


Week-7. SELF-EMPOWERMENT. There is no such thing as an unproductive person only unproductive strategies and emotional states. Empowerment. IT’S A FEELING! . Empowerment. Empowering beliefs Productive emotional states Productive unconscious strategies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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There is no such thing as an unproductive person only unproductive strategies and emotional states




Empowering beliefs Productive emotional states Productive unconscious strategies Being at cause and taking 100% responsibility for

your life

Limiting beliefs

Beliefs that do not empower us to take action

Limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs do not serve us on some level but the do on another level

There are benefits (secondary gains) of holding on to limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs

Before letting go of limiting beliefs, decide for yourself whether the benefits of holding on to those beliefs outweigh the gains of letting go

Limiting beliefs

Identify a limiting belief that you currently have

Limiting beliefs

How is/has this belief served you in the past? Is this belief still serving you right now?

Limiting beliefs

How is this belief limiting you right now?

Limiting beliefs

If you were to let it go, what belief would you adopt instead?

Limiting beliefs

What will be the costs of adopting this new belief?

Limiting beliefs

What will be the benefits of adopting this new belief… Imagine…

What does your answer from the previous questions tell you about your willingness to let go or hold on to that limiting belief?

From limiting beliefs to empowering beliefsDefining moments (Week-3 tasks,

task-1)NLP Script from week-3 master

class for confronting beliefsHypnotic script from week-4

master class

New adopted beliefs need to be reinforced and strengthened.

Repetition, by constantly telling yourself that it is trueOnce you believe it is true and focus on it, your unconscious mind will actively look for proof that it is true

Unproductive versus productive emotional states

Only you can determine whether an emotional state has a liberating or an undermining effect on you

Examples of unproductive emotional states Jealousy Anger Guilt Frustration Worries Depression

If we constantly experience unproductive emotion… We must have a secondary gain associated with

that unproductive emotion

Identify an unproductive emotional state

How do you know that this emotional state is unproductive? Is this emotional state always unproductive or it depends on the

context or situation? Under what circumstances could that emotional state pay off?

What are you gaining out of constantly experiencing that emotional state?

Under the circumstances where that emotional state is unproductive, what emotional state would be more productive that you wish you could experience instead?

What will it mean to you to be able to experience that emotional state under those circumstances?

What are the costs of experiencing that productive emotional state? Are these costs real or a perception?

What do your answers from the previous questions tell you about your willingness to let go or hold on to these emotions?

From unproductive to productive emotional states Anchor – feel and access any emotional states at any time Acknowledge mini me and Listen to your inner cheerleader! Awaken

her! NLP Script from week-3 Master class Hypnotic script from week-4 Master class (At beginning of class) Change your old strategy and install a new strategy…

Unproductive strategies

Unproductive strategies can be broken in two types

1) Strategies that result in unproductive emotional statesI.E. You have a strategy for feeling frustrated

2) Strategies that result in unwanted outcomesI.E. You have a strategy for binging


A series of events (Internal and external) that occurs in a specific order that consistently produce the same outcome

Pick an unproductive emotional states or an undesired outcome

How do you know it is time to… What is the trigger? Is it something you see? hear? Smell?

Tell yourself? Feel?

What happens next?

What to you tell yourself or feel or imagine/picture or hear or smell or taste next?

What happens that tell you that its time to stop?

To change strategy

Remove any link of the chain

Install a new strategy

What emotional state/outcome did you want to achieve?

Remember a time when you have been in that emotional state or achieve that outcome

What was your strategy for achieving the emotional state or outcome?

At Cause or At Effect

At effect

Being at effect means that a set of factors are causing you to have the outcome that you are getting

Example: Being the victim, being the rescuer, not exercising because…

At Cause

You are at cause when you are causing the results/outcome that you are getting

Being at cause is taking 100% responsibility

There are payoffs of being at cause

Being at effect makes us victims of our own circumstances and hence we feel powerless to act and therefore do not take action

The benefits of being at effect

The more you are at effect the more powerful you are and more success you will experience

Identify an area of your life where you are currently at cause

How could you be at effect in that area of your life?

The power of focus The circumstances are the same whether

you are at cause or at effect… The difference between being at cause or at

effect is whether you are focussing on the limitation of your circumstances or focusing on what you can do to change that circumstance.

Be at effect- Take responsibility for everything Perception is projection

How people perceive you is caused by a combination of what you have projected to them and their own map of life

At Effect- affirmation

What people do, what happens around me does not affect how I feel, I am in charge or my feelings and take 100% responsibility for them
