Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak … · 2019-09-19 · Welcome the...


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March 24, 2013/24 de Marzo 2013

“… Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice, and love one another.”

Opening Our Hearts to Christ and to the World Abriendo Nuestros Corazones a Cristo y al Mundo

Phone: 404-696-6704 Fax: 404-696-4735

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

After Hours/Emergency Line: 304-280-3588

Email: stpaulofthecrossatl@gmail.com Website: saintpaulofthecross.org

St-Paul-of-the-Cross-Catholic-Church Follow@SaintPaulATL

Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Jerome McKenna, C.P., Pastor

Rev. Fr. Alberto Cabrera, C.P., Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Hilliard M. Lee, Jr., Deacon Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby, Deacon Rev. Mr. George Smith, Deacon

Served by the Passionist Community

Founded in 1954

MASSES Sunday: 7:00am (Espan ol), 10:00am (English) 1:00pm (Espan ol) Monday - Friday: 7:30am Wednesday: 7:30am Communion Service Saturday: 9:00am Communion Service Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm (English)

Eucharistic Adoration First Friday Mass: 12:00 noon. (followed by Exposition) Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction: 8:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00pm (or contact the office for an appt.) Sacrament of Baptism First and Third Sundays (except during Lent) Preparation Class: 2nd Saturdays of each month. Contact the office for information. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least six months before setting a date. Anointing and Visitation of the Sick Contact the Pastor or the Parochial Vicar Adult Faith Enrichment Bible Study: Thursdays, 3:00pm Prayer Group: Tuesdays, 6:00pm

Parish Information

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

January 10th, 2016

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T he Pastor’s Corner

January 10 - 16, 2016 Sunday, 10:00 am: People of the Parish Monday, 7:30 am: Herbert Carter † (req. Mjumbe & Jean Ashe Family) Tuesday, :30 am: Eleanor Orange † (req. Lynda, Janice and James Porcher) Thursday, and Friday 7:30 am: Intention of the Donors Wednesday, 7:30 am, & Saturday, 9:00 am: Communion Service


Sunday, January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord

11:00a KPCLA 301 Meeting (after Mass) - Spiritual C. 11:30a Religious Education - School Monday, January 11 2:00p Legion of Mary - Spiritual Center 7:30p English Classes - School Tuesday, January 12 10:00a Jolly Bunch - Spiritual Center 6:00p English Prayer Group - Chapel 7:00p Pastoral Council - Rectory Dining Room 7:30p Adult Hispanic Catechism - Spiritual Center 7:30p Hispanic Bible Study - Spiritual Center Wednesday, January 13 7:00p Adult Religious Education ONLINE 7:00p Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:30p Spanish Mass Thursday, January 14 3:00p Bible Study - Spiritual Center 7:00p Hispanic Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:00p YAM - Spiritual Center Friday, January 15 6:30 Hispanic Prayer Group - Spiritual Center Saturday, January 16 5:30p KPCLA 301 Jr. Daughters Meeting (after Mass) - Spiritual Center

Jan. 1st, Solemnity of Mary Offertory and Mail-ins $955.00

Jan. 3rd, Epiphany: $15,294.00 Needed: $12,000.00 (Including Mail-in Contributions) Offertory $11,004.00 Holy Christmas $625.00 Georgia Bulletin $368.00 Initial Offering $230.00 Revival DVDs $100.00 Catholic Charities $50.00 Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministries $20.00 Immaculate Conception $10.00 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN GOAL $900,000.00 Pledges Received $626,699.00 Sacrificial Contributions: Dec. 20, 2015 $5,450.00 Dec. 27, 2015 $5,670.00 Jan. 03, 2016 $9,572.00 Payments Received to Date: $543,719.80

Capital Campaign Contributions may be made up to the end of June 2016.

I would like to thank the Church for all the prayers, phone calls and

cards at this time during the loss of my brother Ronald Petty, and may God continue to bless all of you.

Fannie Collier

My dear Parishioners,

With the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, our Christ-

mas season comes to an all-too-early end. But this does not

mean that we cannot carry the spirit of Christmas into the

rest of the year. In a few short weeks, Lent will be upon us

and, with it, comes the realization of how closely the Nativi-

ty of the Lord is linked to his Passion, Death and Resurrec-

tion. Now, even as we contemplate the mystery of his bap-

tism, we are reminded of our own. For it was through bap-

tism that we are bonded with the One who took our flesh and

showed us how to walk with him—rather, how he walks

with us, leading us to the holiness of life that God promises

to all who hear and heed his voice.

During these days of January, we might well reflect on the

implications of our baptism. This first of the sacraments,

which opens a whole new way of life for us, is the prerequi-

site of our sacramental life. Sacramentality defines us as

Christians; it creates the graced framework that gives mean-

ing to our lives and to our every word and action. Pope St.

John XXIII, when asked what was the greatest day of his

life, responded without hesitation: “the day of my baptism.”

How many of us could say the same thing? How blessed

and privileged we are to be called to live the Christlife! As a

sacramental people, we must never live our lives lightly.

Our vocation is to a personal holiness that flows from us,

touching everyone we meet and flavoring everything we do.

May we all journey into this new year, supporting one anoth-

er and drawing others through the example of our lives to the

Author of all Holiness.

- Fr. Jerome, C. P.

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Our Parish Staff


PLEASE VISIT THE WEBSITE: saintpaulofthecross.org

for instructions on how to attend the online classes.

UPCOMING EVENTS Jan. 18th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Jan, 22nd: Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Feb. 10th: Ash Wednesday Feb 14th: First Sunday of Lent - Rite of the Election Mar. 19th: Solemnity of Saint Joseph Mar. 20th: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mar. 24th: Holy Thursday Mar. 25th: Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Mar. 26th: Holy Saturday Mar. 27th: Easter Sunday

Our Sick, Homebound and hospitalized

Mary Williams Philip Wiltz Leslie Collins Grace Hinds Daisy Barhams Mary Wiggins Jeanie Sadler Marynell Brooks Myrna Yancey

William Leggett Martha Barnes William Crowder Matthew Catel Jean Ashe Alfreda Yancey Janelle Todd Bryan Medina Delores Green

Pauline Pitts Merlin Todd Walter Longino Bobby Morales Joyce McBee Richard, Ryan, Jr. Michael Nyaguze


Ms. Patricia Elguera, Administrative Assistant Ms. Alison Mason, Adult Faith Formation Ms. Veronica Hodges-Johnson, Religious Education Ms. Kristi Crawford, Youth Ministry Dr. Lawrence Weaver, Music Director Dr. Gregory Nash, Music Associate Mr. Elmer Cortez, Bookkeeper Mr. Eric Mannings, Facilities Manager Mr. Edgardo Rubio, Custodian

English Classes: Classes held every Monday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm., in the School Building. Learn to speak, read and write in English. Clases de Inglés: Todos los Lunes de 7:30pm a 9:00pm, en la Escuela de San Pablo de la Cruz. Aprende a hablar, leer y escribir en Ingle s.

Smyrna Youth Recreational Soccer Spring Season 2016 Registration

Do you want to belong to the St. Paul of the

Cross Soccer Team? If so… please check the

flyers at the rear of the church for all the


Fútbol Recreativo Juventud de Smyrna

Temporada de Primavera Registración 2016

¿Quieres pertenecer al Equipo de Fútbol de San Pablo de la

Cruz? Si es así ... por favor mira los volantes ubicados en la

parte de atrás de la iglesia para saber todos los detalles.

2016 MLK Jr. Weekend Celebration January 14-17,

2016 and

Martin Luther King, Jr. Quiet Day of Reflection – January

18th, 2016

Please see flyer for more information on dates and locations at Saint Paul

of the Cross website/Events, Martin Luther King, Jr.

USCCB Special Collection - Natural Disasters in 2016

Archbishop Gregory has asked that the parishes of the Arch-diocese of Atlanta join with parishes across the United States in gathering a special collection the weekend of January 16th-17th for those who have been or will be affected by natural disasters throughout 2016. The funds collected in this one-time special appeal will be used to support Catholic Charities USA as they and their member agencies respond to immediate emergency needs. To give electronically, go to www.catholiccharitiesusa.org; by phone at 800-919-9338; or by mail to Catholic Charities USA, P.O. Box 17066, Baltimore MD 21297-1066. Additional information may be found at www.catholiccharitiesusa.org and www.usccb.org. On behalf of Archbishop Gregory and Catholic Charities USA, thank you in advance for your participation in this important effort. May God bless you!


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MINISTROS EL 17 DE ENERO DEL 2016 Lectores: Yulma y Armando Delgado Ministros de la Eucaristía: - Ignacia y Bartolo - Luz y Juan Pacheco Guías: Roberto Gonza lez, Juan Pacheco, Antonia Pacheco, Vero nica Cruz y Enrique Wences Monaguillos: Angel y Yansi Ozuna

¡Bienvenidos a San Pablo de la


Santa Misa en Español: Domingos, 7 a.m. y 1 p.m. Todos los Miércoles a las 7:30 p.m. en la capilla. Horas de Oficina: Lunes - Jueves, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

P. Alberto Cabrera, cp.: 347.819.5968 Numero de Teléfono (Oficina): 404-696-6704 Numero de Teléfono (Emergencia): 304-280-3588 Educación Religiosa: Se ofrece a nin os desde los 4 a los 18 an os. Las clases son antes de la Misa de 11:45am - 12:30pm, de Agosto 24 a Mayo.

Enero 10, 2016 Bautismo del Señor/C En primer lugar quiero, mis Hermanos, agradecerles por su colaboracio n en las distintas tareas que hemos enfrentado el an o pasado. Lo mismo agradecerles a los que colaboraron en todo lo referente a la Navidad. Las Posadas, la representacio n del Pesebre y de los magos. Es muy lindo ver cuando la gente colabora con generosidad y con gran espí ritu de servicio. Por todo ello, quiero agradecerles muy sinceramente y que sigan ese camino de servicio a la comunidad. El Sen or, rico en mis-ericordia los bendecira copiosamente. En cuanto a la festividad del BAUTISMO DEL SEÑOR

Origen y sentido de la fiesta La liturgia de hoy da un salto en el tiempo - de la infancia a la edad adulta - y nos presenta el Bautismo de Jesu s, un acon-tecimiento en el que llega a la plenitud la Epifaní a, o mani-festacio n del Mesí as: “Se oyo una voz del cielo: Tu eres mi Hijo, el amado, el predilecto”. Esta fiesta del Bautismo de Jesu s es de origen reciente. Con-cretamente, fue instituida en el an o 1960, situa ndola inicialmente, de manera fija, el 13 de Enero, octava de la fiesta de Epi-faní a. A los promotores de esta cele-bracio n les parecio que la manifestacio n de Jesu s al mundo alcanzaba su plenitud en el momento en que el Padre da de El testimonio en su bautismo. Y a la vez se nos ofrecí a a los bautizados una buena ocasion para reflexionar sobre nuestra condicio n de tales, ya que fue en el Bautismo cuando empezo nuestra fe de cristianos y el camino de nuestra fe.

La Gloria y la gracia el Señor La lecturas de hoy nos ofrecen como idea central el hecho de la manifestación de la Gloria y la gracia del Señor. Isaias habla de una voz que grita indicando que se revelara la Gloria del Sen or y la vera n todos los hombres juntos… Es la consta-tacio n de que Dios no abandona nunca a su pueblo: “Consolad, consolad a mi pueblo”. San Pablo nos dice que ha aparecido la gracia de Dios, que trae la salvacio n para todos los hombres… Esa salvacio n nos debe servir para renunciar a la impiedad y a los deseos mun-danos, y para llevar ya desde ahora una vida sobria, honrada y religiosa. San Lucas en el evangelio, nos muestra la venida del Espí ritu Santo sobre Jesu s y la confirmacio n de su condicio n de Hijo amado y predilecto de Dios.

P. Alberto, C.P.

Actividad Pastoral Hispana 2016

Bautizos: Segundo Domingo de cada Mes

Matrimonios: Febrero - Mayo - Septiembre, los dí as Lunes a las 7:30pm

Catequesis de Adultos: Enero - Junio - Julio - Octubre - Noviembre, los dí as Martes a las 7:30pm

Quinceañeras: Enero los dí as 23 y 30 de 8:00am a 1:00 pm.

INFORMES: Bautizos: Para toda informacio n y preparacio n, comuniquese con: Alma Robles 678-717-9619 o Antonia Pacheco 770-891-6765. Santo Rosario: Todos los Domingos a partir de las 12:30pm nos prepararemos para la celebracio n de la Santa Misa con el rezo del Santo Rosario Presentación de los niños: Llamar a Ofelia Gonza lez al 404-956-9789 Confesiones: Durante la semana a cualquier hora en la Rectorí a. Los Domingos antes de la Misa de 1:00 p.m. Matrimonios: Juan O. y Luz Pacheco: 770-823-1938 Quinceañeras : Contacte a: Antonia Pacheco 770-891-6765 o Luz Zavala 678-704-5829.

El Arzobispo Gregory ha pedido que las parroquias de la Ar-

quidiócesis de Atlanta se unan a las otras parroquias en USA

para la Colecta Especial del fin de semana del 16 y 17 de

Enero para ayudar a aquellos que han sido o serán afectados

por los desastres naturales en todo el año 2016. Los fondos se

utilizarán para apoyar a Caridades Católicas USA para que

respondan a las necesidades inmediatas de emergencia.

Para dar electrónicamente, vaya a www.catholiccharitiesusa.org;

por teléfono al 800-919-9338; o por correo a Caridades

Católicas USA, P.O. Box 17066, Baltimore MD 21.297-1066.

Información adicional se puede encontrar en

www.catholiccharitiesusa.org y www.usccb.org.

En nombre del Arzobispo Gregory y Caridades Católicas

USA, gracias de antemano por su participación en este

importante esfuerzo. Que Dios los bendiga!
