Welcome to the The Future of AGI workshop at AGI-09


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Welcome to the

The Future of AGIworkshop

at AGI-09

If AGI follows Moore's Law

Would the cost of a human's worth of intellectual work fall by 40% every year?

Wouldn't the number of AI's tend to increase exponentially?

Wouldn't this displace us economically?

If I built a robot to do my work ...

... I'd want it to do my work! ... so I wouldn't have to! Why shouldn't humanity

as a whole be in just that enviable position?

If AI gets to be smarter than us

Wouldn't they just take over?

If AI's are smarter than us

Shouldn't they be in charge?

If we can build AI smarter than us

Why not one morally better? As Ron Arkin quipped, “It's a low bar.” If it were possible, wouldn't we have a moral duty

to do it?

What about

The rights of the robots themselves? Are we re-introducing slavery? Should they vote (remember, they'll outnumber us

fairly soon)? Sue the robot or the manufacturer?

Self-driving cars... Current public perception

Terminator Forbin Project I Robot (movie)