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Welcome Vocabulary Senses: look, smell, as e, sound, feel

S ruc ures Does i look good? Yes, i does. / No, i doesn’ .Wha does i look like? I looks good. It looks like a cake.

Adventure campVocabulary Camping equipmen : sleeping bag, en , poles, pegs, compass, flashligh

Camping ac ivi ies: pi ch he en , ake down he en , pu in he pegs, lay ou he bed, cover our heads, ligh a fire, keep ou he rain, read a compass

Cross-curricular:Social science: Being a moun aineer and an adven urer

Values: Safe y firs . Think abou safe y when you go camping.

S ruc ures Flo is good a swimming.I like hiking, bu I don’ like sailing.I love fishing and camping.I’m pi ching he en . We’re pu ing in he pegs. I can pi ch a en , bu I can’ read a compass.

Wildlife parkVocabulary Animals: rhino, chee ah, pan her, lemur, koala, whale, seal, o er, sea ur le, iger

Superla ive adjec ives: alles , longes , shor es , bigges , smalles , heavies , ligh es , fas es , slowes

Cross-curricular:Science: Chameleons

Values: Think before you ac . Think carefully before making impor an decisions.

S ruc ures How heavy is i ? I ’s 800 kilograms.How all is i ? I ’s five me ers all.The giraffe is aller han he rhino.The giraffe is he alles .Are o ers bigger han seals? Yes, hey are. / No, hey aren’ . Were he giraffes aller han he rees? Yes, hey were. / No, hey weren’ . Which is he heavies ? The hippo is he heavies .

Where we liveVocabulary Places: supermarke , library, park, movie hea er, shopping mall, museum,

hospi al, airpor , books ore, s a ion, arcade, video s oreCross-curricular:

Geography: In eres ing places

Values: Learn o be flexible. I ’s of en frus ra ing o do wha you don’ wan o do.

S ruc ures How do you ge o he supermarke ? Turn lef a he corner, hen go s raigh .The supermarke is behind he school.I wan o go o he park.He/She wan s o go o he park.I have o go o he library.He/She has o go o he library.

Good days and bad daysVocabulary In erna ional food dishes: curry, an omele , spaghe i, fish and chips, paella, dumplings,

sushi, s ew, rice and beans Verbs and objec s: pack my bag, miss he bus, pass a es , ea my lunch, bring my juice, drop he ball

Cross-curricular: Social science: Ellen the sailor

Values: Be posi ive abou your day. Don’ worry. Be happy.

S ruc ures I cooked s ew. He dropped he pla e.She paddled very quickly.We fell in he lake.Wha happened? I didn’ pass my es because I didn’ s udy.He didn’ bring his juice because he was la e for school.





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Trips Vocabulary Touris a rac ions: aquarium, amusemen park, palace, wa er park, hea er,

na ional park, circusAmusemen park a rac ions: ride he Ferris wheel, go on he bumper cars, play minia ure golf, ride he carousel, go on he paddle boa s, ride he roller coas er, go on he pira e ship, go on he wa er slide

Cross-curricular: Social science: Beach safe y

Values: Plan, bu be flexible. Planning helps you do more hings.S ruc ures Wha did you do yes erday? I wen o he aquarium.

Did you go o he aquarium? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’ .Did you like he aquarium? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’ . Wha will you do a he amusemen park?Firs , I’ll ride he Ferris wheel. Then, I’ll go on he bumper cars.

Arts and entertainmentVocabulary Movie genres: hriller, comedy, sci-fi, romance, musical, car oon

Musical ins rumen s: cello, harmonica, saxophone, riangle, drums, clarine , harp, ambourine

Cross-curricular: Literature: Poe ry

Values: Learn o be self-sufficien . You can always do some hings by yourself.

S ruc ures I saw he movie by myself.You wro e i by yourself.He made i by himself.She didn’ go o he movie by herself.We didn’ wa ch i by ourselves.They didn’ draw i by hemselves. Did you hear he cello? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’ . Have you ever played he saxophone? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’ . Have you ever been o a concer ? Yes, I have. / No, I’ve never been o a concer .

SpaceVocabulary Space: an as ronau , a plane , a come , a elescope, an alien, a spaceship, he moon,

a sa elli e, a s arAdjec ives: complica ed, amazing, frigh ening, in elligen , brillian , impor an

Cross-curricular: Science: Space fac s

Values: Use your imagina ion when you are rying o solve a problem.

S ruc ures Who are hey? They’re as ronau s. When did hey come? They came las nigh . Where did hey come from? They came from he moon.How did hey ge here? They came by spaceship. Why are you looking a he sky? I saw a flashing ligh . Wha ’s ha flashing ligh ? I ’s a spaceship. Which elescope is more complica ed?The big elescope is more complica ed han he small elescope.Which elescope is he mos complica ed?The big elescope is he mos complica ed.Which elescope is less complica ed?The small elescope is less complica ed han he big elescope.Which elescope is he leas complica ed?The small elescope is he leas complica ed.

The environmentVocabulary Ways o help he environmen : recycle paper, recycle bo les, collec garbage,

reuse plas ic bags, urn off he ligh s, use public ranspor a ionEnvironmen ally friendly ou comes: recycle paper / save rees, recycle bo les / save resources, collec garbage / keep he plane clean, reuse plas ic bags / reduce was e, urn off he ligh s / conserve energy, use public ranspor a ion / reduce pollu ion

Cross-curricular: Geography: Our amazing world

Values: Save our plane . Learn o save energy and keep he plane clean.S ruc ures Are you going o recycle paper? Yes, I am. / No, I’m no . I’m going o recycle bo les.

Wha can you do o help? I can use public ranspor a ion. If you reuse plas ic bags, you’ll reduce was e.





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