Vol.20 No. 12 December - 2019 DR. B. SAROJA DEVI NATIONAL ... News - 2019.pdf · in the...


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Vol.20 No. 12 December - 2019



The ceremony of the

Padmabhushana Dr. B. SarojaDevi National award for 2019was held on 17th November,Sunday, at the Khincha Hall,

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,Bengaluru.

It was an event that waspunctuated with poignancy, asDr.B. Saroja Devi bestowed the

Smt. Sumalatha, Member of Parliament receiving the Dr. B. Saroja Devi NationalAward 2019 on behalf of Shri. Ambareesh from Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayana,

Dy Chief Minister, Govt of Karnataka. Also seen Dr. B. Saroja Devi,Shri H.N. Suresh, Director, BVB, Shri. Abhishek son of Shri Ambareesh.


Award posthumously on actorAmbareesh, who passed awayon November 24 last year.

The award was first given in2010. Ambareesh had been anactive participant during previousaward ceremonies since the timeit was instituted, and his absencewas sorely missed.

The event saw a host ofpersonalities from the Kannadafilm world who attended theprogramme out of respect forthe rebel star, as Ambareeshwas called. Among them wereDr.J ayamala, RocklineVenkatesh, Ranga Raj,Doddanna, Harini, Shivaramand Dr.Rajendra Singh Babu.The last three personalities

mentioned were recipients of theaward over the years.

The programme included anintroductory film on Ambareesh,his life and contribution tocinema. It also included aninterview with Dr. Saroja Devi.

Shri. H.N. Suresh, Director,welcomed the gathering andthe distinguished guests.He remembered how Ambareeshattended all the previous awardceremonies, and that he had comehalf an early for the programmelast year. It was sad thatAmbareesh was not around,and that the award had to begiven to him posthumously,he added. He also rememberedhow Ambareesh asked Saroja

Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayan, Dy. Chief Minister, Govt of Karnataka beinghonoured by the dignitaries on the dais.


Devi in jest why she chose toconfer the award on femalepersonalities alone.

The Chief Guest was thedeputy chief minister ofKarnataka, Dr. AshwathNarayan. Shri. Suresh thankedhim, and Sumalatha,Ambareesh’s wife, for theirpresence, and Saroja Devi forher direction of the event.

Sumalatha is a well-knownactress and now, Member ofParliament. She had come withson, Abhishek, also an actor.Shri. Suresh also commendedSreedhara Murthy for creatingand showing the introductory filmbefore the programme.

The award ceremonyfollowed. The award wasreceived by Sumalatha on behalfof Ambareesh.

Also felicitated during theaward ceremony were the chiefguest, Dr.Ashwath Narayan,Abhishek, and Saroja Devi.

Dr Ashwath Narayan spokeof Ambareesh and Karnataka’sefforts to support the film industry.He said that Ambareesh waseveryone’s Anna (elder brother),everyone’s favourite star, whomaintained good relations with all.He added that Ambareeshlaunched all his projects whetherit was his college or diagnosticcentre. Both would discuss

Dr. B. Saroja Devi being honoured by Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayan,

Dy.Chief Minister, Govt of Karnataka and others.


problems like the Cauverywater issue or of the Kannadafilm world and Ambareeshendeavoured to find a suitablesolution to all of them. He waslike a father to the fraternity offilm artistes,building a Bhavan forthem in Dr. Rajkumar’s name.

His grandfather was thelegendary violinist Chowdaiah,in whose name the ChowdaiahMemorial Hall was built. Thedeputy chief minister said he washappy that it was located in hisconstituency, Malleswaram.He further said one could neverdo enough for the arts, since oursense of identity and culture camefrom the arts. A film lover himself,he said that films threw light onthe history, culture and literatureof a place. Saying he would do

whatever he could for filminstitutes and the industryas a deputy chief minister.

He was happy that thelegendary actress, Saroja Devi,who began acting at 17, andacted in 5 languages, was alsoa resident of his constituency.She was an actress when it wasnot easy to be one and hadbrought much fame to Karnataka,he added.

He spoke about Sumalatha,a 5-language actress, and nowa Member of Parliament as anindependent candidate, sayingshe was a case study on how tohandle politics, election campaignsand conduct herself with dignity ina situation fraught with pressure,and had also taken her husband’slegacy forward.

Film fraternity during the award ceremony


Saroja Devi wished tospeak mainly about her thammaor younger brother, Ambareeshor Ambi, sad that he was nomore.

He was someone who gaveher a lot of support in connectionwith the award over severalyears. Everyone called him Anna,while she called him thamma, shesaid. She also thanked BharatiyaVidya Bhavan for its support yearafter year and commended theBhavan on handling the eventsmoothly. She thanked the ChiefGuest for having made the timefor the event.

Sumalatha began by sayingshe could not find words to utter,so overwhelmed was she. IfAmbareesh had been around, itwould have been so much better,and he would have accepted theaward himself, and been happyto have received it. “I am as sadas I am happy today. He wasalways present at the awardceremony all these years.If he was not around, Sarojammawould not even consider holdingit,” she said. “She would call menow and then and enquire afterhim and his health.

He may have been rough inspeech but had a heart of gold,

and was kind and helpful. Eventill today, I have not met anyonelike him. I was his wife for27 years. I am a MP now.

But that’s all because of him.”Further, “He always thought abouthow he could help people, neverconsidering what there was in itfor him. When he visited a hotelwith others, he insisted only hewould pay the bill. He put a lot ofeffort into the Kalavidhara Bhavanas he wanted to give back to thefilm industry. But this year, when itwas inaugurated, he was no more.Similarly, with this award bySaroja Devi, which has beenbestowed on him.”

She concluded by saying,“I dedicate this award to thefilm industry which gave himeverything and to his fans.”

Incidentally, the award hasbeen given to the followingpeople in these years:

2010 – Smt. Anjali Devi,Jamuna Ramana Rao, and HariniS. Rao, 2011 – VyjayantimalaBali, 2012 – Dr.Geetapriya,2013 – S. Shivaram, K. S. L.Swami (Ravi), 2015 – Dr. K. G.Yesudas, 2016 -Dr.ParvathammaRajkumar, 2017 – Dr. Jayanthi2018 – S. V. Rajendra SinghBabu.


A total of an impressive

674 programmes featuring 6563artistes attracting an audience ofapproximately 200136– this hasbeen the substantial offering ofBharatiya Vidya Bhavan-InfosysFoundation Cultural Outreachprogramme since its launch in2015 February and it has onlygrown from strength to strength.

The following programmeswere presented at variousBharatiya Vidya Bhavan Kendrasacross India:

Jaipur Kendra, Rajasthan,organised the 300-year-old art of

Mewar, Tura Kalgi Dangal,in which social issues are debatedand the message conveyedto society.

At Pune Kendra(Maharashtra), a folk musicprogramme, Povada, wasorganised on the occasion ofKranti Din;also, a musicalprogramme of popular songsbased on folk music Surabhi,and Shyamrang, on theoccasion of Krishnashtami;a musical programme wasconducted on the life of notedpoetess Bahanibai Chowdhary,


The human puppet show and baul gaan by Birbhum Sanskriti Bahiniheld on Sep 5th at Kolkaka


Parimal; and a folk and classicalform of dance programme toshowcase the Guru-Shishyaparampara, Nrityotsav– 2019.

At Kolkata Kendra (WestBengal/ Agarthala), The humanpuppet show and Baul Gaan;and Monsoon raga was held;a programme on the recitation ofAgomoni songs, Agomoni wasconducted,and a danceprogramme, Nritya Navin -2019.

Hyderabad Kendra (AndhraPradesh / Telangana) conducteda folk drama, Bhishma VijayamNatakam; and a leather puppetshow and puppet makingworkshop,Leather PuppetryMaking.


Ahmedabad Kendra(Gujarat) offered a danceperformance on regional Gujaraticompositions, Guruvar DarshanVirla Pamya.

A Gujarati Bhajandevotional programme, NagarMe Jogi Aayowas held.A drama, Jallianwala bagh,was organised in associationwith West Zone Cultural Centre.

The original format ofcelebrating Navarathri withchorus songs, Betha Garbha,was organised, as well as a danceprogramme, Loknarthan Utsav.

Thiruvananthapuram Kendra(Kerala) offered a folk musicaldrama originally from Tamilnadu,

Loknarthan Utsav presented by Shri. Suresh bhai shikari and troupeheld on Sep 28th at Ahmedabad


Kakkarissi Natakam;Seethakali, an indigenous andethnic art form with a heritage ofa century,and a traditional artequivalent to the modernstand-up comedy act,Chakyar Koothu.

Bhubaneshwar Kendra(Odisha) conducted the realstory of Kalpana Das who diedin an Everest expedition -Kalpana, The wonder; a folkprogramme, Pala; Dhana-Kulha Usakothi Nrutya aprogramme on brata which isobserved for seven days;a folkprogramme, Dasa Kathi; andMukhavena-Maardala,a musical programme; To PadeSarana Gali; and Magic show.


RAJASTHANTura Kalgi Dangal

by Shri.Mirza Akbar BegKauzi & party was heldon September 23. TurraKalangi is a folk songform which is more than300 years old. The folkartistes pen down the on-going issues of society aslyrics and then sing them.

It is always interesting for thelisteners because of the constantinclusion of contemporary issuesin the presentation. What makesit different is that this style hastwo groups of singers. The first iscalled the “Tura” and the otherone is called “Kalangi.”

These two groups almostwrestle while singing, thus makingthe spectators feel that theperformers are quarrelling, too.Thus, it creates more drama andinterest in the performance.

In this particular performance,one group tried to establish theexcellence of women whereasthe other supported men.Both parties presented excellentlogic to prove their point. Maleartistes perform as women aswell. Their dance, costume and

Tura Kalgi Dangal by Shri.Mirza Akbar BegKauzi & party held on Sep 23rd at Jaipur


poetry collectively created magic.The performance won applausefrom the viewers. There are veryfew Turra Kalangi art formpresenters left in Rajasthan andthe style is slowly movingtowards extinction.


MAHARASHTRAPovada was presented by

Shri.Sahir Hemantraje Mavaleand troupe on August 9. Thegroup presented Povadas ofShivaji Maharaj, the 1857 mutiny,salute to martyrs, Swatantra VeerSavarkar etc. very effectively.These are inspirational andmotivational patriotic songs.

Shyamrang was presentedby Smt. Kishori Janorikar andtroupe on August 23.On theoccasion of Krishnashtami,or Shrikrishna Janma, a specialprogramme titled Shayamrangwas performed. Various facetsof Lord Shri Krishna werepresented through the mediumof songs, music and danceformations. Smt.KishoriJanorikar of Bhendi Bazargharana rendered songs on

Povada presentedby


Mavale and

troupe held onAug 9th at Pune

Shyamrang presented bySmt. Kishori Janorikar and troupe

held on Aug 23rd at Pune


Lord Srikrishna. Shri AnupGaikwad on the tabla andShri Gangadhar Shinde on theHarmonium accompaniedthem. In the second session,the students of Nrityavedh, Pune,presented a Kathak dancedrama under the leadership ofDr. Madhuri Apte.


Nrityotsav– 2019 waspresented bythe students ofSmt.Sukhada Khandage onAugust 28. Nrityotsav- 2019has been conceptualised to bringtogether folk and classical formsof dance. It showcased thetradition of Guru-ShishyaParampara, where young students

Nrityotsav - 2019 presented by the students of Smt.Sukhada Khandageheld on Aug 28th at Pune

Parimal presented by Smt.Tejdipty Pawade and troupeheld on Aug 24th at Pune



of Sukhada Khandgeperformed classical bandish inKathak. A traditional Jagran-Gondhal performance by youngand famous folk artiste ShrikantRenke with Sukhada Khandgewas conducted.


Bhishma VijayamNatakam was presented bySri Muktheshwara JaanapadYakshaganakala BrundamonAugust 22. The story beganwith the Kashi Maharaja’s wish

to perform his three daughters’(Amba, Ambika and Ambalika)weddings and was willing to inviteall the kings to the swayamvaram.Salva Maharaja saw Amba in thegarden and fell in love with her.Amba also wished to marry him.Bhishma wanted to perform themarriage of his two brothersChitrangada and Vichitravirya(sons of Shantanu Chakravartiand Satyavati).

He heard about theswayamvaram and went toKashi without invitation.


bySmt. ArunaAngal and

troupeheld on

Aug 16th atPune


Natakam bySri


yakshaganakalaBrundam heldon Aug 22nd



He fought with all the kingspresent there and brought thethree sisters to Hastinapura.Bhishma came to know thatAmba loved Salva and sent herto King Salva but he refused tomarry her as he had lost her inthe battle. Amba came back toBhishma and requested him tomarry her as he had won her inthe battle. Bhishma refused ashe had taken an oath to remaina bachelor. Amba then urgedParashuram, the guru ofBhishma, to solve her problem.Bhishma was called and asked tomarry Amba, but he refused anda fight broke out between theguru and the student.

Finally, Parashuram usedhis powerful axe and Bhishma,the ‘Brahmastra’ given by hisguru. But before the weapons


could clash, Bhudevi appearedand requested both of them towithdraw the weapons as it wouldcreate disaster on earth. Theywithdrew the weapons and thestory ended with blessingsby the guru and appreciatinghis student’s skills.

Leather PuppetryMaking was presented byShri.S. Sreeramulu and troupeon September 9. A leatherpuppet show and puppetmaking workshop wasperformed by artistes fromNimmalakunta, Anantapur district.

Tholubommalata is theshadow puppet theatre traditionof the state. It means “the danceof leather puppets.” Thiscenturies-old ancient art spreadsthe knowledge of Hindu epicsand local folk tales.




and troupeheld onSep 9th



The puppeteers combinedall the characters with animatedmovements of the hands,which they flipped over tocreate a three-dimensional feel.The swaying of dangling legsproduced an animation effect.The artistes presented a part ofSundarakanda and mesmerisedthe audience with their perfectcoordination of oral and musicalskills. The synchronisation ofthe puppets’ dance, songsand conversation was reallyadmirable. The artistes not onlyregaled the audience with thepuppet show but also taughtstudents the art of makingleather puppets. They showed

how a goat’s skin is convertedinto a leather base and taughtthe students to draw, and paintwith brushes made of bamboo.The students learnt to drawelephants, fishes, butterflies,Lord Ganesha, etc.


Guruvar Darshan VirlaPamya choreographed byShri. Bharat Bariya and troupewas held on July 21. Thisprogramme was organisedon the occasion of Guru Purnima.

The artistes performeddances to known and unknownGujarati compositions.Their performance included


GuruvarDarshan Virla

Pamya –choreographed

byShri. Bharat

Bariyaand troupe

held onJul 21st



classical and folk dance itemsin remembrance of their Gurus.Some of the dance numberspresented were Fire fusion,Water dance, No Rojo,Marwari dance, Garbha andJupiter you are loved.

Nagar Me Jogi Aayowas presented by Shri. YogeshGiri Goswami and troupeon August 4. It was a Gujaratidevotional songs programme,with artistes from Ambapur,

Gujarat. All the bhajans werededicated to Lord Shiva. Bhajanslike Nagar Mai Jogi Aaaya, ShivTandava, Shiv stotram, SomnathMahadev’s aarti, Che ShaktiKeroNad and others wereperformed by the artistes.

The programme waspresented by the rising star ofGujarat, Shri.Rajar Mehta andconducted by Shri.Yogesh GiriGoswami who has completedhis Masters in Music (tabla).


Nagar Me Jogi Aayo presented by Shri. Yogesh Giri Goswami and troupeheld on Aug 4th at Ahmedabad

Jallianwala Bagh directed by Shri. Ashok Banthiaheld on Sep 16th at Ahmedabad


Jallianwala Bagh directedby Shri. Ashok Banthia wasstaged on September 16.This programme was organisedas part of commemorating theCentenary of Jallianwala Baghmassacre. This was a Hindi playorganised in association withWest Zone Cultural Center,Udaipur.

The show was part of aone-day drama workshoporganised by WZCC forstudents. The artistes wereselected from the workshop.The students themselves createdthis entire production under theguidance of popular artiste andgraduate from National Schoolof Drama, Shri Ashok Banthia.

The epic of Jallianwala Baghwas presented in a mannerwhich mesmerised the audience.

Betha Garbha waspresented by Shri. Keyur Voraand troupe. Generally, duringNavaratri festival, people performdances which are popularlyknown as ‘Garba’ or ‘Raas’.But in Betha Garba, no onedances.

They sit and sing in groupsand worship Goddess Navdurga.’Betha Garbha” is a traditionalpattern where all the people in theaudience participate and supportthe singers as the chorus.

This was the tradition in theoriginal format of celebratingNavratri but after the year 1960,dance format was introducedand gradually,Garbha becamemodernized with the use ofelectronic instruments, colourfulcostumes and lights.


Betha Garbha presented by Shri. Keyur Vora and troupeheld on Sep 26th at Ahmedabad


In the original format, theworship was done only by singingdevotional songs in a particularmanner supported bytheharmonium and tabla.

There is one community inVadnagara Nagar still practisingthis tradition with the sameenergy, spirit and manner.

This program was organisedto create awareness of thistradition, especially amongyoungsters. The details of theacademics behind this traditionwere also shared with theaudience.


Kakkarissi Natakamwas presented by Shri ParappiolKarumban & party on Sptember20. It is a folk art from Kerala,originally from Tamil Nadu.It is a musical drama and thelanguage used is a blend ofTamil and Malayalam.

The main characters areSundra Kakkan, Kakkathi,Vedan, Thamuran, etc. The storyis of Lord Shivan and ParvathiDevi who arrived on earth in theform of Kakkalan and Kakkathi,a nomadic tribe of fortune tellers.


KakkarissiNatakam presented

by Shri Parappiol

Karumban & partyheld on Sep 20th


Seethakalipresented by

Shri.T.N. Shajimon

& partyheld on Sep 20th



Seethakali was presentedby Shri. T.N.Shajimon & partyon September 20. It is anindigenous and ethnic art form,a century- old in heritage.The entire story of Seethakaliincludes the event starting fromRama’s embarking to the forestto the destruction of Lanka.The ethnic art form exhibitsthe entire story from vanayathrato Lanka dahan.

Chakyar Koothuwas presented by Shri.Kalamandalam Anoop.T & party on September 25.The story PanchaleeSvayamvaram is drawnfrom the Mahabharata.

The Pandavas live inEkachakra disguised as

Brahmins. Hearing the newsof Panchalee’s marriage byself-choice, they go to thepalace along with Brahmins.Arjuna’s ability with the arrowearns him the admiration ofDrupada, who decides to givehis daughter in marriage to thePandava.

It was not easy to winthe hand of Draupadhi sinceDrupada had arranged a contestto prove the ability in archeryby the suitor.

An arena was constructedand in its center was fixed a highpole with a revolving ring on top.

The suitor had to shootfive arrows in quick successionthrough the ring. A mighty bowwas kept in the arena to facilitatethis shooting.


Chakyar Koothu presented byShri Pothiyil Narayana Chakyar &party held on Aug 28th at Kottayam

Chakyar Koothu presented byShri. Kalamandalam Anoop . T & party

held on Sep 23rd at Wadakancherry


The successful candidatewas eligible to win Draupadhi’shand. The Pandavas in the guiseof Brahmins waited patiently inthe assembly.

Once the Kshatriya kingsfailed, Arjuna rose from thecrowd and came forward, tookthe bow and arrows and shotfive arrows in quick successioninto the revolving ring to thedismay of all present there.Panchali had to accept him asher husband even though theidentity of Arjuna was notrevealed at that time.


Pala was presented byMiss Lata Manjari Swain andtroupe on July 27. Pala has beenalive for the past hundred years.Pala is the messenger or carrierof literature and culture.

The unison of voice/tone laya,tala and bhava make Oriyaliterature and culture sweet andalive. To preach life’s values,Pala is a potential medium.Recitation, explanation andacting are its pillars. Whilepresenting the subject matter,the gayak/gayika along withassistants make dramatic gestures,which entertains the audience.In the past, only male membersstaged Pala, but since the lasttwo decades, women artisteshave proved their mettle, too.

Dhana-Kulha UsakothiNrutya was presented by GuruSeemanchal Nahak and troupeon August 5. The Oriyas observemany voluntary religious vows(Brata) and fasting (Osha).Among various fasts observedin Ganjam district from timeimmemorial, the female (deity)



byMiss LataManjariSwain

and troupeheld onJul 27th



energy-based ‘Oshakothi’ or“Osha brata” is one of the best.It is observed for seven daysstarting from Nabamithiti of thefull moon period. Osha kathis isthe carrier of Odisha’s literature,culture and religion. During

‘Osha Kothi Brata,’ mythologicalstories, prayers to Gods andGoddesses and folk songs areperformed with the help of theancient musical instrument, the“Dhana Kula,” in an entertainingway. Well-known “Gahana”


Dhana-Kulha Usakothi Nrutya presented by Guru Seemanchal Nahak and troupeheld on Aug 5th at Bhubaneshwar

folk song and folk dance”in Ganjam district areperformed in villagessituated on either side ofthe holy Rushikulya river.

Dasa Kathi andMukhavena-Maardalawas presented by Shri.Satyaban Giri andtroupe on August 18.Traditionally, Dasa Kathi isconsidered the symbol ofdevotion to Lord Rama.

Dasa Kathi presented by Shri.Satyaban Giriand troupe held on Aug 19th at Bhubaneshwar



Kalpana The wonder presented by Alternative Rhythm Theatreheld on Jul 1st at Dhenakanal

During the Rama-Ravanawar, Lord Rama was worriedon hearing war trumpets. So,Hanuman performed a sweetmelody of Dasakathi by adding

sound to the tune with the helpof two wooden sticks. LordRamachandra and Gods wereso happy that they namedthese two sticks Dasakathi.

Magic show presented by Shri.Ramahari Das and troupeheld on Sep 16th at Bhubaneshwar


From that day onwards, it hasbeen recognised as Ramafali orDasakathi. Dasakathi Nrutyais performed by two artistes.The leading artiste is knownas “Gayaka” and his assistantis known as “Palia.”

The subject of DasakathiNrutya is based on theRamayana and Mahabharata.

Mukhavena-Maardalawas presented by Guru B.Harinath and troupe. MukhaBeen is known as the ancientmusical instrument throughoutthe country. This instrument isused in folk drama mainly in

South India. It is the mainmusical instrument ofPrahallad Natak.

Mukhavena- Maardala presented by Guru B.Harinath and troupeheld on Aug 19th at Bhubaneshwar


To Pade Sarana Gali presented byDr.Ramahari Das and troupe

held on Sep 2nd at Bhubaneshwar

Fri 6.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall06. Unveiling ofDr. Mathoor KrishnamurtiBronze Bust

Chief Guest :Shri Banuprakash, Ex MLCGamaka Vachana :Shri Hosahalli Keshavamurthy(Selected verses fromKumaravyasa Bharata)Presided by Shri. Pathi Sridhara.Founder, Pathi Sridhara Charitable Trust

Fri 6.30 p.m. - KRG Hall06. Bharatanatya recital :Ms. Shreema Upadhyaya

Sat - Sun 9.00 a.m. - Khincha07. - 08 A two day NationalConference : Nadamanthana :Indian Music Therapy

Sun 6.00 p.m. - KRG Hall

08. Kulapati Dr. K.M. MunshiInstitute of Good Governance

Shri Nani A. Palkivala

Centenary Lecture

Speaker :

Justice Shri B.N. Srikrishna

Retired Judge, Supreme Court of India

Hon’ble Shri Abhay Shreeniwas Oka

Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court


Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall13. Bharatanatya recital :

Ms. Poojitha Bhaskar

Sat 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall14. Kala Bharathi :18th year annual convocation :(Distribution of convocation

certificates and cash awards)

Chief Guest :Vidwan Shri. D. BalakrishnaEminent Veena artist

Followed by cultural programmeunder Dr. Mathoor Krishnamurti

Memorial Endowment

Presented by students ofKalabharathi

Sun 9.30 a.m. - Khincha Hall15. Bharatanatya arangetram

Artist – Ms. K.T. Pavitra(Guru Vidushi Smt. ParvathyBalakrishna - students of Bhavan’s


Chief Guest :

Karnataka Kalatilaka

Smt. Radha Sridhara

Guest of Honour :

Karnataka KalashreeGuru B. Bhanumathi andLt.Col Julee, Training officer,CMP, Bengaluru




Sun 5.30 p.m. - KRG Hall15. Kousalya Bai EndowmentSaint Ramanujacharya devotionalmusic by Lakshmi and Group

Fri 6.30 p.m. - Khincha Hall20. Bharatanatya recital :Ms. Amrutha Shashank

Sat 4.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall21. Cultural programme bystudents of Kalabharathi

Sun 10.00 a.m. - Khincha Hall22. Cultural programme bystudents of Kalabharathi

Fri 6.30 p.m. - KRG Hall27. Bharatanatya recital :Ms. Rajeshwari M.

Sat 11.00 a.m. - KRG Hall28. Manasa EducationalFoundation for Mental Health andBharatiya Vidya BhavanConvocation :Distribution of Certificates

Sat 6.00 p.m. -28. BVB -Infosys FoundationCultural outreach programme :Music concert : Devotional,

Folk and Bhavageethe

Vocal : Smt. Nagachandrika Bhat

Keyboard : Srusti Umesh

Flute : Vasanth Kumar

Tabla : Lokesh

Rhythm pad : Srusti Srinivas

Venue : Vasantha Vallabha Kalyani,Konanakunte, Vasanthapura,Bengaluru.

Sat 4.00 p.m. - Khincha Hall28. Cultural programme bystudents of Kalabharathi


December - 2019


