Wingham Public School


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Welcome back to Term 3. I hope all students had a wonderful holiday and are ready for an extremely busy term. This term we look forward to Education Week (Aug 5-9) activities. The theme for 2019 is “Every student, every voice”. It is an important message that underpins our ambition within the NSW Department of Education to every student being known, valued and cared for, and gives us the opportunity to reflect on the valuable role student voice has in creating engaged citizens who will thrive beyond the school gates. We hope you will join us next Thursday for our celebrations. We will also be celebrating Book Week (Aug 19-23). This year’s theme is Reading is my Secret Power. Notes will be sent home to invite parents, grandparents, family and friends to these events. I hope you will all join me in congratulating Miss Cattell on the birth of her baby girl, Grace Mary, last week. Mum and bub are doing well. Rita Pittman Principal


Date Event

7th Aug Scripture Assembly 8th Aug Education Week Activities/Picnic Lunch 23rd Aug Book Parade 28th Aug K-2 Sports Carnival 4th Sep Sports Photos


All parents and carers are welcome to attend the School Assembly each Friday in the school hall at 12.00pm. This week’s performance will be a class item presented by KL. Next week’s performance will be by 4M. At our last Assembly, merit certificates were awarded as follows:

Week 1 KL: Jasper Purnell, Will Hack KM: West Hailes, Madden Holroyd 1B: Mason Edmonds, Mitchell Lyon 1/2J: Sophie Hook, Isabella Primmer 2R: Alexis Skinner, Oliver Hill 2C: Kendal Holroyd, Noah Godfrey 3C: Marlee Cilliers, Sienna Boyd 3/4P: Joshua Oliver, Makaya Smith 4M: Tyler Knoke, Max Weber 5/6C: Regan Summerfield, Beau

Hawksford 5/6S: Savannah Wells, Zorah Cilliers 5/6W: Bridgit Turner, Eliza Dedman

2R Assembly Item

Wingham Public School BULLETIN

Term 3 Week 2 31st July 2019 157 Murray Road, Wingham Phone: 65534186 Fax: 65570162

Email: Website:

‘When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful’

Malala Yousafzi

TERM 3 WEEK 2 Wednesday 31st July 2019 1


Students who have qualified for zone athletics are to arrive at Tuncurry Oval-South Street by 9.00 am on Friday. We wish all our competitors good luck in their events.


Please join us on Thursday 8th August to help us celebrate Education Week 2019. There will be activities in each classroom from 12.00-12.45pm followed by a picnic lunch until 1.15pm. Please bring along a picnic rug.


Students in Kindergarten to Year 4 were very lucky last week to kick off Term 3 with a school visit from award winning author and illustrator Stephen Michael King. This was very fitting as Term 3 is the term we celebrate reading, writing and books with Book Week. Students were able to see firsthand an artist at work and were talked through the process of how a story and illustrations can evolve into a published book.


Wingham Public School will be celebrating Book Week on Friday 23rd August with a Book Character Parade and Book Fair. The Book Parade will begin at 12:00 pm. Following the Book Parade there will be a Book Fair in the school library.

On the day students can come to school dressed as a character from a book. Students are asked to bring the book to the parade and are welcome to use a library book. If their costume is unsuitable to wear during the morning classes students can change into their costume at recess.

STAGE 3 CAMP On the 4th and 5th of July, Stage 3 travelled to Sydney to participate in their Taronga Zoo excursion. Eighty students and four teachers attended the excursion which was jam-packed with adventure and fun. The students departed Wingham at 5am and travelled to Sydney, participating in historical walking tours of the rocks district, educational tours of State Parliament House and a ferry ride to Taronga Zoo, taking in the breathtaking views of Sydney Harbour, the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge, Fort Denison and the Garden Island Navy Base. Taronga Zoo provided students with the opportunity to be up close and personal with many animals during night classes and walking tours around the zoo. Sadly, torrential rain forced changes to some of the excursion itinerary, however, the students demonstrated maturity and a willingness to be adaptable. It was an amazing two days in Sydney, with the students learning many new and amazing facts. Stage 3 will be presenting a short story and PowerPoint presentation this Friday at the whole school assembly.

TERM 3 WEEK 2 Wednesday 31st July 2019 1


On Tuesday afternoon our school attended a presentation from Ned’s Kindness Adventures travelling show. Matt, the presenter took us on an adventure to Kenya where we looked at the different people and places, while focusing on the importance of kindness to one another. The show was free for us to attend, but to help fund future shows and to support the Kindness project of providing clean drinking water for villages in Kenya, our students can buy necklaces, bracelets and other merchandise from Kenya to raise funds. The merchandise will be on sale during lunchtimes for the next two weeks.


The catalogue for Issue # 5 of Book Club has now been distributed to all classrooms. Book orders are due to be handed in to the office by Tuesday 8th August.

LOST PROPERTY We have a large number of items in our lost property box. Please encourage your students to check for any missing items. We also ask that you ensure you write your student’s name on items of clothing so they may be returned.


The next P & C meeting will be the 15th August at 6pm in the staff room. We hope to see you there.


Canteen Roster:

Week 2: Thursday: Ruth Friday: Jenny

Week 3: Monday: Rebecca Tuesday: Taryn Thursday: Ruth, Lyn, Bec Friday: Jenny

Thank you to all our volunteers. Deb Greenaway, Manager. Tel: 65 535030 Email:
