Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


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  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


    Liquidity Cycle

    THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF INFINIUM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LCC AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS OR MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this communicati on is not the intended recemployee or agent responsible for delivering to the intended recipient), you are hereby notied that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately inform Innium Capital Management, LLC and then disregard and delete this communication. Do nretain any copy of this communication.

    The equity markets have made a dramatic run through this point in 2012 as this multi year point and gure chart of the SP clearly illustrates:

    The Liquidity Cycle Indicator remains in uptrend though this two month chart does reveal a little sideways action the past few days near the hig

    Global version of the LCI also remains positive.

    The current price level is also running into zones of expected resistance as is also clear on P+F chart. Plus the obvious and widely noticed

    divergence between the Industrials and the transports has many worried. The chart overlay below Shows the SPX, the INDU, and the TRAN

    and certainly recent behavior is eye catching.

    The overlay of the Liquidity Cycle Indicator with the ECRI weekly leading indicators index reveals much more sluggish rebound so far t han we

    the LCI. These two indices have diverged slightly in the past only to rejoin over time. I n 2009 the LCI took off before the ECRI index but later th

    off and ECRI caught up and powered even higher and both peaked together in rst half of 2010. We may be something similar here, or the EC

    seeing trouble ahead that the more market based LCI is discounting. Laksman

    Achuthan of the ECRI is still rmly backing his recession call. His recent comments are below the chart.

  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


    THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF INFINIUM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LCC AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS OR MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this communicati on is not the intended recemployee or agent responsible for delivering to the intended recipient), you are hereby notied that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately inform Innium Capital Management, LLC and then disregard and delete this communication. Do nretain any copy of this communication.

    Comments from Lakshman Achuthan co-founder of ECRI on CNBC: (these comments are a bit disjointed as I extracted them from a conversation

    that often include other voices talking over one another)

    -- when you look at the denitive hard data that is used to ofcially date business cycle recessions, it has been getting worse not better despite what the

    consensus view of an improving economy has been. and so i can clearly explain that. i w ould like to list them. so gdp growth, year over yet peaks in 2010 and

    falls down to 1.5% by q2 of 2011 and has at lined essentially since then, the last reading 1.6. similarly personal income growth, -- im talking big, aggregate

    numbers, has the same kind of pattern, broad sales growth. the broadest measures of sales, same kind of pattern, industrial production growth year over year.

    as of january it is at a 22-month low. so you put all of this, t his is what normally is done. this is not something just done for this conversation. you put it into a

    coincident index of the u.s. economy and if you look at the year over year growth of that index its now at a 21-month low. so 0, to be clear, it is the denitive

    measure of economic growth. in english the growth has been slowing. but we feel a lot better than we did. lets get to that but i want to be rst on this. the index,

    the chart on the right-hand side of the chart thats a 21-month low. it has not -- you havent had a decline like that in the past 50 years without a recession

    following in short order, okay? so the right-hand side of that chart is a 21-month low and the growth rate of all of the indicators output, jobs, income, and sales.

    okay? and thats not cherry picked data. that is data that that is always used. so thats the reality. I wish this wasnt our forecast. we are the skunk of the garden

    party. its no fun. but to the point of the fed, whats going on there, youve got -- youve never seen something like this. the worlds central banks, plural, are

    printing money like crazy. like they know something. its part of the republic you feel better. that does make you feel better but go to where that interacts with

    the economy. you look at the velocity of money. how often does money exchange -- all that money thats going in, theyre goosing the money supply, how often

    does it exchange in the economy? thats a really important metric on the health of the economy. it has dropped to a record low in the united states. its near a

    record low in europe. its even near a record low in china. okay? these are not symptoms of health. and when you have all that money out there, its got to dosomething. so it is goosing the markets. does the coincidence index -- thats a fact. thats not a forecast. does it give an indication of whats coming in terms of

    the jobs outlook? have we seen the best number and is the jobs picture going to get worse from here? the index itself does not forecast forward. what weve

    seen there in that decline in the growth rate you havent seen in the past 50 years is not a recession in short order so that doesnt bode well for jobs. speaking

    to jobs, i admit, i am acknowledging they have improved through the latest readings, okay? but jobs are basically a bit of a lagging indicator. they follow. they

    do not lead consumer spending growth. c consumer spending growth -- would your call be that jobs are going to get worse? yeah, and id say in the next few

    months i would expect them to start to ag because they follow, they lag at turning points where consumer spending growth has been going and we know thats

    clearly been going down and if you delve into that, look at personal disposable income. this gets to your gas stuff. you look at personal disposable income that

    has been negative now growth for ve months. youve never had that, not even close. we talk about short order. you keep say that go a recession is supposed to

    follow in short order. last year in the wake of making the call we did say that the recession should begin by midyear 2012. midyear 2012. rst off on the leading

    indicators i look at them across the board. they are not negating our recession forecast, the full array. when we look at weekly index, people say, hey, its running

    up. its risen a little from its lows in december and given the mountains, i mean, were not in kansas anymore. were printing a lot of money. and given all that

    money im surprised the index hasnt lifted more because the risk assets are being goosed and look back to early 08. the recession begins in december of 07

    and what happens? you get a springtime rally, double digits in s&p. weve gone much further this time. weve printed more money. we were cutting interest rates

    a little bit and back there inside of a recession oil went to $147 because the economy wasnt able to absorb all that liquidity. it didnt need it for commerce or for

    activity and or for activity and whats the dollar bill to do? its very troubling. this messes up your election. messes up my election. this is very troubling to you if

    this were to be -- these are facts not forecast. this is not a black box. gdp year over year growth rate peaked in early 2010. its at lined at 1 1/2. personal income

    growth down. sales growth down. industrial production growth down to a 22-month low as of january. those are the indicators that are used to dene recessions.

    Sector Charts from Bespoke

  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


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    Fixed Income

    The foreign exchange markets saw some important levels broken recently as Euro has traded higher on the illusion of a solution to Greek

    problems. Across the globe the announcement of an ination target by perennially deation prone Japan has cut the legs out from under JPY

    strength while also giving the Nikkei a boost.

    Fixed income markets continue to confound by refusing to price in what appear to be inevitable increases in ination propelled by the

    extraordinary quantity of money expansion occurring globally. Below are charts of the US treasury 2yr and 10 yr yields which remain very low,

    providing negative real returns promising only return of money rather than return on money.

    The relative calm in these markets reects some ight to safety from the Euro, some fear of deation and loss aversion, but mostly repression

    by central bank efforts to push the investor classes into taking greater risk. This will end badly and likely suddenly. I have a few emerging

    market bonds but I am out of the bond market otherwise. The risk reward is just too unattractive for my taste.

    In Europe there has been a good deal of pressure taken off of government yields by the LTRO program. Below is a chart of some of the troubled

    5yr CDS values for the past couple of months which shows clearly the ease that has occurred.


  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


    THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF INFINIUM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LCC AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS OR MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this communicati on is not the intended recemployee or agent responsible for delivering to the intended recipient), you are hereby notied that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately inform Innium Capital Management, LLC and then disregard and delete this communication. Do nretain any copy of this communication.

    EURUSD and JPYUSD and Yen with Nikkei

    Agricultural commodities

    The small 5 day graphic in the table demonstrates mostly at to slightly higher ag markets this past week.


    WTI crude was rm all week and gained on Brent slightly while picking up over $3 last week. I ran, Syria and other mid east issues are leading

    protective buying as insurance and worries about oversupply at Cushing were overshadowed. The crude run has been as strong as that of th

    market sine Jan 1.

  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012

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    The crude curves in both markets were increasingly backwardated in the face of supply uncertainties surrounding the advancement of the Iranian

    nuclear materials weaponization program. The speed with which Iran appears to be hardening its research sites deep underground is prompting talks

    of a very short window of opportunity for Israel to damage those sites with airstrikes only. The war of words has escalated signicantly raising anxiety

    in an already unstable region.

    Increases in crude oil prices have pushed gasoline prices up recently. This increase could be partly due to demand picking up as well as conc

    about supply stemming from tensions in the Middle East. WTI and Brent spot prices have each increased almost 10% since the beginning of

    and near-term gasoline futures (not shown) have increased about 50 cents/gallon since the third week in January (retail gasoline prices have

    tracking Brent prices more closely than WTI prices lately).


    Metals prices popped up between the end of December and the end of January, but have eased a bit since then. The CRB metals index was

    almost 15%oya late in February. Various metals prices have behaved similarly to this metals index, including copper (shown), zinc, tin, and le


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    Environment and Volatility

    Commentary and Information

    The Strait of Hormuz

    By Chris Campbell, Steven Bernard, Martin Stabe and Katie Carnie of Financial Times

    Over the past month Iran has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz if western powers target its oil exports. This map shows Iranian naval

    the region along with international maritime boundaries, shipping lanes, terminals, pipelines and major oil and gas elds.

    Military leaders have warned that 80 per cent of the UKs liqueed natural gas imports would be halted if Iran made good its threat to block th

    A closure of the Strait would leave Gulf states scrambling for alternative routes to export the millions of barrels a day of oil on which the worl

    depends, and oil prices have risen above $110 a barrel since Irans threat to shut down Hormuz. Chart links to interactive chart at FT.com

    N. Alaska May Hold 80T Cubic Feet of Shale Gas

    Alaskas North Slope shales may hold as much as 80 trillion cubic feet of gas, or more than half the highest estimate for the Marcellus forma

    as much as 2 billion barrels of oil, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

    President Barack Obamas administration and the state of Alaska are offering more access to oil and natural gas resources on land and in th

    waters to help lower dependence on imported fuel and push more crude through a major oil pipeline crossing the state. Royal Dutch Shell P

    plans to start drilling this year in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, which are off the coast of the North Slope.

    Alaskas energy resources hold great promise and economic opportunity for the American people, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said toda

    e-mailed statement.

    The geological service, part of the Interior Department, said in a statement that North Slope shale hasnt been developed because of econom

    infrastructure considerations.

    The assessment, the rst made of North Slope shale resources, is based on success in extracting oil and gas from similar formations, such a

    Marcellus Shale in the U.S. East. The agency last year estimated Marcellus may hold as much as 144 t rillion cubic feet of gas.

    Shale gas and shale oil, produced by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing by injecting water and chemicals underground, led to record

    gas output in the U.S. last year and 33 percent decline in prices in the past 12 months.

  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


    THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF INFINIUM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LCC AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS OR MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this communicati on is not the intended recemployee or agent responsible for delivering to the intended recipient), you are hereby notied that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately inform Innium Capital Management, LLC and then disregard and delete this communication. Do nretain any copy of this communication.

    Money is leaking out of banks in southern Europe

    By John Glover

    Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Money is leaking out of banks in southern Europe as customers scoop deposits out of Greece, Spain and Italy to move cash

    to less indebted nations such as Germany.

    Greece s total deposits plunged 28 percent from the peak in June 2009 to 169 billion euros ($225 billion) at the end of December, according to data

    compiled by Bloomberg. In Spain,

    deposits slid 5 percent in the ve months through November to 934 billion euros, the least since April 2008. Italian banks held 974 billion euros in

    November, the lowest in 18 months.

    Deposits in Germany have climbed by almost 10 percent since May 2010, when Greece was granted its rst bailout. Deposits have risen every month

    except ve since the end of 2009, and reached 2.15 trillion euros at the end of 2011, Bloomberg data show. The deteriorating growth outlook in the

    euro region risks exacerbating those ows, according to Dario Perkins, an economist at Lombard Street Research in London.

    The biggest systemic risk is if people lose condence in keeping their euros in Spain, Portugal or Italy, Perkins said. It makes sense to put your

    cash into Germany just to be safe and thats where the real systemic danger lies. That contagion isnt priced in, and bank deposits are the place wed

    spot it.

    Declines in Spain and Italy picked up speed amid contagion from Greece in the middle of last year. Company deposits slumped 11 percent in Spain

    from June to November, and in Italy by 6.5percent, with multinational companies keeping as little money as possible in the most-affected nations. For

    individuals, the decline was less than 3 percent in Spain and about 1 percent in Italy.

    Vodafone Group Plc , the worlds largest mobile-phone operator, moves cash from Greece to the U.K. every evening, Chief Financial Ofcer Andy

    Halford said on a Feb. 9 conference call. GlaxoSmithKline Plc, the U.K.s largest drugmaker, started repatriating cash held in most euro-area banks

    early last year, said Chief Executive Ofcer Andrew Witty.

    Paul Richardson, nance director of WPP Plc, the worlds biggest advertising company, said Feb. 8 that WPP removes excess euros from its banks

    in Europe and changes them f or dollars daily. Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc also takes cash out of its European businesses daily, CEO Rakesh Kapoor

    told reporters, also on Feb. 8.

    BCA on Gold this week

    We consider virtually all paper money to be suspect.To varying degrees, all central banks are intent on devaluing their currencies. Foreign exchangerates will depend on which central bank is more aggressive than the other. However, in absolute terms, all fiat money is heading to its intrinsic

    value, zero. We believe gold will be the strongest currency of all, rising not just in dollar terms, but against all paper currencies.

    Mark Grant On The Greek Annexation

    My advice is to put all of the headlines aside because they are not accurate. No deal has actually been struck and there is just t he possibility

    at present. The PSI is also nowhere near certain. There has certainly been a proposal made with innumerable and probably impossible cond

    be met by Greece including a demand for a Constitutional change, which under the current Constitution, cannot even be voted on until 2013

    wonder if Europe really wants to bail Greece out or if Germany is not forcing so many conditions that they are trying to have them exit the Eu

    their own so the Germans are not seen as the Lord High Executioner; to quote Mr. Gilbert & Sullivan.

    Interesting that Mark Grant makes the comment highlighted in yellow as Grant Williams of TTMYGH came to the exact same

    conclusion. His article on Greece leads his letter this week and it is a very good article but too long for me to include. I will fo

    the letter to anyone interested along with the link to sign up for your own copy. Grant Williams generously offer the letter for fr

    those interested.


    Investment advice during times of uncertainty

    Despite his bearish projections, Rosenberg said that there still ways to build wealth, When choosing investments in such a troubled environm

    Rosenberg emphasizes scarcity value.

    You want to own what is scarce and what is in demand, he said and that, right now, is income. This is especially relevant for the capital

    appreciation demographic a segment of the population between the ages of 25 and 49 who have demand for income and stable cash ow

    For Rosenberg, that means telling investors to focus on safe yields and take an income orientation to investing. We are not just talking ab

    Treasuries or corporate bonds, he said. We are talking about MLPs; we are talking about REITs. Even hard assets work well in uncertain

    environments, he added, pointing to alternative assets and precious metals. He recommended gold, as a good hedge against both his bulli

    on income and the current deationary environment.

    Elsewhere, Rosenberg sees good investment opportunities in Canada, as Canadian banks cheapened up a lot last year creating a stable

    sector, strong currency, and earning power. The Canadian government is pro-capital, pro-business, and not subject to t he same political gr

    that deters similar policy changes in the United States. The Bank of Canada is one of the few central banks that is not printing money right n

    Taken as a whole, Rosenberg argues that these factors make Canada a good alternative for the foreign market.

    Despite whatever woes may lie ahead, Rosenberg concluded, safety and income at a reasonable price still works.

    BUFFETT Shareholder letter out and interesting as usual.

    The rst time I ever heard of Warren Buffett was in a book written in 1972 called SuperMoney by Adam Smith. (the pseudony

    George J.W. Goodman) In the book Goodman is describing a meeting with Benjamin Graham whom he callsthe Dean of Se


  • 7/28/2019 Weekly Strategic Plan 02272012


    THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF INFINIUM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LCC AND ITS EMPLOYEES TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND CONTAINS OR MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this communicati on is not the intended recemployee or agent responsible for delivering to the intended recipient), you are hereby notied that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately inform Innium Capital Management, LLC and then disregard and delete this communication. Do nretain any copy of this communication.

    Remember these words are from a book published in 1972, Buffett has continued to perform for another 40 years.

    Why BCGs Hal Sirkin Is Bullish on the Future of American Manufacturing

    For years, conventional wisdom has maintained that manufacturing in the U.S. is in terminal decline. But the tide is now turning, according to Hal Sirkin, a

    senior partner and managing director at the Boston Consulting Group. Rising wages and currency rates, among other factors, have dramatically narrowed

    the gap between manufacturing costs in China and the U.S., with the result that several U.S. companies are now in-sourcing manufacturing jobs back to

    America. Sirkin, who recently spoke at the White House about this research, discusses the implications for U.S. jobs and competitiveness in an interview

    with Knowledge@Wharton.

    This looks to be an eventful week with Greek decisions looming, several meetings of various European ofcials and the scheduledLTRO auction. I nd it hard t o believe the Greeks will submit to pledging all their gold or to having German tax collectors come and

    impose themselves into the process but we will see. Soon I hope. Personally I believe the Greeks would be better served by kicking all

    troikaites out of the country and forming a new government and new drachma. To paraphrase one of my old friends, no sweat, we were

    looking for new government when we found this one. Feb 26 2012 Bruce Lawrence
