Webb’s Depth of Knowledge USD 457. Objectives CO – Analyze and apply the four levels of Webb’s...


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Webb’s Depth of Knowledge

USD 457


CO – Analyze and apply the four levels of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge.

LO – Read for the purpose of understanding the four levels of DoK.

LO – Discuss comparisons between DoK, Bloom’s and Rigor and Relevance.

Review of DoK/Rigor and Relevance and Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s and Webb’s

Bloom's Taxonomy focuses on the tasks that students complete to deepen student understanding.  However, Webb's DoK centers on the thinking process, not just the product.  Webb’s Depth of Knowledge is about the cognitive demands (thinking process) of instruction, tasks, and/or assessments.  While Bloom's Taxonomy relies on the verb, Webb's DoK extends beyond the verb to what follows--- beyond the 'what' to the 'how'. 

DoK 1/Quad A: Recall and Reproduction

Read pg. 7 of Webb’s DoK guide – Highlight what you think is most important about

this level.

Compare to the Rigor and Relevance Framework and discuss how the two fit together.

DoK 1/Quad A: Recall and Reproduction

Focus is on specific facts, definitions, details, or using routine procedures (draw, list, label, retell, follow recipe, who, what, when, where, etc)

Explaining processes in your own words Deep content knowledge is essential Combination of level ones does NOT equal level 2. One right answer

DoK 2/Quad B: Skills and Concepts

Read pg. 9 of Webb’s DoK guide – Highlight what you think is most important about

this level.

Compare to the Rigor and Relevance Framework and discuss how the two fit together.

DoK 2/Quad B: Skills and Concepts

Focus is on applying skills and concepts (in a familiar/typical situation), relationships (compare, cause/effect), main ideas

Requires deeper knowledge than definition Explaining HOW and WHY Making Decisions Processing target knowledge to be able to

summarize or classify information before responding Requires two or more steps

DoK 3/Quad C: Strategic Thinking

Read pg. 11 of Webb’s DoK guide – Highlight what you think is most important about

this level.

Compare to the Rigor and Relevance Framework and discuss how the two fit together.

DoK 3/Quad C: Strategic Thinking

Focus is on reasoning and planning in order to respond (e.g. write an essay, apply in new/novel situation)

Complex and abstract thinking is required Often need to provide support for reasoning

or conclusions drawn More than one “correct” response or

approach is often possible

Read pg. 13 of Webb’s DoK guide – Highlight what you think is most important about

this level.

Compare to the Rigor and Relevance Framework and discuss how the two fit together.

DoK 4/Quad D: Extended Thinking

DoK 4/Quad D: Extended Thinking

Requires complex reasoning, planning and thinking (generally over extended periods of time) for the investigation

Assessment activities have multiple steps with extended time provided

Students may be asked to relate concepts within the content area and among other content areas

Students make real-world applications in new situations.

DoK Sorting Activity

Take stacks of cards and place them into levels 1-4 on the sorting template.

Design DoK Activities

Design an activity for each of the four levels. Upon completion share with your co-workers

and explain your reasoning for the placement of the activity in that level.


Webb's Depth of Knowledge Guide; Career and Technical Education Definitions. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.mde.k12.ms.us

Sibley, B., Marconi, E., & Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program (2008, January). The Depth of Knowledge Levels. Retrieved from http://www.rpdp.net
