Warm Up 5-31



Warm Up 5-31. What do you know about President Ronald Reagan? Some people think he was the bestest President ever Some think he was one of the worst Presidents ever. The Reagan Presidency. Hero Or Villain. Election of 1980. Reagan wins a close elections to defeat Carter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Warm Up 5-31

What do you know about President Ronald Reagan? Some people think he was the

bestest President ever Some think he was one of the

worst Presidents ever.

The Reagan Presidency




Election of 1980

Reagan wins a close elections to defeat Carter

Iran Hostage Crisis and the economy were key issues

Reagan and Carter had only one debate and Reagan revealed his excellent communication skills “the Great Communicator.”

Fun Fact: Some allege that someone on Reagan team stole Carters “Play Book” thus was able to counter every point during the debate

Who was Reagan?

Born and raised in the Midwest.

Became a “B movie” actor

Became President of the Screen Actors Guild (actors union)

Became Gov. of California as a Republican

Reagan’s Presidency

Very Symbolic of the 1980’s Back to strong anti-communist rhetoric Huge military build up that reignited the Arms

Race resulting in high tension between USSR and US, but led to end of Cold War

Dismantled or weakened the programs of the Great Society

Deregulation Weakened work safety Relaxed banking rules Relaxed environmental rules

Reagan was loved by some and loathed by others

Two Views of ReaganHero

Pulled US out of poor econ

Ended the Cold War

Re-established US military dominance

A great communicator and likable man who inspired Americans

Refocused the Conservative Movement which couldn’t win a major election


Econ policy favored the rich and powerful and hurt poor and middle class

Created a huge military build up that was dangerous and cost the US billions that we are still paying for

Incompetent president who had no control over his subordinates which led to several major scandals

Reagan the Hero

Economic Policy

Supported “supply side economics” AKA Trickle Down econ. Theory: Cut taxes and reduce govt regulation on

Big Business will encourage industry to invest in themselves and hire workers, thus stimulating the econ. At the same time slash govt spending on federal programs

Bush #1 called this “voodoo economics”

Reduced rules for Big Business: Environment, monopoly laws, safety rules thus can spend more money on themselves and grow

Reagan Hero

Economy strengthened as with any econ policy it is debated on whether policy did it or was it outside forces (the global oil crisis ended resulting in a stronger world econ.)

Reagan Hero

Cold War ends: Reagan's military build up pushed the USSR’s econ to near collapse forcing them to break apart. Satellite states (Poland,

Czechoslovakia, Hungary and more) are freed

Germany in united

Reagan Hero

Inspired the flailing conservative movement

Was an excellent communicator (he was an actor) that even his political enemies liked him personally Fun Fact: Reagan loved Jelly Beans and

always had a jar on his desk and would offer to visitors. He even sent them to space on the shuttle as a surprise for the astronauts.

Reagan The Villain

Reagan the Villain

Economic Policies: Rich became richer. The wealthy received

the biggest tax cuts while federal programs that aided the underserved were slashed.

Results: Drastic increase in homelessness Poverty rate went up Unemployment among blue collar

middle class grew Dereg. Of banks led to Savings and Loan

crisis Pollution increased dramatically

Reagan the Villain Military buildup:

Results: Drastic increase in budget deficits and huge National Debt 1981 deficit = $79

billion 1986 deficit = $221

billion National Debt

becomes a problem Large number of CIA

covert operations in Latin America and middle east

Reagan the Villain

Scandals – “Teflon President”

Iran Contra- Illegal selling of arms to Iran to use against Iraq (Iran our enemy, Iraq our friend) to free hostages. Using $ from sale to fund Contras in Nicaragua; also illegal Impeachable scandal Reagan denied all knowledge: Either lying,

incompetent, or early Alzheimer's

Others: Savings & Loan, HUD, Reports of graft

Scandal Results

Investigations, hearings and books from those within, painted a picture of a President who was uninformed, disengaged, and lacked leadership within his admin

Others view him as a victim of circumstance outside his control.

On the outside, his charm, wit, and positive rhetoric won people over.

Later diagnosed with Alzheimer's

You Decide

Based on the facts here & in book.

Create a “villain” poster or a “hero” poster Must include:

BOTH domestic and foreign policy elements

Written caption explaining poster and why you chose hero or villain

NEAT & in Color
