Where Do Balloons Go? By Warren Stokes



Where Do Balloons Go? By Warren Stokes. Where do balloons go all shiny and new? They come in different colors, my favorite is blue!. Where do balloons go all big and round? They don’t have   feet, is that why they don’t touch the ground? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Where Do Balloons Go?By Warren Stokes

Where do balloons go all shiny and new? They come in different colors, my favorite is blue!

Where do balloons go all big and round? They don’t have feet, is that why they don’t touch the ground?

Where do balloons go when they take flight? Hold on to the string, hold it with all your might.

Oops, where do balloons go when you lose the fight? Where do balloons go when they’re out of sight?

Is it up in space?

Do balloons find the other balloons and have a race?

Where do balloons go when they escape, and fly free? They go up, up, up to the land of can’t see.

Where do balloons go when they go up, up, up in the sky? They fly, fly, fly away, without saying goodbye.

Where do balloons go when they soar through the air? Let’s look at a map maybe we can see it somewhere.

Where do balloons go, do they ever land? Maybe they go to Germany or fly to Japan.

Where do balloons go if they never pop? Do they float around forever do they ever stop?

Where do balloons go somebody call the cops. Police please help my

balloon got away and it just won’t drop.

Where do balloons go when the wind blows? Maybe it looks for friends, I wonder does anybody know?

Where do balloons go when is it the clouds they ride? Maybe it’s all a game, one balloon seeks and the rest float and hide.

Where do balloons go I don’t have a clue? Maybe they go to the pyramids in Egypt or a river in Xanadu. Where do balloons go oh I

wish I knew? Maybe they fly to the North Pole or what about Peru.

Where do balloons go when they leave my hands? Could they make it to Mexico, Chile, or France?

Where do balloons go not knowing makes me want to cry?

Momma says wipe those tears and close those eyes. Now open them up!


Where do balloons go Maze start at the s and find the e!
