Who Was William Shakespeare? By: Celeste Davidson Mannis illustrated by: John O’Brien By:...


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Who Was William Shakespeare?By: Celeste Davidson Mannis

illustrated by: John O’Brien

By: Cassandra

Backround Will was born in 1565 Stratford , England had job as writer of poems, plays, and sonnets married Anne Hathaway wrote famous plays like Romeo and Juliet,

Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, The Tempts , and The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Died in 1616

William is famous because… he performed for the Queen of England wrote plays wrote sonnets wrote plays made up the words Love Letter, Fashionable,

Puppy Dog, and Useful

Who Knew? was friends with Queen Elizabeth was funny a lot of people in his family don’t know Will’s birthday but celebrated April

23 dad was glove maker lived 450 years ago Stayed with a group called “Lord Chamberlain’s

Men” people got beheaded at his time