Vot 13, No. 9 S.pt.mb.r, 19 - shotpeener.com 1954...inl It you didn't have somoone lse'a...


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Vot 13, No. 9 S.pt.mb.r, 19.54

Publi.lht'd for EmployHS of

American Wh�labrator & Equ ipment Corp.,

Mishawaka, Indiana

VoL 13, No. 9-Septcmber, 1954 Jo&eph Flory, Ed1tor

'I Can't Give You Anything -

But Love, Baby' Lo�, !he praltd�ll lhmg 011 tanh,

Is trul11 hcov�nu·nl. Btol worult>r/ul 01 il r�OIIIfrl

l! will !lOt pc:1111 the rent.

B• store oj IOt.'f:! beJore 11011. wed It mok�J your l1jo t"Omplete,

But lrN�t.ltllt, keep 11 OJ V(>11. wlll It 1.cn't good 10 eot.

Un•co ca.rl.c lU magic �ptrfl 11pon Each hon�11m.oomng p.a1r.

But oil Will fiiKI u II milt�� bll lt'.s noth111g fit ro wmr.

The /11mil11 grott.'lJ, Cove multiplies. It's one ol tuwc lrulhs.

While b11br�s lhrict' on loeiPig core It will not bulllhlltlt shOIIts.

Rcmernbtrr,JIOIIIIgst�rrs, nl(II'Tioge bond,

The road '' som�tlimcs Tough. And whc11 II is IIOU'II rHiiz:e

Th4Jt looe 1.1 not conou"h. -HAIUoiOYY Sc.HUf'"

On the Gover ll il no more possible to 5llY whether

Capital, lAbor or Management has OOlltributed more to what Labor Day stllnds for than It would be to det.er­mine which of the hol"!!eel on the C.O\'er was contributing 11'1011 to lhe s�u of the harvest.

Could you support a fOJmiiY if you had to w ork without tools that sa\-e you r strength OJnd multiply your skills! Could you earn a d�nt liv­inl It you didn't have somoone �lse'a factory. prnses. lathes. rolls. benches or somc tools of production to work wilh! The! answer, U hortett. rno.st bt no. E\·�n those who 10upport them­selvn in our modern economy tolely by their talent$ and never IOUC'h a screwdnver or a pair of pliers would

bt helplc-ss tn an f'C'Ofl(lmy wllhout toolL

Fortunately m Amerta. millions of I)C'Oplc have put up their savinp to buy the toola of production, e•ther through personal purc-hase of SCC'Uri· til'$ or throu,ch bank 11-nd insur-l\n� savtntcs.. Th� toob hav" hC"Iped the Amc-rlcan worker to bc':eome lhC' most prOOuctJVe In thC" hu.tory of the world. This fruot has made it possible for manacement and ('mploy«":S to f<njoy the gn'at advanC'ft In both quality and quantity of products th:.t hu\'e per­milled vast lmpruvr:�nls In melhods nnd working conditions. Upon these lhmgs rest I� social adva�s for AmNtcan empl oyees that are com­memonWd on Labor Oay.

Moy we c-njoy more Labor D.ays tn peaC'C and harmony-teamOO together for better th1.mr:s•

SAFETY is UNIVERSAL You and I know what c::tUI4.'S mo:��t

a«idents. In the majonty of C'ksel It !11 sunple eOJrt'lessnen-wit.hout any help from bL<�<:k eats. broken mlrron: or frJday the 13th, Common stnse pr�utioru Will pr«!vent lhe gffatC"r portklon or attidt-nt:s. Safety sJDgaru IIIICC": $pokl'n and prmted in hundreds of l.1ngua��:es. but the meaning is still lhe same in any of them. You don't hh·e

to be able t o read other languagcs to proct1ce �o��fety, but hl're is a t'<'llllfi\On prec:autlon which you miaht hke to ftgure out. Do you know what 11 says in ('ach lancuagel









They all say; "WEAR YOUR GOG­GLES."

In Memoriam Our 1incere sympalhy is c�ttel'lded

to lhe tamlly and close: friends: of � .... ,.. w ......... who pa$$Cd away In late July. Stuart coa� to wo rk for lhe oon1pany in January, 1951 and worked 111 tht' StOC'k Room unul a few w�kB ago when he become ill. The typtcul apprals,al of Stuart by his fel­low worken; ..._ "A real n1c:e CUY-"



Cumult�tion to July 31

to July 31 1953

1954 $222,965


GIVE 'til it HELPS!

Health, Welfare and Recreational Agencies

Serving Under the Banner of the . • .. ,, , .,



Afttr N\"<.'ral months of plann�.n.� and ckta1ltd work a staff of AbruLH' Enatn<.'N11 hat �n oraann:cd and as now funeuon�na. Hundrcd.l uf applka. uons �·etc! «N!t'ned m th<.' p� of

M.'leclmJ tM per"IOFIM"I to ftll thne jObs. &cht �mn -..•all dcvot. all th<.'tr tune to 1M I'Jtd�B�\-e prornotU\(11 and ... u,na of abruavet. Onto man -..·•II n-­m��m an tht>otfitt>whtle-ttHPoth.>rt are worktnl �n the �ld The tnhrt> Jl.aft' Is under the direct IUIINVIaaun of r-....crl'f•ft",

Two of t� ft"K'n, IS.rvhl llilln••" and •om .... ... , .............. h.a\"C' �� tn otlwr eap.alJC't; '"''lh tht (f>mp.ny whtk- tht' aax an- ftltW. HaMld h.u bun a Sf-n� En�r 1n tM C)u. 010 k'rTotory whal� a.u h .. bt-e-n in trainlnl ror mote! thAn 11 YNr, &�d· Inc tonllldettblt' timt' under l'loll J..,...

d .. n . 0nC' Of tht' MW �n, J•onf"o 11.,.. ... .,.,11 rtmaon In tlw MISba\Oo·aka � Th<.' othl'n of tbC' staU art' Ro• lla.,.wth, Jr., J..t.• J•_ .. _ Jr� \a. r.-1 •ft..-1.- lloiW... Jr- J«ohot IN l.noo4 and .... ,.., .. -•·nnl.- B.to .....

� .. �'�•• • a craduatc> of N'otn­Dame wht'no he maJortd m Chftnk"al and £1«-trl(al t:n&LM'f"Mftl. Dunne haa sd\ool )"Nta he l"ptnt hll Vllnllwnll wor k•nc In various d('p4rlmt'ntt of AWECO lie was m th(' Navy \lllo'O yens, and hllt·r �1ved Mt Muter cklreC" from tM Unn·f"N.HY of l�nn-

•ylvan••· Geoqce C'IMI' hf"rC' from Owt'I\S•COmtng Fiber ClllN Corp

ll•rokl ll•ll••01 hM bft-n With the C'(lfftp.lny .��� May, 1�2 Iff' .,.,-as a pilot In the Air Cors» dunn1 the "'""ar, �t·rvlnJt In the EuropeAn tht:ater UJX>n dl.llchar.:e he attend('d Auonaut�Cal Unh'ettlly, Choearo. wht'rt he �n·t"d • der� lie thnt. saw lt'tvM:e ..... ·tth AMC'rl('lt.n Autom.anc: Typewntfl" Com· p&llJ' u � HIJIIW!t1". btt'r )mn· 1n1 18!1-l After lha tlof' _.., «-mployfd by tht' FrKkn Cakulltor Compeny

unul romma here.

.. ...... ............... , )<>lned AWECO 1n April. 19S3 8•11 .,..clw.tC'd from Unovt'otty of llhnu.a. With a ck•n."C' '" M('("homiCal Ent:mt't'rmc. lie had •�nt ten months •n the Naavy bdott- .coinc to t'OIIt'ltt'- Ah<'r t'Q.nplttlnll\1110 )"t'.ll.tll m .choc•l, ht' kft to \OoOtk for AlufNI StN-1 C(>mpany for t•o )"NI"I Ul � I� INkl' � t'noulh to ftnish htt C'ducat'On

lt .. , u.,.,.,...,, Is a craduatC' of ltbua­riu.t ... tt lrut•tute of T«hnoJocy and has lwd an extcna.wt' badtcround as • Rt-aoarc-h Mt'tallurctst In lM found­ry 1ndmtry. For tht' 1�1 four y�rs Roy h.u bt.:-n klhnJ premlvm �ru for foundry equ1pment to m8)or fovn· dri('llntMOetroltai'C'I.

Jtok" Ju•u•'o" •• a araduall' of Hu"·ard and tht- Um\"t'rtuty of Penn• Jylvanla lie has worktod for Ot·l� ProdU("lS Oh•1slon of Ct'nernl Motnra In Roc:t�le-r. •nd for Gleneo !oltlls on Nf"w Yt>rll Cny. lit- tornn to A WECO w1th • �rut b..rkcround of pro. MOI!of\al ft'lllRC I'XI)C'rl�

Unav�l"!!oty of T�nn( ����.� tl<.' � .. • a p�lot durma Wcrld War II 11nd "'a• r�11IIM ln Mnreh of 19$1 for a thr(-t )ear tour of duty 1n whkh he tram<'d C'l•mt..t en-�·• fur the Kort>an War R�rk ha hAd <.'XprrM:,_ wtth .,,...,. T&cc-rs A1rluwos. arlhnt thco1r fft'VI«"a-

J .. t ... lk t ........ has had a VliMC'd biK-karound of •ndu•trlal st>lltna. m c:ud•nt supply ilt"lnt- for F". Ranaullt' Colmp&l\)'. J)OIIIalt" rndf"l"l for PalM)"• Buwa and products to d�1n attuUntl fur Armour • Company. From lt49 until 19� John w�ts It'll emplo)'t'd, bmldlftg tesldi'Llll�l bom�s. He hnt a broad acqualntanet�hlp and kno ... lo-d&e of lbc- Wctu·m )-hdu,can af"C'fl Ill Whkh ht" WIIJ � totlllfl.C.

.... .,.,..,. "•'rani. ·• H-lu'f" i1 th� M'nlor mt'mbcr of tht' Abratl\� EnJint"Cr 1roup. hav1nc had st )'"C'ars' of t-x�r­l>l'f'ie'(' 1n th<.' foundry and m..tal•wk� ,._.Ids. He t. a mt-\.allutJIIIt from Wttt m•rut.cr Collcal' Frank ha$ ht4 doW>r· Jlftt'd adhnr C"XPftll'nel'. ulelud•nc • knn ycur l)('flod 111 SalMI Mana�t.-r of lhl' llydro.Dl.ut Corpor.auon From June, 1£1$1 IO h\1 COmlnl ht'rt', h• Y>IS &MQC'iatl'd .,.,,... tht' Ot'par"l.nM'nt of Commerct' rC"prt-IIC'ntlnl fou n dry f'CIU�prnrnt manufa<1un-n..

J. ,., ... u ..... ,... C'Omt'StoAWECOalter fvur )"ftn C'XpcfK',_ W&lh Lo:hwood C(•fl'OraUon of South Bend, dunna -..b�h unw hC' ht'lprd to dot'\-e�•P t� Arn<er«ra&n and A.,.n.t.am •·ood ftn bhm1 p� At plitl of h�:t "'urk at Lcbwood Jam lntUIIIed tQUapmt>nt trauw..od e>pcralo� und worked on wwd ftn1•honc systt'ml Th1s wvrk ae· qu.�mted h•m "lllollh many A WECO em• pkl}t'ft and Y>lth wr cqu1�1. Jom 111o a araduatt' of Purdu e Cn!Yt'ni'Y "'"lth • dt'Jfft' 1n Cht'nustry It(' at• ttnded eo..hen Collrc" praor to trans­ft>rrlnJ to Purdut•. lie � " veteran of World War II, havln11 had three yellrt In ttw!Army

I OnThea.ll

Machine Tt.�mings

For mo.t or Ul v�atlon Lime is 0\'l!r for thlt year Some took long tr1p-1 acrott C'Ountry, olht>n short tr1ps and to n('flrby lake� for Jhhln1. M•n)' naytd at home and pt�lnt.ed their � or ,._,..,c Whatever you did­it you wctt happy 1n doin1 11-then your vacauon �·•


When vac-ation 11me arrived for Koflo l.rl! ... -. he and tus w1fe decadcd to l&k• IN1r .en to OkktMM:na C1ty wtwre M ,..... to �rt for duty. Ro­land. AlnMn I-C. 11 a Radar Tcr.hnt· e-lfin With OW A1r FOI'C't' and bad )wt �turncd from Afnn � furtou,ch Af· t.c-r lftlvma Uw�r IIOfl at Oklahot�U lht'y dro,·e to Albuquerque. New- Me•tco. whcrlf thc)' spcnt a molt dehghtful .e11en da)'L Comma b.c-k they (11,� throuih Colo�o Sprlna�&. Ont- or the hlhchu or the 1r15) was :��. 20 m1le drive ovrr Pha�to':' �anyon,

Chcryl Jf'an. 641 lb &irl arrivcd at tht- home of Mr. and Mrs. \rn,., \IMu·l. II'• Hltl �ol'l ro bf' �·u Wl'ln hie ICot.el atoteg ldcc • .ott" Bar rl'lc �'����• rllat'• MlOrlh W)luk 11 rllc -• thai N• ,..llc Wlln l'«fltlhl•f pou clcad tcmHI"

Sl•g •nd Sp•Her

1 ..... 1 111m...._ upper Tumb\.ut wekier. 1a back to work after an operation. Levi entcrcd the �p1tal June 21 and was bock here July li.

u,.,.,,.." Ju11eo took a vac:atum tr1p throuah MM:hillan

no,d "'w'"' lett on a vaciiltlon trip Au1ust I to Los Anaelct., California. WaJh 1 wt-re makint that tnp also. 1t w1l1 be a nl<'t' tnp

When a dJptomaliC man '*1' � M mftM PtrhaPI: •�helll)'Sperbaps. M �Mno; w� h'C! ... ysno, hc • no d11)lorMt.

!loft 7..-.u took 1n Tu.lsa. Oklahoma for h• v�t� tnp.

l.oo1h,... 1- t.oonop tptn\ a prof\table

vKatKJn sallln' around home and l�l· lint acquaantiC!d walh haJ ""IJhbors.

fUll t.f' .. l IPf'nt a (plnsant'?) vaca­tion lurnln1 mort> about the lumbH bUJ!n4':U

To Its eternal honor Chril\ilolnlt)' has stOQ(( lt4"actrnstly for lhe Slmcht)' of the Individual. To lnlpri.Jon th(<, hu­man �lrll ka lhl.' unp.udon1bh: san, ttw- attc':mpt to makt" men .automata, to for«' them Into the •me mould. No mnns w11l ner bto found to mdiH't' human bc•nas hnally to •urrendtor tht'moach't'C. t'IIMT body w -.al. to a dJctatt-d fellt'll)'. to sat1sfaeuons rho�n for thf'm whatevf'r vulcar C.W.rs nolle the •·orld

- W lotAaeou: Du�:o" Tht-llw:-"S•huUI(rll

The day before Orllw" f\1 .... ,.: wnl 10 have JOne to Northtrn Wiscon1m, on a Ra.hin1 varatlon, h4" d�eloi)C'd the Grandfathe-r of all lummy at'hC':S The Oot'tor promptly t'llrt.c-d hlm otr to the hol:pltal and cboppcd Ms appendllt •• c

J-a. u ... ......, miMed a crape v� down m TenMS«"e and came up w1th a b.dl)' aprau'" beck.

Jl• II••� .,.ent lhrouth an �-a tomMo and lhe only cbmqe � tuf· tun'd ..... a coW.

l.anool .. w ........ ,. d'C!wloped a bad t'AW of Bat1le F"ah&l.lt- Th• •-u broutht on by tlthllftl all thc fWI LR Dur.on Lok•

lkttl'h ll1orl"f'll has a aeve� C'UC of Addle IOI"ft eault'd by putt1nc a laddie on the roc-kina ctullr on hb front po�h

And tht'rt' ore a\80 numerous caJeS of ruptured J)OC'ketbookl all o,·er the Foundry, thiJ nr�t day after vac:ation.

C" .... r11• 11.-11. L.adi'C!tnan in th� Found­ry, hal added anotbcr Bt'll to hLS col­lt't'tMNI of mUUC111 beJia I n the pH'*lft ol Katnnka. born July 1:1 and >t��r�ich­ln&7 lba. I oz.

Un't lt funny how aome peopk!: can't "'._ ta.lte a vaaotlon w1thout lllll bc-­'"1 lrnl&llnf to MNne of lMlr fellow work�tn" Take u an example )fort l�rftrr. plumbn' and Ow•r n..w.-.. electrtcJan WM:re did lhey �J�end lh�1r

v.cahon" Jo'aah1n1 D�amond L.alte rl.lht out In pla•n ••&ht of men from then· dt'panmcnt ""ho ... � •·orltlf\1.. N01. onJy a.ta•n.a but alto C'Bichln& bl& fat Blue CilllL Tht',.. oucht to be a kw.

lloe. _,,., .. ho l't'('ftll!y l'ftt'l\"f'd ha d!M'harJ(· from t1w Army after IPIC!ndtn& � tune In Cl"rT!'Yny IS ap1n bKk to .. -ork u a membtor of tht- Shake--out can1 Don has been home thf'ft' weeh and has c:.arK'd 30 pounds maklna ham a mt're 230 pounder That Ill nrtalnly the h1C}\nt complimt'nt pOIIIble to 1omeone's


Office Memos

ToY� f"Ahtor 81rth annou�\1 are OM- btl:

t.Optc lhll month. Antt.e lkmdt. for­merly of Onkr Entrr. no-..- hal a boy nan"'ed Tl"rJ$.nC'f" Rtchan:l. born July 18 AIIO � the It_ ...., an a<khtiOn to the "'" .... ,., Hhmd•• family, Sheila Marte Ealtoen t'ny, forn\C't'ly of Salt'S, ,_,.e barth to Debra f:1l�n Oft July 1.

�'�•rt:,. U;ouahrrtJ. now work•nc in B1llin1. takes th� place of n,. .. a.h '"l:klo-�· .. t•u,.rll whO �ntly k-It the C'OmJNiny. Yo"r Rov1ng R�port�r,


TAL� o" Th11 un�UUDI•IGr")' wu reportt!d the

1aA m1nutt- b y '"""• T .. ,........ Maehme Shop "'POrtt'r Here It ll 1n Lftla"s own wonls '"You m-.7 not bl!'lte\"e Una talt'o but II II IU,.. 'null' �. 0rw mom1n1 around 4 JO c.ri l0f"tU'JoOOI ruba h11 eye. and ll&rU for the bam to do hll c-horn. What, to hit horror. doe� he ���te but one or hll 100 pound cows on her bKk In the waterLRI trou&h. Carl, belnc • MU�n of actiOII, rushcs to the houM and call• hls wile, uplainlnK the 11tuat\on, and askinc ht<r to help Then he duh<'• out tht door and 'hot-fools' It to the rK"Iu·est nelahbor tor ri'IOI't' htlp In th4! mean­u� Mf1 Pett-rtOn ��out t.o � bam and rtn-ovta tht cow from the "'"atennJ tro�o�ah You lhould 1\a,•e K-m the lookt Oft the fan'� of the hlo"O men •hen th<'Y orne bM"k and found the troulh r,mpty and a content.c-d cow C'hewlftl on h<'r cud. none the ....._ f(W hH e-rl)' morn� �dOde Back tn � hol.l.e they found Mrs. Petenon prepanna btNkfuL Now ar you would �Uy hke to know how the c:ow &ot out juat ask Carl

New PARADE Reporter

In ttv- put ••e h.a'-e n1� IM'J:lecte<i n�WII «<ff«'miRJ our StHI Shot P1anl. Ttus ...,.u not lflt�nllonal, .,._., C't'rl.lun C'OildlhOM prt'v�tntl"d US from proper­ly rovcnnl( that deparlmt"f\l. We hope t� s1t1.1a1tton will be rorr«ted now wuh th., addlliOf'l of a •�w reporter tO tht> ttaiT or JlAI\AI>L The new �cub" is Uuh ""'" l..lmll'. So plca:H: don't wa1t for Bob to eontaC't yuu- alve hlrn your now• lternJ and h., will apprf<'i­ate IL You.r rdltor also Will be happy about1t

���=es I �+ you lllotoo.l�• ...


OUr t'edcoral GoYernQ\C'nt luut'S a­bout 300 mllhon C'h�k• rvery yt'n. Thouand.J of t� chi'Ckl fa•l to reafh the pevplo ('fltltiKI to them be­cause! the th«lu arc ltohm from IN­ter boxn and caaht_-d by thlcvea pus­tnt IJ the rllhtful owne-rs. 't"M for1ery n•<"ket rontlnuC'I to be one of the 111011 atli\'C' In t� unckrworld, u the S«rtt SM-voe. reteiVfl: MOre than 30,. 000 eomp,.lntf )"t'arly on foraltd l(ov­emment dwotlu. In addohOfl. thf.rt as now a bKitkJ& of 10.000 forJif'd eh«ks awa111n1 ln"eiUJatlon Dcotalla 1n many of t� � ano i.ndftd un­usual and mm«'ll.,_ almoat unb.hev­abl<

In Srattle, a $»0 Nat!IOMI !k-rv� Lalt" lnsunl'l('ft d1vadf'ftd checlt wu ma1kd to IIM't'ft&n Taylor. In 1�. Taylor tnmK'II had 5('r'Y«! a Rnt.enee for stHhfll and fora�na CO''t'rnlll(.'nt chf<'ks �n his own cht'C"k wu de-11\·crt'd at hll homto, he w.. In the 5«-:a\\le Jail on a ml.denwanor An. other thief alol<' Taylor'a th�k. forced and euhed 11. The Co\ltrnnM'nt Issued a duplicate for 1330 to him. but the chi.'Ck was ap;•ln 1tolfon by a third mt"n Doth thW.vt't wound up 1n prison, and T•ylor tlnally aot M1 money

A Mw nrlaUon of tM "ll�tk frlfl\d� story l'ftl.lllf'd in lM arn-R of an ln­d�o�n ln Montana who � a f� ch«k lo !MY f« mnheuw for ... Pc:lt fr...nd � The drugat fumiWed tht' mrdJc:lnt' and Pvt' 1M Jnd�o��n the -� m cub. A trw htMin latt'r' tht' lnchan rc-'u..meoi '111'1\h lM ITW!'diCme u.nope-ned •My fntnd, him d.r," he mc:Mlne.'d. ··No 1\t'fd medoc�'Wa.tltUn'l money bKk. .. 1'hC'" drupUt refundlf'd W purcf'l.a.8c' pr� 1nd the lndoan de. JX�rk>d, A few dayll lattT he wu ar­rea:tC'd for forcer)' and ll now servma a IIC!ntcntt In McNeil bland Peniten­tiary,

In W:uhlnaton, 0 C. a for1cr was 1dent•tl«t and found to be ronftn«< In the ObtrlttofColumbl& Workhou5e at Oceoqu1n, Vlrclnia, on o t h e r

ctu.rctt. Aaen� had d1mculty 1n local· n\J thC! for&oi'r's vactnn, � rtahllul owner of the ch«'k, but ftnally tnc«! h1rn abo to Ottoq�o�a�n. w� h e wu fouftd to be tM foraer's ttllmatt'. Up­on ftmm1 •ho had stok-n has dlec:k. tht' vtctun tnaastC'd upon w1thdnwmc all cha.-.:cs bca.,. he and lhe Cor1t"t" had� ric-. fnomda.

One forcer ln BrooklYn 101 the IUr-

FORGERY J)riw of his life ""'h•n h• trlt'd t o cash a Gove-rnment eh�k In a ch«-k-n.sh­'"1 •Jency ai'W:I wu lmumtly con­fronted by a S«roi't St-rvlce •JtRL The fOrJ<'r. C. U RIC'hanb, had ncao. tiMed •bout 10 •tolcn Treasury chMkl. and a.ccnts ""crt eovrrlnc the pl•t'e antic1pat•nc further \'!leU from h1m. l.ronK-aUy, the- ch«:k he prcwnted at tht- ume of arr�tsl WIS hl$ own' lie confent'd to lht" for11try of other ch«lu and ..., ... •nt•nc:.<t to two and ont'half)"NI"'L

�\ In thlt SKn!l Se-rv�n� ftln ther�t are­

casn 11obcno IZ.,.-ur�kt boys ha,·• c.shed llolen Gov�:rnmenl ch�:d:s marked · Old Ace and Surv1von Jn. IUranc."t" � In Nt'W WOtlt the manstn­of • t'h�IR 'rott-ry ftO«- caahtd • ne,..tn·t photo,.:tat� copy of • Go\·em­moent eheock In tom�t casH thle\•ts have stolen what.-vrr othrr mail tnifht be U'l thlt letter box •·nh the tb�k. 10 lh1t thc>y mi.&)ll providfo thu otb(,r mad •• �n\11\cahon. Sroret of C'.llptuN'd forJl'rt have told S«N:!t Scr· vic-e 1gt'nt.s that 1n most c:aset� they wert' never asked for any \dt'ntll!t'•­uon, and in othera tht'y ut<'d the chnp printed ldentlfkaUon cards which 1re used Ill s.mpln •n ne-w walleta.

It is alm01t lmpou1ble to keep for­gc.n. from dupllcatlnl any 10rt of identilkahon, but one man who rc-­CCIVH dierks from tbc Cove-rn�nt evt'ry month lnVftlttd a uni!Que •·ay to ttk'nllfy huMelf. He had hll name, add� and �erana' ..-.. 1 num.bH" pnntrd In tndt'hble Ink on hll false> ckntur�t �-er M it uklf'd for JdenulkatMWI he &unpiJ t.akft out hll upper plate- and showa IN- pnntifll. "It works evtry tune.� he uya.


The CotrrpiJI.ar Tractor Compamy, Peoria, lllmo1s, is IC:tllng 11. Bne p('r• ror manC'e' from a Modt'l 43 L\qUAm:nt(" in certam opt"rations, ('1;p(.'('lally '" � dea nlnk of tool room m:llt'rial. Thlli n\Pt�;"rial ronsu;ts of component paru for jigs, d1es, mactune parts and smal­ler tools. Purpose of lhi• wet blastma is to �move burred edges or part$ -.fler thil!y havr been heat trealt"d Thot over11U quahty of the tln1sh has bb.·n lt�<�tly 1mprovcd Jmce th1s company rtphux>d fine Jhot b\;�lting w1th the Uqu.all:'lltte.

Tht On<' plct urco hen- IJI a c:IOM' Up ahOt of typical parts as the y are �ln1 l�tquanmtt�. The other ahowa tht' op­erntor rt'movmtc a J(Jolld of cleaned paru from the power rnl.se tank.

THE P ASSINl' P API\DE Lady V1.$ilOr: "Do you tailOr$ wash

y our own (')otht's on ahlpboard!" Sailor: "N o, lady, we just throw them overboard and they're washed a�o�."

It .sn't the people who tl"ll all they kn ow that c-use most of the trouble In th•s WOf"ld -It's the on('5 who tell

An ag«< �nomin died, but neither Heaven nor Hell would have h1m. For yt'arS he wandered about �lpl<'l$ly In the douds until at lenath he came to a catll! marked "Soviet Paradist'. ·• But even here he had trouble. "Just what did you ever produce on ea rth":' a b urly frontu�r guard harshly de­manded o! hm'l. "I wrote book.," the elderly agpheant reported to h1m," "Bookt: You had a ltOY(Irnment $Ub-­-5ld.)' t o hve on1" ''No. but my father wa$ an lndustrialut and my mother wM a merchanl's daughter. We had mon('y, I could alford to wr•te 31 I pl('ased! La�r on, I marrl� Iii barvn's dl!lughtcr." The st'.nlry explodOO and .cave the old mlm a tongue lashmg.

'1'here'• no room m here lor ll loa fer like you�" he 1bouted. "Whatever gave you tbl" 1dea we take in capitalist raK-�tls�" "I thought my earthly nftme might hl•lp me-11 w;" Karl Marx."

Cl01.$$1fled •d; Girl needs a job b wlllms to 'trua:atc lf gwe n opportunt. ly.

S•a:n m hbr;�ory: Only low u.lk per. m1tt«< bere

A p�acher walked mto a tavern during the oourse of hi• we1!4re work and ordertd a atan of milk. By mit­ta ke h e wa• g:•ven an l"U:t'IOJ. After drmking 11 to the !a:$1 drop he rais<:-d his t>yes hNwnward and wu heard to say, "Lord, what 9. cow!''

When a lady collec:tor of antiques bought a hoi'SC!ba•r sofa she discovered why her grandmother WQrc five! ptttl· ="·

A commiu:tr m Rt."<< Pol;�nd w:.t

mak in1 a periodic: check on th<: fatm11 in his diJtrkt.. He Jtopped one peasant 1n the field to lnqo1 re about the pro.. duc t ion of his turn•p ('rop, '"Then:- hAS never �n a uop to �uat thl.s, thanks to th� a:tor1ow plan of our n<:w rulers.'' tb<! p<:-asant re ported. "If we were to place all the tumiPI in a pile tbey would sln!tC'h to the very fCC!t of God." The commi.uar will lrl(hanant. "But there is no God," he sputtered. "Ah. replied the:! pcas.ant. "there are no tur· n1pt either."

Pe!"'M'vcn:nce pays, they say. So does the ont' who pc:n�evt>res - he payJ mo� ineOmll" tax.

New Faces Jan\t>S Henry Barnes. Robt'tt G

Hat ch. David P. Jt>ldcrks. Elmer A. Skonberg, Merle W. Slabaugh.

r. •• n ... IHidreth Boehnlein, Marcaret C.


FIVE YlARS AGO Vu...., nn thf. b•Wph I .IU'(' 1n

m. tf'..,.._ dlr-Kl•>fY that )"tM.I do Mild bt..hnl Will y<.ou piC'U«' 5t'nd ..__ 0\t:r lol ........ >lh off the RIUI.h , .. ,,. tn m)· In one AlUm w 1 C'lln apply wallfW!pc-r t<t ttwm•'" Tho· AWEX:O t>pe"ntor pq.K"'i the_. tnquuy along to J.,u .. .,.._� v. ho e-xplatM'd th.at our aand blao.Unl L'QUJJ•rm•nt wouldn't do much ,I(N.1d un that particular Job

AWF.CO N."«t\'cd 11 t'trtltlcat� from the Olrtoet Matl Adv�rtU;.ti'IJ A$10C:i(ll· hon f(H' tr('attnl th� bnt du•«t m.atl camJ)'IIIn tn th(' blatt "'INmng ln. dutr)' tn lf.t9 A4\·,·rh•tnf Manaru, \. t ... l.,.nluonl acttpltd thf' award at

the S2nd Annual Ce>nfe-rt>Jl<'t' or the DMAA hdd tn the Ct.n&r� Hotel m C'h•ca,:o. S<·ptcmbt'r 21

juluo h.lrlrqo�trl..t• Ct'l�·bralt'd hiS p:oldl'n wt'ddlnl ann•vf'raory Sept�m­�r tl Tht> �•I JN!rty v.·as ht'ld �P.. temlX"r II whc.'n lhry f'ntf'rUotned lhf'tr many friC'Nb at t�pt'n hn\JR, Our ron­cratulataona to a apk-nthd C'OUplf'.

VISITOR fto• Fl I A liD

Mr u.,... Arppt' of Kartlula, f\n. land th•Pfk'd olf at A WECO �lly fur a VDII lit· la APitl.lont Sup("rinten­dent of A Ahbtrwtl ()y, a ttft'l )Ob.. bU\1 f<>Undl")' whiCh VK'f Whtof'lt.bra· tnr �u1pn":nt bu1lt by our manufat'­tur•nl llt('n�et", Ct'Orllt' FltCht'r or &hal!"hauttn, Sv.IU't>rland Durant hla 'tay. l\lr. Arp)X' \'lJIIt'd With To)m ll10mrll"r. I!(> al110 •tx·nl IOml! lim� o,nth (, .. ,.,,,. I'(•IT, Uu,.alh l;alltJlMII :and n .. !. IUoorillln, Mr ArpPt" Ill ahown M� wuh Oou.a and Bob


lliU t ........ ,.IL afl4"t' aU lhf'M yf'ilrs. hq a ck1oJt bt' can •II down t.o. M� SH"rn lti'&IICt not to •«II: at.anchn& up

Lr-llt'r from IIOmt'wh�rf' 1n Nt'w Gu.mNt Wt' Wl"i'l)' aj>l)tt'('lltt' what th(l Rl'd Crc- i8 d<>1n1 for us Thry ha\·e Rl up a rN"n:-at•un hall, and lllp­ply \.1.1 With fl't'e t>nU·rta�nmenUuC'h n shoWI and K'r't'«' fr,.� drmks and esl.l. lt'1 my ""' I!Xpcrlt'nC'e wllh thetr Jl'lllf't' 1n th,. war and tht'y art' do1n1 a aood J(>b. The ��nly while 11rls I havt­IK't'n down tM-rto are thote Rt'd CroM ,.,, •...

2S Years of Good S ervice "'.h..,. ,,.a,..,.., Sc-rv1� En.J,Inlf'tt '"

t.hto Tua1 and Lou•s•anat tt'tratory, fi"lt·bntf'l ZS .)'• at'l w1th tht' Compao.J (ol"l S4'pl('mbt'r 5 Wolt hN had S('\'!!"-1 jobs v.·nh AWt:CO and hill pt-r!orm«l wrll on all of 1he1n

lie and his wlft' t:;une off the f�rm n4.'ar llutc:hiiU<tn. Knn.aa In 1021. and muvt'd to South lk·nd �au,..- ht> h;ttd ht.-ard · tl wu a land of opi)Ortun.•ty." IW. ftnt Job wu at t.ht· (lid Duunond T radiU th••P "''�ft ht' v.orkt'd only a t"Oupte t�f ""'.ntM bt'fon tl\f' btDI.,_ fouled 1'btfl nnw sltnC'hn of em­pi �mo. n t at Baii-S.nd and Studo:-­t..kt'r. bcJih of !lhur\ duntM�.

In St'pttmbt-r. lt11 'A1alt .., .. hlr\'d hy u •• ., _.,h tu v.·QI"k 1n thE' shftot mrilll drpr��rtnwnt of 1M Stt!it'l Shop In May uf 1911. t.o..·nt'r. Walt ft'lt

lht C'•ll of thf' KanNI -.1\t-.:ot harvest and qu11 to 110 v.e.-1 W1th tM han.·t-•t RUOn 0\"t'r hi." hurrlot'd back to Re Harry and wu rt'h�rt'd h v.·u tht'n that h� d«klcd to "atay put."

Ov<'r lht' yt'art Wah workt'd on rMk�·Uf), J•yout, mn1:h1n� Ol)l.·rali<m and �mbl)' II\ 1939 ht' wu made N1aht •·orrman, thm bt-romina Day Forf'm•n '" IIU worlr.tn1 un<tt'r K.l1olo "'h;u,.lr,,..., II\ April, I� he Wt"nt iJUO lram�n1 for S�f¥1C:. f:ftf,:lftHt, a n d Utortly aft�r moved to ll..w.ton, TE"xas.

Walk'r hkn haa •·Uf"ll:: on tM n.d, bi.ot ht' 1tckt• thllt pcorNJII h•lf8«'1l thnll In a luna tuYW C:.amt" fftTntly ""he-n he •·al\l('d lhrf.u&h ttu- plant on • vas1tand l't't'tn-ed t.ht' "«>nnoal I�· 1npofmany cOIJd andtiM't'l't'fnt'ndJW

'I lft?�� 11:m®�<f2lli? . • • • I�

----·- -- - ---

GfttMl 'lUll .. U f,..JI� U •n ordud. lalW�bk ... pld nuuet. and as hoard to at·t. prvdllctl\� u a lar&l' madurw. and u tuf'd to budd; Vz.&Ot"OUS •• )·oulh and •• �rd !o �K"P.

UwrM • But you tlln't marry •·


I '-����t11'.lil AND AS FAR A5 TH� WORKERS ARE CONC!ftNE�·�·�MA'i..'

J••n If yvu do. y.our 1'1\boband ('k-arly aLated In hNI "''llthlil tus r ... nunr 111111 co to h•• brothf.r"'

Wld4Wl ·I knt>V.- It's lhto brolbt-r l"r:n m.tNY•n&... • •

S11n ID l'ftlaU,..DI -rbr aal\�r IS

MSHA Can Become

ASSETS Ito,., do you rt-..ct to mu.hap.� or

errors of )'OUr o•n rnf!kanJ' Do you bruod on•r them (or a �na tun�. or do you qutetly r�lv� to avo.d th"m '" tht' fulUrl'' Tr\lt', m••lakN •hould be YIC!'A� 111 Iii M'I"I0\11 h11ht, but not to the l'XU·nt th;H tht')' &N )'OU down compleu�ly Thl' fAct ••· If Wt' n.'rrnun calm. and kt'C'p our wllJ: 11bout ""­

rmany m••t11kes tan bC' ronvent'd Into t't'al bf.·neftt.. Lc.>l"t c<>n•ldt'r a w«•lk t'XIIMi)lf'.

A lonl tmw qo thor� "ll' a b•& IN� ball playt-r n.lmed T1m Mur­DaiW', • ho playe-d ""1lh tbco Pluladt'l­ph� Alhlt-t!C'L Tun •·as !_._ 1n the n.rld and •• .1 liM '-- f\11\no:r. but •·tw:-n h4: ��""' to blot -•-t'll, tns te.m­RW�tt'S t'UUid koardly k""P from ��n­ma •kNd Tu" JiU\ C'QUidn't hi\. .... bathn& n�"'¥.f' C'klaoly l'ftl.'mbkod � ov.n ,..� ,lU'.

Wh<•n th4: nf'•· Nahtor\111 LN.CIH' wa.s orc;.nue'd In ••••• ht' ..... ltc-ht:d 0\"�r to ao.ton. "" IJ\111 hadn't ('(lrl"('('tC'd ha we1o1k h•IUnll: Thl'n one dll)' whllt' bat­tml. quilt' by llttldf'nt, ht> happened l.o Jt\"t' tht' ball 1 w('ak, half·hNu·ted li•P '" the mnf'ld The Nil rolled to­""brd lhf' pltl'hl'r'• bn• and siOI)pf'd wt'll '" fn•nl of thAt surpriK'd md•­\"Kiu;ol �f(•rf' ht- rt'f'fl\'l'nod from tns nap. Ttm had rrachc>d ftnt blut- e-ualy

Ttua Oflt' h1t •asn·t ..o lmpot'tant t-X· �� O..t 11 (SIUM'd T1m to b(oc.n rlu•k­lllf Tllot' -.hc.lle th1n1 had bft'n an acctdt'nl. 001 m.yt» R1�t the-n Tlm «"'- Uwo �•on that hfor"t' w-u a m�\.lkC' Ou•t JW.l macht be- npatahzt'd on. at �t 1n h• ov.n � "" pro­n"'("(k"'l to •h1ttle- hll bit llat"" onot' J.Jdt'. tM-n prwtK'C'd 1,1nul h<r c:ould "lay Wm do'""""' 1n •ha\II·H�r d•n"''· h•lfl ht• "'ante-d Thll •a.s the lw'tan­mn��: uf th4• bunt. and T1m lxc:ame • mbWr or lht' tt'<"htuq\.1"

t'rom that tlll'l(" on tht'tC' h•• � h!!rdl)' a tNIJQn whl'n tomt' bnttt'r hosn"t mode u!W' of tht' bunt to ""''" a l'ruttiiiiC.(Irt"lt'.

So tht' �"' ttrt"lt' you an- ft't'lml ·<&own"' •t pulltnl • •·bofwor" don't f<>t­

'"' Tam Mum�aw. Maybt' you can c<am" up •·tth • no.·w l('Chn.q� u p�unl •• � bunL

nut m..d•fU\4-', .0 dntt"t Uok� tt •ftn'" � ... -

Lift' d•X'tltl'l bfotln at 40 fOf" thoR •·ho •t-nt hk� 10 at 20

Wheelabrator Success Storv in Plastics

One of our zo· x 72• Whc.'t'labrator 1\lmblasts Is cfT�ting a tr�mcndous savmgs for the Santt:amo Electric (:()m. pany, Sprlnctlcld, Illinois. This com­pany lJ usin.l! the machine lO defta:!h 21 differ ent plu:tic part-. e.\1 of wh•ch •� lnsulq,tltlg moldlng,s. Four types of materials a� used for the mold­•ngs, and all t'an be Whl'l'labmtcd. Th('S(" parts �>.•ere formerly d('ftashed by h.and fllmJ, use of kniv" and arbor presses. The Sangamo people state that the machine does a beucr job than the former methods and that uvlngs amount to well over $100 daily.

Both pictures here are of typical diH. before and after dc.-ftnshlng.

Buyin� a loeC'Ond-hand car makes you rea ltte somehmes how hard 11 is to drl11c a bargain.

Junior: .. Dad, can you write In the dark!"

Dad ''Certainly." Junior: "'Then turn out the li(lht

and s•gn my report card ...

w .. r.J Corro:.lh .. or coune it's lood used lumbc!:r-tt came out or a churd\ ...

•w1 1 1 YOUR Ship Retur n ?-


• ....,. l .. o-. Mot.! lit-. c.- , - COII!tl .... .,. Ill s..-...... 1953, ""' -�""11 111 5.\ft ,, ....... ly ...... .cf bM!I '""411ov'td by ·�· .... 1•....,_ '-" ,.,..,. � _., ... .... � ... ""''I I«J<Orl -.4 .... Mt.t It-, Mftdo"Q 0..01 ............ .... .. � ..... , .... ... ,_.,. �obbye •• ....... . lr ..... -•• """""' .... ...... ..... � hotlp""' wv• " "' " b ""•r,., '"'� � ...... ............. . eoN,_ ..

Ulll.. .......... t.-..., � . .... ....... ........ .... � Uooi:• Stocl.....t-. lt$3 h l-f\o � foo W� � ---- �0. -'.t M i h e r.l .... ,.,_..,.,� ......_ 9.. ...,. .... ..... ... � .... ,_ .. Mioout-"" ... ..... ......... � ""' .. . --.. - -- � - o-do .-..4 1-., .. � kfloelol

1(.., .......,._ '""- "'...,.., .....wl.ooo -- w. � . .. U. ......._.., ot.. ...... ..... ............, -.. � ... .... r,._... ....... "" .._ _ ....... ., _.,,.. � , .. ..... c...,.. ..... lttot' . ...... .._.. _ ..... .. -- ....... ......... . ._.. .......... .-.4 .... Jo'.H toe !lry to.t "-d .. ......... h loo . ....... ., ... ._ ....... ......

� '"' ""-"- ("'"'"'� � rn. c...,..,.'I' .., �. IUO hl­m..r �ot l\t4 -._MI IOt � Av .. r­�··- Soo.oh hrld f4 .........d -. .... ,.,....,. ,., , . _...., _ ., .....t..ct. _. "'o.bt HotliltHfOli .Mow--...g. ...O ...,. _ ...,.. ,_ .. ....., ....... ., ........_ toM•tM.hlle_.oH1..-d._ , _ .,.., .._ _

0••••• �ullll, Stt•l SJo.,. (N.glob). ........ .. _., .... . )__..,., 19U ..._ ..... ..._ ... ...... -.... ........ .... a.-e..,....- ., '-"" ._. Geeorp .. � ... . a- ,., ...... .-.... w..w, He . _. .. .... .... ...... � c-,. • • _... ., .... ,_._ L...- W N .-..- ..... ._,el hoo ..,. _ ., ,......, _ . .... ........ -· - "-

l..,&. Mafc....,., s-I Sherp, c- .,. AWfCO -. 01 ...... 19.t.t ,..........,._, hot Ncl ...._ � ... b., a.l�t.M. t.-.. lo ... M ...... ltoor fll tlwttoo'l H 1 d'>., _. .- .c .......... - .. .. ""'ot\O Mdboet-"" l- "•• lw• _,. . - .. ...... . � . ........... -. ......... ... . ,_ . .. .. ,.

Clo_,, ... _..., S"MM "'- ("' ... � ""' """ W• ... ..... � .- �, ...... ........ ....... ............... .. .... .. Qo�V N CMI -.,._ Hot lwot t - .M ...... ......,..._._ _ .. ........... � . -'-· - s.-. � .... - � ......... w .... ,.. ..... .., . .. .. ....... .,. ..._ _.,_.., .,.._

o...p l.,. � ...... ...... -' ..... .. ............ .. 30. """"""o ...... _ _.., ...... ... ,.,,__. Molt c......, .... .. ... ........... .. _ .... ...... .... .. ,.._.... o...,. ... - r..twoe -' "" _ ... , ., ""' - ·• "'-· ........_. lo ..... .. ...... ..... ... .. ""'ot,._ .. ...... ( ......
