WHO Global Salm-Surv & PulseNet International Collaborations T. Nikki Maxwell, MSPH US Centers...


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WHO Global Salm-WHO Global Salm-SurvSurv

&&PulseNet PulseNet

International International CollaborationsCollaborationsT. Nikki Maxwell, MSPHT. Nikki Maxwell, MSPH

US Centers for Disease Control and PreventionUS Centers for Disease Control and PreventionAtlanta, GeorgiaAtlanta, Georgia

Buenos Aires, Argentina, October, 2007Buenos Aires, Argentina, October, 2007

What is WHO Global Salm-Surv?

• A network of institutions and individuals committed to enhancing the capacity of national ministries of health and national reference laboratories to detect, respond and prevent foodborne and other infectious, enteric diseases

What does WHO Global Salm-Surv do?

• Promote integrated, laboratory-based surveillance and outbreak detection and response

• Foster inter-sectoral collaboration and communication among microbiologists and epidemiologists in human health, veterinary, and food-related disciplines

The First Question to Answer:

Why Collaborate? Partnership can provide a stronger, more sustainable impact in foodborne disease surveillance and response.

PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership

PulseNet Participants and WHO Global Salm-Surv Training


Global Salm-Surv Training Sites

PulseNet Europe

PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership Guidance Document



Step 2: ASSESS

Step 3: TRAIN


Step 5: FUND

Who Will the Collaboration Effect? We want to IDENTIFY (Step 1):

GSS Member Countries currently taking part in

PulseNet/producing PulseNet data

GSS Member Countries with PFGE capacity, but

unable to establish PulseNet in their country

GSS Member Countries that have established PulseNet, but

not currently subtyping

PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership


Who Will the Collaboration Effect? We want to ASSESS (Step 2):

PulseNet activities in regions/countries that are involved in both PulseNet and/or WHO-GSS country members.

1) PulseNet activities being held in a country and/or region.

2) Answer the question: Why is PulseNet not in their country?

PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership


What Will the Collaboration Help do? We want to TRAIN (Step 3): Create and test pilot training modules created for a specific region at WHO Global Salm-Surv Advanced Workshops. Modules can include:

1) Lectures/exercises on collaboration between epidemiologists and microbiologists using PulseNet data for surveillance, detecting clusters, and during outbreak investigation

2) How to advocate for support of PulseNet in their country and/or region.

PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership


What Will the Collaboration Help do? We want to PRODUCE (Step 4): Assist in initiating country/regional projects as an outcome of the joint WHO-GSS/PulseNet International Workshops. Skills received from the workshop can then be utilized in:

1) Initiating a new enhanced foodborne disease surveillance project

2) Adding a new component to an already established country or regional project

PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership


What Will the Collaboration Help do? We want to PROVIDE SKILLS SO THEY CAN

LOCATE FUNDS (Step 5): 1) Provide members with necessary tools, resources, and skills so they can achieve support

2) Establish partnership approach to present to possible funders/donors

Regional PulseNet + Regional WHO-GSS activities = Stronger, Sustainable Activities


PulseNet International / WHO Global Salm-Surv

Collaboration & Partnership


First 3 Steps by the end of 2008:

IDENTIFY and ASSESS: Questionnaire administered to those countries that are members of the WHO-GSS South America Regional Center and the PulseNet LA Network

TRAIN: Create an agenda for WHO-Global Salm-Surv South America Advanced Workshop II, May 2008

PRODUCE: Begin discussion on possible projects that partner utilizing GSS and PulseNet skills

To Begin The Collaboration

Global Salm-Surv Training Sites

PulseNet Europe




