White paper V0 · 2021. 1. 5. · Arrano Network A Decentralized Exchange and Blockchain Products...


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Arrano Network

A Decentralized Exchange and Blockchain Products Development Ecosystem

White paper V0.1

Author : Adam Vayer


www.arrano.network (v 0.1 Updated on Jan 5th 2021)


At Arrano Network, we have created a new technology platform and protocol for

connecting di�erent resources under an on-chain network , and in doing so, we are

creating a blockchain protocol where users can connect and find fair crypto

solutions to develop, deploy and use. We bring in the idea of “ Crypto Neutrality”. A

Sophisticated platform integrated with its own Blockchain Network and products

like a decentralized exchange, a cross- chain wallet, a learning center, a portfolio

manager and other helpful apps with a tokenized economy. Can put the power of

Crypto rightfully into the hands of individuals. . The Core platform is influenced by

Ethereum Network, Polkadot, Matic , Tron and other protocols and their layers of

applications like smart contracts and dapps. We believe that when you combine a

cross-chain technology, A zero-knowledge proof( ZKP) security, token

incentivisation and a Strong Community , you open up the potential of Crypto to

reach every aspirant around us.

Table of Content

1. Introduction

1.1 The Power of Finance

1.2 Finance for the Future

1.3 Thought Process

2. Ideologies

2.1 Problems in Existing ecosystem

Lack of InformationUn-organized ecosystems

2.2 The Arrano Network Role

3. The Arrano Network

2.1 Modules of Arrano Decentralized Exchange

2.2 The Liquidity Reserves

4. Arrano Decentralized Exchange Properties

3.1 Secure

3.2 Instant trade

3.3 On-chain exchange

3.4 Compatibility

5. The Arrano Network Communities

4.1 Developers Community

4.2 Media & Authors Community

4.3 Introducers Community

4.4 Traders community

6. The Ecosystem

5.1 The Products

5.2 The Tokens



With the rise in use of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency is a common term

now. There is also a rise in user acquisition and the Crypto market capitalization

has crossed $1 Trillion and is still growing. Blockchain is now globally accepted and

used not just for cryptocurrency but also by di�erent industries to run supply chain

and data management.

By seeing the traction of this technology it is clear that it had a greater impact on

the finance world with the highest volume of user-acquisition and high number of

data into processing.

Ultimately, Cryptocurrency turns out to be the most implied application of

Blockchain technology and as a result we can see a sophisticated ecosystem of

di�erent cryptocurrencies, tokens, wallets, exchanges, private blockchains,

smart contract applications and protocols. All these serve their objective as

standard crypto financing solutions with addition to DeFi, which technically

serves the real purpose of Decentralized financing

Arrano Network believes for the long run and to maintain a stable ecosystem this is

the right time to drive users' attention to learn this tactics and not just focus on

trading assets.

The Project is in favour of providing an ecosystem of fair crypto products that

educate and engage enthusiasts in this fast moving Fin-Tech proposition and

bring the best out of it.

1.1 Power of Blockchain Finance

Every inch of this fast moving world is ultimately connected to Finance and this is

evolving in coordination with technology. From banks to Stocks everything is

digitized and it's more convenient now to store, invest and transact funds with


Blockchain is a True REVOLUTION in the finance world and is changing the way we

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used to practice financing. The Decentralization and Smart contract are 2 key

modules that bring in the di�erence and in a very short time these will replace the

existing system.

1.2 Finance for the Future

The Next generation believes in speed and e�ciency, everything happens within

clicks. Trust becomes the major concern for the coming generation . Blockchain

has all the possibilities to fit in for the future requirements, right from

Cryptocurrency, smart contract and DeFi have the potential to fasten up the

financing which is more reliable and e�cient.

The world already has increasing numbers of blockchain and defi products and this

is rapidly growing with new features.

1.3 Thought Process

While we see new Payment networks like Paypal, mastercards and others also have

simplified the process but the fundamentals of decentralized network are not


Arrano Network wants to find the problems in the Fiat system and the Defi system

and provide solutions. To do this we carry the thought process to “ Learn, Earn and

Explore” . By applying this we can take the educational and Financial

developments together and build a stable and simplified Cryptocurrency

environment for the future generation to come.


2.1 The Problem In Existing system

Lack Of Information

The existing system is driven by experts who rush into improvising the user-

experience on particular modules but number of applications and projects has also

increased to new levels. In the chase of perfection and ease of use the responsibility

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of educating the ecosystem for the future ready is neglected.

Un-organized ecosystems

There are platforms that provide users a complete blockchain environment and

services but there seems to be a lack of channelizing the work process. User feel

diverted when they reach out for support or assistance with something new they

are starting with.

2.2 The Arrano Network Role

Arrano Network is designed to build a Strong community of crypto enthusiasts

who are more interested in building a friendly, motivated and progressive


The Arrano Products will find problems in specific models and develop products

that overcome and outperform.

E. g . The Arrano Academy : A place for beginners and experts to learn Blockchain

basics an Crypto

The Decentralized exchange: The platform that finds the best deal across di�erent

DeFi exchanges and completes the trades.

The Trade Analytics : One stop platform for traders to manage and track their

portfolio, find insightful trade info and join chats with trade experts.

3 . The Arrano Network

Arrano network has designed a very unique on-chain protocol that searches the

trades of similar order on di�erent Decentralized Exchange platforms and allows

users to instantly convert tokens e�ortlessly.

There is no orderbook. Users will know the conversion rate before sending the

transaction and receive the corresponding amount. Users don’t pay any extra fees

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(other than the gas fees for the transaction). ArranoNetwork benefits through

pricing a reasonable spread in the conversion rate.

For e.g If you place an order to swap ETH to YFI on Arrano Dex, the protocol will

check the same order om Uniswap, 1inchexchange, sushi swap and other standard

decentralized exchanges and find the best deal for your orders.

Instead of maintaining a global order book, we maintain a reserve warehouse

which holds an appropriate amount of crypto tokens for purposes of maintaining

exchange liquidity. The reserve is directly controlled by the Arrano Network , and

the contract has a conversion rate for each exchange pair of tokens by fetching

from all the reserves.

The rates are frequently updated by the reserve managers, and the Arrano contract

will select the best rate for the users. When a request to convert from token A to

token B arrives, the Arrano contract checks if the correct amount of token A has

been credited to the contract, then sends the corresponding amount of token B to

the sender’s specified address. The amount of token A, after the fees, is credited to

the reserve that provides the token B

We introduce a new standard contract wallet to enable some of our interesting

applications. Specifically, our new standard contract wallet allows the Arrano

contract to send a user’s newly converted tokens to his/ her destination address on

the user’s behalf. The destination address will receive the converted tokens as if

the tokens were sent from the sender, not the Arrano Contract.

The Arrano contract is designed with extensibility-focus which has well

modularized components. Specifically, we allow dynamically adding any new

tokens or delisting existing tokens. Thus, we are able to work with any tokens or

digital assets in the future.

Arrano Network Design

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2.1 Modules of Arrano Decentraized Exchange

Arrano Decentraized Exchange Involves 4 actors who combinely make the process

work in a uniform and secure manner. Users who send and receive tokens to and

from the network. Users in Arrano Network include individual users, smart

contract accounts and merchants. The Liquidity Providers or Reserver Entities

who do the successful marker making. The Reserver entities could be also from

Arrano Decentraized Exchange and also from di�erent Decentraized Exchange

Platform. The Network providers who maintain the reserves with determining the

exchange rates, fees and feeds.

The Arrano Operators who join the Orders to Network providers to place, approve

or hold the order with regards to network conditions. Each of the actors interacts

with the smart contract independently in a di�erent way. The users send and

receive tokens within a single transaction, without waiting for any response from

the reserve or the Arrano Network operator. The Arrano Network operator is

responsible for adding and removing reserves, while the reserve manager

determines and feeds the exchange rates to the contract for a fixed period (several

seconds basis). The main contract relies on the reserve entity to guarantee high


2.2 The Liquidity Reserves

This block is responsible to ensure that enough liquidity is Provided for all the

trades without any halt. This is so confidently assaulted because the liquidity is

fetched not just from Arrano Decentraized Exchange but also from di�erent

Decentraized Exchange platforms where the trade has occurred.

This is a Cross-Chain reserve pool that is di�erent from On-chain liquidity


Liquidity by other reserves : Arrano Network will o�er very moderate trading

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Buyer or seller


Liquidity ProviderMarket MakerDecentralized Exchange


Graphical overview of our decentralized exchange ecosystem

speed for self reserves as the mechanism of “Find best deals “ will not allow the

liquidity to vanish out soon. Liquidity pools of Arrano Decentraized Exchange will

have timelines to track the rates and manage their pool reserves accordingly.

3 Arrano Decentraized Exchange Properties

3.1. Secure

The Arrano Networkoperator does not hold the tokens of the users. Hence, by

design, user’s tokens are secured from theft losses. Users need not trust the

intentions of the reserve entity and the KNC token holders, as the integrity of the

operator is enforced/ensured by the smart contract.

3.2. Instant trade

An exchange or convert request is executed immediately within a single

transaction. Users get their exchanged token at the exact moment they transferred

their original token. No deposit or confirmation or waiting time is needed. This

e�cient and user friendly feature distinguishes Arrano Networkfrom most other

existing and future exchanges.

3.3. On-chain exchange

The exchange runs on chain and is accessible for all accounts, including normal

accounts and smart contracts. That allows smart contracts to directly interact with

the exchange without a third party intervention to receive funds/ payments from

di�erent tokens that they did not support originally. This feature enables Arrano

Network to be an on-chain proxy payment platform for all accounts, including

normal accounts and smart contracts.

3.4. Compatibility

Arrano Network does not require any modification in the underlying protocol of

Ethereum and existing smart contracts to function. Our payment API can

communicate with existing contracts without any change on their side. That said,

we also introduce a new contract wallet that holds all user Ether and tokens. The

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wallet allows the user to pay with token A to a contract that expects token B, where

the conversion from A to B is seamlessly done by the KyberNetwork. The receiver

will receive the payment as if it was sent by the original user.

4. The Arrano Network Communities

Arrano network Decentraized Exchange is also a collaborative workspace that

involves 4 di�erent communities who contribute their skills in development of the

whole ecosystem. The Community is rewarded with native token ( ANO ) as well as

USD rewards based on the complexity and volume of the work.

Developers Community

A Modular framework of Web3 and Solidity team to work in a limited pool to

develop Arrano DeFi products and protocols. The Developers community will have

a limited position of 21 Developers, 9 UI/UX designers. The track of work will be

held on a smart contract based network , build and deploy including.

Media & Authors Community

Group of global media teams and authors to create and publish the thoughtful

content of the Arrano Network. The Media community has to play a major role in

promoting the services in a formal way.

There is a setup if writers, influencers, youtubers and other social media activists

will be a part of this community and will engage into the promotional activities

with regards to Arrano inputs.

Introducers Community

Introducers will be active promoters who will be involved in organizing Zoom

meetings, webinars and workshops to engage and educate people about the Arrano

Project and new updates.

Introducers are assigned with key information and authority to promote the

project ideas on a global level.

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Traders community

This is a very important community that is also called as Liquidity providers are

reservers. The role of this community is to join the Arrano Decentraized Exchange

Liquidity pools and reserve liquidity for traders of ANDX and ANO tokens. They can

also be liquidity providers on not just Arrano Decentraized Exchange but also on

other Decentraized Exchange Platforms.

These reserves receive decent feed income on providing liquidity also rewards by

Arrano Decentraized Exchange on each successful transaction.

5. The Ecosystem

Arrano Ecosystem when seen collectively is the combination of Decentralized

exchange, Defi and Crypto products, tokenized economy and advanced rewarding


5.1 The Products

Arrano Products are fair crypto products built under the surveillance of the Arrano

Developer community. Like the Decentralized exchange is developed by raising

funds through a Defi token, ANDX, The Products include user-friendly and

innovative access to existing similar applications

5.1.1 The P2P exchange

A Crypto to fiat exchange platform that allows users to convert any crypto to fiat

from any location. The Module will be launched in a beta version for the countries

in order with highest number of users into platform

5.1.2 Portfolio Tracker

A Friendly and useful tool for the crypto traders to track and monitor the portfolio

on di�erent platforms. This tool also allows traders with active signal and reports,

5.1.3 Tokenized Stocks

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Arrano Decentraized Exchange will also include tradingh tokenized stocks like

apple, tesla, McD, Microsoft and others.

5.1.4 Arrano Academy

One place Platform for beginners and experts to learn about blockchain and crypto.

The module will include insightful articles, basic tutorials and QA sessions for

better understand of topics

5.1.5 Arrano Launch Pad

A Startup funding Smart contract that enables projects to host crypto/ defi ideas to

be funded in Arrano native tokens and involve in developments and revenue

sharing via the token.

5.2 The Tokens

Arrano Network Ecosystem runs a tokenized economy, meaning the value of the

token will merely decide the value of the project . To run the ecosystem Arrano

network has 2 tokens,

5.2.1 ANO token

ANO is the native token of the Arrano network that is the fuel of the whole


Ticker : ANO token

Total Supply : 1000000000

Available supply: 4900000000

A Volume of 1 billion ANO has been generated which will be released

periodically in 5 years term.

49% to Arrano community members 490,000,000 ANO

36% to the Arrano Launch Pad - Startup feuling fund 360,000,000 ANO

12.9% to the Governance Reserved 129,000,000 ANO

2.1% to the Investors and advisory team with 4-year vesting 21,000,000 ANO

The Community Reservations

The 49% ( 490,000,000 ANO) of community distribution the allocated for

front communities of Arrano Network

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8% to the Developers Community in 4 phases of development 140000000 ANO

10% to the Media Community, includes authors and publishers 110000000 ANO

11% to Introducers , The Influencers or Project promoters 150000000 ANO

20% to the liquidity providers , to swap , staker and hold the token 90000000 ANO Use Cases of ANO tokens

Get Rewards

Pay transaction fees of decentralized exchange and others

Lending, Staking and other Financing

Trade on Exchanges on listing

Convert to Fiat currency in Arrano P2P.

Make Utility Payments

Mobile Recharge

Bill Payments

Ticket Booking


5.2.2 ANDX token

A Defi token released by Arrano Network for the purpose of funding the Arrano

Dex. The token was launched for Pre-Sale from 14th December 2020.

Token : Arrano Decentraized Exchange ( ANDX )

Ticker : ANDX

Total Supply : 81800

Available supply: 49080

Pre-Sale price : 0.12 ETH ( Dec 14 to 25th 2020)

The token will also be immediately listed on standard defi exchanges like

uniswap, 1inch and others. Use Cases of ANDX tokens

Holding ANDX will make you stake holder of Arrano Dex.

Trade ANDX on multiple Decentraized Exchange platforms.

Promoted to premium member of the community.

Authority to Vote in decisions of Arrano developments

Get special rewards and earning opportunities.

6. Acknowledgment

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We thank Morgan Arrow ( tech advisory) , Alex Wynk (Market advisory) for their

feedback on the beta version of this paper. Any information or service like sale,

exchange or earn about the Arrano Network is available only on its o�cial website

www.arrano.network . Please refer to the same.

Powered by Arrano Chain MainNet Protocols


Arrano Decentralized exchange | Arrano Token(ANO) | Arrano P2P

Arrano LaunchPad | Arrano DApps

White Paper - End

Arrano Network ecosystem
