Watch Out Fer Terrists


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Watch Out Fer Terrists

Copyright © 2006Robert G. Ferrell

This morning I=d like to address the issue of terrorism. Seems to me these crittersthe government keeps callin= terrorists  is nothing more than plain old garden-varietycriminals . I recall the time crazy Willy Louders blowed up the cathouse out east of town.He did it to get back at one of the gals who thowed him over for a banker feller. Theydragged him off and hung him for what he done, but didn =t nobody call him no terrorist.Blowin= things up and flyin= planes inta buildings is just things that a criminal does.Always have. Gallivantin= around like a rabbit runnin= from a coyote and actin= like it=ssomething new and unheard of is just plain screwy. You have to look varmints in the eyeand call >em varmints.

I ain=t no lawyer

Band I thank the good Lord for that ever day

Bbut it seems to methat there=s something downright un-American about this putting= people in jail for years

without no trial nor even lawyer. Just because you come up with a fancy word like terrorist  to call them don=t mean you can change the rules like that; at least, not the way I see it. Ididn=t always pay a heap of attention in the schoolhouse, it =s true, but I=ll be danged if Idon=t remember something in there about Ainnocent until proven guilty@ and Atrial by a juryof your peers,@ or some such language. I=m pretty sure that weren=t no mere suggestion,neither. Now, they mighta come along and changed all that since I was a young man, butit didn=t make the papers if they did.

Speakin= of the papers, I read just today where the astronauts building that outer

space chicken coop, or whatever it is, keep on losin=screws and such. If they

=d justthought ahead a little they could have took a dime store butterfly net that would scoop

those gewgaws up like a brook trout in nothing flat. Wouldn=t cost the taxpayers no threepoint five million dollars, neither. Where do they come up with those numbers inWashington, anyhow? They=re forever jawin= about fourteen billion for this and twohundred million for that. I bet none of them ever seen a million of anythin=, much less abillion. Dollars to donuts says that if they had to cart that money around with >em inwheelbarrows afore they could spend it, that deficit we=re always hearin= about wouldevaporate like a drop of water on a hot griddle.

While it might evaporate pretty quick, water is not something that explodes; at least

it never has around me. Why in the name of Honest Abe are we stoppin=people fromcarryin= it onto airplanes, then? Ain=t the government got anythin= better to do than take

 juice away from little children? Next thing you know they=ll be wantin= to handcuffeverybody as they get on the plane so=s they don=t pull a booger bomb out of their nose.I don=t know about you folks, but I=m just gonna stay home and read a lot of books I=vebeen meanin= to get around to until this national lunacy tempers itself a mite. They=ll getmy mountain roast when they pry my poor ol= shriveled-up fingers off it. I never met a manI didn=t like, but some of them yahoos at the airport come as near as anyone else to it.