WCIT Analysed According to Dispute Resolution Theory


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WCIT Analysed According to Dispute Resolution Theory

The purpose of this chapter is not to criticize any of the parties involved in the conference. Its purpose is to look at what happened at the meta-level, from the point of view of the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution, and this so as to indicate how future conferences on difficult topics might be managed so as to bridge differences and come to consensus.

There is a vast literature on the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution.1 The analysis below is based on a particularly well-known, clear, and concise framework for difficult negotiations.2 That framework applied well to WCIT, even if WCIT was a multi-party negotiation, and even if the Chairman and Secretariat facilitated the negotiations, with the Chairman at times acting as a mediator. As in all facilitated negotiations (or mediations), the ultimate responsibil-ity for the preparation of the negotiations, the negotiations themselves, and their outcome rests with the parties, not with the facilitators.

According to the cited framework (which consists of a set of steps and tips):

0: The first, and most important step, is to prepare, prepare, prepare. Of course this was understood by the participants and management team3 at WCIT. However, for various reasons, it proved difficult to prepare adequately for the conference. In some cases there were serious differences of views within regions or countries, which made it difficult to agree a coherent and well thought-out regional

1 The author is a certified mediator and has contributed to that literature. 2 Ury, William, 1991. Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations,

Bantam. 3 We will use the term “management team” to refer to the Secretariat, the Chair-

man, and the Chairmen of the various working parties and sub-working parties. During the conference, that team acted pretty much like a mediator, in accordance with ITU practices, even if the term “mediator” is not used within ITU for these activities.

R. Hill, The , DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-45416-5,

New International Telecommunication Regulations and the Internet:A Commentary and Legislative HistoryCo-Publication with Schulthess Juristische Medien AG

Zurich – Basel – Geneva 2013. © Schulthess Juristische Medien AG, Published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg 2014


148 The New International Telecommunication Regulations and the Internet

or national negotiating strategy.4 Because of those differences, there was consider-able reluctance to use the preparatory process to agree on relatively non-controversial issues (such as numbering misuse), so even such issues had to be negotiated at the conference. It proved difficult to identify well in advance suitable chairmen for any position other than the Chairman of the conference so, as a conse-quence, the chairmen of the working groups and sub-working groups started to prepare only at the conference itself. And it proved difficult to assign sufficient secretariat staff full-time to the substantive issues until shortly before the confer-ence.

Within the management team, there was insufficient understanding of the extent to which certain countries were willing to maintain what were obviously extreme positions: the ITU has a long tradition of coming to consensus, and experienced ITU participants simply did not believe that it would prove impossible to come to con-sensus. As a consequence, there wasn’t adequate planning to deal with the scenario that emerged during the last days of the conference. In particular, repeated reassur-ances that consensus would be found and that voting would not take place turned out, in retrospect, to have been excessively optimistic. There was also the difficult issue of the perceived scope of the conference, with some taking the view that it could affect the flow of content on the Internet, and others saying that it had little or nothing to do with the Internet. In reality, the financial issues to be discussed were related to the Internet, as were issues such as security and spam. For the reasons mentioned above, this difference in views was not adequately addressed during the preparatory process, leading to participants talking, at times, at cross purposes during the conference.

1. Don’t react: go to the balcony. This aphorism means that, when confronted with an opposing party who appears to be rigid and extreme, it is better not to react by also expressing rigid and extreme positions: it is better to step back and let things cool off before restarting the negotiations. Of course this was well understood by the participants and management team at WCIT, and indeed pausing negotiations on difficult topics (either for a short break, or for a day or two) is standard practice in ITU. For example, the discussions on a particularly difficult issue, the OA/ROA matter, were deliberately spread over time. However, there were strong differences of view on essentially all matters, so it proved impossible to postpone all discus-sions. That is, because of time constraints, it became necessary to discuss issues even when the opposing parties were clearly reacting to each others’ extreme state-ments.

2. Don’t argue: step to their side. This aphorism means that, when confronted with what appears to be an unreasonable demand from one party, one should not react to it by restating one’s own extreme position. Rather, one should acknowledge the other parties’ points, agree as far as possible, and restate calmly one’s own requirements. It is important to overcome suspicion and lack of trust. Again, of course this was well understood by the participants and management team at WCIT, and is routinely practiced in ITU. But, again, given the strong differences in views,

4 In technical terms, there was insufficient attention paid to the BATNAs: the Best

Alternatives to Negotiated Agreements.

WCIT Analysed According to Dispute Resolution Theory 149

and time pressure, many sessions turned into sterile restatements of positions, rather than acknowledgements of understanding what the other party wanted. This of course resulted in an increase in suspicion and lack of trust. The leadership team repeatedly identified this process issue and strove to overcome it, but unfortunately it was not always possible to do so.

3. Don’t reject: reframe. This aphorism means that, when confronted with an unacceptable request, it is better not to reject it outright, but rather to ask why the party is making that request and to find ways to reframe the issue so that both parties can benefit. Once again, this was well understood by the participants and manage-ment team at WCIT, and is routinely practiced in ITU. Indeed, many issues at WCIT were resolved by applying this technique: for example, the OA/ROA issue was resolved by accommodating the need to modernize the terminology with the need to avoid unduly expanding the entities covered by the treaty; sensitivity regard-ing censorship was accommodated by adding a “no content” provision to the Pream-ble; sensitivity regarding possible expansion of the numbering misuse provision to Internet names and addresses was accommodated by drafting the provision so that it could not be understood to imply that; etc. However, once again primarily because of the strong positions taken by the parties and because of time pressure, it proved impossible to use this technique to accommodate all the diverging interests.

4. Don’t push: build them a golden bridge. This aphorism means that, when coming close to an agreement on a sensitive matter, it is better not to push hard for acceptance: instead one should find ways to draw the other party into the direction that one wishes. Once again, this was well understood by the participants and management team at WCIT, and is routinely practiced in ITU. However, time pressure and the divisions within countries and regions made it difficult to apply this technique successfully to the more sensitive issues. For example, the opponents of using any term other than ROA were not convinced that the solution adopted (AOA) was in fact nothing other than the status quo. And the opponents of an article on spam were not convinced that the “no-content” provision in the Preamble adequately met their concerns regarding possible censorship. Further, in retrospect, it would appear that more time should have been allowed for participants to negotiate Resolu-tion 3, rather than imposing it after determining that there was majority support for it.

5. Don’t escalate: use power to educate. This aphorism means that, if there is a refusal to compromise that results in a breakdown in negotiations, it is better not to escalate the issue through power tactics: it is better calmly to point out the conse-quences of not agreeing and to educate the other party on the benefits of compromis-ing and the disadvantages of not compromising. Once again, this was well under-stood by the participants and management team at WCIT, and is routinely practiced in ITU. But, after the first week of the conference, the level of frustration was rather high, for the reasons explained above, so some participants started to escalate matters (in particular, a group of countries presented an extreme proposal). This did not cause the other parties to back down, on the contrary, it caused them to harden their positions (which is exactly what dispute resolution theory predicts). This in

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turn led to counter-hardening and finally resulted in difficult discussions regarding the third paragraph of the Preamble that led to the formal vote.

Indeed, in terms of tactics, it would appear that developing countries might have been better off if they had not pushed for the inclusion of the third paragraph of the Preamble, and if they had not supported the proposals from the Russian Federation and the proposals presented at the end of the first week by a group of countries. Neither the Russian nor the group-of-countries proposals were ever on the agenda, so they were not introduced or discussed; nevertheless their existence as formal proposals increased tensions and some countries stated, at least in private, that they would ask for those proposals to be introduced and discussed if progress was not made on other issues. This is a typical “power-negotiating” tactic and, predictably, resulted in a hardening of the positions of the other side, even if its intent was probably the opposite, namely to induce a softening in the positions of the other side by worsening their perceived worst-case outcome.

Conversely, regarding the tactics of the developed countries, it would appear in retrospect that they could have acknowledged more clearly that they understood the concerns of developing countries; that of course the conference could not result in restrictions on freedom of speech; and that certain Internet-related issues would be addressed, but not others. Further, the developed countries could have acknowl-edged more clearly, towards the end of the conference, the various “golden bridges” that had been offered to them and that are mentioned above. And some countries (in particular the US) had both publicly and privately stated what their bottom line was; this is unheard of in negotiations (especially treaty negotiations): parties usually have some room to negotiate away from their stated position. Because it is unheard of to state the bottom line at the beginning, most participants simply did not believe that the stated position was the bottom line and kept trying to negotiate concessions. This of course led to increasing the frustration and suspicion of all sides, and to frustration within the management team.

In terms of the future, the relevant maxim would appear to be 5 above: don’t esca-late, use power to educate. Both signatory and non-signatory nations should not try to force the other side to join them, rather they should discuss the objective advan-tages and disadvantages of a situation in which not all countries accede to the 2012 ITRs, and they should strive to find ways to accommodate their mutual concerns. Indeed, the discussions that took place at the fifth World Telecommunication Policy Forum were very much in that spirit5, so an optimistic view of the future is not unrealistic.

5 See for example Pruzin, Daniel, 2013. “U.S. Satisfied With Internet Forum: Has

Concerns With Brazilian Proposal”, Bloomberg Daily Report for Executives, 22 May 2013.


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R. Hill, The , DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-45416-5,

New International Telecommunication Regulations and the Internet:A Commentary and Legislative HistoryCo-Publication with Schulthess Juristische Medien AG

Zurich – Basel – Geneva 2013. © Schulthess Juristische Medien AG, Published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg 2014


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accounting rate defined, 9 demise, 10 in the 2012 ITRs, 107

alignment with Constitution, 102 Appendix 3 of 1988 version, 109 censorship allegations, 40

effects of, 65 Consensus

ITU practice, 62 Convention of 1865, 1 financial matters

accounting rate system, 107 ETNO proposal, 31, 137 European criticism, 109 new issues, 134 revised article on charging and

accounting, 106 freedom of speech

differing views, 81 human rights

differing views, 81 international Internet interconnection,

15 Internet Governance, 35

ITU instruments, 1 Prism surveillance program

background role, 21 impact on security proposals, 42

public correspondence US proposal, 64

Recommendations, 2 relevant ITU-T Recommendations,

91 shall endeavour

meaning of the expression, 95 taxation, 108 telecommunication service

ITU definition, 88 telecommunications service

US definition, 39 three month deadline

US position, 24 three month deadline, 3 Transparency and ITU, 48 voting

actual vote, 65 consequences, 67, 80 ITU practice, xiii, 51 quasi-vote, 62

R. Hill, The , DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-45416-5,

New International Telecommunication Regulations and the Internet:A Commentary and Legislative HistoryCo-Publication with Schulthess Juristische Medien AG

Zurich – Basel – Geneva 2013. © Schulthess Juristische Medien AG, Published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg 2014


Publikationen aus dem Zentrum für Informations- und Kommunikationsrecht der Universität Zürich

erschienen bei Schulthess Juristische Medien AG, Zürich

Band 1 Neues Fernmelderecht – Erste Orientierung Weber Rolf H. (Hrsg.),

mit Beiträgen von Fischer Peter R., Geiser Jean-Maurice, Gunter Pierre-Yves, Haag Marcel, Hoffet Franz, Maurer François, Ramsauer Matthias, Rieder Pierre, Stampfli Katharina und Weber Rolf H., Zürich 1998

Band 2 Symposium Schluep – Querbezüge zwischen Kommunikations- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Weber Rolf H. (Hrsg.),

in Zusammenarbeit mit von der Crone Hans Caspar, Forstmoser Peter, Zäch Roger und Zobl Dieter,

mit Beiträgen von von der Crone Hans Caspar / Groner Roger, Mestmäcker Ernst-Joachim, Nobel Peter, Schwarz Mathias / Klingner Norbert und Weber Rolf H., Zürich 1998

Band 3 Informatik und Jahr 2000 – Risiken und Vorsorgemöglichkeiten aus rechtlicher Sicht

Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 1998

Band 4 Daten und Datenbanken – Rechtsfragen zu Schutz und Nutzung Weber Rolf H. / Hilty Reto M. (Hrsg.),

mit Beiträgen von Druey Jean Nicolas, Gaster Jens-L., Hilty Reto M., Kemper Kurt, Sieber Ulrich und Weber Rolf H., Zürich 1998

Band 5 Neustrukturierung der Rundfunkordnung Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 1999

Band 6 Rechtsschutz von Datenbanken (EU – USA – Schweiz) Kübler Philip

Zürich 1999

Band 7 Informationsqualität – Ein Beitrag zur journalistischen Qualitätsdebatte aus der Sicht des Informationsrechts

Zulauf Rena

Zürich 2000

Band 8 Werbung im Internet – Rechtsvergleichende, lauterkeitsrechtliche Beurteilung von Werbeformen

Jöhri Yvonne

Zürich 2000

Band 9 Rechtlicher Regelungsrahmen von raumbezogenen Daten Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2000

Band 10 Geschäftsplattform Internet – Rechtliche und praktische Aspekte Weber Rolf H. / Hilty Reto M. / Auf der Maur Rolf (Hrsg.)

Zürich 2000

Band 11 Finanzierung der Rundfunkordnung Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2000

Band 12 Der Softwarepflegevertrag Widmer Michael

Zürich 2000

Band 13 Datenschutzrecht vor neuen Herausforderungen Marketing – E-Commerce – Virtuelle Bank – Sachdaten

Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2000

Band 14 Geschäftsplattform Internet II – Rechtliche und praktische Aspekte Weber Rolf H. / Hilty Reto M. / Auf der Maur Rolf (Hrsg.)

Zürich 2001

Band 15 Digitale Verbreitung von Rundfunkprogrammen und Meinungsvielfalt – Entwicklungen, Probleme, Lösungen

Weber Rolf H. / Dörr Bianka S.

Zürich 2001

Band 16 Die Übernahme von Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen in elektronisch abgeschlossene Verträge

Schwab Karin

Zürich 2001

Band 17 Geschäftsplattform Internet III – Kapitalmarkt – Marktauftritt – Besteuerung Weber Rolf H. / Hilty Reto M. / Auf der Maur Rolf (Hrsg.)

Zürich 2002

Band 18 Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für verwaltungsunabhängige Behördenkommissionen – Untersuchung am Beispiel der geplanten Fernmelde- und Medienkommission

Weber Rolf H. / Biaggini Giovanni

Mitarbeit: Dörr Bianka S. / Peduzzi Roberto

Zürich 2002

Band 19 Elektronische Signaturen Schlauri Simon

Zürich 2002

Band 20 Zugang zu Kabelnetzen – Spannungsfeld zwischen Netzbetreiberfreiheit und offenem Zugang

Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2003

Band 21 Elektronische Signaturen und Haftung der Anbieter von Zertifizierungsdiensten – Eine Darstellung am Beispiel der Regelungen in der EU, Deutschland, Grossbritannien und der Schweiz

Dörr Bianka S.

Zürich 2003

Band 22 Geschäftsplattform Internet IV Weber Rolf H. / Berger Mathis / Auf der Maur Rolf (Hrsg.)

Zürich 2003

Band 23 IT-Outsourcing ICT: Rechtspraxis I

Weber Rolf H. / Berger Mathis / Auf der Maur Rolf (Hrsg.)

Zürich 2003

Band 24 Rechtsfragen rund um Suchmaschinen Weber Rolf H.

Mitarbeit: Spacek Dirk

Zürich 2003

Band 25 Schweizerisches Filmrecht Weber Rolf H. / Unternährer Roland / Zulauf Rena

Zürich 2003

Band 26 Kinofilmverwertung in der Schweiz Unternährer Roland

Zürich 2003

Band 27 E-Health und Datenschutz Berger Kurzen Brigitte

Zürich 2004

Band 28 Unternehmensinformation und Recht – Eine Übersicht Stückelberger Balz

Zürich 2004

Band 29 Schutz von TV-Formaten – Eine rechtliche und ökonomische Betrachtung Spacek Dirk

Zürich 2005

Band 30 Kulturquoten im Rundfunk Weber Rolf H. / Rossnagel Alexander / Osterwalder Simon /

Scheuer Alexander / Wüst Sonia

Zürich 2006

Band 31 Zugang zu Premium Content Weber Rolf H. / Osterwalder Simon

Zürich 2006

Band 32 Sorgfaltspflichten bei der Datenübertragung Favre Katia

Zürich 2006

Band 33 IT-Sicherheit und Recht – Grundlagen eines integrativen Gestaltungskonzepts

Weber Rolf H. / Willi Annette

Zürich 2006

Band 34 Privatvervielfältigung im digitalen Umfeld Baumgartner Tobias

Zürich 2006

Band 35 Das Recht der personenbezogenen Information Weber Rolf H. / Sommerhalder Markus

Zürich 2007

Band 36 Staatliche Massnahmen gegen Medienkonzentration Kellermüller Hanspeter

Zürich 2007

Band 37 Der Mehrwertdienst im Fernmelderecht Huber Karin

Zürich 2007

Band 38 Telecommunications Competition and Its Driving Force Wu Jun

Zürich 2008

Band 39 Media Governance und Service Public Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2007

Band 40 The Information Society and the Digital Divide Legal Strategies to Finance Global Access

Weber Rolf H. / Menoud Valérie A.

Zürich 2008

Band 41 Netzzugang in der Telekommunikation Amgwerd Matthias

Zürich 2008

Band 42 IT-Governance als Aufgabe des Verwaltungsrates – Kriterien einer sorgfältigen Pflichterfüllung unter Berücksichtigung der strategischen Rolle der IT im Unternehmen

Willi Annette

Zürich 2008

Band 43 Der ASP-Vertrag Christian M. Imhof

Zürich 2008

Band 44 Zivilrechtliche Haftung von Internet-Providern bei Rechtsverletzungen durch ihre Kunden

Frech Philipp

Zürich 2009

Band 45 Public Key Infrastructure Markwalder Daniel Zürich 2009

Band 46 Shaping Internet Governance: Regulatory Challenges Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2009

Band 47 Rundfunkübertragungsrechte an den Olympischen Spielen im europäischen Kartellrecht Medienmärkte, gemeinsamer Erwerb durch die European Broadcasting Union und Exklusivvergabe Hellwig Irene Zürich 2009

Band 48 Spyware Rechtliche Würdigung ausgewählter Fragen sowie Empfehlungen an die Praxis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Eidgenössischen Datenschutzgesetzes Bucher Manuel Zürich 2010

Band 49 Internet of Things Legal Perspectives Weber Rolf H. / Weber Romana Zürich 2010

Band 50 Datenschutz v. Öffentlichkeitsprinzip Erläuterungen zu den Spannungsfeldern am Beispiel des Zürcher Informations- und Datenschutzgesetzes Weber Rolf H. Zürich 2010

Band 51 Online Marketing und Wettbewerbsrecht Weber Rolf H. / Volz Stephanie Zürich 2011

Band 52 Internet-Access-Providing-Verträge mit geschäftlichen und privaten Endkunden Eine vertragsrechtliche Analyse nach schweizerischem Recht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Rechts der Europäischen Union Orsolya Fercsik Schnyder Zürich 2012

Band 53 Classification of Services in the Digital Economy Weber Rolf H. Zürich 2012

Band 54 Neuer Regulierungsschub im Datenschutzrecht? Weber Rolf H. / Thouvenin Florent Zürich 2012

Band 55 Die Erzwingung unangemessener Preise im Kartell- und Fernmelderecht – Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung Vlcek Michael Zürich 2013

Band 56 The Evolution of Global Internet Governance Principles and Policies in the Making Roxana Radu / Jean-Marie Chenou / Rolf. H. Weber Zürich 2013

Band 57 The New International Telecommunication Regulations and the Internet A Commentray and Legislative History Richard Hill Zürich 2013

Band 58 Trennungsgebot und Internet Stephanie Volz Zürich 2013

Ausserdem erschienen:

Regulatory Models for the Online World Weber Rolf H.

Zürich 2002

Towards a Legal Framework for the Information Society Weber Rolf H.

in collaboration with Roduner Xenia

Zürich 2003
