Vroom! Vroom!! Rev Those Engines - North Scituate Baptist...


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North Scituate Baptist Church

619 West Greenville Road

PO Box 427

North Scituate, RI 02857

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Vroom! Vroom!! Rev Those Engines...

The 1st of three of our 3rd Annual Summer Car Shows will be held on May 28th! Please mark your calendar and plan on stopping by this fantastic event from 10am-2pm. Incredible cars, great fellowship, food and drink available and featuring DJ Cruisin’ Bruce Palmer. Future

Car Shows will be June 25 and July 23.

Come check out some great cars and enjoy the day!





CHURCH FAX # (401) 647-3134

MINISTERS: All The Members Of The Church PASTOR: Dr. Reppa M. Cottrell PASTOR: Dr. Daniel W. Cottrell MINISTER OF MUSIC: Debbie Mollohan MINISTER OF MUSIC EMERITUS: Vonnie Dutton

ISSUE: #1208 May 4, 2016

Church Web Site: www.northscituatebaptist.org

Sunday, May 8 Worship at 8:15 & 11 AM Sermon By Dr. Dan Cottrell 9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages 9:15 & 12 Noon Fellowship Hour in Vestry

Sunday, May 15 Worship at 8:15 & 11 AM Sermon By Dr. Tom Wiles, Ex. Minister ABCORI 9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages 9:15 & 12 Noon Fellowship Hour in Vestry 12pm-2pm BYF Meeting Sunday, May 22 Worship at 8:15 & 11 AM Sermon by Dr. Daniel W. Cottrell 9:30 AM Sunday School for All Ages 9:15 & 12 Noon Fellowship Hour in Vestry Sunday, May 29 Worship at 8:15 & 11 Sermon by Dr. Reppa M. Cottrell No Children’s Sunday School

9:15 & 12 Noon Fellowship Hour in Vestry


Worship at 8:15 & 11 AM

9:30am Last Day of Sunday School

Dear Members and Friends,

How many miracles have you witnessed or been aware of or

acknowledged in your life?

You may be scratching your head and thinking hard about that question. Have I ever

seen a miracle? What is a miracle? Is this a trick question?

Others of you are jumping up and down in your seat with your hand waving,

“Pick me! I want to share! Call on me!” Because you see miracles every day and everywhere.

Just look at a baby and see a miracle. Look at the flowers, the trees and the grass and see

miracles. Study the wings of a butterfly, or watch a hummingbird or see a bunny and you know

you have witnessed a miracle. Look in a mirror and Yes, you see a miracle.

The word ‘miracle’ in the New International Version of the Bible appears only 3 times.

Exodus 7:9

“When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Perform a miracle,’ then say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and

throw it down before Pharaoh,’ and it will become a snake.”

Mark 9: 39-40

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next

moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us.

John 7: 21, 23b

Jesus said, “I did one miracle, and you are all amazed. Why are you angry with me for

healing the whole man on the Sabbath?

One definition of the word ‘miracle’ is; a surprising and welcome event that is not

explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine


For me that ‘divine agency’ is our Triune God, the working of the Father, the Son and

the Holy Spirit. That working is what continues to amaze me even though the Lord has let me

witness miracles numerous times here at NSBC and throughout my life.

(Continued —>)


MAY 4, 2016

On Saturday April 9th, I visited Emily Barrett in the hospital. That evening we watched

the monitor for brain activity or the lack of it. When I left that night, I said my ‘Good Byes’ to

friend and Secretary. I took some of her flowers to place at the church the next morning because

Emily was being moved to the ICU for one more attempt of bringing her ‘back’. There was no


I left for Santa Fe, New Mexico early Monday morning. Susanna, Emily’s daughter,

and I had agreed that I would fly home when needed. By Monday evening it was apparent that

the time had come for Susanna to fulfill her mother’s wishes and have the doctors disconnect all

apparatus. She signed the papers for Emily to be moved to Hospice. Emily was not responding

and the medical staff could do no more.

AND THEN, the work of a divine agency, healing of the whole person, a miracle

preformed! Emily’s hand moved. She opened her eyes. The nurse asked, “Can you speak?”

YES! “Do you know your name?” Yes, Emily Barrett!

Emily answered with a very weak voice and with ‘question’ as if she thought those were

very silly questions. The hospital called Susanna and IV’s and help were reattached and Emily


Today Emily is near FULL recovery. From little or no brain wave to being as sharp as a

tack as she always has been. You may call it whatever you want, but as for me I saw a miracle.

Why does God give some people miracles and at other times it appears that our prayers

are not answered? I do not know. BUT what I DO KNOW, it is the working of God and it is for

God’s purpose and glory.

In John 9; Jesus is asked about the man born blind and then healed, Jesus says; “…so

that God’s work might be revealed in him.”

So when you see Emily, you are looking at one of God’s miracles. When you see

Susanna, thank her for making the ‘right’ decisions along this journey and leaving it in the hands

of Christ and then praising Him for the results.

How many miracles have you witnessed or been aware of or acknowledged in

your life?

Keep your eyes, your soul open to the wonders of the Lord and the workings of the

Holy Spirit. Hope to see you in church!

Love, Grace, Hope and Peace,

Pastor Reppa

122nd ANNUAL

MAY BREAKFAST Saturday, May 7, 2016

7:00 – 11:00 a.m.

ADULTS $9.00 – CHILDREN under 12 $5.00



Hot/Cold Cereal

Eggs (Your style)


Famous R.I. Johnnycakes

Rolls and Doughnuts


May Baskets filled with homemade fudge or plants

will be for sale.

From the Board of Christian Education


the Church office with the names of your graduates.

The Board of Christian Education will recognize them

on Children’s Day, Sunday, June 12.

Save the Date: Children’s Sunday

June 12th 9:00am


Please join the Board of Christian Education at the

home of the Pastors at 2525 Harkney Hill Road in

Coventry from 12 to 3:00 for the Annual All Church

Picnic. Each family should bring their own meat and

a dish to share. There is a sign up sheet on the Board’s

bulletin board in the Lower Vestry. Grills will be on

from 12:15 to 1:30.

Summer is right around the corner and what

better way to spend it than at summer

camp! Camp Canonicus is the American

Baptist Church’s camp in Exeter, RI.

Scholarships are available for those

interested. Or maybe you want to sponsor a

camper or donate money towards the scholarships. Contact the church for

more info. In the meantime, here is the link for the online camp brochure. http://www.canonicus.org/2016-camp-brochure.html

Join us for a Deep Sea Discovery

at the North Scituate Baptist Church's 2016 VBS!

July 18-22, 2016

9:00 am--12:00 pm

Join us as we dig deep into God's Word and find out that He Knows You, He Hears You, He Strengthens You, He Loves You, and He is Sending You to others! This year's Vacation Bible School will be five fun-filled days of crafts, rec time, yummy snacks, Bible study, skits, and music you'll be singing and dancing to for the rest of the summer. Besides that, you'll have the opportunity to meet new friends and spend time with some old ones.

Help us make this year's VBS the best ever by pre-registering TODAY! Cost is $20/child or $50/family. You can pick up a registration form at the church, register online at www.vacationbibleschool.com/NSBC2016, or contact VBS director Kristen Castrataro at 401-935-7308 or MomCastrataro@gmail.com.

The Board of Christian Education is excited to announce that Kristen Castrataro

(Jimmy and Marcia Dame’s granddaughter) will be the VBS Coordinator for

2016. Kristen is also the niece of Amy Brush and Robin Pino. Kristen is a 39-year-

old mother of two preschoolers. She has a double major in Education and

music. She has taught Sunday School and Vacation Bible School many

times. Kristen attends the Carolina Free Baptist Church.

Calling All North Scituate Baptist VBS Volunteers!!

July 18-22, 2016


Vacation Bible School is an important part of many children's spiritual journey. We can have a

great curriculum with catchy tunes, fun crafts, engaging Bible studies, and great food, but it won't

succeed without YOU. This year's Deep Sea Discovery is all about God Knowing You, Hearing

You, Strengthening You, Loving You, and Sending You to others. Is it possible He's sending YOU

to VBS?

Before you panic, let me tell you that we have a place for you to participate that will fit your

interests, time availability, and experience (or lack thereof!). Here is a list of volunteer

opportunities. Job Descriptions are available at the church or by contacting VBS Director Kristen

Castrataro. If you don't see what you like, contact me . . . I'm sure I can come up with something!

Prayer Warriors--This is our foundation. My goal is to have someone praying every day for

VBS, from this day forward! Sign up, so I, in turn, can be praying for you.

Bible Teachers--Here is the heart of VBS. Sign up for 1 day of teaching or 5 . . . it's up to


Craft/Science Leaders--Learning by doing. Sign up for 1 day or 5 . . . or help with pre-VBS


Recreation Leaders--Fun in the sun! Sign up for 1 day or 5 . . . or help come up with games!

Snack Helpers--Memorable munchies! Sign up for 1 day or 5 . . . or help with shopping!

Decorations--Set the stage! We have a book full of suggestions . . . put your skills into action!

Actors--Daily skits bring VBS to life! I need two people (either gender) to play Bait and Fish!

Photographer/Videographer--Archive material! Kids LOVE being famous, even if only in


Crew Leaders--Shepherds. You will be the go-to person for one group of kids. 5 days ideal.

Publicity--Posting flyers. You decide where and when.

Recruiting--This is a church-wide ministry. Invite kids. Invite helpers. Pray. This is YOUR


I am inspired by the excitement and energy I'm already sensing around VBS. Be a part of one of the highlights of many kids' summer vacation . . . and make a difference for eternity. Sign up at the church or online at www.vacationbibleschool.com/NSBC2016. You can also call or email me, VBS Director Kristen Castrataro, at 401-935-7308 or MomCastrataro@gmail.com.

The Diaconate is

Sponsoring a Church

Yard Sale

Saturday, June 4, 2016

8:30-4:00 (Rain or Shine)



Donations will be accepted in Jordan Hall on:

Sunday, May 29th from 9:30 – 12:30

Monday, May 30th from 11:00-1:00

Wednesday, June 1st from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Please NO upholstered furniture, TV’s, computers, or clothing

Volunteers Needed:

Friday, June 3rd from 3:00-6:00 for set up

Salespeople on Saturday June 4th from:

8:00-11:00 and/or 11:00-2:00 and/or 2:00-5:00

If interested in volunteering, please contact Cheryl Dexter at 647-5678 or Jan Mowry at janmowry@verizon.net

Your Neighbor In The Pew

Claire Margie (Chatelle) Gifford has a long time connection to NSBC.

Her mother, Ada May Crompton was born in North Scituate and she and

her parents were members of NSBC in the early 1900’s. When the Scituate Reservoir was built,

the Cromptons, like many families, lost their home so they moved to Hope in Scituate. Until their

move, Claire’s grandfather (Ada’s father) had delivered fish throughout the village of North

Scituate and the surrounding areas.

When Ada May Crompton and Joseph Chatelle were married they moved to Moosup,

CT. That is where Claire was born on July 22nd

1940. When Claire was only 2 months old, she

and her parents moved to Oakland Beach, Warwick where Claire lived until she married.

On January 6th 1962, Claire Chatelle was married to Arthur R. Gifford, Sr. at the

Shawomet Baptist Church in Warwick. They were married for 52 years when Arthur passed.

Claire has two children Valerie and Arthur Jr. who is better known as Butch.

Claire was baptized here at North Scituate Baptist Church by Reverend Ted Pitt. This

made the family circle at NSBC complete as she came back to where her grandparents and

mother began. While here at the North Scituate Baptist Church, Claire taught Sunday school

and VBS with Maybritt Muller and together they took the children on many Adventure trips.

Claire worked at the Spiedel Corporation, was a doffer at a Spindle Company,

Northwest Nursing Facility, was a CNA at Oak Crest Nursing Home and did private home care

for many. Her deep faith in Jesus Christ and strong witness was inspired by her mother Ada

May. Claire continues to be a strong prayer partner for all of us at NSBC as she continues to

praise her Lord each day as she lives with cancer. This disease has given her great opportunity

to share the Light of Christ to each person that visits and those who attend to her medical


Diaconate News

As mentioned on May 1, the Diaconate is always looking for people to greet/usher. We ask that you arrive approximately 20 minutes before the service and stay for 10 minutes after to help. If we have four people we can have two greet at the top of the stairs, one greet by the office/help with the elevette on the first floor and one in the sanctuary. After the service we need a quick check of pews for neatness and any left items. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Sign up on the refrigerator or let a Deacon know; there is always a Deacon as head usher if you have any questions.

From Our Mailbox…

A special thanks to my church family for all the cards, the flowers, the gifts, the prayers and the love. God’s blessings on all of you.

Love to everyone...Emily

I would like to thank the congregation for all your support and prayers. I feel like

Debbra again. I have definitely been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR).

I was able to get into a Rheumatologist at RI Hospital 2 months earlier than scheduled,

even though my Dr. had done all the testing and had pretty much figured out what it

was. She will monitor my Prednisone. The aches in joints are because they are weak.

Love and God Bless to you, Debbra Grossman


This Annual Meeting was for all the reports of Boards and Committees, except Finance

which was done in February. The reports actually covered a period from January 2015 through

until the date of the report. The Nominating Report was accepted and the terms for those

elected will begin the end of June 2016. The following information comes from the Clerk’s

minutes of that meeting

At the Annual Spring Business Meeting on May 1, 2016 – the Board and Committee

reports were shared and approved and the following New Business;

1) Memorial for Station Fire – a brick walk is planned and there was a discussion as to whether we should participate.

The Clerk made a motion to have a special offering for this purpose and it was passed. This will be the Finance Committee’s responsibility.

2) To form a new committee that would take care of preserving our historical document. The following people volunteered to be on this new committee and they are as follows:

Dot Mathurin Tom and Barbara Klitz

Bruce Pino Kim Vernava

Jan Stimets

Keith Johnson

3) Motion to change the date of the Spring Business Meeting from the 1st

Sunday in May to the 1

st Sunday in June. This was passed and will start in 2017.



is July 18, 2016

We are holding our 10th Annual Golf Fundraiser at the Gloucester

Country Club on Putnam Pike, Harmony. Thanks to Russ Brush and his committee.

If you can VOLUNTEER to help on Monday July 18, please let us. This is a great opportunity to attend a fundraiser for the church, spend the day with sisters and brothers of Christ and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation together. Call the church office or let Russ know if you plan to volunteer for that Monday.

Plus, there is room for more 4-somes and you can be a Tee Sponsor for $50. Papers are in the church office or contact Russ or the Committee. Let’s fill the all the spaces this year.

North Scituate Baptist Church

Annual Golf Tournament

Have fun, meet some wonderful people, and support our volunteer efforts

18 holes Glocester Country Club Best Ball

July 18, 2016 11am Shotgun Start

Prizes for: Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive,

Par 3 Hit the Green $125 per golfer, $500 per 4-some

Mulligans $10 each

Contact: NSBC Church Office 401-647-3238 for more info


As a church, we have taken the challenge of reading through the New Testament in 2016. The Schedules for May and June are below. Remember if you desire the full schedule just ask Dr. Reppa. There will be a meeting Sunday June 5th, 2016. We will have lunch at 12:30 and then talk about what we have read so bring your insights and/or questions. Please note the day and


The Gospel according to John shares most on the spirituality of Christ and his disciples. We will also be reading the Letters written by John. He is an older man when he writes these but they are written before he wrote Revelation (which we will be reading at a later date).

During May - The Gospel according to John & his letters.

May 1 John 1 May 15 John 15

May 2 John 2 May 16 John 16

May 3 John 3 May 17 John 17

May 4 John 4 May 18 John 18

May 5 John 5 May 19 John 19

May 6 John 6 May 20 John 20

May 7 John 7 May 21 John 21

May 8 John 8 May 22 I John 1

May 9 John 9 May 23 I John 2

May 10 John 10 May 24 I John 3

May 11 John 11 May 25 I John 4

May 12 John 12 May 26 I John 5

May 13 John 13 May 27 II John

May 14 John 14 May 28 III John

May 29, May 30 and May 31 Catch up days or Read parts of it again



During JUNE we are read

I & II Corinthians - letters written by the apostle Paul

June 1 I Corinthians 1 June 11 I Corinthians 11

June 2 I Corinthians 2 June 12 I Corinthians 12

June 3 I Corinthians 3 June 13 I Corinthians 13

June 4 I Corinthians 4 June 14 I Corinthians 14

June 5 I Corinthians 5 June 15 I Corinthians 15

June 6 I Corinthians 6 June 16 I Corinthians 16

June 7 I Corinthians 7 June 17 II Corinthians 1

June 8 I Corinthians 8 June 18 II Corinthians 2

June 9 I Corinthians 9 June 19 II Corinthians 3

June 10 I Corinthians 10

The next newsletter will be created on June 1st. Please

get any materials that you would like included into the

church office by May 30.


May 7th

May Breakfast 7 – 11 am

May 8th

Mother’s Day Worship 8:15 & 11:00 Dr. Dan

May 10th

– 16th

Pastor on Vacation

May 11th

Choir Practice 7 pm

May 14th

Christmas Workshop 2-4pm

(ornaments & pin cushions)

May 15th

Worship 8:15 & 11:00 Guest Speaker – Rev. Dr. Tom Wiles

Pentecost ‘wear red’

May 18th

Choir Practice 7 pm

May 21st

Church of the Master Breakfast 8 am

Beaver Day at Canonicus 9am – 1pm

May 22nd

Worship 8:15 & 11:00 Dr. Dan

May 23rd

Board Meetings 6:30

May 28th

Car Show 10 – 2 Church Parking Lot

May 29th

Worship 8:15 & 11:00 Dr. Reppa

May 30th

Memorial Day Parade in Scituate

June 4th

Yard Sale headed by Diaconate 8:30 – 4 Rain or Shine

June 5th

Communion Worship 8:15 & 11:00 Dr. Reppa

last Sunday for two services

June 8th

Choir Practice 7 pm

June 12th

Summer Schedule 9 am worship –

Children’s Day Ethan Pino speaking

ALL Church Picnic at the Cottrell’s

June 15th

Choir Practice 7 pm - last practice of the season

June 18th

Think Tank 10:30 - 12


June 19th

9 am Worship MUSIC Sunday

June 25th

Car Show 10 – 2 Church Parking Lot

June 26th

OUTDOOR Worship 9 am Dr. Reppa

June 27th

Board Meetings All New Members begin

July 3rd

Worship 9:00 am Dr. Reppa

July 10th

Worship 9:00 am Dr. Reppa

July 18th

– 22nd

Vacation Bible School 9am – 12

July 17th

Worship 9:00 am Dr. Dan

July 18th

10th Annual Golf Tournament

July 23rd

Car Show 10 – 2 Church Parking Lot

July 24th

Worship 9:00 am

July 25th

Rain Date -10th Annual Golf Tournament

Boards – (if your Board is meeting -call)

July 31st

Worship 9:00 am

Aug. 7th


and 21st

Worship 9:00 am

Aug. 31st

OUTDOOR Worship 9 am Dr. Dan

Sept. 4th

Worship 9:00 am Communion Dr. Reppa


RALLY DAY Two worship services 8:15 & 11

Sunday School for ALL AGES!!

Come & See!


Scott Dexter 1

Wyatt Laprade 2

Kirstin Diggle 2

Debbra Grossman 2

Janet Stimets 3

Liz Dorosko 8

Elizabeth Monacelli 8

Zoe Elizabeth Cottrell 9

Judah Eli Cottrell 9

Karen Connaughton 9

Rebecca Howarth 9

Jeff Stapleton 9

Jon Howe 10

Ryan Karstrom 12

Dr. Reppa Cottrell 13

Nancv Ruelle 13

Betty Wetherbee 14

Linda Myrick 14

Peter Sleicher 14

David A. D’Agostino 15

Keely Klitz 15

Brian Adams 16

Barbara Stetson 16

Marjorie Harper 16

Robin Pino 17

Scott Jacob Herdreich 17

Richard Adams 19

Sarah Ames 20

Ruth Wight 21

Jean Harper 22

Heidi Gobeille 26

David McArdle 26

Jaime Desjarlais Laramee 28

William Reichert 28

Adam Legault 28

John Conley 29

Steven Pechie 30

Mitchell Vernava 30


Gary & Monique Wood 10

Jeff & Dawn Stapleton 11

Daniel & Karen Connaughton 15

Paul & Rebecca Norton 22

Wayne & Sandra LePage 23

David & Wendy McArdle 23

William & Rena Clarke 24

Elton & Shirley Dexter 25

Richard & Elaine Borys 28

Steven & Amy Merluzzo 31


Charlotte Vangel 1

Madison Medbury 5

Myra Phillips 5

Audrey Gesmondi 6

Vonnie Dutton 6

Ashley Giarrusso 7

Donna Sherman 8

Kayla Rose Colicchio 9

Charis Eirene Cottrell 9

Deborah Sneath 10

David Bryan 11

Dawn Campbell 11

Jacob Gobeille 11

Rachel Whitaker 12

Victoria Chadwick 12

Robin Bertuglia 12

Adam Gobeille 13

Robert Morton 13

Steven Bucci 13

Domenic Giarrusso 14

Ezekiel Daniel Law 15

Isabel MacArthur 16

Keith Stetson 16

Marcia Dame 17

Shirley Jaeger 17

Laurie Steele 19

Caleb Morton 20

Rebecca Law 21

Kevin Klitz 21

Liam Connaughton 22

Judy Birnie 23

Curtis Lotter 23

James Barrentine 23

Benjamin Allen 24

Mary Andrews 26

Stephen Martin 28

Larry Wetherbee, Jr. 28

Priscilla Martin 30

Harriet Smith 30

Bob Sherman 30


Tom & Deana Desjarlais 4

Frank & Lori Andrews 8

Burt & Arietta Tapner 10

Charles & Shirley Jaeger 14

Dennis & Meg DeSimone 19

Keith & Sandra Johnson 22

James & Lisa Barrentine 26

Wilfred & Nancy Arndt 27

Greg & Fernanda Dorosko 27

Ron & Kathleen Bianchi 30

Robert & Betsy Thompson 30

Please advise the Church Office of

any additions or omissions.

Prayer Requests

Bertrice Baker

Martin Crest Assisted Living, 1818 Martine Drive., Box 131 Weatherford, TX 76086

Ralph Churchill

Brookdale Smithfield, Room 234

171 Pleasant View Avenue Smithfield, RI 02917

Milton Fraiser

Overlook Nursing Home, 14 Rock Ave., Pascoag, RI 02859

Helen Whitaker

Overlook Nursing Home

14 Rock Ave., Pascoag, RI 02859

Mary Gray

Artria Harborhill Apt.146 159 Division St. E.Greenwich, RI 02818

Herbert Hutchins

Waterman Village, Chalet, #2240 715 Putnam Pike, Greenville, R.I. 02828

George Marshall

Roberts Health Center, 990 Ten Rod Road, N. Kingstown, RI 02852

Myra Phillips #210

Harriett Smith #217

Cortland Place, 20 Austin Ave., Greenville, RI 02828

Nancy Sleicher

Brighton of Tampa #334 16702 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, FL 33618

Burton & Arietta Tapner

Waterman Village, #412B 715 Putnam Pike Greenville, RI 02828

Glennis Hopkins Evergreen Health Center Stafford Springs, CT


Emily Barrett

(as of this printing she is still in RI

Hospital, but please send mail to her

home address. Her daughter will

make sure she gets it.)

17 Spruce Valley Dr North Scituate, RI 02857

For the Child In All of Us...