WELCOME TO RIVER ROAD CHURCH, BAPTIST€¦ · In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the...


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A Celebration of Partnership in Ministry and Service of Installation of The Reverend Doctor Daniel E. Glaze

as the Sixth pastor of River Road Church this 12th day of February 2017

TODAY’S SERVICE OF WORSHIP recognizes the gifts and new ministry of Daniel E. Glaze among the people of River Road Church, Baptist. For Baptists, each congregation calls its pastor and then takes time to install the pastor into his or her new work. Today, we recognize, install, and support the ministry of our pastor-with words, greetings, and prayers from faith leaders and friends.


Dr. Robert Gallagher Minister of Music, River Road Church, Baptist

Rev. Dr. Pam Durso Executive Director, Baptist Women in Ministry, Atlanta, Georgia

Rev. Dr. Daniel Bagby Minister of Pastoral Care, River Road Church, Baptist

Rev. Anita Thompson Associate Pastor, First Baptist Church of Ahoskie, North Carolina

Rabbi Hal Schevitz Congregation Or Atid, Richmond, Virginia

Rev. Dr. Jim Somerville Pastor, First Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia

Rev. Mandy England Cole Pastor, Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia

Dr. Hilton Almond Chair, Pastor Search Committee, River Road Church, Baptist

Rev. J. Brent Walker Retired Executive Director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Glaze Montgomery Rector, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Arlington, Virginia

Rev. Dr. Joseph Glaze Interim Pastor, St. John’s United Church of Christ, Catonsville, Maryland

Rev. Dr. Michael Clingenpeel Pastor Emeritus, River Road Church, Baptist

Rev. Dr. James Slatton Pastor Emeritus, River Road Church, Baptist

Rev. Craig Janney Congregational Reference & Referral Manager Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Atlanta, Georgia

Rev. Ka’thy Gore Chappell Leadership Development Coordinator Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC, Winston-Salem, North Carolina


February 12, 2017 Four o’clock in the afternoon

LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR CANDLES Beth Rooney and Zach Bostic, acolytes


INTROIT Simon Lole Spirit of God enfold me, Spirit of God wash me, Spirit of God fire me, Spirit of God love me.

*PROCESSIONAL HYMN Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Lobe den Herren

*Congregation standing if able

*CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Dr. Pam Durso

Minister: In the beauty of this space, in the fellowship of Your people,

Congregation: We worship You.

Minister: In the presence of Your Spirit, in the company of all creation,

Congregation: We worship You.

Minister: In the joy of new beginnings, in the blessing of Your servant,

Congregation: We worship You. *INVOCATION AND OUR LORD’S PRAYER

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. WELCOME Rev. Dr. Daniel Bagby GREETINGS Rev. Anita Thompson Rabbi Hal Schevitz Rev. Dr. Jim Somerville ANTHEM The Call Richard Lloyd

Chancel and Youth Choirs

LESSON FROM SCRIPTURE Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (p.143) Rev. Mandy England Cole Minister: The Word of the Lord. Congregation: Thanks be to God. *GLORIA PATRI

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen. Amen.

*LESSON FROM SCRIPTURE Mark 12:28-31 (p.825)

Minister: The Gospel of Our Lord. Congregation: Praise be to You, O Christ. *HYMN 376 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Hyfrydol

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a Way, as gives us breath: Such a Truth, as ends all strife: Such a Life, as killeth death.

Come, My Light, my Feast, my Strength: Such a Light, as shows a feast: Such a Feast, as mends in length: Such a Strength, as makes his guest.

Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a Joy, as none can move: Such a Love, as none can part: Such a Heart, as joys in love.

THE ACT OF INSTALLATION Dr. Hilton Almond In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, we have met to induct into the pastoral charge of River Road Church, Baptist the Reverend Doctor Daniel Edgar Glaze. The call of this congregation has been placed in his hands and he has signified his willingness to accept this call. We, by prescribed authority, do now proceed to install him as Pastor of this congregation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

INSTALLATION SERMON “Trinitarian Ministry” Rev. J. Brent Walker 2 Corinthians 1:21-24

ANTHEM The Glory of Christ K. Lee Scott

Revelation 1:12-16 Chancel Choir and Members of the Chancel Bell Choir

CHARGE TO THE PASTOR Rev. Dr. Jennifer Glaze Montgomery


*HYMN 442 The Church’s One Foundation Aurelia

CHARGE TO THE CHURCH Rev. Dr. Michael Clingenpeel


Minister: Do you, River Road Church, Baptist, accept Daniel Glaze as your pastor, covenanting with him to love God with your whole being and love your neighbors as yourselves?

Congregation: We do.

Minister: Do you, River Road Church, Baptist, through God’s grace, covenant to be faithful servants, responsible disciples, and willing pilgrims on this faith journey with Daniel and his family?

Congregation: We do.

Minister: May the blessing of God’s good grace rest upon us as we venture together into this good work.

Congregation: We commit to God all that we have and all that we are as we accept this new leadership and begin a new chapter of discipleship for our congregation and those who follow us.

You, living Christ, our eyes behold, Amid Your church appearing, All girt about Your breast with gold And bright apparel wearing; Your countenance is burning light, A sun resplendent in its might; Lord Christ, we see Your glory.

Your glorious feet have sought and found Your own of every nation; With everlasting voice You sound The call of our salvation; You search us still with eyes of flame, You know and call us all by name: Lord Christ, we see Your glory.

O Risen Christ, today alive, Amid Your church abiding, Who now Your blood and body give, New life and strength providing, We join in heavenly company To sing Your praise triumphantly: Lord Christ, we see Your glory!


Deep peace of the running wave to you, Deep peace of the flowing air to you, Deep peace of the quiet earth to you, Deep peace of the shining stars to you, Deep peace of the gentle night to you, Moon and stars pour their healing light on you, Deep peace of Christ, the light of the world to you. Deep peace of Christ to you.

~ Words from an old Gaelic rune CALL TO PRAYER

Minister: Creator God, we hear Your call to care for the lost, the last, the little, and the least that through us Your grace may touch their lives.

Congregation: May we follow our new Pastor as we seek to follow this call You have given us.

Minister: Living God, we hear Your call to bring hope to those seeking a safe place to nurture their journey of spirit.

Congregation: May our ministry, together with our new Pastor, offer the hope of deep and trusted friendship, and a way to find connectedness and abundance of life together.

PASTORAL PRAYER (written by Rev. Ka’thy Gore Chappell)

*RECESSIONAL HYMN 420 God of Grace and God of Glory Cwm Rhondda *BENEDICTION Rev.

John Rutter

God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in mine eyes and in my looking. God be in my mouth and in my speaking. God be in mine heart and in my thinking. God be at mine end and in my departing.


Our Pastor Daniel Edgar Glaze became the sixth pastor of River Road Church, Baptist on November 27, 2016. He came to us from the historic First Baptist Church of Ahoskie, North Carolina, where he served as pastor for the last 10 years. Prior to that, he was an associate pastor at First Baptist Church of Frankfort, Kentucky and director of a free medical and dental clinic. Daniel received his undergraduate degree at Georgetown College, attending on full scholarship as the inaugural Paul Parks Baptist Scholar. He then received a Master of Divinity from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, serving as pastoral intern at Grace Baptist Church in the city. Daniel received his doctoral degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He has completed post-doctoral study at the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving—part of the Lilly School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. Daniel is active in community and denominational life. He is a weekly podcast panelist and producer at FaithElement.net. He serves on the Leadership Team at Baptist Women in Ministry and is in his second year as chair of the Board of Directors of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. Daniel is a husband and father. His wife, Andrea Lynn Glaze, is an industrial/organizational psychologist. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Ella Grace and Ashley Lynn, who in turn are raising a spirited Australian Shepherd named Micah.

The Church Staff

Daniel E. Glaze, D.Min., Pastor Daniel G. Bagby, Ph.D., Minister of Pastoral Care

Kimberly C. Crowley, M.Div., Interim Minister to Children Robert P. Gallagher, D.M.A., Minister of Music

Libby M. Grammer, M. Div., M.A., Interim Minister of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation Chester L. Phelps, Jr., M.A., Interim Minister of Y outh

Billy Burford, Intentional Interim Church Administrator Cassandra Ducca, Communications Specialist • Zelda Goode, Cook / Housekeeper

Wendy Graves, Preschool Administrative Assistant • Kevin Harris, Building Support Team LeAnne Lane, Office Manager • Lyndsay McGreevy, Preschool Director

Terri McMahon, Administrative Assistant • Chuck Ursiny, Building Services Coordinator

Susan S. Young, Administrative Assistant

James H. Slatton, Th.D., Pastor Emeritus • Michael J. Clingenpeel, Ph.D., Pastor Emeritus E. Carl Freeman, Jr., Mus.B., Minister of Music Emeritus


8000 RIVER ROAD • RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23229 (804) 288-1131 • www.rrcb.org

WE GIVE THANKS to the Pastoral Installation Committee, the church staff, the chancel choir, the youth choir, and all those who have come from far and near to celebrate the installation of River Road Church, Baptist’s sixth pastor, Rev. Dr. Daniel E. Glaze. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to a reception given by the Pastoral Installation Committee and Social Committee for the Glaze family in the Fellowship Hall following the service. ORDAINED CLERGY from within the River Road Church family are participating in the processional. Dr. Glaze gives thanks for their ministry and service among us. THE COVER ART for today’s service was created by Rev. Suzanne L. Vinson, Richmond area minister and artist, using hand lettering and an intersecting "fabric" digital design of her watercolors.
