Week 7 Term 2, 2020 · Week 7 Term 2, 2020 . NATIONAL PYJAMA DAY The Pyjama Foundation raise vital...


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Week 7 Term 2, 2020

NATIONAL PYJAMA DAY The Pyjama Foundation raise vital funds to support children in the foster care system. Each July, more than 250,000 participants join The Pyjama Foundation for the comfiest day of the year to support children in the foster care system. Currently, in Australia, there are more than 48,000 children in the foster care system. More than 75 per cent won’t finish high school and 92 per cent sit below the average reading level. The Pyjama Foundation’s Love of Learning program is working to change these statistics, supporting children with their own learning mentor, allowing them to reach their full potential. This year hosts particular challenges for fundraising but the foundation is committed to supporting as many children as possible in these uncertain times, so every bit counts! When you participate in National Pyjama Day 2020, you are helping one more child realise their full potential in life despite a challenging start.


GABBY GET-ALONG Bridie – Year 4

Being a kind, friendly and inclusive student


Displaying initiative and willingness to support other students


Demonstrating great organisation skills to improve procedures for the Zoom assembly


Perseverance with all aspects of his schooling with great determination


Demonstrating a great attitude during sports and never giving up

SCHOOL CANTEEN OPEN Monday/Wednesday/Friday

Lunch orders ONLY

P & C MEETING (please note change of date)

Wednesday 17th June - to be held offsite Please contact Simone George for details:

0418 118 994

WEDNESDAY - WEEK 9 June 24th

Wear your pyjamas to school Please bring a gold coin!

PUBLIC SPEAKING The annual Public Speaking program commences at Denman Public School this week. All students will engage in a Public Speaking lesson as part of their morning literacy session. Students will then be required to complete their speech as a homework task. All students will be bring home a planning page and marking criteria. Families will receive an information note via email. We look forward to hearing students give a practice run of their speeches in classrooms in Week 9 and 10 with classroom finals in Week 1 and 2 next term. More information about Stage Finals will be available in Term 3.

We are delighted to welcome Miss Marnie Kempster to the Denman Public School

community. Miss Kempster will teach Year 2 for the remainder of this term while Miss

Costello is on leave.

Welcome Miss Kempster!

* * *


It is great to see so many smiling faces back in our classroom again. We are working very hard on all learning tasks. In Literacy, this term we are learning about informative texts and specifically explanations. We learnt

about the lifecycle of different animals and also explained what a student and a teacher does during a normal day at school. In Maths, we have been learning about a variety of different topics. We learnt about picture

graphs last week and really enjoyed going up to the top pitch and counting the colours of the cars that drove past. In Science, we are investigating the observable changes that occur in the sky and on the land. Last week

we learnt about the different phases of the moon. In Geography, we are learning about the connections people have to places both local and globally. We have enjoyed writing about places that we have visited. We are settling in well to the normal school routine again and are focusing on the learning that occurs each day.

Miss Kuranda Costello


Students enjoyed a guided drawing lesson of ‘The Cat in the Hat”

KINDERGARTEN In Geography, we have been

learning about places. Spencer did an excellent

drawing of his house that has great detail about different


YEAR 1 Blake has been working very hard when

listening to stories in Library and focusing on improving his book work and


YEAR 2 In Science, students participated in a class discussion on the four seasons. Charlotte

produced an amazing illustration of Winter, Spring, Autumn and Summer and

included what she might be wearing according to the climate.

YEAR 4 Toby has been working extremely hard to improve his handwriting in all work books.

This week in handwriting, he produced some fantastic cursive writing on the focus skill -

horizontal joins to e. Well done, Toby!

YEAR 3 Callum has been working hard to

write neatly in a consistent size. He's also beginning to use cursive

handwriting which you can see here in his fabulous work!

YEAR 5 During Maths, students were working to further develop their understanding of

24-hour time. Ada demonstrated her ability to convert between 24 and 12-hour time.

Well done Ada!

YEAR 6 Malia displayed her understanding of

planning a speech for the upcoming Public Speaking Competition with great detail in

her draft.
