· Web view2002/05/15  · Word of The Day Write a sentence with...


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Language and Learning Grid Term 3 Week 6

Word of The Day

Write a sentence with your word of the day.

Monday: cause

Tuesday: harsh

Wednesday: flock

Thursday: explanation

Friday: abolish

Daily Sentence Work

Monday: Can you fix these sick sentences and make them more exciting:

Lava went over the ground. There was lightning in the sky. It was a scary sight.

Tuesday : 'Up level' the following sentence by using adverbs, adjectives and additional information to make it more interesting. Write three different possibilities under the original sentence. e.g.

'The cat slept.'

The lazy cat slept soundly.

The black cat slept soundly through the thunderstorm.

The Persian cat slept lightly that night, anticipating the return of the dog.

'A policeman arrived.'

Wednesday : 'Up level' the following sentence by using adverbs, adjectives and additional information to make it more interesting. Write at least three different possibilities under the original sentence. e.g.

'The cat slept.'

The fat, lazy cat slept soundly.

The black cat slept soundly through the thunderstorm.

The Persian cat slept lightly that night, anticipating the return of the dog.

'A light flashed.'

Thursday: “but” or “so”? Which is the best connective? Remember you might hve to drop the capital letter at the beginning of the second sentence

I went to the park …. It was too wet to go on the slide.

The slide was wet …. I went back home again.

I was hungry… Mum made me a sandwich.

I love sandwiches…. I don’t like eating the crusts.

Can you write out each sentence again using a different connective?

Friday :

Can you write out Thursdays sentences using different connectives? See page above


Please find your spelling words either in Teams-File-Class materials or on the links on the website for 18/01/21. Please copy out your spelling word 3 times and do two activities from your spelling homework grid. You are completing the words for

Accelerated Reading

This is the link for Accelerated Reading is: 

Please complete for any books you read at home.

Reading: Book Review

‘The Pack of Pompeii’

Read chapters 6-7. Then Complete the Book Review. Please take your time with this and answer in sentences. The box under Book Review is for you to draw a new front cover for the book.


Writing what people say is quite a hard skill. There are lots of punctuation rules. Watch the video clips:

I will also put up a PowerPoint on Teams with the rules for using Speech marks. Correct the following sentences:

A. Bill said can I have a biscuit please

B. Emma said no I don’t want one

C. that is a very large egg said Dave.

D. The butcher asked how much is one of those pigs they aren’t for sale replied the farmer.

E. I am going to the cinema anyway said Frank and I don’t care if you are coming


Write an imaginative story using the story mountain technique.

I am learning to write a story using the story mountain.

I must…

· Introduce characters and describe the setting.

· Have an inciting action that starts the plot.

· Have a gradual build up to the main event.

· Have a climax.

· Have a resolution to the problem.

· Have a suitable ending. This could be a cliff hanger.

· Have an appropriate title.

Technical criteria

· Plan out your story using the story mountain.

· Have no more than four lines of dialogue.

· Write in paragraphs.

· After you have written each paragraph, read it aloud and check it makes sense.

· Check that you have included all of the necessary punctuation and corrected spelling.

· Make your handwriting legible.

Story Starter

It was the moment they had been dreading for decades: the volcano had finally erupted. The earth shook, as torrents of golden death cascaded over the helpless landscape. Clouds of ash swarmed over the countryside, enveloping everything in their path. Chaos reigned as the beast that had been sleeping for years, now awoken, smote his fury upon the world.

In the distance a flash of silvery lightning licked across the sky: a snake’s forked tongue lashing out in fury to strike its prey. The world was on fire. It was natures turn to take its revenge.

Can you write your own description/short story about the volcanic eruption?

Can you include personification and metaphors?

Can you add exciting verbs (doing words)? Here are some to help you:

shot, dashed, exploded, erupted, crept, bubbled, frothed, oozed, smashed, smothered

Breaktime Chat:

Tuesdays 11- 12 Noon

We will have a breaktime time on Tuesdays between 11-12 noon. This will be a time when you can have some social chat with your friends and share emojis and gifs. I will be there to supervise. Out with that time please show good Internet etiquette and restrain from social chat on the General Feed.


I have emailed you with all your log ins and passwords. This week the following will be available to you:

· Spelling 15-02-21

· Grammar 15-02-21

· Maths 15-02-21

Health and Wellbeing

Watch the following video clip:

What are some things you can do to develop resilience? Talk to an adult at home about this.


Topic research project: Natural Disasters Due End of February


Our topic this term is about Natural Disasters. I am giving you a challenge to investigate a natural disaster. It could be about earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, avalanches, flooding, landslides, etc. you could write about one of these in general terms or you could look at an actual event.

You will need to find out the falling:

· What causes the event

· What effect it has on people

· What effect it has on animals

· What effect it has on the landscape

· Why Scotland is less likely to suffer devastating natural disasters than some other countries.

Your big challenge is to find a way of presenting what you have learnt digitally and in a fun way. You might want to type up a report using word or even make it up in the form of a newspaper report, make a pamphlet on Publisher, make a PowerPoint, film a news report or if you know how to use Scratch, you could present it as an Interactive story.

I realise that PowerPoints and films can be big files that are not easy to download on here but there are ways round that, and I can talk you through that when you are finished your project. Just have fun investigating and as always try your best.

Stem Challenge

BP Ultimate Stem Challenge 2020-21; A Home for Nature Due Date Feb 26th

1. open the bpES website:

2. click on 'Enter a student code' (top right on all pages if you are not logged in)

3. enter the student code: 81707

4. Watch the video and complete the homework sheet. If you wish to enter the competition, fill in what you can of the entry form, scan it and then email it to me by Feb 26th


Term 3 Weeks 6

Please feel free to choose as few or as many of the tasks you think you are able to complete.

Tsunami Artwork

Look up the above website for ideas on how you can use Hokusai’s famous artwork “The Great Wave off Kanagawa”.

If you want to do a Zentangle, you must first draw the outline of the waves, then divide your waves into sections which you fill in with doodles. Zentangle patterns can be found here:

Watch some Natural Disaster Video Clips

Find out more wild weather by watching these clips:

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

1. Find something which makes you happy.

2. Give something to someone to make them smile.

3. Find one thing that you love to smell.

4. Find one thing you enjoy looking at.

5. Find something that’s in your favourite colour.

6. Find something that you are thankful for in nature.

7. Find something which is useful to you.

8. Write a ‘Thank you note’ to someone.

Keep a Weather Diary

Keep a weather record for a week e.g. highest temperature each day, amount of rainfall each day, wind strength each day and use this information to complete a bar graph in class.

Find out what time the sun comes up and the sun sets. Write down these times for a week. Are the times always the same?

Times Tables Tennis

Select a times table. With another person, alternatively say each station of the table. If you make an error, start the times table again. Try to complete every times table from 2 to 10 with your partner

Weather Research

•Watch a weather forecast. Think about how today’s weather will affect a farmer, a fisherman, a postman or woman and you this week.

Write and/ or draw what you have found.

• Find a news story about the weather and how it has affected people.

•When can our weather be dangerous? Describe how weather can be dangerous and think about how we can keep safe.

Touch Typing

Please practice your touch typing using:

Alternatively, you could use:

Timeline of your Life

Create a timeline of your life. Start with the date you were born. Glue on pictures* and include dates of important events.

*with permission


Use Google Translate to find the names of 10 things you might find eat

or go to a party with Tant Cécile (Aunt Cecily)

Coin Flip Workout 

I know a lot of the class have been doing PE with Joe Wicks. Well, this week you have a chance to do PE with Caleb Park! Caleb made this fantastic game and has given me permission to share it with you. Please have fun!




Running on the spot

High knee touches

Star jumps


Knee press-ups


Truffle shuffle (side to side)

Ice skaters

Climb the ladder

Boxer punches

Mountain climbers



Burpee kicks

Bunny hops





High knees


To complete this workout you will need a coin to flip e.g if you flip heads you will do mountain climbers.  

Please do each exercise for 35 sec and take a 25 sec rest between each one.  

Have fun, push yourself and make sure your family and friends join in too! 
