What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service …use. Here we critically analyse the results of...


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Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32

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Climate Services

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What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service prototypes?

Practical Implications

The paper, which is structured around the experience acquired during the development of the five climate service prototdistills a few key reflections which should be of general relevance to a wide community of climate service developers and funThe top level practical implications can be summarised as:

� The experience of EUPORIAS suggests that the interaction with the users during the development of a climate service cann

sporadic and cannot simply occur at the beginning (e.g. service definition) and at the end (e.g. service evaluation) of the se


� Allocating sufficient time to the dialogue with the user and to the consequential change in the domain definition and scope o

services being developed is essential to the success of these services.

� On top of the objective benefits that users could gain from a climate services tailored to their needs, the access to climate e

tise during the development of the service represents an important added value to users.

� Top-down management practices are not necessarily the most suitable for developing climate services. Adopting a flexible

agement approach (e.g. Agile) can be an advantage in an environment where changes in scope in response to users feedbac

to be expected.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2017.06.0032405-8807/Crown Copyright � 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the Open Government License (OGL) (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/).

⇑ Corresponding author at: ECMWF, Shinfield Park, Reading, UK.E-mail addresses: carlo.buontempo@ecmwf.int (C. Buontempo), isadora.jimenez@bsc.es (I. Christel), jean-michel.soubeyroux@meteo.fr (J.-M. Soubeyroux), c

viel@meteo.fr (C. Viel), sandro.calmanti@enea.it (S. Calmanti), lorenzo.bosi@wfp.org (L. Bosi), veronica.torralba@bsc.es (V. Torralba), nube.gonzalez@bsc.es (N. GReviriego), francisco.doblas-reyes@bsc.es (F. Doblas-Reyes).

Carlo Buontempo a,⇑, Helen M. Hanlon a, Marta Bruno Soares b, Isadora Christel c,Jean-Michel Soubeyroux d, Christian Viel d, Sandro Calmanti e, Lorenzo Bosi f, Pete Falloon a, Erika J. Palin a,Emilie Vanvyve a, Verónica Torralba c, Nube Gonzalez-Reviriego c, Francisco Doblas-Reyes c,g,Edward C.D. Pope a, Paula Newton a, Felicity Liggins a

aMet Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB, UKb Sustainability Research Institute and ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UKcBarcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Nexus II Building, C/ Jordi Girona, 29, E-08034 Barcelona, SpaindMeteo-France (MF), 42 Avenue Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse, Francee ENEA, Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile, Via Anguillarese 301, Roma, ItalyfWFP, World Food Programme, Via Cesare Giulio Viola 68-70, Roma, Italyg ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 19 December 2016Received in revised form 27 April 2017Accepted 2 June 2017Available online 3 July 2017

The international effort toward climate services, epitomised by the development of the GlobalFramework for Climate Services and, more recently the launch of Copernicus Climate Change Servicehas renewed interest in the users and the role they can play in shaping the services they will eventuallyuse. Here we critically analyse the results of the five climate service prototypes that were developed aspart of the EU funded project EUPORIAS.Starting from the experience acquired in each of the projects we attempt to distil a few key lessons

which, we believe, will be relevant to the wider community of climate service developers.Crown Copyright � 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the Open

Government License (OGL) (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/).


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� User representation (or lack thereof) in the governance structures of climate service projects and the way in which these projects

are linked to downstream business opportunities have a direct impact on their ultimate usefulness to society. If we want climate

services to succeed we should be prepared to challenge and possibly change the way in which users are involved in and interact

with climate service projects.

22 C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32

1. Introduction

The Global Framework for Climate Services put a new emphasison the role of users in service development and it is now clear thatproducing high-quality and credible information about the naturalworld alone is insufficient to ensure the production of useful cli-mate information for decision support (Hewitt et al., 2012). Pro-ducing actionable climate information that addresses users’needs is a complex, highly contextual social process (McNie,2013). In an attempt to address this critical issue and narrow theusability gap (Lemos et al., 2012) a set of climate service proto-types were developed within the EU funded project EUPORIAS(Hewitt et al., 2013). Starting from the idea of a climate servicecodesign (Cash et al., 2003), the project was initiated without spec-ifying in advance which case studies or users would be targeted bythe project (Buontempo et al., 2014).

EUPORIAS focussed specifically on the climate predictions time-scale but whilst the project was open to consider services based ondecadal prediction all the prototypes proposed were based on sea-sonal prediction data. Both hindcast and forecast data used by theprototypes originated from the Global Producing Centres for Long-Range Forecasts (GPCLRFs) of the World Meteorological Organisa-tion operating in Europe namely Météo France, Met Office andECMWF.

The ambition was to identify and develop only those servicesthat had a tangible user drive and which were also most likely toprovide valuable results. Having a user component in the definitionof the issue to be addressed was believed to be an effective way topromote a sustained dialogue between users and providers whichcan itself contribute to the creation of legitimacy and trust (Lemosand Morehouse, 2005; Vaughan and Dessai, 2014). Rather thanfocusing on the specifics of each of the prototypes that have beendeveloped, the paper attempts a ‘‘synoptic” evaluation of some ofthe most relevant aspects that were common to most prototypes.Section 1 presents the prototype selection and its outcome, Sec-tions 2–5 focus on some of the specific challenges and lessonslearnt. These have been clustered under a series of generic head-ings indicative of the most common challenges encountered.Fig. 1 shows how each of the different prototypes compare withone another in relation to the challenges discussed in the Sections2–6. Finally Section 7 summarises the main conclusions (seeFig. 2).

1.1. Prototype selection

In most research projects, once funded the individual partnerspursue a set of tasks largely agreed at the start of the project, ormore commonly, before the project commenced. It is thereforeoften relatively difficult to follow a work programme whichevolves strongly as it progresses, or has resource allocated forundefined tasks, both common features of user-driven research.Whilst changing this status quo is a major challenge within thelifetime of a single research project, involving all partners in thedefinition of the criteria for the prototype selection was usefulfor the EUPORIAS project and provided a refreshing perspectiveto the use-cases. This inclusive approach complemented the ethosof the overall project as, within the constraints of the fundingstructure (e.g. the allocation of funding across project partners

which was defined in the project grant) EUPORIAS sought toinvolve users directly in the governance of the project and includethem in the problem definition.

The prototype selection procedure was structured over twoindependent and distinct phases. First the general criteria that con-tribute to the usefulness and success of a climate service wereidentified and agreed upon by all project participants. Two overar-ching criteria were given a disproportionate weight: the presenceof a well identified user who had a clearly formulated questionand the evidence of the existence of sufficient skill in the predic-tion of the relevant parameters. Then each project partner wasinvited to submit one or more prototype proposals for evaluation.Finally the management board of the project appointed an externalpanel made up of three experts to decide on the ranking of eachproposal using the criteria selected. Fig. 2 shows a simple flow dia-gram of the selection procedure.

A copy of the selection criteria is included in the technicalannex. The process worked well and, despite initial worries, con-tributed to building a cohesive environment among project part-ners. Five prototypes were selected:

� LEAP, led by ENEA in Italy and World food Programme aimed atupgrading an existing food-security early warning platform forEthiopia through the inclusion of seasonal forecasts.

� SPRINT, led by Met Office, focused on provide advice towardsdecision-makers operating in the transport sector in the UKabout the upcoming winter conditions.

� LMTool, also led by Met Office provided seasonal climate guid-ances to farmers in the South West of the UK.

� RIFF, led by Météo France, focussed on the management offreshwater water reservoir during summer periods near Paris.

� RESILIENCE, led by BSC in Spain, targeted the provision of glo-bal wind predictions for the energy sector on a seasonal time-scale.

More information on the specific implementation is available inother papers within this issue

Further to these prototypes there was an additional prototypedeveloped by SMHI for Elforsk about hydropower production inSweden and a number of case studies which won’t be presentedin these pages.

A clear limitation of the selection process was the inability toalter the funding allocation among partners depending on the dis-tribution of the prototypes. Although there might have been waysto add flexibility in the administration of the research grant it wasfelt that it would have been too difficult to manage the project andmaintain project cohesion. Our experience could suggest thatdeveloping alternative funding streams which link users and provi-ders more directly could have a positive impact on climate modeldevelopment.

2. Broad or deep?

One of the challenges climate services development faces is tofind the right balance between a bespoke service designed for aspecific user and the ability to mainstream their production.EUPORIAS was designed as an experiment to overcome some ofthe limitations identified in the provision of generic, albeit highly

Fig. 1. A schematic representation of how EUPORIAS prototypes relate to the top level challenges identified in the Sections 2–6 of this papers.

C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32 23

sophisticated, climate information to users (Tang and Dessai,2012).

The prototypes represented a trade-off between two oppositepushes. On the one hand the project was designed to deliver verydeep and narrow services addressing the need of a specified user.On the other hand the partners were keen to develop servicesaddressing a variety of users as these are more likely to attractwider attention and consequently facilitate long-term sustainabil-

ity. For this reason a strong emphasis on the identification of aclear end-user who could benefit directly from the service wasmaintained throughout the prototypes definition phase.

For example, the SPRINT prototype trialled a new potential ser-vice forecasting winter impacts for UK stakeholders in the trans-port sector. This project was co-funded by the UK Departmentfor Transport and involved multiple transport stakeholders withinterests in UK rail, road and aviation. Managing multiple

Fig. 2. A schematic flow diagram explaining the procedure followed by the expert panel for selecting the prototypes.

24 C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32

stakeholders with a variety of different requirements and expecta-tions raised some issues, particularly with the format and dissem-ination of the forecast.

For example, some users wished to receive short, headline-typestatements that could be easily disseminated onward in theirorganisation, whilst others appreciated more detailed informationexplaining the science behind the headlines. Providing usable guid-ance required a clear explanation of the uncertainty surroundingthe forecast. During the development of this prototype the teamworked with the users to determine how best to represent thisuncertainty, and made some changes to how the information wasvisualised in the documentation sent out in response to the com-ments of the users. It was found that some users felt the longerlead time (3-month lead outlook) information was too uncertainfor them to make decisions on whilst others appreciated receivingthe 3-month lead outlook despite the greater uncertainty. In gen-eral, most participants found the 1-month lead time informationaccurate and useful for planning decisions. However, the SPRINTteam also found that many of the prototype’s users required anumber of different services spanning different time frames, toaid their decision-making.

Within the SPRINT prototype end-user impact data was com-bined with the UK NAO forecast, using a statistical model, to createa forecast for that specific impact. A conceptual example of a fore-cast is shown in Fig. 3. Impact metrics were considered acrosstransport modes (Palin et al., 2016) and included road salt usage,

number of weather-related incidents on the railway, and numberof British Airways aircraft de-iced at London Heathrow Airport.

The effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on UK climatecan be similar for a wide area; however the impact seen at a par-ticular location is dependent not only on the severity of theweather but also on the vulnerability of that location – or theassets/operations employed there – to the climate extreme(s) inquestion. As such, the impact forecast was most appropriate forthe location/asset/function to which the data related. So, if themodel were based on impact data from a different location, thiswould limit the utility of the information to end users elsewheredue to the differing vulnerabilities to weather in different places.

A rather different strategy was followed by the Météo Franceteam developing the RIFF prototype for the water sector. It soonbecame obvious that each of the three targeted end usersresponded to different drivers (e.g. managing low flow and/or floodrisk), objectives (e.g. dam management) and the economic stakes,factors which were then reflected in a rather different approachto strategic seasonal planning. Rather than delivering a cross-sector service based on seasonal forecasts, something that wouldnot have allowed for an assessment of the usefulness of the proto-type, the team decided to focus first on only one stakeholder, EPTBSeine Grands-Lacs (SGL), which showed most enthusiasm for theproject and had resources available to support the intensive workrequired. In a later stage another important stakeholder involvedin the project, the Syndicat Mixte d’Etude et d’Aménagement de

Fig. 3. Example of a transport impact forecast for a particular impact metric. The current forecast (top) includes a measure of the uncertainty across the forecast ensemble,and is compared with retrospective forecasts of mean impacts for previous years (bottom).

Fig. 4. An example of the comparison between climatological ranges and seasonal predictions of river flow analysed as part of the development of RIFF prototype.

C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32 25

la Garonne (SMEAG), ran the prototype operationally during sum-mer 2016.

3. Trust and confidentiality

One of the most critical aspects of climate service developmentis the need to develop an environment of mutual trust between theusers and providers. The RIFF prototype provides a good exampleof one of the surprises many of the prototype teams faced duringthe development of the services. Contrary to initial expectations,the challenge during the prototype development not only relatedto the transformation of information emerging from a complexsuite of physical models developed in a research context to anoperational tool operating at a seasonal time scale. It was alsorelated to the need to rapidly learn how to build a trusting collab-oration with the users to jointly define a tailored service adapted totheir needs. Sharing company specific details and practice isalways challenging in a commercial or otherwise competitive envi-ronment, particularly where multiple businesses are involved in a

common research project. But this becomes utterly impossible inthe absence of trust between the parties involved in the develop-ment of the service. Trust building has been recognised to beessential to the development of successful services (Brooks, 2013).

Confidentiality was therefore of paramount concern for manystakeholders in the project. Within SPRINT some wanted theiroperational data to be keep confidential, while for others it wasabout not openly publishing the actual forecast for their impactbefore they got a chance to analyse it and make their decisionsbased on that forecast. All organisations are interested in managingreputational risks as well as financial risks; additionally, somestakeholders in the project may be competing with other similarorganisations. Conversely, in line with EC regulation, the ethos ofEUPORIAS is to publish and present its findings openly; hencethe EUPORIAS deliverables required some flexibility in presentingproject outcomes while still respecting confidentiality. This meanta small amount of extra time was needed from the Met Office forrewriting or re- visualising forecasts for the SPRINT prototype,omitting the confidential parts (e.g. presenting a ‘‘real” impactforecast, but omitting the details of which impact was shown,

Fig. 5. A snapshot of the main LEAP user interface. The user has direct access to a number of parameters that are useful to monitor the food security situation in real-time:rainfall patterns, farming conditions, drought indices and projected yield.

26 C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32

and/or the range of forecast values). It was also an advantage thatstakeholders involved in the group were respectful of each other’sconfidentiality requirements. Having this trust amongst our stake-holder group allowed us to disseminate the forecasts together inone teleconference and one set of supporting material, rather thanpreparing and delivering to each individually, which would nothave been possible with such a large group. In the case of the RIFFprototype and more widely in the water management sector thedetails of the Decision Making Process (DMP) have a significantcommercial (and more widely societal) value as they are at thecore of the all the economical (and environmental) activities onthe territory needing water resource. It would not have been pos-sible to have access to those in the absence of trust. At least in thiscase the trust building activity was a two-way undertaking. On theone hand the team at Météo France was learning about the specificvulnerabilities, decision points and sensitivities of the users, on theother hand, the user gradually familiarised to the main concepts ofseasonal forecasts and their limitations.

This trust-building phase was a necessary step for the followingone, namely the evaluation of how, if at all, seasonal predictionsimplemented for RIFF affected the final decision and the benefitof using it. SGL replayed 29 years of decision making as a blind testaccording to a specific ‘‘Placebo protocol” (Viel et al., 2016) definedwith the user. A metric based on the number of days spent belowtheir vigilance threshold (Fig. 4) was identified to analyse the suc-cess of each decision. This experiment, beyond its results (a littleadded-value of SF versus historical simulations, but not signifi-cant), was probably the most efficient user engagement tool. Itsped up many aspects of the project, such as service design, timing,knowledge exchange and recognition of seasonal forecasting limi-tations. It also positively influence the user uptake of the product.After a common debriefing of this assessment phase, feedbackfrom SGL was very positive, much more than what we would haveexpect from the quantitative scores of the seasonal forecast alone.Thanks to this collaboration, the users learnt from their own expe-rience that there are opportunities to improve their decisions byincluding climate information in the decision process. The experi-ment also provided an opportunity to look more analytically at theDMP within the SGL and its sensitivity to climate information.

4. Willingness and adversities

Even when external constraints make the development of abottom-up service challenging the adoption of a user-centric per-spective can lead to a series of tangible benefits.

The Livelihoods, Early Assessment and Protection project (LEAP)platform (Fig. 5) was developed in 2008 by the Government ofEthiopia with the technical support of the United Nations WorldFood Programme (WFP) and the financial support of the WorldBank to monitor the food security situation in the country(Hoefsloot and Calmanti, 2012).

The software uses agro-meteorological monitoring data to esti-mate future crop yields and converts these estimates into the num-ber of people, by district and region, projected to be in need ofassistance. This number could then be used to calculate the finan-cial resources necessary to scale up the Productive Safety Net Pro-gramme (PSNP) in Ethiopia, Sub Saharan Africa’s largest socialsafety net, and enable households to receive early livelihood pro-tection before they start engaging in negative coping strategies.Within EUPORIAS, the LEAP prototype planned the addition of sea-sonal forecast capabilities to the LEAP platform with the expecta-tion this would have provided tangible benefits to the activitiesof both the Ethiopian Government and key international reliefand development actors, in responding to food security crises.

The potential for rainfall predictability in East Africa has beenknown for a relatively long time. It has been demonstrated that asimple statistical algorithm based on sea surface temperature(SST) predictors has a ROC skill score (a measure of hits and missesrelative to false alarms) as high as 0.92 in the north of Ethiopia(Diro et al., 2011). Currently, SST-based statistical seasonal fore-casting algorithms (Korecha and Barnston, 2007) are frequentlyused at the National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia.

Indeed, the research provided solid ground for upgrading of thedrought early warning system in Ethiopia. However, the full buy-infrom the Government of Ethiopia has been slow, mostly due to thecomplex political processes within the country and climate-drivenshocks that have occurred during the life of EUPORIAS. On the polit-ical side, a major restructuring took place within the Government,with the department formerly in charge of LEAP (the Disaster Risk

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Management and Food Security Sector of the Ministry of Agricul-ture) being reorganised, with the platform now sitting under theNational Disaster Risk Management Commission, and directlyreporting to the Prime Minister’s Office. Simultaneously, a changeof leadership happened at the Government level, with the replace-ment of senior staff in charge of managing LEAP. At the same time,the El Nino-driven food security emergency of 2015 diverted mostof the attention of the Government and of WFP in Ethiopia fromimprovements and innovations of the early warning systemtowards actually managing the crisis (Drought Tests Ethiopia,2016) at a cost of around US$ 1.4 billion (HRD, 2015).

The 2015 agricultural season in Ethiopia witnessed one of theworst drought events in the last thirty years, prompting a massiveresponse from the Ethiopian government and international part-ners. It is estimated that more than ten million people (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-35038878 retrieved on13/12/2016) were in need of food assistance due to the droughtduring the main rainy season. Despite the occurrence of adverseexternal events during the course of project, there is evidence thatEUPORIAS will have a significant impact in improving the responseto food security crises in Ethiopia, beyond the duration of the pro-ject itself. This is due mostly to the positive outcomes of the LEAPseasonal forecast Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) conducted during theproject. The CBA has been conducted by comparing the cost of lateaid, with the cost of an early intervention triggered by forecastsplus the possible remainder which could be needed at the end ofthe crop season if the forecast did not trigger enough resources.The analysis shows that the introduction of LEAP Forecast couldsave $125m over a period of eight years compared to a scenariowithout forecasts, and provides a clear economic rationale for theintroduction of such improvements within LEAP. As an outcome,in 2016 WFP renewed its dialogue with the Government of Ethio-pia to promote a more systematic use of seasonal forecast productsin the national drought early warning system. A renewed dialoguewith the Government of Ethiopia is very likely to improve the anal-ysis and factor-in the benefits of other ad-hoc interventions thatseasonal forecast could trigger, with a deeper impact on livelihoodsand society.

5. Interaction and flexibility

Developing user led services means, among other things, havingthe ability to respond rapidly to the change in scope to addressusers’ feedbacks. This feature was exemplified within the EUPOR-IAS Land Management Tool (LMTool). This prototype is a semi-operational climate service providing seasonal climate forecasts(1–3 months ahead) to support land management-related deci-sions for South West UK (for more see Falloon et al. in this specialissue). The tool focuses on the winter months since the predictionof the NAO allows for better seasonal forecasts of the Northern Eur-ope winter climate (Scaife et al., 2014). The tool was developed byan interdisciplinary team of partners – the UK Met Office, Univer-sity of Leeds, Predictia and KNMI – in close collaboration with theClinton Devon Estates (CDE) and the National Farmers Union(NFU). The LMTool was iteratively co-developed between January2014 and May 2016 with farmers and land managers in that regionthrough a range of engagement activities (i.e. workshops, inter-views, surveys and feedback forms) informing technical aspectsof the tool (cf. Falloon et al. 2018). The LMTool was developed tak-ing into consideration the principles of climate services develop-ment (see www.euporias.eu/symposium for more information)which emerged from the ECOMS initiative. These principles under-pinned the development of the LMTool throughout its duration andhelped guide and frame the work of the team as well as the inter-actions with the farmers and land managers involved (Fig. 6).

From a methodological perspective, the LMTool employed amixed methods approach throughout the development of the tool,including survey, interviews and a workshop with the farmersinvolved. This in turn, allowed the collection and triangulation ofdata acquiredwith regards to the farmers’ informationneeds aswellas the continuous improvement of the technical aspects of the tool(Gray, 2009). An Agile approach was also implemented with regardto project management which allowed the team to address emerg-ing issues and unpredictable situations in the development of thetool. Using the principles of climate services development (PCSD),together with the methodological approaches adopted, allowed adegree of flexibility and response to changes throughout the wholeprocess of developing the tool. Belowwe describe a few examples ofhow the adoption of these principles and approaches allowed theLMTool team to respond and adequately change the direction ofthe work developed in response to the farmers’ requirements andneeds. Based on the PCSDs and Agile approach, the project was splitinto different components: service/product development, stake-holder engagement and external communications activities (whichwere then subdivided into subtasks as appropriate). This allowedthe development team the flexibility required to accommodatechanges e.g. redefine the scope of the tool. For example, the initialidea was to engage with farmers in the South West UK (given theinvolvement and contactswithin ClintonDevon Estate in this proto-type) with a potential wider application in the farming sector andother regions. A scoping workshop was held with high level repre-sentatives of CDE which broadly defined the potential focus of theprototype as winter cover crops. However, following the first inter-views conducted with the CDE farmers, the team quickly realisedthat most of them were not interested in cover crops but rather onother types of land decisions for which seasonal forecasts could beuseful. Based on this key finding the team, the flexible approachallowed the team to adjust the scope and focus of the LMTool inorder to encompass other types of land-management decisionsbeyond those related to cover crops.

Also underpinned by the PCSDs and the mixed methodsapproach adopted, the LMTool development was informed by theneeds and requirements of the farmers through a range of engage-ment activities (interviews, workshops, feedback gathering, sur-veys). This was an iterative and continual process between theLMTool team and the farmers which allowed not only changes inthe scope (as mentioned earlier) but also in service provision(e.g. farmers requested 14-days forecasts alongside the seasonalforecasts). As a direct result of this, the team involved in the serviceprovision changed in response to these evolving demands from thefarmers. The changes in the LMTool based on such demands werethen communicated back to the farmers regularly, also identifyingsuggested changes that had not been made, and explaining the rea-sons why. The close working relationship between the LMToolteam and farmers also facilitated transparent discussions aboutwhat outcomes were achievable. Another benefit of this closeinteraction with the farmers was that it helped the project teamto understand the (potential) value of the LMTool to the farmers,an important consideration which was explored through inter-views and a workshop. The prototype nature of the project alsohelped the LMTool team to understand better the process of devel-oping a prototype climate service for land managers as well as les-sons for future work. As with other EUPORIAS prototypes, the closerelationship with the final user enabled the project team to expandon the service delivered to address further user needs, adding extravalue to the stakeholder.

6. Multiple entry-points

The primary aim of the RESILIENCE prototype was to provideprobabilistic climate predictions for strengthening the efficiency

Fig. 6. The principles of climate services development.

28 C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32

and security of power generation and supply within energy net-works. However, as the development of the prototype engagedwith the energy community, the complexity of the user landscapewithin the energy sector emerged as a challenge. In order to pro-gress with the prototype design it was necessary to narrow thefocus on a specific subset of the energy system. Wind power wasselected rather than solar energy or power demand, as these wouldhave required different types of climate information. But despitethis narrowing of the scope on wind power generation, the propo-sition (understanding and quantifying the wind resource), is key tomultiple user profiles in the wind energy sector both in pre- andpost-construction stages of wind farms. Transmission SystemOperators, Operations and Maintenance teams, the financial teamsof wind farm owners or energy traders, are only some of the userprofiles that use wind speed information to forecast future condi-tions based on retrospective climate information (Landberg et al.,2003; Sanz, 2010) and therefore, they are potential users of theRESILIENCE climate service. For this reason, a progressive furthernarrowing of the end-user profile and scope of the prototype wasneeded driven by the question ‘Who is the user?’

The situation faced by the RESILIENCE prototype is not new inthe development of the climate services field. Despite the effortto focus on a single sector and the recurrent reference to end-users, most solutions aim to provide as much information andcover as many user needs as possible. In fact, the development ofclimate services is underpinned by a scientific community whichis biased towards the provider perspective in a common situationof ‘‘a solution in search of a problem”. As illustrated with theenergy field, many sectors do not consist of an homogeneous group

of people but a constellation of professional profiles, economicinterests and activities (Dessai and Bruno Soares, 2015). This diver-sity is found not only across stakeholders but also within a singleorganisation where each department performs different activitiesand may have different short-term objectives and priorities. Manyuser profiles require different types of information (e.g. differentregional and temporal scales), and there is no feasible way to sat-isfy all the needs of this complex users’ landscape at a time andwith a uniform approach. A user-driven approach requires abottom-up approach that should start by defining the user andits climate information needs, and that should later define howthose needs can be fulfilled using climate predictions. Althoughworking with wind speed predictions seemed initially a narrowand focused objective, user engagement activities demonstratedthat there were still a high variety of users and needs, and there-fore, of decision types with varying risks and extent of potentiallosses and benefits. This was made particularly obvious whendeveloping the visualisation tool Project Ukko (www.project-ukko.net), a user interface that provides useful and usable informa-tion of the future variability in wind resources for the wind energysector (Fig. 7).

Although the final user evaluation was positive and indicatedinterest by the users (Makri, 2015), the decision to focus on a setof users (energy traders) instead of a single user champion limitedsome parts of the design and development of the interface. A visu-alisation tool like Project Ukko simply provides relevant informa-tion to a user, while a decision support tool is an informationsystem that additionally supports actual decision-making. In orderto switch from a visualisation tool to a decision support tool,

Fig. 7. Project Ukko, RESILIENCE user interface showing the operational wind speed prediction for the winter period December 2015 – February 2016. Above there is the mapshowing the overview data, and below is the detail information that pops up on demand when the user clicks on a point in the map. On the left there are the historicalobservations, and on the right the predictions are given in terms of probabilities computed as the percentage of ensemble members under the lower, mid and upper terciles.

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intensive work is required to understand the decision-making pro-cess undertaken by the end-user. Only when decision-making pro-cesses are well described, can a climate service start definingwhich information is needed and how it can be provided so as tosupport and improve decision-making.

The need of user-driven approaches is a key lesson learnt fromthe EUPORIAS project. However, multiple funding entry-points arenot always the best setting to promote this approach. The RESILI-ENCE prototype was built on top of the Barcelona SupercomputingCenter (BSC) previous experience with energy users and researchdevelopment on climate predictions for energy. This sped up thecreation of the prototype but it also hindered the process of defin-ing a single final user. In a broader setting, multiple funding entry-points should acknowledge the tension between user-drivenapproaches and the wide range propositions that aim to build con-tinuity and alignment of the climate services development. Bothends of the climate services development are needed but theyrequire efficient coordination for different timeframes, fundingactions and goals. Within public funded bodies such as CopernicusC3S or public research institutions providing climate services, mostattention is being paid to enhance synergies among projects, con-tracts and actions related to climate services and underpinningcapabilities that will allow the downstream tailoring. User-drivenapproaches can only happen in very targeted interactions, forinstance for an small-medium enterprise aiming to develop a pro-duct tailored to a specific target market. In this context, addressinga single user need can be perceived by public climate services pro-viders as less likely to be useful beyond the experience gained forfuture developments. Moreover, the timeframe of many EU pro-jects requires early results and outcomes hindering a properuser-engagement strategy that essentially requires time to buildtrust and willingness to collaborate from stakeholders.

For the SPRINT prototype the user engagement and scientificdevelopment were happening in parallel, with customer require-ments always in mind from the beginning. The original vision forthe service trialled in this prototype was a result of the discoveryof NAO skill and existing interactions with DfT. The relationship

with DfT was a major benefit as without their support and coordi-nation of the stakeholder group, managing a number of differentstakeholders with diverse interests and drivers could have beentime consuming and complex.

In principle, setting up a project such as this could be quite achallenge if the goals of the different entry-points vary, but thiswas not the case for SPRINT – the goal of this prototype waswell-aligned with DfT’s aims (such as ensuring transport safetyand improving journeys) so there was no barrier to joint steeringof the project. It was especially pleasing for the prototype teamthat DfT was interested to be involved in this novel activity, giventhe multiple demands on both staff time and financial resourceswithin central government departments in recent years. Althoughcollaboration with a central government department required us tofollow their existing procedures for developing the service along-side those of EUPORIAS, which were in general free from con-straints, this was rarely a complication, which we assert waspartly due to the existing relationship with DfT and the level oftrust already earned.

Finally, having a diverse group of stakeholders from across thedifferent transport sectors, several of whom provided us with theend-user impact data we required, allowed the development andtesting of the science behind these forecasts.

Along with these benefits, there were also challenges to over-come. Testing – and evaluating the skill and utility of – a prototypemay involve considering many factors and require a long timecommitment, raising the question of whether the stakeholder(s)can sustain the risk during the scientific development stage. Whilstit may be more complicated managing a project with multiplefunding sources there are also non-financial benefits. When stake-holders are funding part of the work being done on a research exer-cise such as this one, they can have more of an interest in gettingsomething or something specific out, specific deliverables can bedefined to justify funding and therefore both sides must committo, and stay involved, in the work to ensure these are delivered.

However, where stakeholders do not have a specific financialinvestment in the project it is easier for their attention to be

30 C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32

diverted when something higher priority in their organisationcomes along. An example of this from SPRINT would be the user’swillingness to supply historical impact data. From a scientific pointof view having impact data provided by the end user has beenessential to providing tailored information for them (there can beno impact forecasts without first being able to build the historicalNAO/impact relationship). In the more general case, if an end userhas a financial stake in the project this may prompt them to sharetheir data more readily.

The result was a broadly successful trial, which received posi-tive feedback from stakeholders who found the service to be usefuland to provide opportunities for future operational capability. Thereason for this success was effective engagement with all entry-points concurrently, existing relationships and trust, along withthe fact that this was not an exercise in turning existing researchinto a product, nor was it attempting to create science to fit userneed but finding two funding sources with overlapping goals.

7. Conclusions

The present paper has introduced a set of climate service proto-types developed within the EU funded project EUPORIAS with themain aim of illustrating the key lessons learnt through the devel-opment of those services. Starting from the idea of a climate ser-vice codesign, five prototypes were selected: SPRINT, focused onwinter transport; RIFF, focused on water management for reservoirdams; LEAP, looking at food security in Ethiopia; LMTool, address-ing the needs of farmers in the South West of the UK; and RESILI-ENCE, looking at wind prediction for the energy sector. Since eachprototype was tailored to one specific sector and specific user’sneed, this work approached the most relevant aspects found onthe progress of the prototypes. Through the examples presentedin this paper, a broad discussion has been conducted to build upa common document, a reference on climate services, with thefinal thoughts of the project.

EUPORIAS was designed to include, as much as practically pos-sible, the user perspective in the definition and the development ofa climate service. This was done first through a dynamic selectionof the prototypes based, among other things, on the strength of theassociated use case. Although there may be several alternativeways of promoting an effective use dialogue within climate servicedevelopment, having a strong and structurally relevant interactionwith the end-user at the problem definition stage has undoubtedlycontributed to a change in the dynamic between users andproviders.

Finding a balance between user specificity and mass produc-tion of climate services is one of the aspects faced within EUPOR-IAS. Overall, the prototypes appeared to be a trade-off betweenthe aspiration to produce a service meeting the needs of a speci-fic user and the desire to produce a service which could poten-tially be reused or re-shaped for other applications. In thisrespect, RIFF and SPRINT prototypes are the two opposite pointson the spectrum of the services developed. We argue that such atension is neither trivial nor specific to EUPORIAS, as similar ten-sions are appearing for instance within Copernicus SIS (Buon-tempo 2016 personal communication), because the need toappeal to a potentially larger audience than the one originallytargeted in the prototype impinges directly on the long term sus-tainability of the service and the people involved. This could pro-vide a significant challenge to the mainstreaming of climateservices.

The experience of the LEAP prototype is a good reminder of thecomplexity of climate service development namely the capacitywithin the user’s organisation to engage and interact with thedevelopment team. This is an issue even when, as in the present

case, there is both a genuine interest from the user and a decentchance for the prototype to provide a valuable service. Havingsomeone who understands the issue, is committed to the projectand has time to invest to ensure the project reaches its objectivesis an asset for the service whose value is difficult to overestimate.

A major challenge for the prototypes has been to use limitedend-user data to derive useful, robust information to the users.This was particularly evident in the case of SPRINT but to a lesserextent was true also for the other prototypes. In fact the lengthof the impact data record is crucial for the assessment of the roleof natural climate variability while also providing a way to increasethe robustness of the statistical analysis. For climate services tothrive a renewed effort toward the collection the storage and themaintenance of these essential datasets would be needed.

The prototypes represented in this paper show how much userinteraction can alter the scope, the setup and ultimately the out-comes of a climate service proposition. User engagement is a con-tinuous process that should not be relegated to the final stage of aproject but which should instead be intertwined in the very fabricof the project at all stages. Despite the fact that all the peopleinvolved in the development of these prototypes were all quiteaccustomed to user interaction, the project was more time-consuming that expected in the beginning, but also more relevantto users than initially anticipated. If the European communitywants to develop user driven climate services, it is essential thatwe factor in a sufficient amount of time for fostering the userinteraction.

More broadly the experience of EUPORIAS prototypes also sug-gests we will need to rethink the way in which users are involvedin climate service propositions. Going beyond the ‘‘solution insearch for a problem” approach may require a change in the gover-nance of the projects and a more direct involvement of users in thedefinition of the problems to be analysed and of the solutions thatare being developed. As long as the scientists are driving the pro-ject and the users do not have any investment (monetary or other-wise) in the project the outcomes are bound to be biased towardsthe providers. Our experience in that sense seems to suggest thatnew funding mechanisms which link users and providers moredirectly could have a positive impact on climate servicedevelopment.

Considering the global ambitions in relation to climate services,it is interesting to note that a downstream market for climate ser-vices can probably only exist if sufficient space is left between theproviders and the users so that purveyors can operate and thrive.However the experience of EUPORIAS may suggest that if the dis-tance with the users becomes too large this may result in the pro-vision of irrelevant data, which in turn would not stimulate themarket for intermediaries. Getting and maintaining the right bal-ance between these two forces may well be one of the biggest chal-lenges a climate service will face in its development.


The authors wish to acknowledge all of those who contributedindirectly to the development of the EUPORIAS prototypes, throughscientific discussion, review, data provision, stakeholder engage-ment and facilitation: for SPRINT, Adam Scaife, Anca Brookshaw,Alberto Arribas, Emily Wallace, Jeff Knight, Margaret Gordon, KateBrown, Brent Walker, Mathew Richardson, Jodie Wild, and the DfT-led stakeholder group; for RESILIENCE, Melanie Davis for conceiv-ing the prototype and for her vision on Climate Services. In theLMTool, Clinton Devon Estates, the National Farmers Union, andall the farmers involved in the development of the tool.

The UK Government Department for Transport is acknowledgedfor providing financial support, in parallel to that received fromEUPORIAS, for the SPRINT prototype.

C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32 31

The visualisation, project UKKO, within RESILIENCE prototypewas done by Moritz Stefaner.

EUPORIAS was funded by the European Commission throughthe 7th Framework Programme for Research, grant agreement308291.


Guidelines for the selection of the climate service prototypes

EUPORIAS is a project, funded by the European Commissionthrough its 7th framework programme, whose aim is to promotethe development of climate services in Europe. One of the mainoutcomes of the project is the elaboration and the delivery of asmall set of fully working climate-service prototypes operatingon a seasonal or decadal time scale. Contrary to other projectsthese prototypes have not been selected at the onset of the projectbut have been elaborated through a close collaboration with thefinal users. The resources available to EUPORIAS allow us todevelop up to five prototypes. This means that EUPORIAS will needto make a selection from among all the prototypes that will be pro-posed. This will be done with through an internal call for proposalsopen to all project partners or group thereof.

This document summarises the general principles and the maincriteria for the selection of the prototypes. To guarantee the max-imum level of transparency in the selection process an indepen-dent committee will be asked to look at the proposals and scorethem individually. The top scoring five prototypes will be consid-ered as the official recommendation.


� Climate service:

Is a way of providing climate information that assists decision

making by individuals and organisations.

� Prototype:

Is a specific implementation of a climate service that addresses

a (set of) well identified decision(s) of at least one stakeholder.

� Process recipes:

Represent a set of instructions highlighting the main steps that

have been followed in the development of the prototype.

� Predictability:

Is the extent to which future states of a system may be pre-

dicted based on knowledge of current and past states of thesystem.

� Skill:

Represents the relative ability of a prediction system in assess-

ing the likelihood of occurrence of specific events with respect to

Expected value of the prototype given its expected skill [0–5]threshold 2.5


Evidence highlighting the expected skill of the prototype andits implication in terms of the overall value to thestakeholder

A prrelaForof clprefleve

the ability of other ‘less-skilled’ systems. Climatology will be thestandard benchmark for skill in this document.

� Value:

Is a measure of the overall benefit to the stakeholder associated

with the prototype. In its crudest form it can be approximated bythe expected price the stakeholder would be happy to pay for theprovision of the service.

� Legacy:

Is a description of the way in which the outcome of the project/

prototype will be used by a wider community after the end of theproject.

� Stakeholder:Is an individual or an organisation who is interested in the pro-

ject and who have a critical decision which can be informed by cli-mate information.

General principles:While the selection of the climate service prototypes that will be

developed within EUPORIAS spans a number of different dimen-sions, the General Assembly identified two general principles asbeing of primary importance. These are associated with the overallvalue of the impact predictions and the user engagement. Whilstthese two dimensions are not necessarily independent from oneanother we have here assumed that as a first order approximationthey canbe considered independent. On onehandwe can haveuserswho appear very enthusiastic about the possible use of climate pre-dictions but for whom we cannot deliver a suitable set of valuablepredictions (e.g. lack of skill in the underpinning forecast, relevantparameters cannot be predicted, inadequate timeframe for the deci-sion). On the other handwemay have stakeholders forwhich a clearvalue can be identified but who lack engagement and enthusiasm(e.g. too busy doing other things, legal or political constraints, per-sonal issues, lack of trust in the science, etc).

The prototype proposals will be scored looking first at thesefirst two dimensions (skill/value and stakeholder engagement). Inorder to be selected the proposal would need to score at least 2.5points in these first two dimensions. The secondary dimension willbe used to discriminate between the prototypes that have passedthe thresholds. The final score will be based on the sum of the scoreof each dimension. Score increments are set to 0.1 of a point. Themember of this committee will be asked to score each proposalfully, irrespective of whether they exceed or not the threshold inthe first two dimensions. After receiving the scores, a ranking ofall proposals will be put together according to their scores. Onlythe proposals which have passed the two thresholds for the major-ity of the reviewers will be evaluated at this stage.

The next few pages provide a overview of each dimension andsome additional information on the evidence that are needed fromeach prototype proposal.

ustness [0–1]

ototype should be based on a well established and understoodtionship linking the climate drivers to the impacts.example, all the rest being equal prototypes for which long seriesimate observations and impact/outcome are available, should beerred to those with shorter records as a way of ensuring a goodl of understanding of the driver-impact relationship

User decision [0–2] Stakeholder engagement [0–5, threshold 2.5] Assessment [0–1]

Evidence of how the prototype can informstakeholder’s decision-making process (e.g. isthere at least one critical decision identified)

Is a stakeholder(s) of reference clearlyidentified?How solid is the evidence of thecommitment, the engagement and theenthusiasm for the prototype on thestakeholder side?For example: is the stakeholder likely toshare its data with the project?Is the organisation willing to share theirexperiences?Is there already an infrastructure service thatcan be used as a starting point?

What is the strategy for assessingthe impact of the prototype on thedecision made been identified?

Prototype diversity [0–2, no threshold] Community/spin-off [0–1, no threshold] Project cohesion [0–1, nothreshold]

Does the proposal address a sector, a region ora timescale that would otherwise be under-represented in the final selection?

How likely it is that other prototypes can begenerated on the back of the proposed one?For example: a prototype for the water sectormay require information on river flow which canin turn be used by stakeholders in the energy,agricultural and fishing sectors to developadditional prototypes

Does the proposed prototypepromote a wide coordinationacross partners in the project?How likely is it that the prototypewill promote a cross-partnersapproach to the challenge?

Post-project exportability [0–1] (no threshold) Sustainability [0–1] (no threshold)

Is the process recipe of the proposed prototype likely to be exportable toother regions and sectors?

Will the prototype build upon existing services or tools?How likely is it that the prototype could have a life afterthe end of the project?

32 C. Buontempo et al. / Climate Services 9 (2018) 21–32


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