share of load. The equations that govern therelations among various variables and parameters inthe network shown in Fig. 2 can be written as follows:

T1 = t1 +®1y1Tms +®1z1Tcm (1)

T2 = t1 +®2y2Tms +®2z2Tcm (2)


TN = t1 +®NyNTms +®NzNTcm: (3)

As mentioned earlier, since the total measurementload originating at the control processor is assumed tobe normalized to a unit load, the fractions of the totalprocessing load should sum to one:

®1 +®2 +®3 + ¢ ¢ ¢+®N¡1 +®N = 1: (4)

Based on the above equations and the timingdiagram shown in Fig. 2, one can write the followingset of equations:

®1y1Tms = ®2y2Tms +®2z2Tcm (5)

®2y2Tms = ®3y3Tms +®3z3Tcm (6)


®N¡2yN¡2Tms = ®N¡1yN¡1Tms +®N¡1zN¡1Tcm (7)

®N¡1yN¡1Tms = ®NyNTms +®NzNTcm: (8)

A general expression for the above set of recursiveequations can be written as

®i = si®i¡1 (9)

where si = yi¡1Tms=(yiTms + ziTcm) and i= 2,3, : : : ,N.The above recursive equation for ®is can be rewrittenin terms of ®1 only as

®i =iYj=2

sj®1: (10)

Now using the above sets of equations and thenormalization equation, one can solve for ®1 as

®1 +NXi=2


sj®1 = 1: (11)

The above equation can be simplified as

®1 = 1

,0@1+ NXi=2



1A : (12)

The control processor will use the above valueof ®1 to obtain the amount of data that has to bemeasured by the rest of the N ¡ 1 processors by usingthe following equation:

®i =iYj=2


,0@1+ NXi=2



1A (13)

where i= 2,3,4, : : : ,N.The minimum measuring and reporting time of the

network will then be given as

Tf = t1 + (y1Tms + z1Tcm)

,0@1+ NXi=2

0@ iYj=2


1A1A :(14)

A closed-form solution can be obtained for theabove expression, for the case of homogeneousnetworks. In this case one can solve for ®1 for ahomogeneous network as

®1(1+ s+ s2 + ¢ ¢ ¢+ sN¡2 + sN¡1) = 1 (15)

where s= yTms=(yTms + zTcm), for the case where thecommunication link and measuring speed are assumedto be homogeneous.The above equation can be simplified as

®1 = (1¡ s)=(1¡ sN): (16)

Similarly, the control processor will use the valueof ®1 to obtain the amount of data that has to bemeasured by the rest of the N ¡ 1 processors by usingthe following equation:

®i = ®1si¡1 (17)

where i= 2,3,4, : : : ,N.The minimum measuring and reporting time of the

homogeneous network will then be given as

Tf = t1 + (yTms + zTcm)(1¡ s)=(1¡ sN): (18)

This measurement and reporting time of thenetwork approaches t1 + zTcm as N approaches 1,which conforms to the result shown in [7]. Thisresult can be proved analytically as follows. AsN approaches 1, the expression (1¡ s)=(1¡ sN)approaches (1¡ s). Now using the definition of s, onecan easily obtain

1¡ s= zTcm=(yTms + zTcm): (19)

Then substituting this result back in Tf gives

Tf = t1 + zTcm: (20)


Fig. 3. Timing diagram for single level tree network withcontroller and simultaneous reporting termination.

Intuitively, the measurement latency is “hidden”by the reporting latency. The optimality conditiondiscussed above is actually not always true for thegeneral class of tree networks. For certain networkparameter values, it may not be essential to utilizeall the processors to achieve optimal performance.This fact is proved through a rigorous analysisin [2].

B. Simultaneous Measurement Start, SimultaneousReporting Termination

The network topology that is presented in thissection is similar to that discussed in the previoussection except for the fact that each of N processors inthe network finish reporting at the same time. That is,the network will have the same report finishing timefor each processor. This is possible if each processorhas a separate channel to the root. The timing diagramof the network is shown in Fig. 3. Again there is atime-reversed dual of this model in terms of standardmodels of computation and communication only. Itinvolves concurrent distribution of load from a rootin a single level tree [29]. In this case the processorsreceive their share of load from the root processorconcurrently and start computation after completelyreceiving their share of load.Note that the assignments of measurement share

could be concurrent with multiple channels as long asall load share assignments are distributed by time t1.As shown in the timing diagram each processor beginsto measure its share of the load at the moment that allfinish receiving their measurement instructions fromthe control processor.Using the definitions and notations given earlier,

the equations that relate the various variables andparameters together are given as

T1 = t1 +®1y1Tms +®1z1Tcm (21)

T2 = t1 +®2y2Tms +®2z2Tcm (22)


TN = t1 +®NyNTms +®NzNTcm: (23)

Also the fractions of the total measurement loadshould sum to one:

®1 +®2 +®3 + ¢ ¢ ¢+®N¡1 +®N = 1: (24)

In this case since all processors stop reporting atthe same time, we have

T1 = T2 = T3 = ¢ ¢ ¢= TN:Based on the above equations and the timing diagramshown in Fig. 3, one can write the following set ofequations:

®1r1 = ®2r2 (25)

®2r2 = ®3r3 (26)


®N¡2rN¡2 = ®N¡1rN¡1 (27)

®N¡1rN¡1 = ®NrN (28)

where ri = yiTms + ziTcm, i= 1,2, : : : ,N. Using theabove set of equations, one can now write ®s as afunction of ri as

®i = (1=ri)


(1=ri): (29)

This is the optimal allocation of load to minimizeTf ¡T1 in the context of this scheduling policy andinterconnection topology. From the above expression,it can be easily seen that the share of each processorwill entirely depend on the combined speed of themeasurement and communication of that processor.That is, intuitively, processors with faster combinedmeasurement and link speeds receive a larger sharethan processors with slower combined measurementand link speeds. The minimum measurement andreporting time of the network will then be given as

Tf = Ti = t1 + (yiTms + ziTcm)(1=ri)



(30)For the case of a homogeneous network ofmeasurement and link speeds, the simultaneousreporting time strategy allows each processor in thenetwork to share the load equally. That is, ®i = 1=N,for i= 1,2,3, : : : ,N.In this case the minimum measuring and reporting

time of the network will then be given as:

Tf = t1 + (yTms + zTcm)=N: (31)


Fig. 4. Timing diagram for single level tree network withcontroller and CMR time.

C. Concurrent Measurement and Reporting

The network topology that is presented in thissection is similar to that discussed in the previoussection except for the fact that each of the Nprocessors in the network contains a coprocessor sothat the processors may be able to measure and reportdata at the same time. Thus, each processor afterreceiving its measurement instructions immediatelybegins reporting back to the control processor whilemeasuring its share of the load. In this case it isassumed that the measurement time is about oneorder of magnitude smaller than the reporting time(yiTms < ziTcm), in order to allow some time forthe last measured data to be reported back to thecontroller. The timing diagram of the network isshown in Fig. 4. Note that this model is analogousto an equivalent single level tree model involvingonly computation and communication. In this timenonreversed model load is distributed concurrentlyon all links and computation starts as soon as loadbegins to be received. For this dual, measurement isequivalent to communication in the standard modeland communication in the model of this section isequivalent to computation in the standard model [30].In a similar way as in the previous sections,

the equations that relate the various variables andparameters together are given as

T1 = t1 +®1z1Tcm (32)

T2 = t1 +®2z2Tcm (33)


TN = t1 +®NzNTcm: (34)

Also the fractions of the total measurement loadshould sum to one:

®1 +®2 +®3 + ¢ ¢ ¢+®N¡1 +®N = 1: (35)

In this case since all processors stop reporting atthe same time, we have

T1 = T2 = T3 = ¢ ¢ ¢= TN:Based on the above equations and the timing diagramshown in Fig. 4, one can write the following set ofequations:

®1z1Tcm = ®2z2Tcm (36)

®2z2Tcm = ®3z3Tcm (37)


®N¡2zN¡2Tcm = ®N¡1zN¡1Tcm (38)

®N¡1zN¡1Tcm = ®NzNTcm: (39)

As in the previous case, using the above set ofequations, one can now write ®s as a function of zias

®i = (1=zi)


(1=zi): (40)

Again this is the allocation of load that minimizesTf ¡T1 in the context of this particular schedulingpolicy and interconnection topology. From the aboveexpression, one can see that the share of load for eachprocessor in this case will entirely depend only on thespeed of the communication of that processor. That is,intuitively, processors with faster link speeds receive alarger share than processors with slower link speeds.The minimum measurement and reporting time of thenetwork will then be given as

Tf = Ti = t1 + (ziTcm)(1=zi)


(1=zi): (41)

As can be seen from the above set of equations,the processors will share the load equally when thenetwork is homogeneous. This result is similar to theresult obtained from the previous strategy, however,the measurement and reporting time in this case isgiven as

Tf = t1 + zTcm=N: (42)


Over the last few years the problem of minimizingthe energy use of wireless networks has witnessed agreat deal of interest on the part of many researchers.Some of the studies based on the problem ofminimum energy broadcasting in wireless networksinclude [31, 32]. In these studies each node in anetwork is able to adjust its transmission power byselecting routes that optimize performance. Thisapproach maximizes the overall network lifetime bydistributing energy consumption fairly.In this section the energy model used by each

load measurement and reporting strategy discussed


Fig. 5. Measurement/report time versus number of processors and variable inverse link speed z for single level tree network withcontroller and sequential reporting time.

previously is presented. The model assumes afirst-order radio model [33] which considers differentassumptions about the radio characteristics, includingenergy dissipation in the transmit and receivemodes. To see this effect, we consider the followingparameters used in a simple model radio design:

Eelec: transmitter/receiver electronics. This isthe energy dissipated to run the transmitter/receivercircuitry. Usually, Eelec = 50 nJ/bit."amp: transmit amplifier. This is the energy

dissipated by the transmit amplifier to achieve anacceptable signal-to-noise ratio. Usually, "amp =100 pJ/bit/m2.

Thus, the energy dissipated by processor i in orderto transmit an ®i-bit data message to a distance of dunits is given as

ETx = Eelec ¤®i+ "amp ¤®i ¤d2: (43)

Similarly, the energy dissipated to receive the sameamount of data from a distance d units is

ERx = Eelec ¤®i: (44)

In this case each processor is assumed to have adirect radio connection with the control processor.When reporting the measured data, each processorsends its data directly to the control processor.Based on the above equations, an energy use

comparison of the three load measurement andreporting strategies discussed earlier is discussedbelow. To do so, in each case the energy use wasobtained by considering only the reporting time andneglecting communication time utilized when thecontrol processor informs each of the processors

their load assignment. This is reasonable as loadassignment information is relatively concise. In thiscase the energy use comparison takes into accountboth the total energy consumption of the network aswell as energy consumption of each processor.


The minimum measurement and reportingtime and energy use expressions obtained in theprevious sections are used to study the effect of thecommunication link speed, the measurement speed,and the number of processors in the network onthe minimum measurement and reporting time andenergy use of the network. To do so, we consider thefollowing two cases. In the first case the measurementand reporting time/energy use is plotted againstthe number of processors when z is varied andmeasurement speed y is fixed. In the second case,the measurement and reporting time/energy use isplotted against the number of processors when z isfixed and measurement speed y is varied. The energyuse plots are given for the simultaneous measurementstart, sequential reporting (SMS2R) strategy only. Inthe simultaneous measurement start, simultaneousreporting termination (SMS2RT) and concurrentmeasurement and reporting (CMR) strategies, theenergy use of individual processors is the same fora homogeneous network.

A. SMS2R Strategy

In Fig. 5, the measurement/report time is plottedagainst the number of homogeneous processors


Fig. 6. Measurement/report time versus number of processors and variable inverse measuring speed y for single level tree network withcontroller and sequential reporting time.

when the value of the communication speed z isvaried from 0 to 1 and the value of measurementspeed y is fixed to be 2. In all cases Tcm = 1 andTms = 1. It can be shown from the figure that thefaster the communication speed, the smaller themeasurement/report time. It is also shown that themeasurement/report time levels off after a certainnumber of processors for each performance curve.Fig. 6 on the other hand shows for the case when

the inverse measuring speed y is varied from 1 to2 and the inverse link speed z is fixed to be 0.1.The result confirms, as mentioned earlier, that themeasurement time approaches zTcm, which in this caseis 0.1, as N approaches 1.Figs. 5 and 6 are similar in shape to curves of

solution time versus number of processors appearingin [2] and [5] where only communication andcomputation speeds are considered. It points to alaw of diminishing returns for performance (i.e.,measurement/reporting time) in adding additionalprocessors for this protocol.The energy use by each node in the simultaneous

measurement start, sequential reporting case isshown in Fig. 7. The value of the inverse linkspeed z is varied from 0 to 1.0 while the inversemeasuring speed y is fixed to be 2. We have alsoassumed the distance d = 100 m for each sensor asour main objective is to see the effect of variationof communication link and measuring speeds onthe reporting time and energy usage. As shown inthe plot, the energy use of the individual nodes isunevenly distributed as it depends mainly on theamount of load assigned to each node. Fig. 7 clearlyshows that as the speed of the communication linkis decreased the total number of nodes which are

doing substantial processing is reduced, while therest are not assigned any load or are simply assignedvery small amounts of data measurements. This isexpected as the communication is sequential andwith a slow communication link effectively thenumber of processors needed to finish processingthe load becomes less. The straight line in the plotis the case for high speed communication where allthe processors will be able to participate in the jobprocessing. In this situation the energy usage will bethe same for all processors since the processors sharethe same amount of load.These results demonstrate uneven energy usage for

this protocol that can lead to some sensors (the firstto receive load) becoming depleted in energy beforeothers. This can be mitigated by randomizing the loaddistribution order from load to load.Similarly, Fig. 8 shows that as the inverse

measurement speed y is decreased, since the total loadis partitioned among only few of the processors, theenergy use by those active processors will be veryhigh as compared with the others which receive verysmall or no load fraction. However as the inversemeasurement speed y is increased, this effectivelyincreases the number of participating processorsand hence the energy use is distributed fairly amongall participating processors. In this case the inversemeasuring speed y is varied from 1 to 2 and theinverse link speed z is fixed to be 0.1.

B. SMS2RT Strategy

In this section, results of the measurement/reporttime for the case of simultaneous reportingtermination is presented.


Fig. 7. Individual node energy use with variable inverse link speed z for single level tree network with controller and SMS2R case.

Fig. 8. Individual node energy use with variable inverse measuring speed y for single level tree network with controller and SMS2Rcase.

In Fig. 9, the measurement/report time is plottedagainst the number of processors for the simultaneousmeasurement start simultaneous reporting case. Thevalue the inverse link speed z is varied from 0 to 1while the inverse measuring speed y is fixed tobe 2. In this case the minimum finish time decreasesas the number of processors in the network is

increased. This assumes that the communicationspeed is fast enough to distribute the load toall the processors. We see here that time performancesaturates beyond using a certain number ofprocessors.Fig. 10 on the other hand shows for the case when

the inverse measuring speed y is varied from 1 to 2


Fig. 9. Measurement/report time versus number of processors and variable inverse link speed z for single level tree network withcontroller and SMS2RT case.

Fig. 10. Measurement/report time versus number of processors and variable inverse measuring speed y for single level tree networkwith controller and SMS2RT case.

and the inverse link speed z is fixed to be 0.1. Themonotonically decreasing behavior of [2] and [5]for only communication and computation is, again,repeated.In terms of the energy use in the case

of simultaneous reporting termination and ahomogeneous network, one would expect that eachprocessor’s energy use is the same. This is because fora homogeneous network, the processors share the loadequally (®i = 1=N).

C. CMR Strategy

This section presents the performance resultsobtained from the CMR strategy. As mentionedearlier, here it is assumed that the measurement timeis about one order of magnitude smaller than thereporting time (yiTms < ziTcm), in order to allow sometime for the last measured data to be reported back tothe controller.


Fig. 11. Measurement/report time versus number of processors and variable inverse link speed z for single level tree network withcontroller and CMR case.

Fig. 12. Measurement/report time versus number of processors and variable inverse measuring speed y for single level tree networkwith controller and CMR case.

In Fig. 11, the measurement/report time is plottedagainst the number of processors when the value ofthe communication speed z is varied from 0.6 to 1 andthe value of the measurement speed y is fixed to be0.5. The typical saturation in time performance whenadding processors is again illustrated.Fig. 12 on the other hand shows for the case when

the inverse measuring speed y is varied from 0.1 to0.5 and the inverse link speed z is fixed to be 1.5.The result clearly shows that the minimum finish timeis only dependent on the communication link speed

for this specific strategy as the communication andmeasurement occur concurrently. Again, Figs. 11 and12 demonstrate the monotonically decreasing behaviorof [2] and [5].The energy use for a homogeneous network using

CMR is the same as for a homogeneous networkusing SMS2RT. This is because for a homogeneousnetwork, in both cases, the processors share the loadequally (®i = 1=N).Fig. 13 shows a comparison of the minimum

finish time by the three measured data reporting


Fig. 13. Minimum finish time versus number of processors (comparison). In this case, z = 1 and y = 0:5.

strategies discussed earlier. As it can be seen fromthe plot, the CMR strategy will have a smaller finishtime. This is due to the fact that in the case of thesequential reporting case, some of the processorsin the network receive almost zero load, whicheffectively reduces the number of effective processorsas compared with the concurrent reporting case whereall processors receive a reasonable amount of load.The comparison is shown for the case where thevalue of the communication speed z is 1, the valueof measurement speed y is 0.5, and Tcm and Tcp are setto be one.


In this paper, closed-form solutions for optimummeasurement and report time are obtained for singlelevel tree networks with three types of representativedata reporting strategies. Naturally, many schedulingvariations are possible. Besides the finish timeanalysis, the energy use of the correspondingstrategies is also examined. The performance of thesestrategies with respect to the timing and energy useand the effect of link and measurement speed isstudied. The measurement and reporting time can beimproved by increasing the number of processors inthe network only to some extent before saturation inthe sequential SMS2R strategy. In terms of the energyuse, unlike in the SMS2R strategy, the energy use isequally distributed among all processors in the caseof homogeneous networks using SMS2RT and CMRstrategies.There is a growing body of work on integrating

computation and communication. This paper is a stepon integrating sensing/measurement with computationand communication. We note that with some extra

complexity, substantial computing time could beincluded in the models discussed here. Future workwill explore the intersection of sensing, computingand communication: the three key properties ofwireless sensor networks.


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Mequanint A. Moges (M’05) received his undergraduate degree from AddisAbaba University, Ethiopia, and master’s degree from the University of NewSouth Wales, Australia. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering at Stony Brook University in 2005. He isan assistant professor in the College of Technology at the University of Houston,Houston, TX, a position he has held since August 2005. His research interestsinclude the design and optimization of wireless sensor networks, performanceevaluation and optimization of computer and communication systems, and jobscheduling in parallel and distributed systems and computational grids.Dr. Moges is a recipient of a Presidential Fellowship from the State University

of New York at Stony Brook, NY, and an AUSAID Scholarship from theUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Thomas G. Robertazzi (S’75–M’77–SM’91–F’05) received the Ph.D. fromPrinceton University, Princeton, NJ, in 1981 and the B.E.E. from the CooperUnion, New York, NY in 1977.He is presently a professor in the Deptartment of Electrical and Computer

Engineering at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. In supervising avery active research area, he has published extensively in the areas of parallelprocessor and grid scheduling, ad hoc radio networks, telecommunicationsnetwork planning, ATM switching, queueing, and Petri networks.Dr. Robertazzi authored, coauthored, or edited four books in the areas of

performance evaluation, scheduling, and network planning.

