What is SEO?



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  • The Green RoomThe Basics of SEO

    Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2

    Step 1- Selecting a Market/Niche....................................................................................................3

    Step 2: Getting a Domain and Hosting............................................................................................4

    Step 3: Setting Up WordPress..........................................................................................................5

    Step 4: Finding Keywords...............................................................................................................6

    Step 5: Creating Content..................................................................................................................7

    Step 6: Backlinks.............................................................................................................................8

    Step 7: On-site SEO.........................................................................................................................9


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  • Introduction

    If youre brand new to the SEO world, it can get confusing sometimes. There are tons of acronyms and terms that people throw around! If you dont understand what theyre talking about, you may get frustrated before you even get started.

    Even though I linked to some good courses in the Resources section, heres a very basic rundown of how the entire process works. I explain what certain terms mean, as well as the process of setting up a website from start to finish.

    After reading this, I recommend reading the main Panda Penguin Secrets SEO guide. And if youre still confused, check out the resources in the Resources page.

    That said, lets get started.

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  • Step 1- Selecting a Market/Niche

    The first step you have to do when building a website is to select a niche.

    This doesnt have to be rocket science- just make sure that you pick a niche where people are spending money. Luckily, there are tens of thousands of these markets/niches.

    Weight loss

    Relationships (parenting, marriage, work)


    Computer games

    Auto or home repair

    Embarrassing illnesses

    Computer repair

    Pet training

    Cure acne

    Make money online

    How to get a job

    And TONS more!

    You basically have 2 ways to go here. You can either

    1) Pick an evergreen niche that will never go away. This generally falls into either health, wealth, or relationships.

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  • 2) Pick a niche or market that you LOVE! For example, I love my computer games. I can talk about them all day long, so that can be a good niche for me. Specifically, just one video that I really like where people spend money every month, like World of Warcraft or Rift.

    To get ideas for niches, you can just surf around Amazon.com or browse magazines in your local grocery store. Anything for sale represents a niche or market! Once youve chosen a niche, its time to set up your domain and hosting.

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  • Step 2: Getting a Domain and Hosting

    If youre doing SEO, you want to have your own domain and hosting. You can use sites like Blogger or Squidoo, but youre taking a HUGE gamble!

    Since you dont own these sites, they can choose to take down your business anytime they want. Not a good thing.

    Besides, you have a lot less control over what the site looks like if you use a service like that.

    So now you have to decide on a domain name. I recommend getting one related to your niche, but not too focused on one keyword. To see what domains are available, head over to GoDaddy.com. You just type in a domain you want to check in the box, and it will tell you if its available.

    So for example lets say that you selected World of Warcraft. You want a generic WoW domain, so maybe you can try WoWStrategies or TheWoWHub. You dont want it to be too long, and you want it to be easy to remember.

    Once youve chosen a domain and purchased it, its time to sign up for hosting.

    Personally, I recommend HostGator. Ive also used Bluehost and they work really well, but HostGator is who I use right now.

    If you go with HostGator, sign up for the Baby Plan. For less than $7 a month you can host unlimited websites- not bad right?

    When you sign up, HostGator will give you the DNS servers to point your domain to. You then log into GoDaddy, go to your domain name, and change the DNS servers to match those given to you by HostGator. (if you have trouble with this, HostGator or GoDaddy customer support can help).

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  • You then have to set up your website in HostGator, too. Go down to Domains, then Addon domains. Here is where you type in your new domain name that you are adding. Again if you have trouble with this, ask HostGator for help.

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  • Step 3: Setting Up WordPress

    You dont have to use WordPress, but I HIGHLY recommend it. It is very easy to use and extremely flexible. This means that you can have your website look really good in no time, without too much technical know-how.

    To do this in HostGator, in your control panel just scroll to the bottom and click the big smiley face that says Fantastico de Luxe. In there, you can choose to install a new copy of WordPress on your website.

    Once you get logged into the admin section of WordPress, look for a new Theme. You can do this by going to Appearance -> Themes, and search for a new one. You can look at whats popular, featured themes, or just search by a keyword (like blue, or one column).

    There are TONS of videos on how to do this online, so give YouTube or the Warrior Forum a holler for help with this one.

    If you are having trouble installing WordPress, HostGator can help you with that as well.

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  • Step 4: Finding Keywords

    Youll hear a LOT about marketers talk about keywords. These are basically the terms that someone types into Google when theyre trying to find something.

    So for example, lets say Im trying to lose weight. I might type into Google

    How to lose weight

    How to burn fat

    How to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks


    These keywords are extremely important, because you want to rank your website for different keywords. Certain keywords will get you more visitors than others. Other keywords will give you more targeted traffic.

    Learning the best keywords to go for takes practice, but the best place to start finding them is the Google Keywords Tool. You basically just type in some terms that people within your niche are likely looking for, and it will come up with a lot of the search terms theyre typing in that are similar.

    For example, if youre doing weight loss, you can type in there the options that I listed above. When you hit the Search button, it will bring up lots more keywords for you to consider targeting.

    So in a nutshell, thats how you find keywords. Entire courses have been written about that, but lets move on to keep the ball rolling.

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  • Step 5: Creating Content

    Having a website with ZERO content isnt going to make you much money, right? So now you have to start getting content- either written content or videos.

    To do this, you have 2 options:

    1) Research your topic and make the content yourself (this requires time)

    2) Outsource it to someone else (this requires $$$)

    Neither option is better, but it just depends on if you have money or time to invest. Most marketers have more time than money, so they create the content themselves.

    Unless you know the topic really well, youll probably have to do research. To do this, I recommend 2 things:

    1) Google

    2) Your local library

    Thats pretty much all you need. Realize that you wont be copying other peoples work and ideas, but you can learn a LOT from them just with a few searches in Google.

    Now you just have to get that content into written form. Make sure that you use paragraphs, spell check, and easy to read. Most people have the reading level of a 7th grader, so keep that in mind before you use big words.

    The keyword that you chose to target in the last step will be used in your article multiple times:

    The title

    Heading tags (H1, H2, H3)

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  • Bolded, italicized, and underlined

    Tags of the Wordpress post/page

    You dont want your main keyword to be all over the place, but enough times that Google knows what your topic is about. Does that make sense?

    You can also choose to create video, but the best thing to do is to create a combination of written and video content.

    Also- note that the longer the article, the better. If every article is at least 1,000 words or more, that can really help your rankings. Just make sure that its quality, and you arent putting up tons of words just to take up space!

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  • Step 6: Backlinks

    A backlink is just a link from another site that comes into your site. For example, if you create a YouTube video with a link back to your website in the description- thats a backlink.

    I talk a lot about backlinking in the main course, but I do want to talk about anchor text for a second right here.

    Anchor text is the text that is highlighted in blue on the actual link. So for example, if your backlink on another site (say DocStoc.com) says how to lose weight, then the anchor text is how to lose weight.

    If its how to burn fat quickly, then the anchor text for that link is how to burn fat quickly.

    One of the core parts of SEO now is to use varying anchor texts. Even though you want the anchor text to be your main keyword most of the time, you should also use a lot of very similar (but not the exact same) anchor texts.

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  • Step 7: On-site SEO

    I talk about this a little in the main PDF, but dont go over it too much in detail. Even here I wont be able to cover everything, just the basics.

    Off-site SEO is basically backlinking. You send backlinks from other websites pointing to your website, and this helps its rankings in Google.

    On-site SEO is a little different. This is how you optimize things on your site, instead of on other peoples sites.

    So for example, you want internal links between pages on your site. So your page on dog training might link to your page on dog grooming. This helps you build a solid foundation so that both Google and visitors can find information easily.

    You also want the title of each post to have your main keyword in it. I mentioned this above in the Creating Content section, but you want to make sure your main keyword is shown several times per page.

    Finally, there are several WordPress plugins that can help your site become better SE optimized. You can try Platinum SEO or All-in-One SEO. Either works, but you dont need both.

    (To find a new Plugin in WordPress, just go to the Plugins tab on the left side of the admin control panel when youre logged into WordPress.)

    Finally- put some pictures in there! Everyone likes pictures, and having them in your articles can help Google figure out what your article is about. Just make sure that you use the alternative text, which is text that tells Google what the image is about.

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  • Conclusion

    Well that pretty much sums up the main process. Note that you are going to be building multiple pages, one for each keyword you are targeting.

    Also, I know that I didnt get into the details of the coding with header tags, backlinks, etc. There are lots of tutorials online to help with this - Google is your best friend here!

    I hope this helps!

    George Katsoudas

    Information Products

    My Wordpress Plugins

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    IntroductionStep 1- Selecting a Market/NicheStep 2: Getting a Domain and HostingStep 3: Setting Up WordPressStep 4: Finding KeywordsStep 5: Creating ContentStep 6: BacklinksStep 7: On-site SEOConclusion