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Anatomy of the Nervous SystemLab 11

Lab Exercises and Reports 25 and 28 in manualTextbook figures 10.1, 10.3, 11.1, 11.2, 11.5, 11.6, 11.29, 11.32-34

Objectives: To identify the following structures on model, diagrams or slides and to know the functions for the parts listed.

Lab 25 - Nervous Tissue and Nerves Know figures 25.1 and 25.3

Identify on neuron slide:Cell bodyNucleusDendrites-carry impulses to the cell bodyAxons-carry impulses away from the cell bodyNeuroglial cells

Label Fig. 25.1

Complete Lab report 25

Lab 28 - Spinal Cord and Meninges Know 3 meninges-

Dura materArachnoid materSubarachnoid space – cerebrospinal fluidPia materEpidural Space

Figure 11.2, p. 385 in the text.Spinal Cord on Torso:

Conus medullarisCauda equina

Spinal Cord model:Posterior median sulcus

Anterior median fissureCentral canal- contains CSF

Gray matterPosterior hornLateral hornAnterior hornGray commissure

White matterPosterior columns (funiculus)Lateral columnsAnterior columns

Spinal nerveDorsal root-carries sensory impulses into spinal cordDorsal root ganglion-contains sensory neuron cell bodiesVentral root-carries motor impulses away from spinal cord

Label Fig. 28.1 and 28.2Complete report 28

Peripheral NervesOn the Nerve Man model know the following peripheral nerves:

In arm: Radial Ulnar Median

In leg: Sciatic ObturatorFemoral

On torso model and on the nerve model identify:Sympathetic trunkCauda equina

You are also responsible for the microscope slide that shows a cross section of the spinal cord. On it you need to know the central canal, gray matter (unmyelinated), and white matter (myelinated). Found within the central canal is CSF.

LAB 11: Nervous System I

Activity 1: Identify the Parts of a multipolar neuron

Figure 1: Parts of a Neuron

By LadyofHats [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Complete_neuron_cell_diagram_en.svg

axon terminalnucleus

Figure 2a. Cell Body of a Neuron

Figure 2b. Axon of a Neuron

Figure 2: Neuron Model.



synaptic knob

axon hillock

golgi apparatus

smooth ER

Rough ER(chromatophilic substance)


axon myelin sheath

Schwann Cell

axon nodes of Ranvierendoneurium

nucleus of Schwann Cell (neurilemma)

myelin sheath

Figure 3. Parts of a multipolar neuron

Figure 5 – spinal cord in torso model.



axon hillock

nuclei of neuroglia

cell body

gray commissure

central canal (with CSF)posterior column(funiculus)

conus medularis

cauda equina

posterior median sulcus

cauda equina

posterior median sulcus

posterior horn

gray commissure

dorsal root

dorsal root ganglion

ventral root

Figure 6. CS of spinal cord in a cervical vertebra.

Spinal Cord Model, Cross Section

anterior median fissure

posterior column (funiculus)

lateral column (funiculus)

anterior column (funiculus)

anterior horn

lateral horn

ventral root

dorsal root

dorsal root ganglion

spinal nerve

anterior median fissure

posterior horn

lateral horn

anterior horn

lateral column (funiculus)

anterior column (funiculus)

central canal

gray matter(unmyelinated tissue)

white matter(myelinated tissue)

periosteum of bone

epidural space

dura mater

arachnoid matersubarachnoid space (contains CSF)

pia mater

central canal(filled with CSF)

spinal cord, cross section

Activity 3: Meninges

Spinal Cord with Meninges

Activity 4: Spinal Nerves

radial nerve

median nerve

ulnar nerve

femoral nerve obturator nerve

sciatic nerve

cervical plexus

brachial plexus

lumbosacral plexus

Complete Lab 11 Worksheet
