What is it? health is energy It is not a mere absence of disease It is physical, mental, social,...


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What is it?

health is energy It is not a mere absence of disease

It is physical, mental, social, spiritual wellbeing

Health is wealth It is a process It is a result of individual


It is a lifestyle

It is a process

It’s a choice

Physical health Emotional health Social health Financial health Occupational health Environmental health

energy levels posture Body mass index Physical functioning of

body parts breathing

The ability to…….. understand your own feelings Accept your limitations Achieve emotional stability Become comfortable with your


This is the ability to relate well with others both within and outside of the family

Time/involvement Care/ meeting needs

Obtaining and maintaining the resources to positively influence one’s life and to ensure other forms of wellness

It is a ‘state’ irrespective of income levels

It includes ….. Objective state of wealth Your behavior as it relates to your

state of wealth-budget/save/invest/ live within your means

Your subjective perception of your state of wealth

Your satisfaction with your state of wealth

Includes career, skills and vocation

It is preparing and making use of your gifts, skills and talents in order to gain purpose ,happiness and enrichment in your life

Relationship with your creator/ higher being

The sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose in human existence

Gratefulness/ peace

Includes air, water, food and safety

It is the capability to live in a clean and safe environment that is not detrimental to health

Illnesses- frequent Low energy- sleepy Stress Absenteeism High medical bills unplanned advance/loans Medical conditions

Disengaged families/employees Low productivity Low profitability

Desire – why? Plan- set goals Take action Sustain it

Regular exercise Good nutrition- food ,

water and air Avoiding harmful habits Responsible decisions

about health Seeking medical

assistance when necessary

Take time to reflect Guard your thoughts Interpersonal skills

Spend time with loved ones Social skills

Budget Follow through Save invest

CANI Find purpose Have passion

Take time to improve the relationship

Clean environment Clean air Clean water

www.blossomconsultants.com e-mail:

info@blossomconsultants.com0720 149 568
