Vocabulary for SAT, GMAT, BBA/MBA admission test



You can build up your vocabulary stock as you need for any competitive exams like SAT, GMAT, Bank Recruitment, BBA / MBA admission tests.

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JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com


JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com



Abhor hate; detest; loathe; despise; dislike; abominate; scorn; spurn; look down on

Bigot narrow-minded; prejudiced person; dogmatist; extremist; chauvinist; diehard

Counterfeit fake; false; forge; phony; bogus; imitation; sham; forged; deception; facade

Enfranchise give (a person) the right to vote; give (a town) municipal rights; free a slave

Hamper hinder; obstruct; basket; get in the way; impede; weigh down; slow down; delay

Kindle to start a fire; encourage; stimulate; stir up; promote; inspire; rouse; awaken

Noxious harmful; poisonous; lethal; toxic; deadly; venomous; injurious; deleterious; toxic

Placid calm; peaceful; easygoing; docile; serene; mild-mannered; good-natured; genial

Remuneration payment for work done; fee; salary; wage; compensation; recompense; reward

Talisman lucky charm; amulet; object; trinket; object; mascot; charm; allure; attraction


Abrasive rough; coarse; harsh; rasping; scratchy; rude; sharp; uncompromising; inflexible

Bilk cheat; defraud; deceive; trick; con; swindle; bamboozle; dupe; take advantage of

Covert hidden; undercover; secret; clandestine; stealthy; concealed; copse; underground

Engender cause; produce; create; bring about; stimulate; provoke; prompt; punctual; rapid

Hanger storage area (like garage) for a plane; coat-hanger; hook; peg; bolt; dowel; rod

Knotty complex; difficult to solve; tricky; awkward; thorny; tough; problematic; hard

Nuance something subtle; a fine shade of meaning; tone; gradation; hint; tinge; degree

Plagiarism taking credit for someone else’s writing or ideas; copying; lifting; boot-legging

Renowned famous; legendary; distinguish; prominent; celebrated; popular; trendy; stylish

Tangent going off the main subject; digression; departure; exodus; disappearance; flight


JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com


Abasement humiliation; degradation; disgrace; mortification; squalor; filth; dilapidation

Billowing swelling; fluttering; waving; bulging; bumping; puffiness; inflammation; blister

Cower recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from; flinch; cringe; tremble; quake

Enhance improve; make better or clearer; augment; add to; develop; increase; boost

Harangue noisy; attacking speech; berate; rant; criticized; sermonize; scold; tirade; address

Labyrinth a maze; warren; web; tangle; jumble; muddle; mess; mix-up; burrow; blend

Nullify to counter; make unimportant; invalidate; annul; cancel out; abolish; quash

Plaintiff petitioner (in court of law); applicant; claimant; pretender; aspirant; candidate

Replete full; sated; stuffed; full up; complete; supplied; abounding; replete; thriving

Tangible can be touched; concrete; physical; solid; substantial; material; corporeal; real


Abrogate cancel; deny; repeal; abolish; countermand; revoke; annul; go against; retract

Blasphemy speech which offends religious sentiment; oath; profanity; sacrilege; swear word

Credible believable; reliable; trustworthy; plausible; convincing; probable; realistic; true

Enigma puzzle; mystery; riddle; conundrum; poser; vagueness; ambiguity; brainteaser

Harbingers indicators; bringers of warnings; forerunner; precursor; ancestor; predecessor

Labyrinthine complicated; highly convoluted; intricate; obscure; rambling; tortuous; twisted

Nuzzle cuddle; snuggle; huddle; nestle; cosy up; jumble; huge; embrace; grip; clinch

Plaudit statement giving strong praise; acclaim; positive feedback; appreciation; thanks

Reprehensible shameful; very bad; blameworthy; rebuke; at fault; admonish; censure; reprove

Tardy slow; late; overdue; delayed; sluggish; lethargic; languid; indolent; slothful


JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com


Absolution forgiveness; pardon; release; freedom; liberty; clemency; amnesty; exculpation

Blatant obvious; unconcealed; barefaced; unashamed; manifest; brazen; immodest; open

Creditable praiseworthy; laudable; commendable; admirable; venerable; estimable; worthy

Ensconce establish firmly in a position; entrench; install; embed; ingrain; inaugurate; fix

Hasten hurry; accelerate; rush; move along; be quick; pick up the pace; sprint; scuttle

Laceration a cut; slash; graze; scratch; rip; slit; lesion; nick; incision; wound; notch; sore

Obdurate stubborn; obstinate; pig-headed; adamant; unyielding; resolute; persistent; fixed

Plausible can be believed; reasonable; credible; conceivable; feasible; viable; doable; like

Reprieve a respite; postponement of a sentence; official pardon; stay of execution; let off

Tawdry of little value; gaudy; flamboyantly; crude; showy; extravagant; ostentatiously


Abstain desist; go without; withdraw; refrain; withhold; pull out; vacate; evacuate; insert

Blighted damaged; destroyed; ruined; devastated; wrecked; decrepit; dilapidated; derelict

Credulous gullible; ready to believe anything; naive; unsuspecting; easy to fleece; unwary

Enshroud cover; obscure; wrap; plaster; incomprehensible; enfold; drape; swathe; envelop

Haughtiness arrogance; pride; conceit; pre-eminence; hauteur; vanity; pomposity; narcissism

Lachrymose tearful; sad; murky; sobbing; howling; sniveling; gloomy; poignant; dismal; dull

Obfuscate deliberately make something difficult to understand; stupefy; confuse; bewilder

Plethora an excess; overabundance; surfeit; glut; superfluity; surplus; leftover; spare

Repudiate shun; eschew; disclaim; rebut; spurn; shirk; disdain; mockery; scorn; derision

Tedium boredom; dreariness; tiresomeness; bleakness; ennui; languor; world-weariness


JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com


Abstemious self denying; refraining from indulging; ascetic; sober; teetotal; Spartan; selfless

Blithe free-spirited; careless; happy-go-lucky; amiable; slapdash; lackadaisical; sloppy

Crepuscular active at dawn and dusk; of twilight; dim; nightfall; badly lit; diffuse; circulate

Enunciation clear pronunciation; accent; articulation; diction; elocution; inflection; brogue

Headstrong stubborn; willful; intractable; pigheaded; mulish; bolshie; wayward; unruly; wild

Lackluster dull; monotonous; bland; dreary; jaded; tame; docile; cynical; fed-up; worn-out

Objective unbiased; not subjective; neutral; unprejudiced; evenhanded; intention; aim; goal

Pliable flexible; not stubborn; bendable; elastic; malleable; supple; lithe; agile; limber

Rescind retract; repeal; quash; void; annul; overturn; apologize for; call of; terminate

Temperate to moderate; soften; not extreme; mild; restrained; clement; balmy; meek; lessen


Abstruse difficult to understand; obscure; perplexing; puzzling; baffling; rarefied; arcane

Blunderbuss ancient weapon (type of gun); a clumsy/awkward/inept/gauche/maladroit person

Cringe recoil; flinch; shy away; wince; squirm; grimace; wriggle; writhe; fidget; jiggle

Envenom to cause bitterness and bad feeling; grow bitter; make astringent; make caustic

Hedonism self-indulgence; pleasure-seeking; high living; intemperance; self-gratification

Laconic using few words; brief; to the point; terse; concise; curt; succinct; pithy; brusque

Oblique indirect; slanting; at an angle; tilted; sloping; leaning; pitched; inclined; prone

Plumage feathers of a bird; fine hair; nap; fluff; fuzz; ruffle; lint; haze; plump up; fatten

Resignation acceptance of fate; acquiescence; acknowledgement; submission; capitulation

Tenacious stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose; persistent; dogged; gritty; grainy


JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com


Accolade tribute; honor; praise; great complement; rave review; eulogize; extol; esteem

Bolster support; prop up; shore up; boost; reinforce; strengthen; augment; sustain; brace

Cryptic puzzling; enigmatic; mysterious; inscrutable; sphinx-like; deadpan; pokerfaced

Ephemeral short-lived; transient; fleeting; momentary; temporary; impermanent; stopgap

Hedonist a pleasure seeker; fly-by-night; gad about; fun-lover; social butterfly; gallivant

Lamentation expression of regret or sorrow; weeping; requiem; funeral song; dirge; elegy

Obliterate destroy; demolish; eradicate; wipe out; eliminate; annihilate; reduce to nothing

Plummet fall suddenly and steeply; plunge; drop; dive; tumble; cave in; collapse; topple

Resolution determination; decree; decision; motion; pledge; oath; vow; swear; verdict; word

Tentative not certain; hesitant; cautious; faltering; unsure; timid; provisional; apprehensive


Acquiesce to agree to; give in to; comply; accept; consent; assent; submit; propose; tender

Bombast arrogant; pompous language; pretentiousness; posturing; affectation; bluster

Curtail cut short; limit; restrain; restrict; curb; rein in; reduce; pin down; pinion; jam

Epicure someone who appreciates good food and drink; gourmet; gastronome; foodie

Heed listen to; pay attention to; take note of; regard; observe; be aware of; attend to

Lampoon ridicule; spoof; satirize; parody; satire; skit; make fun of; scoff at; mock; deride

Oblivious totally unaware; unconscious; insensible; ignorant; numb; lacking feeling; dead

Podium raised platform; dais; stage; plinth; pedestal; stand; base; juncture; pulpit; theater

Resonant echoing; booming; ringing; reverberating; resounding; rumbling; muffled; flat

Tenuous flimsy; not solid; shaky; tenancy; unsubstantiated; fragile; feeble; vague; fuzzy

ConfessionThis vocabulary is collected from SAT-I United State edition for only the development of

Bangladeshi students; but not for business purpose, though it has violated the Copyright Act.After all, if anybody wants to learn anything else, please visit www.learnwordlist.com


JAHANGIR ALAM E-mail: orionru10@gmail.com


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