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Healthy Eating / Active Living (HEAL) Goals for the 2014-2019 Action PlanNovember 6, 2014

To HEAL Task Force Members -

The HEAL (Healthy Living / Active Living) Task Force is responsible for monitoring and reporting progress on these 31 goals over the five-year period. On the following sixteen pages, the 31 Action Plan goals that relate to Healthy Eating and Active living, out of the 59 total goals, are listed in order in the Action Plan Workbook format.

If you have progress to report on any of these goals, please write it in the numbered box below each goal. (Some from our initial meeting have already been included to get you started.) Notes can include any information that relates to the goal including difficulties or potential barriers to achieving the goal, activities that might contribute to achieving the goal, or ideas about how the scope of the goal can be expanded or limited. In June, at the end of each fiscal year, the a Design Team meeting will be convened with representatives of each of the eight original Task Forces to report out progress for each item. These notes will be helpful in preparing that report.

If you prefer to report on a small number of goals, rather than using the entire 17-page report, you can simply copy and paste the relevant goal into another WORD document or into an e-mail and send it to me. I will compile all of the reports as we go. My hope is to avoid a last-minute rush to report on all 59 items in late May just before the Design Team meeting.

Remember, not every goal has to be accomplished in the first year; many are going to require several years and may take even more than five years. Other goals will be accomplished more quickly. The point of the progress report is to show a running description of work-to-date on each one so we’ll all know how we’re doing over –all.

If you have any questions along the way, do not hesitate to call me at 508-837-9029 or email me at drweed@cox.net anytime, and I’ll try to assist you with the process. Since this is the first time we have tried to closely monitor our Five Year Action Plan, we will all have to learn the process as we go, but I hope it will serve a useful function of keeping us all on track to making steady improvements in community health for the Greater Fall River Area.


David Weed, Psy.D., Executive Director, Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc.


Health Factor I: Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase rate of fruit and vegetable consumption

Increase the availability of healthy produce

Increase outlets which offer healthy produce

Increase access and availability of farmers' markets

Number of hours markets are open and number of locations

Count hours and locations

1: We might want to consider aquaculture as well as farmers’ markets. Also, it would be great to develop an app that people could use on their phones to locate a healthy market near them.

Health Factor I: Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase rate of fruit and vegetable consumption

Increase the availability of healthy produce

Increase outlets which offer healthy produce

Mass in Motion Healthy Neighborhood Market expansion

Increase number of markets offering healthy produce

Count of markets offering health produce

2: Mass in Motion is planning to create a “Five Minute Walk to a Healthy Market” project that will select five neighborhood markets in the South End that are willing to increase their offerings of healthy food items (e.g., produce, non-processed foods, non-sugary drinks, etc.).


Health Factor I: Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase rate of fruit and vegetable consumption

Increase number of school and community gardens

Work with school and organization staff with an interest in gardens

Link experienced gardeners with those willing to learn

Number of gardens and gardeners

Count of gardens and gardeners

3: This would be a great project to link with the various school summer programs (21st Century, YMCA, etc.). Our SCI “Food Guru”, Micah Sativtsky, has expressed an interest in promoting more community gardens.

Health Factor I: Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase rate of fruit and vegetable consumption

Create permaculture gardens throughout the community

Plan, organize, create and maintain plantings

Mass in Motion grant, Permaculture expert

Number of plantings

Count of plantings

4: A plan is currently in place for a permaculture garden at the Baressi and Cattell Apartment grounds in the Flint with Lydia Moses using funds from the Vela Foundation. She is thinking about starting in the Spring of ’15.


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase rate of fruit and vegetable consumption

Increase education around the selection and preparation of healthy produce

Expand nutrition education opportunities

Umass-Amherst Nutrition Education Program staff

Increased number of locations where nutrition education is offered

Count of nutrition education opportunities

5: We should connect UMass Nutrition Education staff with Whitsons to see what they might be able to do together in FR schools.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Improve the quality of food offered at work locations

Educate and incentivize employers to adopt healthy nutrition policies

Introduce healthy workplace nutrition guidelines to local employers

Partners educational materials; Worksite Wellness Coordinator's time

Number of employers that adopt healthy worksite nutrition policies

Count of worksites with healthy nutrition policies

6: Worksite Wellness Coordinator will distribute Partners healthy meeting and events brochure along with healthy meeting and event guide via DPH to local businesses. Worksite Wellness Coordinator will offer technical assistance regarding written policy change for healthy meetings and events at worksites. Worksite Wellness Coordinator will educate and suggest healthy vending options and substitutes for food at every meeting.

Health Factor Diet & Problems with poor diet, inactivity, Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease,


I: Exercise  and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Improve the quality of food offered in public and private schools

Educate and incentivize school systems to adopt healthy nutrition policies

Work with School Wellness Policy development teams to address nutrtion guidelines

School Wellness Coordinator's time

Number of school systems that adopt health nutrition policies

Count of school systems

7: Some of this is already underway with the new School Wellness Policy that limits what parents and others can bring to the school for events.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Improve the quality of food offered in civic and religious organizations

Educate and incentivize civic and religious organizations to adopt healthy nutrition policies

Work with civic and religious organizations to adopt healthy nutrition policies

Healthy City Fall River Coordinator's time

Number of civic and religious organizations that adopt

Count of organizations

8: Healthy City Coordinator Dave Weed plans to do some education on this with the “Fed Up” video.

Health Factor Diet & Problems with poor diet, inactivity, Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease,


I: Exercise  and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase the availability of nutrition education opportunities

Arrange for nutrition education, especially for low-income and special populations at-risk of nutrition problems

Offer teaching opportunities at soup kitchens and food distribution sites

Voluntary instructors from BCC, Johnson & Wales, and Umass-Amherst Nutrition Education Program

Number and locations of nutrition education opportunities offered

Count of nutrition activities offered

9: It would be great to replicate the microwave cooking event that volunteers from the White Church in Swansea arranged.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase the availability of nutrition education opportunities

Promote the "Look Who's Cooking" Series

Advertise series through multiple outlets

Community Media on-line service and CDs distributed widely

Frequency of views

Count of views

10: This series needs to be “re-marketed”, especially to specific populations that rely on fast foods.

Health Factor Diet & Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates


I: Exercise  to healthy foodProblem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase the availability of nutrition education opportunities

Promote Family Fun Night nutrition education

Promote Family Fun Nights in all elementary schools

Local nutrition educators

Numbers of attendees

Count of attendance

11: School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard has a full schedule of Family Fun Nights set up for the current school year.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase the availability of nutrition education opportunities

Promote nutrition education opportunities for those with diabetes and prediabetes

Hold cooking demonstrations at a variety of venues

People Incorporated Diabetes Association staff

Numbers of attendees

Count of attendance

12: Diabetes Association Coordinator John Quintas does monthly cooking demonstrations and shopping tours.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates


Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high

Increase the availability of nutrition education opportunities

Promote WIC "Cooking Matters" and shopping tour program to 3,000+ enrollees

Hold cooking and shopping demonstrations at a variety of venues

HealthFirst WIC program staff

Number of attendees

Count of events and attendees


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Organize, promote and operate a year-around Fitness Challenge for residents for the Greater Fall River Area

Engage voluntary participation of professional fitness providers; fund-raise for incentives

Partners paid coordinator's time to organize and promote Challenge

Number of attendees for each event and event totals

Count of participants

14: Re-Creation staffer Annemarie Holly is preparing for the 8th year of Fitness Challenge activities starting with a Resource Fair on January 10, 2015.


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Organize and promote a school-based Challenge series for local schools

Engage voluntary participation of physical education teachers and principals

Partners School Wellness Coordinator's time

Number of children participating

Count of teachers and child participants

15: School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard will arrange for School Fitness Challenge activities in all four communities.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Organize a Safe-Routes-To-School Walking program at elementary schools

Engage parent volunteers, principals, teachers and community health workers

Partners School Wellness Coordinator's time

Number of children participating

Count of teachers and child participants

16: Marcia Picard is working with School Safety Officer Brenda Racine to extend the walking school bus from Doran Elementary to other schools.


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Engage behavioral health clients in a program of regular exercise

Organize and operate a daily fitness program at the SSTAR Outpatient Program

SSTAR staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions

Count of sessions and participants

17: SSTAR now provides a daily fitness program for outpatients. This should be expanded to other behavioral health settings.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Engage housing authority residents in a program of regular exercise

Run a wellness program that includes regular physical activity for adults and children

SCHHWI staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions

Count of sessions and participants

18: Given that Southcoast Y did not receive the PICH grant from CDC, it is unclear where funding can come from for this.


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Engage new moms in a program of regular exercise

Run a FitWIC program at HealthFirst

WIC staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions

Count of sessions and participants


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Operate a program at Bristol Community College that engages students in physical exercise

Operate a physical fitness program in the Commonwealth Center open to all students

Bristol Community College staff

Number of participants and frequency of sessions

Count of sessions and participants

20: Worksite Wellness Coordinator will connect worksites to low or no cost physical activity programs, including but not limited to the Fall River Fitness Challenge.


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community

Run a weekly fitness program for seniors designed to increase balance, flexibility and strength

Run two groups at the Niagara Senior Center on a weekly basis

Senior Center staff and YMCA instructor

Number of participants and frequency of sessions

Count of sessions and participants

21: One group now meets twice a week at the Niagara Senior Center.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Create a walking map of Central Fall River showing distances between points and walking times

Increase knowledge of walkability of Central Fall River

Print and distribute maps widely; hold promotional events to encourage walking

Mass In Motion Coordinator and BikeFall River volunteers

Numbers of maps printed and distributed

Count of number of maps printed and distributed

22: Mass in Motion just published a walking map specific to seniors as part of the WalkBoston walkability project.


Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Promote increased safe use of bicycles by children

Organize programs to teach bicycle safety

Offer bicycle safety training classes; distribute free helmets

Mass In Motion Coordinator and BikeFall River volunteers

Numbers of participants and helmets distributed

Count of participants and helmets

23: Mass in Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly is working to turn over the bike safety and helmet give-away programs to school safety officers.

Health Factor I:

Diet & Exercise 

Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food

Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedPopulation fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week

Promote personal engagement in fitness through a community campaign

Plan, organize, and promote a personal "Get Fit" program for the community

Hold events to promote personal fitness; advertise the benefits of fitness widely

Healthy City Fall River Coordinator's time

Numbers of events and participants

Count of events and attendees

24: A prototype “Wellness Champion” format has been completed for several seniors and can be expanded to include people of all ages.

Health Factor Environment Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources


VIII: & Infrastructure

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedImproved access to public transportation and its connectivity to schools, jobs, parks, medical centers and shopping needed

Develop a Bicycle Master Plan for the City of Fall River

Map routes to key destinations (school, work, shopping, recreation) to ensure bicycle access

Create maps designating bicycle routes throughout the Area

Mass in Motion and Fall River Bicycle Committee

Map created and distriubted

Number of maps distributed

53: Julie has a working version of this map now.

Health Factor VIII:

Environment & Infrastructure

Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedImproved access to public transportation and its connectivity to schools, jobs, parks, medical centers and shopping needed

Develop a Bicycle Master Plan for the City of Fall River

Create a bicycle culture that recruits new cyclists and addresses bicycle safety in a vehicle-oriented community

Plan and implement a comprehensive bicycle safety program; Trips for Kids, Bike Fall River

Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District, MASSBIKE, Safe Routes to School

Number of safety sessions offered, number of organized bicycle trips offered for children and adults

Count of safety sessions and bicycle trips

54: A total of 38 bicycle racks purchased through a grant from SRPEDD will be installed in Nov. 2014 throughout the city on public property, i.e., schools, housing sites, parks, libraries, etc.

Health Factor VIII:

Environment &

Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources


InfrastructureProblem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedImproved access to public transportation and its connectivity to schools, jobs, parks, medical centers and shopping needed

Standardize Physical Education Curriculum to include Safe Walking and Cycling

Review and revise School Wellness Plan to address safe walking and cycling

Standardize the PE curriculum for the FR Public Schools to include walking and cycling

Partners School Wellness Coordinator's time and Mass In Motion participation on the Wellness Committee

Inclusion of language in the Wellness Plan to address pedestrian and bicycle participation and safety

Wellness Policy language included

55: Marcia Picard will work with the Fall River Schools new physical education department head.

Health Factor VIII:

Environment & Infrastructure

Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedIncrease physical access to healthy food, especially to low-income areas and people who lack automobile transportaion

Create a Five-Minute Walk to a Healthy Market Program

Identify potential markets that agree to upgrades using the Healthy Market Toolkit

Expand shelf space and improve locations of healthier food options

MIM staff to locate markets based on owner interest to increase and promote healthier choices

Five markets with interest and potential to expand availability of healthier food options identified

Number of participating markets

56: See item #2, above.

Health Factor Environment Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources


VIII: & Infrastructure

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedIncrease physical access to healthy food, especially to low-income areas and people who lack automobile transportaion

Create a Five-Minute Walk to a Healthy Market Program

Create map of the 1/2 mile radius of all markets offering healthy food options

Locations plotted and analyzed; healthy market locations plotted; map produced and publicized

MIM staff; Cancer prevention project staff; Healthy City Coordinator

Map created and distributed

Number of maps distributed

57: See item # 2, above.

Health Factor VIII:

Environment & Infrastructure

Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedIncrease physical access to healthy food, especially to low-income areas and people who lack automobile transportaion

Create a Five-Minute Walk to a Healthy Market Program

Brand a Five-Minute Walk to a Healthy Market program and advertise using English and non-English messages

Five-minute walk program created in multiple languages and widely publicized

MIM staff; Cancer prevention project staff; Healthy City Coordinator

Branding project completed

Branding advertisement count

58: See item # 2, above.

Health Factor Environment Problems with non-vehicular transportation

Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources


VIII: & Infrastructure

Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures AchievedImprove and increase resources and awareness of active living resources

Improve and expand parks and open spaces and awareness of and access to both

Search and identify funding sources for park and open space improvements; complete planning and apply for funding

Grant opportunity search; coordination with Mayor's Office and Grantwriter

City grant writer; Parks and Recreation Department; Department of Community Maintenance

Grants identified and secured; projects underway and completed

Number of grants; number of improved and expanded parks and open spaces

59: City Grantwriter Jane Dibiasio will work on this as opportunities for funding arise. Grant applications pending decision: PARC Grant to install new basketball courts in 5 parks (Abbott Court, Kennedy Park, Maplewood Park, North Park & Ruggles); LWCF Grant to install an inclusion playground at North Park (DCS has approved, but we're still waiting for the NPS to give final approval so work can begin).

