walkthrough followed design principles of instant


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The interactive walkthrough followed design principles of instant expertise and progressive learning as features became more complex

1 min walk through


The systems map, Tilt Brush artwork and Unity solution proof of principle

The team developed characters, scenes and scaled for model size

Considering the physical environment, introducing props and shadows

Deliver and demonstrate

First build cycle of

GOSH Garden

Welcome to….

…. GOSH garden

GOSH Garden encourages

children to explore hospital public

spaces and connect with

virtual companions using their

smartphone rear facing camera

Where we designed characters to celebrate imperfections..

..and we chose a visitto explore the hospital

before staying overnight for a kidney

transplant as an example..

Sunny, is a ray of sunshine

and dance

Flor is like a big sister to


..To bring four virtual characters

to life

Early prototype

Subject expert, aged 3 ½ years..

“ I really like the video, its very funny”

And then we asked an expert..

With thanks to staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children staff who engaged with us in the hospital public spaces, our SNAP, BBC and UCL mentors and of course our little expert aged 3 ½ years

Music: Blobby Samba and Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod

Visit the project website for full details at www.goshgarden.co.uk