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Name_________________________Class____________EXAM Date______________

Unit 11 Plant Kingdom

Characteristics of Plants

• Multicellular- made of

_____________________ cells

• Eukaryotes- have

_____________________ &

membrane bound organelles

• Cell ____________ - made of


• Autotrophs/producers- make own energy through _____________________

• Stationary (_____________________) : no mobility

What Do Plants Need?

• _____________________

• _____________________ and minerals

• _________ exchange (photosynthesis & cellular respiration)

• _____________________ of water and nutrients throughout the plant body

Classification of Plants


• Ex. Mosses, hornworts, liverworts

• Earliest to _____________________ to live

on land

• Live close to the _____________________

• NO true _____________ or

_____________ (use rhizoids) because

they ________________ _____________________ tissue (xylem & phloem)

• They take in _____________________ by _____________________

• Water needed to _____________________

Evolution of Vascular Tissue

• _____________________ _____________________ is specialized to conduct

water and nutrients throughout the plant.

• The first vascular plants contained tracheids which

are cells specialized to conduct water. Tacheids

make up xylem and phloem

• _____________________ carries

_____________________ from the roots to every part of a plant.

• _____________________ transports solutions of _____________________ and

carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis.


• Example _____________________

• Reproduce by _____________________ NOT seeds

• Better adapted to live on land due to

_____________________ tissue

• Ferns and their relatives have true

_____________________, _____________________,

and _____________________.

• Ferns have vascular tissues, strong roots,

underground stems called _____________________, and

leaves called _____________________.


• Includes Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

• Contains _____________________ tissue (xylem/phloem)

• Produce _____________________ which allowed them to better _____________________ on


• Adaptations that allow seed plants to reproduce _____________________

_____________________ include:

- flowers or cones

- The transfer of sperm by


- the protection of embryos in seeds


• Contains _____________________ tissue (xylem/phloem)

• Seeds _________ _____________________ inside a fruit “naked seeds”

• _____________________ seed-bearing structures ex. pine cones


• The male gametophyte is contained in a tiny structure called a _____________________ _____________________.

• The transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure

is called _____________________.


• A _______________ is an embryo of a plant that is encased in a _____________________ _____________________ and surrounded by a _____________________ _____________________.

• The ___________ __________surrounds and protects the embryo and keeps contents of the

seed from drying out.

• An _____________________ is an organism in its early stage of development.

• Plant seeds can stay in a state of dormancy (_____ growing)

Seed Dormancy

• Many seeds will not grow when they first mature.

• These seeds enter a period of dormancy, during which the embryo is alive but __________


• Environmental factors such as _____________________ and _____________________ can cause a seed to end dormancy and germinate.

• Germination – _____________________ _____________________ stage of a plant

• Seeds are dispersed (spread out) by _____________________, _____________________,

and/or _____________________.


• The majority of plants alive today are _____________________


• Contains _____________________ tissue (xylem/phloem)

• A flower or blossom is the _____________________ structure

• Produce _____________________ enclosed in a ripened

_____________________ which is a _____________________

• Can be divided into _____________________ or


What are the ORGAN SYSTEMS of a VASCULAR Plant?

• ______________ System: This includes parts found _____________________ ex: roots.

• ______________ System: This includes parts found ___________ ___________________

ex: stems, leaves, flowers.

What are the ORGANS of a VASCULAR Plant?

A. Leaf: makes _____________________ for

the plant

B. Stem: carries _____________________ and

_____________________ through the plant.

C. Root: carries _____________________

from the soil to the plant.

D. Flower (angiosperms): makes _____________________.


• Where _____________________ takes place and _____________________ (sugar) energy is


• _____________________: Cell organelle where photosynthesis occurs

• Green pigments called ______________________/____ absorbs light.

• Cuticle: _____________________ covering on top of the leaf that helps

_____________________ transpiration (water loss)

• Veins- Transport _____________________ from roots & _____________________/ food that

was made in leaves to other parts of plant

- Made of xylem and phloem cells which can be called _____________________


• Stomata- Openings on the

_____________________ of the leaf

- Allows carbon dioxide ________, Allows

oxygen to go ______

- Water is _____________________

through these openings (transpiration)

- Guard cells _____________________ and _____________________ the stomata to

prevent transpiration


• Loss of _____________________ from a plant through

the _____________________

• Helps ___________ __________& required

_____________________ up stem from roots.

• Part of the __________ ___________, trees transpire water back into the atmosphere.

• Usually occurs during the day when there is a lot of _____________

• Will also occur if a plant has to remove extra water (maintain _____________________)


• The combination of root pressure, ________________ ______________, and transpiration

provides enough _____________________ to

_____________________ water through the xylem tissue of even the

tallest plant.

• _____________________ is the attraction of molecules of the same

substance to each other.

• _____________________ is the attraction between unlike substances.

(hydrogen bonds)

• The tendency of water to rise in a thin tube is called


• _____________________ of a plant results from the _____________________ of water.


• produce leaves, branches and flowers

• __________________ leaves up to the sunlight

• transport substances between roots and leaves


• have adaptations for extra __________________ of

nutrients and/or water ex. tuber, bulbs

• Annual Wood Rings = layers of __________________

- Each pair of light & dark rings = ___________

year’s growth.

- __________ ___________: weather conditions

were not favorable

- ___________ __________: weather conditions

were favorable.


• Underground organs that ________________

_____________ and minerals

• __________________ and keeps the plant in place

• 2 Main Types: ____________ root and

__________________ roots

a. Tap roots: one main root follows water

__________________ underground

b. Fibrous roots: many roots spread out and follows water close to the


• Structure of Roots- Root Hairs: increase surface

__________________ for water & mineral


- Meristem: region where _________

_________ are produced (mitosis)

- Root Cap: __________________ tip of

growing root


Asexual Reproduction: Vegetative Propagation

• Grafting• Cutting• Budding

Sexual Reproduction: Pollination

Pollination- The transfer of pollen to a stigma, ovule, flower, or

plant to allow fertilization

A. Self- Pollination: Pollen grains from the anther to

the stigma of either the __________________ or

genetically __________________ flower

B. Cross Pollination: The transport of

__________________ from a single plant to a

__________________ plant by insects or the wind.


Relating plants to humans:

• Reproduction: reproductive systems, __________________ and male/female

__________________ coming together to __________________!

• Transport: vascular system/__________________ system, __________________ of water

and minerals in and out of cells

• Response: __________________ control things!

Plant Hormones: Hormones __________________ things to happen for plants, just like humans

• __________________ and __________________ cell division

• Growth of roots, seeds, fruits, flowers and stems!

• This is a communication __________________ to maintain


Plant Response:

• Phototropism: Plant responds to __________________ stimulus using hormone auxin by

growing __________________ the __________________ source.

• Geotropism: Plant responds to __________________ by roots growing

__________________ and leaves/stems growing ________.

• Thigmatropism: Plants respond to __________________ or physical __________________.


Deciduous plants (those that lose their leaves in winter) prepare for winter dormancy by

• Turning off photosynthetic pathways

• Transporting materials from leaves to roots

• Sealing leaves off from the rest of the plant

Desert plants

• Extensive roots to locate water

• Reduced leaves, less stomata, needle leaves for protection

• Pleated, thick stems that can expand to store water

Aquatic plants

• To take in sufficient oxygen, many aquatic plant have tissues with large air filled spaces

through which oxygen can diffuse.

• Air bladders float plants towards surface for light absorption


Mutualism Plants:

• Nitrogen fixing bacteria place “fixed” nitrogen from air into

soil for plants to absorb and in return plants give sugar to


• Mycorrhizae: fungus helps with absorption of water and

minerals to plants and in return, plants provide food to the


Commensalism Plants

• An __________________ plant is not rooted in soil but instead grow directly on the bodies of other plants.

• __________________ gather their own moisture, generally from rainfall, and produce their own food so do not harm nor help the other plant.

Parasitic Plants

• Mistletoes attach to and penetrate the branches of a tree or

shrub through which they absorb water and nutrients from the host plant.

Carnivorous Plants (YES, they do photosynthesis)

• Grow in areas where soil are __________________

__________________ or minerals so they have adaptations to

attract and trap insects for absorption

• Example Venus fly trap, sundew, pitcher plant
