· Web viewComplete the tasks 1-3 in the blue ‘Work’ box on p57. For Q2, you could just...


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Year 10 – Home Learning Activities

Below is the range of tasks that you should study over the next 2 weeks. Do the activities during the same lesson time slot that you have on your timetable. Each lessons worth of

tasks should take you approximately 45 minutes. Before you start make sure that you have all the things that you will need.


Lesson Number and Title

Things that you will need


1 American Tactics Overview

The two sheets under this table entitled:

American Tactics Picture

and Writing Match Up

Scissors and Glue IF YOU HAVE THEM.

The aim of this exercise is to get an understanding of the different tactics used by the American forces in Vietnam.Cut out the pictures and descriptions on the sheet ‘American Tactics’ below so that you can match them up correctly.Read the description carefully then match them up with the most appropriate picture. If you have glue, then stick them in your book. If not, then use arrows to show which one matches with which other.

2 ‘G.Is’ & ‘Search & Destroy’

The text book.A copy of the text book AQA Conflict In Asia – Korea & VietnamPage 56-59This should be accessed as a PdF on the Year 10 page for History on the VLETHE LINK IS UNDERNEATH THIS TABLE

Your exercise book; OR paper.

And a pen

The aim of this task is to familiarise yourself with some terms, and begin thinking about the different tactics available to the Americans and how they might help them fight the GUERRILLA tactics of the VC.

You should read the double page spread, pages 56-57

Complete the tasks 1-3 in the blue ‘Work’ box on p57.

For Q2, you could just write a one word definition of the terms and add it to your glossary of key terms. A more challenging, and more useful task for revision, would be to turn these into pictures.

3 Bombing & Chemical Warfare

Your exercise book; OR paper.

The aim of this task is to get you to begin to think more critically about the tactics used by the Americans in Vietnam.

And a pen You should read the double page spread , pages 58-59

Complete the tasks 1-3 in the blue ‘Work’ box on p59. Task 1 is a mini revision of the work completed in Lesson 1 above.

4 The Soldiers Compared

The pictures of the two soldiers (Sheet below)

Your exercise book; OR paper.

And a pen

Look at the two pictures of the soldiers below.

Write down as many of the differences that you can SEE between the two soldiers, as you can.

Now read what they have to say about their weapons, tactics and experiences. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages for the Viet Cong soldier. Then repeat this exercise for the American soldier.

From the evidence available here, which soldier is best equipped to fight in the Vietnam War?

If you can print off the pictures to stick in your book, then do so. If not you could draw your own version of the pictures to emphasise the differences between the soldiers.

5 Your notes on the tactics used by the Americans in the Vietnam war

ADDING TO YOUR SUBJECT VOCABULARY/GLOSSARYLook back at all the work you’ve completed on the tactics of the Americans in Vietnam.

Make a list of 20 words that would be useful to explain the tactics AND the problems faced by the American soldiers in Vietnam.

Next, slim down your list to the 10 words that you would HAVE TO BE ABLE TO REMEMBER to be able to use in order to answer a GCSE Q on the tactics of the American in the Vietnam War.

Complete task 4 on p59 of the textbook which asks you to write a report on the problems faced by the American soldiers in Vietnam; or a report on the advantages held by the Vietcong soldiers.

6 The sheet: American response to the tactics of the Vietcong

Your exercise book; OR paper.

And a pen

The aim of this exercise is to get you to think about the knowledge you have gained and how you might use it to answer an actual GCSE question. There are two exemplar questions, an 8 mark and a 16 mark question to plan out, bullet point style. To help you to gather your thoughts, you could:Quickly write down three bullet points in each box on the sheet to show:What the tactic was;Which part of the ‘guerrilla’ tactics of the VC it was meant to counteract;How successful it was.Then decide how much detail you will need (key word knowledge is fantastic here) to tackle the two different questions.AFTER COMPLETING THESE TASKS YOU SHOULD ATTEMPT THE ‘ASSIGNMENT QUESTION – AN 8 MARK QUESTION ON THE AMERICAN SOLDIERS’ EXPERIENCES.Write your answer on the lined answer sheet included if you can print it off. If not, then write it on paper and keep it to hand in when we return.

Extended Learning – reading and knowledge Extended Learning – fun things to do and create

Find out about:American G.I. responses to their experienceA useful link is:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l4pj4agv58

An amazing survey of the whole war can be found in:‘Vietnam: An Epic History of a Tragic War’ – a

Make a model of a ‘Strategic Hamlet’

Listen to some Anti-War Songs:‘Fortunate Son’ – Creedence Clearwater Revival.‘Waist Deep in Big Muddy’ – Pete Seeger.‘All Along The Watchtower’ – Jimmi

challenging read but well worth the effort Hendrix‘Gimme Shelter’ – Rolling Stones

Additional resources, links and reading needed for the lesson activities:All tasks refer to the text book OXFORD AQA AQA Conflict In Asia – Korea & VietnamThis can be found in a PdF on the Year 10 History page on the VLE at


There is a copy of the text book on the ‘Korea & Vietnam’ page and on the ‘America 1920-1973’ pageKEEP ALL YOUR WORK AS THIS WILL BECOME PART OF YOUR NOTES FOR THE EXAM AND WILL BE PLACED IN YOUR EXERCISE BOOKS, WITH ALL OF THE OTHER NOTES. YOU WILL NEED THESE TO REVISE EFFECTIVELY AND SIT THE FINAL EXAMThe following sheets will be of use:

American Tactics Picture and Writing Match Up

Search and destroy tactics were a way for the Americans to try and uncover Vietcong soldiers and then destroy the village as a warning to people who supported the Communists. Once the area had been destroyed this prevented any Vietcong from returning and using the area for resources. This tactic soon became known as ‘zippo raids’ after the cigarette lighter used to set fire to the roof of the houses.

A new type of warfare was known as chemical attacks. Napalm was a mixture of petroleum jelly and petrol. Once exploded it would burn through anything it landed on. It was very effective at destroying the thick jungle which was perfect for uncovering the secret hideouts of the Vietcong. However with an upward temperature of 800*C, the damage it caused to people when they were hit with the chemical was horrific.

Agent Orange and Blue were weed killers which were sprayed across large sections of the Vietnamese jungle to destroy crops and tress. This would allow the Americans to see the Ho Chi Minh trail, spot the tunnels and draw the Vietcong out into the open. Over 11 million gallons were dropped, destroying farms and animals in the process.

The American soldiers tried to win the “hearts and minds” of the South Vietnamese people. The Americans invested billions of dollars in building drainage ditches, schools, hospitals, roads and canals. All of these things were an attempt to improve the lives of the South Vietnamese people. By providing things such as medical support, the Americans were able to offer something that the Vietcong were not.

To try prevent the South Vietnamese from supporting the Vietcong, the Americans came up with the idea of strategic hamlets. These were groups of homes, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by the Americans. The problem with this was that the people were just removed from their homes and forced to live somewhere else. The land was sacred to the Vietnamese people and had been in their families for generations.

The Americans used the tactic of carpet or saturation bombing in North Vietnam to try and stop the supply of weapons to the Vietcong. As the war developed, South Vietnam as well as neighbouring Cambodia and Laos were also targeted. More bombs were dropped during Operation Rolling Thunder in 3 years than during the whole of WWII. The aim was to force the Vietcong and North Vietnam to surrender. It is estimated that about 70,000 people were killed during bombing raids.

As the war progressed and dragged on, tactics changed. The American's were not facing their enemy in a traditional battle and it became more difficult to compete with the Vietcong’s tactics. To prove their success their new aim was to kill as many people as possible. ‘Body count’ was the nickname given to this tactic.

Viet Cong Soldier – VC

American Soldier – G.I.; ‘Grunt’

If you have any questions about the tasks please contact:mhub

American response to the tactics of the Vietcong

An 8 mark ‘Write an account…….’ Question could say:Write an account of the experience and reactions of young men drafted to fight for the USA in Vietnam.

A good tip: Highlight the information you might use to answer this question, on your sheet.Think about the tactics they were using and how it might have made them feel.

A 16 mark ‘How far do you agree…….?’ Question could say:

The main reason for the military success of the Vietcong was the superior tactics of guerrilla warfare.’How far do you agree with this statement?Explain your answer.

A good tip:• explain the main reason in order to evaluate how far they agree with the statement • to identify and explain other factors • reach a sustained judgement.

So, write a bullet point list of what was good about the VC and their guerrilla tactics

Then, write a bullet point list about the American tactics explaining their unsuitability for fighting in the Vietnam war.

Finally, write a bullet point list of the effect that the American tactics had on the G.I. s fighting and the Vietnamese people.

Which was more important to the eventual victory of the Vietcong, was it the Vietnamese Guerrilla tactics; the inappropriateness of the American tactics; or the brutalising effect of the war which made the G.I.s not want to fight and strengthened the Vietnamese people’s resolve to support the VC?

A really strong answer would be able to explain all the reasons but also LINK the three reasons together, eg. The Americans wouldn’t be so demoralised if their tactics had been effective against the guerrilla warfare of the VC.

If you have any queries regarding this work please contactMHubbard@jesmondparkacademy.org.uk

Yr 10 History GCSE Assignment

This is an 8 mark ‘Write an account…….’ Question Write an account of the experience and reactions of American soldiers drafted to fight for the USA in Vietnam.

It will need 3 paragraphs to explain 3 aspects of life for soldiers.So, you could write about:

1. The soldiers expectations when they went to Vietnam;2. The tactics they came up against when fighting the Viet Cong;3. How the Americans responded to the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Cong

The mark scheme for this question is below, so that you can try to plan your answer to ensure that you hit all the particular points you need and a good exercise might be to mark your answer yourself.


SIMPLIFIED MARKSCHEMEQ3 ‘Write an account of ….’

Level 4: Complex analysis of causes/effects/consequences

Developed (fully explained) narrative of causes or effects with a clear structure, supported by a range of accurate and detailed factual knowledge and understanding which is relevant not just to the topic, but to this actual question.

Level 3: Developed analysis of causation/consequence

Simple narrative of causes or effects with a structured explanation (where one point leads to another) supported by a range of accurate factual knowledge and understanding which is relevant to the topic.

Level 2: Simple analysis of causation/consequence

This will be a basic narrative of causes or effects which shows a simple understanding of sequencing (eg the Viet Cong did this, so the Americans did that’), supporting it with some relevant factual knowledge and understanding.

Level 1: Basic analysis of causation/consequence

Answer is presented as general statements which demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question

Eg Just a list of simple unexplained cause(s)/effect(s) about the events. May have some specific knowledge but it won’t be explained.

Q3 Write an account of the experience and reactions of American soldiers drafted to fight for the USA in Vietnam. (8 marks

The Target is for you to show your knowledge and understanding Use plenty of factual knowledge; Give two/three developed paragraphs on the given topic. After each paragraph ensure you explain the significance of the given topic by linking it back to the question.

Level Mark  /8


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