Welcome to OLK12 Portfolio Solutions! Your presenter today….Janet Syed


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Welcome to OLK12 Portfolio Solutions!

Your presenter today….Janet Syed

FAQ’s•What kind of portfolio is this product? Career Portfolio, Assessment Portfolio & Professional Development Portfolio.

•Who creates the portfolios? Who reviews the portfolios?Students create the portfolios while teachers review them.

•Is the portfolio meant to be used for in-school or out-of-school use?Students can create a URL if they wish (and school has decided to allow) for use in applying to college and employment.

•What grade levels are meant to use this system?Any grade level may use this system.

•How extensively has it been used in K-12 schools? In New Hampshire?SAU 53 others possibly looking.

•Is this compatible with other programs we are using (such as our MIS)?Sakai is integratable with any existing MIS.

•What file formats can be stored on this system?Any file format can be stored on the system.

•What support is available (both virtually and locally)?OLK12 is a local NH company that provides across the board support –Installation to Portfolio Creations.

•How much time is involved in setting it up? In maintaining it?OLK12 installs with full support. It is a stand alone, very stable product.

•Requirements????(hardware, software, networking, and personnel)Sakai is a web product installed on a Linux based operating system. Requires little system resources. OLK12 can also provide a secure hosted solution.

•What professional development (besides technology training) is included and involved?OLK12 will provide complete hands on training to users.

•Who does the work of putting together the portfolio (students, teachers)? How much time is involved?Portfolios are a living interactive document. It grows with the student as he or she progresses in school.

•Who has access to the portfolios?Administrators, teachers, and students. Additionally a public URL can be created for public viewing.

•What types of reports can be generated? For individuals? For classes?Sakai is a reflective software which follows the student through school. Reports for both the student as well as teachers are always available.

•What costs are involved? (Hardware, Software, Personnel time)Free software is installed on existing hardware with 3 full months of support included. Additional support will be available.

•What assessment tools (e.g., rubrics, student reflection) are included?Rubric/Matrices, Student Reflection, Student Evaluation of Work, Teacher Evaluation, Feedback

•Can the product be easily mapped to national, state and local standards?Yes, The district/school/teacher must provide!

Sample Set Up of A Portfolio•Teacher provides OLK12 with

Rubric/Standards for class.•Teacher provides Roster or Student

Directory to OLK12.•Tools will be created for assignment uploads, grade books, evaluations…

according to classroom needs.

Opening Page of Portfolio

•Pictures customizable•Input information customizable

The Matrices

• Rubrics and Standards provided to OLK12 are uploaded by OLK12

• Students and Teachers work with to submit1.Evidence2.Reflections3.Evaluations4.Feedback

***The information loaded into the matrix goes directly into the portfolio***

First Evidence Page• Customizable pictures• Customizable Standards• Evidence in dropdown box• Reflections• Evaluations• Feedback

Evidence in Drop Down Box is easily accessible for viewing…

• Ask additional questions!!!!!• View a live demonstration!!!!!!!

Thank you…..OLK12783-5877


