Welcome from Mrs Garrod, Head of M ourses offered by ...€¦ · 3 Welcome from Mrs Garrod, Head of...


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3 Welcome from Mrs Garrod, Head of MC

4 - 9 Courses offered by Strive

10 - 20 Courses offered by Voyage

21- 21 Courses offered by Enigma

24 - 33 Courses offered by Discovery

34 What Manor College students say

35 Trips and Opportunities

Thank you for taking the time to find out more information about Manor College.

Here at Manor College, we understand that everyone is different. That's why we

offer our students a personalised timetable with a wide range of courses ranging

from Physics to Health & Social Care. We want every student to be studying sub-

jects they enjoy and feel passionate about.

Manor College is part of the Mansfield Learning Partnership (MLP), which allows us

to offer our students a wider range of course combinations and courses, as well as

the opportunity of internships and career master classes.

Manor College students enjoy their own updated facilities and have access to

study, computer and social areas. Students at Manor College also have full access

to the facilities of The Manor Academy, which has its own sports centre and fitness

suite, a full sized and floodlit Astro Pitch, numerous tennis courts, an engineering

work shop and a comprehensive library.

As well as completing their academic courses, Manor College students take part in

a wider programme of study which includes volunteering, extended project and

work related learning. This wider programme allows students to develop transfera-

ble skills which will help them to achieve their goals for the future.

Every student at Manor College is provided a free iPad to help them with their

studies both in school and at home.

I hope you like what you see, and I look forward to welcoming you to Manor Col-

lege in the not so distant future.

Emma Garrod

(Head of Manor College)

Course Name:

AQA AS/A Level in Art and Design (Fine Art)

Entry Requirements: GCSE (C or above) and/or BTEC L2 Extended Certificate (Merit)

Why should I take this course?

The study of Art and Design (Fine Art) will give you an understanding of key

knowledge, practical and critical/contextual work in one or more areas of study, for

example drawing, painting, mixed-media, sculpture, printmaking and photography.

Course structure:

The AS qualification is a one year course made up from coursework (portfolio build-

ing, etc.) and an externally set exam towards the end of the year.

A Level is a 2 year course that consists of skills development and portfolio building

through projects in Year 1. In the second year of A-level, students are expected to

build on the knowledge, understanding and skills from their previous work, with

greater depth of study.

How will I be assessed?

A Level Year 1: Coursework and portfolio.

Year 2: Coursework and externally set examination.

AS Level Year 1: Coursework and portfolio and externally set exam.

What careers might this course lead to?

There a wide variety of prospective careers that you can explore, including

illustration, printing, design, working in galleries and many more.

Course Name:

AQA AS/A Level Drama and Theatre Studies

Entry Requirements:

GCSE (C or above) in Drama/English

Why should I take this course?

Drama is an exciting, energising and challenging subject which will

enrich you on both a personal and academic level.

Course structure:

You will work in an innovative and creative manner on a mixture of scripted

plays and devising your own work. You will learn about the theories of many

renowned theatre practitioners in a very practical sense and experience how to

merge these styles in

performance. You will be expected to perform some of your work during

evening events.

How will I be assessed?

A combination of practical and written assessments.

What careers might this course lead to?

Following this course, students would be well placed to pursue any of the

following careers: actor, stage management, technical and lighting director,

costume designer, theatre and arts management, director, playwright, script

writer for TV, radio and film, drama therapist, youth officer, community and

young people theatre, prop maker, scene/set designer or even a teacher.

Course Name:

AS PE + A2 Level PE

Entry Requirements: GCSE Grade B

Why should I take this course? This course is suitable if you wish to study sport further at University.

Course structure: To Acquire, develop and evaluate practical skills in Physical Education.

Units of study include Anatomy and Physiology, Socio-Cultural studies relating to

participation, Exercise and Sport Physiology, Historical Studies, The improvement

of effective performance and critical evaluation of practical


Sports Psychology

Skill requisition

How will I be assessed? A2: 70% Theory (written exam)

30% Practical (Sport 20% and Oral Response 10%)

AS: 60% Theory (written exam)

40% Practical (Sports 30% and EPIP Oral Response 10%)

What careers might this course lead to?

PE teacher / sports scientist / sports coaching / sports management /

physiotherapist / leisure industry.

Course Name:

A Level Media Studies

Entry Requirements: GCSE Grade C

Why should I take this course?

Today's world is an ever evolving one of technology and communication. The

better you are at using that technology and understanding it, the more adept and

prepared you will be for living in the 21st century! A level Media Studies teaches

you how to become a critical thinker and an analyst of the world around you.

Throughout the duration of the course, they will learn how to decode messages

that you never thought were even there and how todays world of hi tech

communication and advertisements try to reach out to you in our digital age.

Course structure: The Media Studies course is equally split into AS and A2. The practical side of this

course allows students to be very creative and hands on. Work includes producing

a production of an advertising trailer, writing an article for and creating a magazine

cover, and producing a radio excerpt.

How will I be assessed? A2: 50% Examinations

50% Coursework

AS: 50% Examinations

50% Coursework

What careers might this course lead to?

An A Level in Media Studies can be the starting point of a number of careers

in the media, from television direction and production to

journalism, marketing and public relations.

Course Name:

BTEC Level 3 Diploma (Dance)

Entry Requirements: 4 GCSE Grade Cs or above (including one in performing arts or dance).

Why should I take this course? Students will be required to investigate and understand the social and historical

context of different dance styles. They will participate in contemporary dance

classes, develop their movement vocabulary in a range of styles and understand

the basic physical and interpretive skills required in performance.

Course structure:

The course has a strong vocational focus. There is an emphasis on practical activity

with high level, comprehensive dance training. You will develop your technique,

artistic understanding and overall fitness to prepare you for a career in

professional dance performance. You’ll gain experience of a range of dance

specialisms including Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Choreography, Urban

Dance and World Dance making you a versatile dance artist. In addition you’ll

study core units linked to professional and performance-based practice, the study

of the performing arts industry and also the historical context of performance.

How will I be assessed? Continuous assessment throughout the year, culminating in a final major project.

What careers might this course lead to?

This course provides the skills to follow many career pathways in dance, coaching,

choreography and fitness.

Course Name:

Music BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma

Entry Requirements: At least five GCSEs grades A* - C, including music.

Why should I take this course?

This advanced level course is ideal if you want to develop a practical and theoreti-

cal understanding of a wide range of music styles. Students taking this course will

be experienced players who want to develop their performance, composition,

theoretical and historical understanding of music in popular, jazz and classical


Course structure: You will develop performance skills through solo and ensemble perfor-

mance classes, and have the opportunity to take individual specialist lessons at a

heavily reduced rate. You will develop your theoretical understanding and your

skills in composing and arranging music, including how to use relevant software,

including Sibelius and Logic. You will also study musicianship skills including the

history of popular music, theory, aural training, vocal technique and improvisation,

music in society. You will also study related subjects including music industry, free-

lance musicianship, music awareness and song-writing.

How will I be assessed? Assessment is by coursework based on assignments set in each unit. Assignments

will involve: Performance projects, individual research, group work and project


What careers might this course lead to?

The study of Music at BTEC Level 3 is the ideal stepping stone to a degree course at

university in music, music technology or music management.

You can also find employment in the music and

performance industry.

Course Name: OCR Philosophy and Ethics

Entry Requirements:

GCSE English Grade C

Why should I take this course? Through adopting an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the topics

studied, you will develop knowledge and skills that can be transferred into almost

every aspect of the workplace. This will support many career choices in a wide

range of areas.

Course structure: The Advanced Subsidiary GCE is both a ‘stand-alone’ qualification and also the first

half of the corresponding Advanced GCE. You would study two units during the

academic year:

AS Philosophy of Religion

Ancient Greek influences on philosophy of religion; Judaeo-Christian influences on

philosophy of religion; Traditional arguments for the existence of God; Challenges

to religious belief.

AS Religious Ethics

Ethical theories / Applied ethics topics.

How will I be assessed?

There will be two external exams in June. Both exams last 90 minutes and will

require you to write essays on two topics from a choice of four.

What careers might this course lead to?

The list is endless; Police, National Health Service, Care work,

Education, Law, Armed forces, Politics.

Course Name:

Psychology A Level

Entry Requirements:

Five GCSEs, including C in Maths and C in English

Why should I take this course?

There are a range of interesting subjects to study concerning human behaviour and

how the brain works. It is a science which helps with other subjects that look at how

research is conducted, and it is a subject which compliments other courses such as

Law, Sociology and English.

Course structure:

AS comprises of six compulsory modules in the first year and A2 includes a range of

topics to choose from in the second year.

How will I be assessed?

There are four exams: AS = two and A2 = two.

What careers might this course lead to?

Anything that requires you to work with and understand people; e.g. marketing and

business, counselling and social work, law and criminology, personnel, teaching,

politics, etc.

Course Name:

AS/A2 Level Spanish, AS/A2 Level French, or AS/A2 Level German

Entry Requirements:

GCSE B or above in chosen the language.

Why should I take this course? If you are considering an A level in a modern language, it is likely that you have

already studied a language at GCSE level. In some respects, doing an AS/A level will

be a continuation of what you did at GCSE. You will still practise the same skills

(reading, listening, writing, speaking), however, there is a big gap between GCSE and

AS/A level standards. To do well in these subjects, students must gain a much deeper

understanding of grammar and extended vocabulary.

How will I be assessed?

100% Examinations, (written, speaking, reading and listening.)

What careers might this course lead to?

Modern Languages can lead to a number of careers involving foreign travel or

requiring foreign links, e.g. import/export; airlines; travel industry; event

management; teaching languages; summer schools abroad and translation or


Course Name:

AS/A2 Level Sociology

Entry Requirements:

GCSE English Language grade C

Why should I take this course?

Sociology is a systematic attempt to explain the influence of social factors on human

behaviour. If you are interested in understanding why people behave in certain

ways e.g. why some people commit crime and others don’t or understanding why

your way of life may be different to other cultures/groups then sociology will

enlighten you.

Course structure:

The AQA syllabus allows you to examine some key social institutions in society and

how they shape our identity. You will study 4 units over the two years.

AS — - Families and Households

- Education and Research Methods

A2 — - Global Development

- Crime and Deviance and Sociological Theory and Methods

How will I be assessed?

All units are assessed through an external examination.

- AS —There will be one 1 hour and one 2 hour paper.

- A2 —There will be 1.5 hour and one 2 hour paper.

What careers might this course lead to?

Any jobs that involve working with people including professions within the National

Health Service, Social Work, Police, Prisons, Probation Officers, Education,

Law, Politics and in the Media.

Course Name:

AS/A2 Business Studies

Entry Requirements:

C grade in English and B grade in Maths.

Why should I take this course?

What makes a successful entrepreneur? Why do some business start ups succeed

but many others fail? What makes a successful business idea? These are the kinds

of questions you will find the answers to studying Business Studies.

Course structure:

At AS Level, Unit 1 covers the issues involved in a business start up and Unit 2

focuses on how established businesses might improve their effectiveness. At A2

Level, Unit 3 focuses on larger businesses which may be trading in international

markets, and Unit 4 assesses the external factors that can act as catalysts for

change, and considers these in relation to a range of businesses

How will I be assessed? 100% Examinations. AS Business Studies will be a one year examination that will be assessed in a final examination. A2 Business Studies will be a two year examination which will also be assessed at the end of the final year.

What careers might this course lead to?

Business Studies provides a good ground in many subject areas and provides a

breadth which enables students to go on to a range of degree courses and careers

including Marketing, Public Relations, and International Business Law.

Course Name:

AS/A2 Level History

Entry Requirements:

Grade C in English and History GCSE (although this is not essential).

Why should I take this course?

The study of the past is particularly interesting; it is effectively a study of ourselves.

History can provide answers to key questions about our lives and the world today.

Course structure:

There are four units, two at AS and two at A2. At AS you will cover Civil Rights in

America 1945-1968, Stalinist Russia and the Suffragettes. At A2 you will cover

Boom, Bust and Recovery in the USA and complete a piece of coursework on the

history of Ireland.

How will I be assessed?

80% Examinations, 20% Coursework.

What careers might this course lead to?

Historical study is unquestionably an asset for a variety of work and professional

situations, even though it does not, for the majority of students lead to a

particular job. It does, however, prepare students for key qualities such as

adaption, the ability to analyse and organise and the confidence in

giving presentations.

Course Name:

AS/A2 Level Geography

Entry Requirements:

GCSE Geography is not a requirement, as long as you are interested in the world

around you. Minimum - Grade C in English and Maths GCSE.

Why should I take this course?

Studying Geography can provide an individual with a holistic understanding

of our planet and its systems. Those who study geography are better prepared to

understand topics impacting our planet such as climate change, global warming and

water resource issues. With their understanding of political geography, those who

study geography are well positioned to comprehend and explain global political

issues that occur between countries.

Course structure:


Unit 1: Global Challenges – Global Hazards, Climate Change, Future Global Challenges.

Unit 2: Geographical Investigations – Crowded Coasts (physical geography) and Rebranding

Places (human geography)


Unit 3: Contested Planet – Energy Security, Water Conflicts, Biodiversity Under Threat,

Superpower Geographies, Bridging and Development Gap, The Technological Fix.

Unit 4: Geographical Research – Tectonic Activity and Hazards

How will I be assessed?

100% Examinations

What careers might this course lead to?

An A –Level in geography opens doors! Geographers can go into a wide range of

jobs including environmental management, social and health services,

finance, law, education and advertising.

Course Name:

Travel And Tourism Level 3

Entry Requirements:

The qualifications you will normally require are four GCSEs at grade C or above,

including Maths and English.

Why should I take this course?

Travel and Tourism has changed dramatically in the last few years, with an

increasing range of opportunities. The Travel and Tourism industries generate

billions of pounds worldwide and to work in them you will need good

communication and marketing skills and a focus on delivering great products and

experiences to an increasingly sophisticated customer, as well as exceeding the

service that they expect.

Course structure:

On the course you will study various units including:

- Worldwide Travel and Tourism Destinations

- Specialist interest holidays and independent travel

- Investigating the cruise industry

- Planning and delivering guided tours

A variety of travel, tourism and business related subjects will be taught by lecturers

with travel and tourism backgrounds.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed by projects, assignments, presentations, class exercises and

end of unit examinations.

What careers might this course lead to?

You can obtain employment within the travel and tourism industry,

e.g. cabin crew, resort reps, airport ground crew, tour operators of

tourist destinations and travel agents.

Course Name:

Level 3 Childcare

Entry Requirements:

4 GCSEs including English language at grades A*-C and Maths at a minimum grade D

Why should I take this course?

This 2-year course will prepare you to become an early years educator and to work

competently, safely and effectively with children aged 0 to 5 years, complementing

the role of the parent or primary care give.

Course structure:

During the course you will look at what affects children’s education, health and

social well-being and how their needs are met. You will usually be in a class of about

20 and will work in groups on projects as well as individually.

Units are structured around four themes:

- Health and wellbeing

- Legislation, frameworks and professional practice

- Play, development and learning for school readiness

- Professional development.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed by means of an examination and written assignments.

What careers might this course lead to?

You can progress to various job roles in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors,

such as: assistant in a children's centre; practitioner in a nursery school; practitioner

in reception classes in a primary school; practitioner in a day nursery; preschool


Course Name:

Level 3 Public Services

Entry Requirements:

You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs (C or above), including Maths and English

Why should I take this course?

The Public Services Diploma aims to help develop the skills and knowledge required

to gain employment in the uniformed public services. If you are interested in a

career in the Armed forces, Fire and Rescue service, Police, Probation service, HM

Customs and Excise, Immigration, or any public sector related job or to progress

into higher education, then this is the course for you.

Course structure:

The course is made up of 9 units studied in year one, and a further 9 in year two if

you progress. The units are a range of practical and theoretical subjects. These units

include: Government Policies and Public Services, Citizenship and Diversity, Fitness

Testing and Training, Crime and its Effects, Impacts of War, Custodial Care, Security

Procedures and Practical Team Sports.

How will I be assessed?

The course is assessed by ongoing assignments including reports, essays, booklets,

discussions, case studies and presentations. Practical activities are also assessed,

with opportunities to attend residential placements that are assessed.

What careers might this course lead to?

Students who successfully complete this programme will be able to apply for a HND

in Public Services. Opportunities are available to gain entry into the Public Sector:

Fire, Police, Army, Navy, Ambulance and the Prison Services.

Course Name:

A Level Mathematics

Entry Requirements:

GCSE grade B in Maths .

Why should I take this course? The A Level course extends the A and A* content of GCSE and introduces new areas of mathematics to study. A level maths supports work done in science courses but also complements other A level subjects such as English or languages. Course structure: Core Maths you will learn how to solve a variety of complex equations, work with lines, curves and circles, discover exponentials, logarithms and series and apply mathematical reasoning to solve problems. The Applied Maths modules currently on offer are Statistics and Mechanics. Statistics looks at relationships between variables and various distributions and mechanics looks at modelling particles using different laws of motion in different situations. How will I be assessed? 6 modules to be studied over two years. Three are examined in the summer term of each year. You will be awarded an AS level at the end of year 12.

What careers might this course lead to? An A level in Mathematics is a requirement for many university and college courses. It can lead to careers in the financial sector, medicine, Armed Forces and Engineering.

Course Name:

AS/A Level English Literature

Entry Requirements:

4 GCSEs including English language at grades A*-C and Maths at a minimum grade D

Why should I take this course?

In studying English Literature you will explore the psychology of characters, the

motives of writers and the political, social and historical contexts in which texts

were written and read.

Course structure:

Core content:

Love through the Ages (Shakespeare/Poetry)

Texts in Shared Contexts (Prose Texts)

Independent Critical Study: Texts across Time


Option 2A: WW1 and its Aftermath

Option 2B: Modern Times: Literature from 1945 to the Present Day

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed by means of an examination and coursework.

What careers might this course lead to?

The skills obtained through studying A level English Literature would be of benefit to

students who wish to study Law, Forensic Science, Psychology, Business... the list

goes on. In the work place, the communication skills developed through English

study would benefit anyone who wishes to move up to

management level.

Course Name:

AS/A Level Creative Writing

Entry Requirements:

GCSE grade B in English.

Why should I take this course? Creative writing is a distinct discipline in higher education. It encourages the development of skills that are essential for further study and a range of professional careers. This A-level enables aspiring writers to start on the path to professional practice and is equally useful for anyone interested in improving their creative and critical thinking and communication skills. Course structure: Core content: Writing on Demand - involve the production of texts based on practical writing scenarios. Exploring Creative Writing - involves individual creative writing arising from students’ own ideas. From Reading to Writing - Students will produce an original piece of writing in response to the stimulus text, and accompanying prompt, that they have selected.) The Writing Portfolio - Assessment will be by production of a coursework portfolio. The portfolio will consist of two elements: original creative work and a reflective commentary with bibliography.

How will I be assessed? You will be assessed by means of examination and coursework.

What careers might this course lead to? Students may become professional writers, follow careers in publishing, advertising, marketing, teaching or other professions that require advanced communication skills.

Course Name:

AS/A Level English Language

Entry Requirements:

GCSE grade C in English.

Why should I take this course? The study of English Language will introduce you to methods of language analysis, exploring audience, purpose, genre, mode and representation. You will be introduced to the ways that children learn language, and how they learn to understand and express themselves as they master language. You will explore language diversity and change over time—this will include attitudes towards different accents, dialects and sociolects. Course structure: Core content: Unit 1 : Language, the Individual and Society Unit 2 : Language Diversity and Change Coursework : Language in Action - A language investigation (2000 words, excluding data) - A piece of original writing and commentary (750 words each)

How will I be assessed? You will be assessed by means of examination and coursework.

What careers might this course lead to? The skills developed by the study of English Language are highly valued by a wide range of employers but they are particularly appropriate to careers in journalism, arts and media, research and teaching.

Course Name:


Entry Requirements:

BB (Core and additional) or B in Physics.

Why should I take this course?

This course will build on the content taught at GCSE and expand into the cutting

edge of Physics research. As you go through your studies you will develop key skills

such as critical thinking, problem solving and analytical thinking. These skills are

widely transferable to later life and any career path.

Course Structure:

The course is split into six modules. Modules 1 to 4 constitute the stand-alone AS

Level qualification; Modules 1 to 6, combined with the Practical Endorsement make

up the full A Level qualification.

The six modules are as follows: Module 1: Development of Practical Skills; Module

2: Foundation of Physics; Module 3: Forces and Motion; Module 4: Electrons,

Waves and Photons; Module 5: Newtonian World and Astrophysics; Module 6:

Particles and Medical Physics.

How will I be assessed?

100% Examinations

What careers might this course lead to?

As a subject physics leads to a wide array of careers not just those based in

laboratory. By studying physics you will develop communication, critical thinking,

problem solving and analytical skills. These are extremely valuable skills which will

help when applying to jobs or university. Some notable careers that physics could

lead to are: Automotive Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Accounting,

Consulting, Web designer, Medicine (Medical Physics),

Education, the list is truly endless.

Course Name:

AS and A Level Chemistry

Entry requirements

B in Additional Science and C or above in Core Science

Why should I take this course?

Chemistry is a vibrant and exciting subject. It is involved in everything around us - from the making of new materials to understanding biological systems, from the food we eat to the medicines which keep us healthy, and from the quality of the water we drink to keeping the air we breathe pure.

Course structure:

For the AS assessment, students explore the fundamental principles that form the basis of chemistry such as atomic structure, bonding, periodicity and an in-troduction to organic chemistry. Students also look at the applications of these principles.

For the A2 assessment, students develop further the concepts and principles introduced at AS through topics including equilibria, polymers, aromatic chemis-try, thermodynamics, energetic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.

How will I be assessed?

Both AS and A2 assessments include exams and internal assessments. To be awarded the full A-level requires students to sit a total of four written exams and complete two internal assessments.

What careers might this course lead to?

A qualification in chemistry opens doors to a wide range of careers. Chemistry is involved in our everyday lives and there is a vast range of jobs and careers open to those who have studied chemistry at any level; great career opportuni-ties exist both inside and outside the lab. Nobody knows what the jobs of the future will look like, but many of them will be created in chemistry to solve global challenges such as human health, energy and the environment.

Course Name:

BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Forensic Science)

BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Applied Science

Entry Requirements:

C in GCSE Science

Why should I take this course?

This course will allow you to develop core specialist knowledge, understanding and

skills, including the fundamentals of science and scientific practical skills preparing

you for work within the scientific and technical industry. The BTEC Level 3

Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (Forensic Science) is a well-established route

into higher education and is the equivalent of one A Level, enabling you to receive

up to 140 UCAS Points. The BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Applied Science is completed

over one year and is equivalent to one AS Level.

Course structure:

The first year of the course is broken down into 3 units. Fundamentals of Science /

Working in the Science Industry / Scientific Practical Techniques

The second year of the course is broken down into a further 3 units: Genetics and

Genetic Engineering / Chemical Laboratory Techniques / Forensic Evidence

Collection and Analysis

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed through a series of assignments.

What careers might this course lead to?

This course could lead to careers in the medical industry, drug development,

cosmetics, forensic science, the chemical industry,

scientific research, and quality control to only name a few.

Course Name:

First Certificate in Engineering (NQF)

Entry Requirements:

GCSE C or above in English and Mathematics

Why should I take this course?

This course would allow the participant to gain a basic understanding of different

aspects of mechanical engineering.

Course structure: The course of study includes; Unit 1 The Engineered World. Unit 2 Investigating an Engineered product. Unit 9 Interpreting and using Engineering information. Unit 10 Mathematics for Engineering. Unit 7 Machining Techniques. Unit 4 Engineering maintenance Unit 14 Vehicle Engines and other Systems.

How will I be assessed?

70% course work, 2 Exams

What careers might this course lead to?

Mechanical Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Engineering

project leader, or progression to a university level course.

Course Name:

NVQ Level 2 Hairdressing in Yr12 and NVQ level 3 hairdressing Yr13

Entry Requirements:

Maths and English GCSE C or will need to re-sit alongside the course.

Why should I take this course?

This is an exciting opportunity for you to learn everything about the art and skill of

hairdressing to enable you to become a qualified stylist within a fully working salon,

this gives you the experience and knowledge of working in a professional


Course structure:

The course is NVQ level 2 for 1 year, then level 3 in year 2. You will develop

knowledge and skills in shampoo and conditioning the hair, styling, colouring and

cutting both male and female clients. You will gain confidence in communication

with clients, carrying out full consultations and health and safety within the


How will I be assessed?

You will have practical assessments to pass and these are completed on paying

clients, for theory knowledge assignment’s and multiple choice tests are


What careers might this course lead to?

Working in a salon, mobile, cruise ships, representatives for suppliers or owning

your own business.

Course Name:

A Level Product Design

Entry Requirements:

Grade B at GCSE

Why should I take this course?

By studying A-level Product Design you will not only learn about the properties of

materials and be allowed to develop your capabilities when working with them –

but you will also learn about and develop the entrepreneurial and business skills

that are so necessary to turn a good idea/prototype into a market leader.

Course structure:

The main focus is on the design of a variety of products. You will have the

opportunity to work with a large range of materials and processes in order to

produce your manufactured artefacts. In the AS year you will produce a number of

scale models and working prototypes. In the A2 year you will produce one major

project with a full sized, working product as the outcome.

How will I be assessed?

Each year students complete a Coursework portfolio worth 50% of the overall AS

and a written examination also worth 50% of the overall AS. The course has 50 per

cent coursework in order to recognise the importance of practical work within this


What careers might this course lead to?

A-level Product Design is particularly ideal for those hoping to study further, or

enter a career in; food/catering, textiles, design, manufacture, construction or


Course Name:

AS / A-Level ICT GCE

Entry Requirements:

GCSE ICT / Computing (C) / BTEC (B)

Why should I take this course?

This course will develop your ability to use more advanced software and manage

your own projects. Students develop a wide range of ICT skills together with an

in-depth knowledge and understanding of ICT.

Course structure:

There are 4 units to complete in total. G061 and G062 are completed in the first

year and will count as 1 AS qualification. G063 and G064 are completed in the

second year and will complete the full A-Level. The units studied are diverse and

span a range of office based and creative IT areas including Website Production,

Software Installation and Upgrade, Digital Graphics and Animation.

How will I be assessed?

40% Coursework, 60% Examinations (2 Hours)

What careers might this course lead to?

Some potential careers include: Software Developer, IT Technician, Games

Designer, Programmer, Engineer.

Course Name:

AS/A Level Computing

Entry Requirements:

B in computing at GCSE, A*-B in GCSE Maths. Students must also be studying Maths

or Physics.

Why should I take this course?

You should take the course if you wish to go onto higher education courses or

employment within the computing industry.

Course structure:

AS – 60% on screen exam & 40% Exam paper

A2 – 60% Exam paper & 40% Coursework Practical Project

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed through on-screen exams, written exams and coursework.

What careers might this course lead to?

Web development, Programming, Games testing, Software design, Website

production, Computer animation, Information systems, Event driven programming,

Digital graphics, Database development, Human computer interaction, Computer

game design, Project planning, the list is endless...

Course Name:

BTEC L3 Computing

Entry Requirements:

D in computing at GCSE

Why should I take this course?

You should take the course if you have an interest within the IT

software development/programming industry.

Course structure:

The course is made up units that cover areas such as:

Software Programming

Website Design and Management

Graphics and Animation

Control Technology

Database Development

Computer Games Design and Construction

How will I be assessed?

The units will be internally and then externally assessed.

What careers might this course lead to?

Web development, Programming, Games testing, Software design, Website

production, Computer animation, Information systems, Event driven programming,

Digital graphics, Database development, Human computer interaction, Computer

game design, Project planning, the list is endless...

Course Name:

AS and A Level Biology

Entry Requirements:

B in Additional Science and C or above in Core Science

Why should I take this course?

You should study Biology if you have a passion for the natural world and/or the

human body and how they function; if you have enjoyed Biology at GCSE level; if

you wish go on to further study in biology or a related area; if you want to further

develop your biological knowledge and scientific skills; if you are interested a

career in biology or health care.

Course structure:

Over the two years of study, the course covers the following topics; biological

molecules, cells, organisms exchange substances with their environment, genetic

information, variation and relationships between organisms, energy transfers in

and between organisms, organisms respond to changes in their internal and

external environments, genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems and the

control of gene expression

How will I be assessed?

AS Biology : 2x 1.5 hour written exams.

A Level Biology : 3x 2 hour written exams.

Practical skills are teacher assessed throughout both courses and are endorsed

separately to the external assessment.

What careers might this course lead to?

Careers include; doctor, nurse, midwife, dentist, paramedic or other health care

professions, vet, teacher, forensic scientist, research biologist (lab or field based),

medical writer, careers in conservation or environmental management, zoo

keeper, science museum curator, biotechnology, politics,

economics, business and many, many more.

Course Name:

City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Professional Cookery

Why should I take this course?

You'll gain a high standard of cookery skills and processes whilst also learning other

workplace essentials like menu design. The Diploma in Professional Cookery is for

anyone who wants to work as a chef in the catering and hospitality sector.

Course structure:

You will cover advanced food preparation skills using a range of fresh commodities

and study related theory, studying a range of topics, including:

Preparing, cooking and finishing fish, meat and poultry dishes,

Maintaining health, hygiene, safety and security of the working environment,

Cooking and finishing complex vegetable dishes,

Maintaining food safety when storing, preparing and cooking food,

Preparing, cooking and finishing dressings and cold sauces,

Preparing, cooking and finishing complex soups.

How will I be assessed?

There are no formal examinations for this course; however, you are required to

record evidence of practical assessments and complete written assessments for

each unit.

What careers might this course lead to?

On successful completion of this course you can progress onto a HND course in a

related subject, or seek employment in the hospitality and catering industry.

Course Name:

BTEC Health & Social Care

Why should I take this course?

This vocational based is a route into working in the health care and social work sectors. The qualification is designed to teach you the core principles of provid-ing quality care for a variety of social groups including ensuring that those in your care are empowered to experience a positive sense of health and wellbe-ing. If you are hoping to move into a career centered in caring for people then this is the right course for you.

Course structure:

Units covered include: communication, health and social care values, health promotion, creative therapies and diet & nutrition.

How will I be assessed?

There are 2 exams in the qualification and the rest assignment based course-work.

What careers might this course lead to?

Employment in; alternative therapies; medicine and nursing; medical technolo-gy or social services

Level 3 - Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Level 2 - Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)

EPQ / HPQ allows students to undertake a project on the topic of their own choice. Students are assessed on their ability to plan, research, develop and eval-uate their projects. The students can choose the format of their project for ex-ample; a written report, an artefact, a performance or an electronic artefact (e.g. a website, computer game etc). Previous titles have included; ‘designing and building a summer house’, ‘Is it feasible to colonize Mars?’ & ‘Investigate the use of stem cells to treat diabetes’.

Both qualifications are highly regarded by Universities, FE colleges and employ-ers as they allow students to develop essential skills as well as showing that stu-dents can complete a project independently.

Level 2 - BTEC Home Cooking Skills

This course has been developed in partnership with chef Jamie Oliver and al-lows students to develop the essential life skill of cooking. The home cooking course aims to give students the basic skills and knowledge to be able to cook for themselves in a healthy, cost-effective way. You will learn essential knowledge and skills such as: kitchen basics: what equipment you need and the best way to stock your store cupboard, fridge and freezer food safety and hy-giene: knife safety, fridge management and rotation how to shop cleverly: shopping lists, seasonal food and planning ahead preparing ingredients and understanding confusing food labels. Assessment is all through internal assess-ment and coursework.

Your Future, Your Choice Programme

Within Manor College all students will follow the Your Future, Your Choice pro-gramme. A bespoke careers guidance programme created to support all students to be inspired, motivated and equipped to fulfill their potential.

Through this programme and working in collaboration with the National Citizen Service, Futures and ideas4careers Manor College students will access a range of activities including careers fairs, university open days, employability workshops and UCAS support.

Re-Sit Opportunities

Manor College will support it’s students to achieve a C grade GCSE in English and Maths as part of the Government reform. All students who fail to achieve a good pass; C or better in English or Maths GCSE by the time they finish secondary school (Stage 3) must continue to study the subjects in post-16 education until they get these qualifications.

Private Study

All students will be timetabled supervised private study in the MC base. During private study, students will be able to access, if required, all appropriate learning resources to support them in the successful completion of their take away learn-ing, coursework or exam preparation.

Through the V-inspired programme, students will be given the opportunity to take part in new experiences allowing them to become more skilled, confident and employable. Through V-inspired students will gain skills for life.

All students will be enrolled onto the V-inspired programme where they will un-dertake between 3-5 hours volunteering each week. They will be supported to experience at least 3 different volunteer placements throughout their programme of study from a variety of opportunities including:

Community volunteering

Work experience

Student senate

Parents events

New Basics reading support

Expressway reading support

Learning assistant in New Basics

Learning assistant in the Expressway

Strand support


Trips / visits

Event committees

Inter-school sports fixtures

Sports clubs

Mansfield School Games events

Lunchtime supervisor

There a numerous opportunities for trips and visits at Manor College, from daytrips

to local art galleries, a weekend at Hagg Farm Outdoor Education Centre, to three

weeks in China - there is something to suit every student.

One of the most exclusive trips offered by Manor College is the annual visit to China.

Students are given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend three weeks

learning Mandarin, tasting the cuisine, visiting monumental landmarks including the

Great Wall and Tiananmen Square, and experiencing the culture of China.

As part of the MLP, we can also offer our students the opportunity of internships,

career master classes and participation in creative events such as the Mansfield

Film Festival and Youth Enterprise competitions. Students also have the opportunity

to become a Senate or Ambassador for the College, which involves taking responsi-

bility and organising events, taking part in staff interviews, providing support for

fellow students and much more. This not only gives you the freedom to make the

Manor College experience your own, it also adds value to your experience, which will

be recognised by respective employers and universities.

“I chose to study at Manor College because I have such

great relationships with the teachers, they know me and

they know what I am capable of so they know how hard

to push me. The ‘Cake Days’ that we have in chemistry,

biology and mathematics also make the studying a lot

more enjoyable!“

“All of the teachers at Manor are so easy to get along

with that studying seems less of a chore. I can always

ask for help and I know they won’t think any less of me.

I’m certain I’m going to do well at A Level because of

the constant support the staff provide.”

“The grades at Manor College are improving each

year and I think that’s probably down to the Mentor

Scheme—having a mentor means that I’ve always got

someone to go to - I know exactly where to get help

when I need it.”

“The facilities at Manor College are great—the Learning

Resource Centre gives us a place to always get support

with our homework and the common room gives Manor

College students their own dedicated space to relax

away from the rest of the Manor Academy students.”

Megan Turner

James Lamb

Callum Bacon

Chloe Denby

Course Name:

Why should I take this course?

Course structure:

How will I be assessed?

What careers might this course lead to?
