Visions of Hope€¦ · Remember just saying the name Jesus Christ scares the devil away. He arms...


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September 18, 2016

F4356 State Hwy 97

Edgar, WI 54426

Mission Statement:

Hope’s Mission

is to teach the bible

and follow Christ’s example

by giving back

to the community

and those in need

Sunday School

8:45-9:30 am

Bible Study

8:45-9:15 am

Sunday Worship

9:30 am


1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays


Du�es List

September 25

October 2


Gary Ludwig

Lowell Borchardt

Andy Yoder

Jay Borchardt


Pam Ludwig

Tom & Tammy Kirsch


Rachel Ludwig

Elaine Mueller


David Lathrop

715-574-1419 (cell)

715-352-2555 (church)



Visions of Hope Some women of Hope church a6ended the “Ladies day out” at Camp Forest Spring. The talks and break-out

sessions were spiritually rich. I learned so much so I will share. Wendy, one of the leaders talked to us

regarding the daily fight against the devil and his evil ways. These comments are not word for word but a

summary from my has;ly scribbled notes.

We are all in an invisible, spiritual ba6le - a cosmic conflict that has eternal implica;ons – in which souls of

people of all over the planet are at stake. Yet, most of us as Chris;ans don’t really know our enemy. Spiritual

warfare for the Chris;an is about truth and falsehood, love and hate, good and evil, and the integrity of God's

Word. These aspects are experienced in the realms of the world, the flesh, the devil and his devil spirits. Our

weapons of warfare are found in the Wisdom of Christ: God's Word & Holy Spirit.

Our greatest foe, Satan, is on a mission to destroy God’s people and discredit the cause of Christ. But who is

he? He is a fallen powerful angel who led a rebellion of a third of the angels of Heaven and now seeks to

destroy all that is good and God ordained.

Created as one of the highest angelic beings (Ezekiel 28), Satan had more power, intelligence and beauty than

anything or anyone in the universe except God. But Satan wasn’t sa;sfied with what he had and his downfall

was pride. He wanted to be God. So he fell from Heaven and has been at war with God and God’s crea;on

ever since.

Despite Satan’s real presence and existence, many Chris;ans either don’t acknowledge that he exists or they

give him way too much credit and blame him for everything that goes wrong in their life. The danger as we

approach this is to think that everything has to do with Satan and demons or that nothing has to do with

Satan and demons.

Instead, we need an accurate and balanced perspec;ve of our enemy and a be6er understanding of his goals

and tac;cs so that we can have victory over the spiritual ba6le he wages against us. For although God has

already won the war when Jesus broke the power of sin and disarmed Satan at the cross, the ba6le we fight

against Satan and his demons s!ll rages here on Earth. In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul tells us

we’re in a spiritual ba6le and we have a very real enemy who has specific schemes and plans of a6ack against


"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is

not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authori!es, against the powers of this dark

world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph. 6:11-12)

In this passage, Paul commands us to prepare ourselves in the strength of the Lord and to be aware of our

struggle, which is "against the spiritual forces of evil." He makes it very clear that this real struggle or wrestling

match isn't against physical, material adversaries but against a hierarchy of demonic forces doing ba6le in the

spiritual realm. If you are having difficulty at home with family, remember Satan does not want us to resolve

conflict, he wants us to fight amongst ourselves, and all the while he is laughing because he thinks he can win

against God. Speak the word of the Lord; the devil cannot fight against that.

Does this mean we need to fear Satan and his demonic forces? No, but it does mean we need to develop a

healthy respect for them. We need to become acutely aware of Satan’s "methods" and "schemes" of a6ack on

our lives, yet not be preoccupied by them.

1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking

for someone to devour."

Satan’s plan is to deceive us, tempt us, cause hardened hearts, break marriages, split churches, and bring

about depression. And he’ll do this gradually by geLng an unno!ceable foothold in our lives by triggering

rela;onal conflicts, weighing us down with fear and anxiety, and temp;ng us with escape mechanisms such as

drugs and alcohol. We cannot be ignorant anymore of Satan’s schemes and evil strategies.

Ephesians tells us in depth this invisible but very real war we’re figh;ng. As we read the book of Ephesians

we’ll discover what God has to say about Satan’s goals and tac;cs, and we will learn about the "spiritual

armor" God offers us so we can be confident of our certain victory over the scheming enemy.

Although I want you all to know that Satan and his tac;cs are very real and dangerous, we don’t need to be

discouraged or fearful either! We have a God who is greater than our enemy and He’s greater than all of the

evil in the world. We don’t have to fear Satan because Christ has already destroyed Satan’s works on the

cross. So as believers, we don’t fight "for" victory; we fight "from victory", Jesus Christ has already won our

souls, our job is to make sure the devil does not win them back.

We're in a ba6le in this world. We may not see it; we might forget it's there. But the enemy would love nothing more

than to steal you away with discouragement and defeat, bringing fear and stress. He convinces us we don’t really need to

forgive as long as our anger is jus;fied, at least to us. Don't let him win.

If you're a believer who is living in God and showing your light in a dark world, you won't go for long without encounter-

ing spiritual warfare – beware of the obstacles and a6acks Satan will hurl your direc;on. God reminds us in His word to

stay aware of Satan’s schemes, to live alert in this world, and to stay close to Him. Remember just saying the name Jesus

Christ scares the devil away.

He arms us with the sword, the Word of God, to stand against the enemy’s lies. He equips us with strength, wisdom, and

discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong in the spiritual warfare ba6le. He invites us to spend ;me in His Pres-

ence, through prayer and worship, pressing in to know Him more.

As we grow to know God’s Truth and what is real, we also know more what is false, and we are stronger to stand against

it in the powerful name of Jesus. He never leaves us to fend for ourselves in a dark world, but reminds us He is constantly

with us, figh;ng for us, even when we cannot see Him, faith...believing without seeing.

Praying God’s words back to Him is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. It is Truth going out. It reminds us that

God knows our way and understands what we face today. It builds our faith and our trust in God. It guards our hearts and

focuses our minds back on Him. It wins the ba6le. The devil loses.

It is wri6en; Christ is risen; Jesus you are Lord of all.

Your servant in Christ

Rosie Schilling

P)*+,) C./0,)/1: Please remember the following people in your prayers

Jorey Podevels—Fell out of tree—serious condi;on—Arden Viegut’s great nephew

Emery Rahm—cancer—friend of the Viegut’s

Sco6 Campbell—stage two leukemia—rela;on to the Streckert’s

Rosie Borchardt—lung cancer

Bonnie Blake—recupera;ng at Rennes Nursing & Rehab Ctr—Rhinelander

Luke Zarins—neck surgery—Ken Schilling’s nephew

Ione Lathrop—home recupera;ng—Pastor Dave’s mother

John Hamann—home rehabbing from broken hip

Kim Heller—breast cancer—cousin of Jodi Krause

Gloria Everhard—breast cancer (sister to Kim Heller)—cousin of Jodi Krause

Don Hansen—Bladder cancer—undergoing chemo treatments

Paule6e Kroll—Myleloid Leukemia—receiving chemo treatments in Milwaukee

Bill Brayton—DeE6a Peterson’s brother

Jim Decker—doing well aVer tumor surgeries—friend of the Streckert’s

Amy—cancer—friend of Barb Mohr-Borchardt

Dylan, Logan Weichelt—sons of Bryan & Stacey

Sawyer Mueller—microcephaly—Daryl & Beth’s son

Anne6e Schultz—breast cancer—Tom Kirsch’s sister

Jennifer Bohman—prayers of healing

Dennis Bohman—Colby Nursing Home

….thank you for your dona;on to Gideon Interna;onal. Your dona;on will provide for the

purchase and placement of Scriptures throughout the world, It will provide

approximately 50 Bibles here and across the globe. This includes all costs of geLng a

Scripture into he hands of someone who need it.

Ken Millert, Gideons Interna!onal

….thank you all so much for your generous dona;on to our ministry of making and puLng up

signs: “God’s Word.” We are commi6ed to con;nue this effort of geLng God’s Word

out to the public and your dona;on is a great help in that effort. Your buildings and

grounds look wonderfully kept up and what a great place for the Bible verses.

Tom & Lori Harrison

Hope’s Happenings

Sunday: September 18 A6endance 142

Offering: Regular



Sunday School


Ronald McDonald









• September 26 Gideon Ministry at Hope

• October 14, 15 & 16 Mark VanderTuig LCMC Service Coordinator

• October 16 Mortgage Burning Celebra;on

• October 23 Quarterly Mee;ng

• October 29 4:30-7:30 pm Hope SpagheL Dinner

• October 30 Reforma;on Sunday—special skit

Trunk or Treat

• November 6 All Saint’s Sunday

• November 23 Community Thanksgiving Eve Service at Hope

• February 26, 2017 1st Communion

• Mission Money: Bonnie Blake; Intervarsity; Interna;onal Messenger; New Tribes Mission (WiederhoeVs);

Ronald McDonald House

• We will be doing a pictorial directory in January. SiLng dates for pictures are January 26-29 (January

special—20% discount on your order) Watch for more informa;on as date gets closer

• We now have a Memorial Book. Guidelines established for entries in the book are:

• Any dona;on either monetary or physical of $200.00 or more given “In Memory Of” someone will

be placed in the book. Council askes if you have given such a dona;on in the past or know of

such a dona;on in the past history of Hope Church, please inform a council member or Barb

Giese. We ask this informa;on be turned in no later than October 24. Dona;ons will then be

entered in the book by date received.

Children’s Choir

will be held

Sunday September 25

8:30-8:45 am

All children are welcome

to par;cipate.

The Promise Quartet

September Mission Project is for the Hope Life Center in Wausau. Hope

Life Center understands that the choices women make will affect the rest

of their lives. They provide physical, emo;onal and spiritual support in a

confiden;al, judgment-free environment. Services that they provide

are: Pregnancy Tes;ng, Limited OB Ultrasound, Op;ons Counseling,

Abor;on Recovery Support, Pregnancy & Early Paren;ng Educa;on and

Sexual Health Informa;on. Hope Life Center is compassionate, confiden;al and free. I will have a bassinet

placed in the entry by the coffee counter along with copies of the Wish List. Any items donated can be placed

in the bassinet. If you have any ques;ons regarding this mission project feel free to contact Debbie Bauman

at 715-897-3508 or email Thank you in advance for your compassionate and generous


"On the kids bulle;n board in the narthex, there are sheets that include addresses

of most of our college/military young adults. Please take one and use this to send

them le6ers or care packages as you like. Some needed/wanted items are listed

for some, otherwise snack items, giV cards, books, and miscellaneous grocery

items are good to send. Ques;ons, please ask Ron Kunkel."

Wish List: Infant carrier style car seats with handle (new in box), Cozy covers for infant car seats, Pack-n-

plays (new in box), Socks and Slippers for teenage girl, Full size body wash and deodorant, Toothbrushes,

toothpaste and lip balm, Student Folders, GiV bags for teens (empty, non baby prints), Bo6led water (for

ultrasound pa;ents), GiV cards to Target or Wal-Mart, Copy paper, Postage stamps, Post-it notes, Paper

plates and plas;c ware , Paper towel , Toilet paper, Toilet bowl cleaner

Hope’s Happenings

Looking for dona;ons of aluminum cans to go to Fellowship of Chris;an

Athletes (FCA). The money goes toward $100 scholarships for sending

middle school and high school to FCA camp in Decorah, Iowa in June. If

people are interested they can contact Jodi Krause at


Have you checked out our church library lately? There are lots of different op;ons there to enjoy including 3

new books by Jill Briscoe ;tled "A Li6le Pot of Oil"; "Improving With Age"; and "Prayer That Works". All books,

DVD's, etc. are there, free for your use. Just return them in a ;mely fashion so someone else can enjoy.

….to the Women's Group for paying part of the registra;on for 6 women to a6end the

Ladies Day at Camp Forest Springs. Our features speaker was Jill Briscoe, a highly sought-

aVer Bible teacher and author. She gave us wonderful insights into her world of ministry

as well as ideas on improving our devo;onal Life. We also went to break-out sessions on

the Social Media Craze, Next-door Evangelism, and Spiritual Warfare. It was a wonderful

day all around.

Gideons Ministry Informa�on Sheet

This past year the Gideons distributed 91.8 million Bibles and Testaments in 200 countries in about 100 different

languages and dialects. Since the beginning of this ministry, we have placed over 2.2 Billion scriptures. In the

United States, Gideons now use the English Standard Version for most of their distribu;ons, except in areas

where people s;ll prefer the King James Version.

Approximately 80% of the funds for these scriptures comes from the U.S.A. In over 100 countries that we

distribute scriptures, the per capita income is less than $3 a day. So, if those people will ever have copies of the

scriptures, it will have to come from countries like the United States.

Gideon and auxiliary members are not paid in any way for their expenses or their ;me. The only paid people are

the full-;me workers at the Interna;onal office in Nashville, TN. Through the dues that we pay, the cost of

maintaining this organiza;on is covered. Any money received from offerings goes for the purchase and shipping

costs of scriptures. In most years, money leV over from our dues will also purchase addi;onal scriptures.

Gideons, Interna;onal is the largest Chris;an missionary organiza;on in the world with over 300,000 men and

women who belong. There are different degrees of involvement. Some only contribute by paying their dues,

while others will spend ;me in distribu;ng scriptures at sidewalk around schools and colleges, and visi;ng hotels,

motels, hospitals, nursing homes and medical wai;ng rooms. Others are involved in sharing what the Gideons

are doing in church services. Members also give out scriptures as they personally witness to individuals.


In this area, our local Gideons and auxiliary have distributed testaments at the University of Wisconsin—

Marathon County Center, Edgar Public School, Merrill and An;go Middle Schools, and at the University of

Wisconsin—Stevens Point campus this past year in addi;on to checking on some of the ministries men;oned


Why do we do this?

We want people to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are not in compe;;on with the

local churches, but consider this ministry an extension of the local church. People who become believers join

churches such as the ones you pastor.

Recent Exi;ng News

Almost every month, we are hearing stories about Moslems coming to know the Lord through this ministry. One

story that just has been told to us was how Gideons in Germany are providing scriptures to the refugees who

come to commodity centers and centers where they are trying to learn the language and the culture. The

Gideons there are giving these people New Testaments with the Arabic language on one side of the page, and

the German on the other side. Many refugees are disenchanted with the Moslem religion, and are looking for

answers that the scriptures can give them, and some have become believers in Christ through those scriptures.

God’s Word Does Not Turn Unto Him Void

Going to the Gideon Web site, we see tes;monies almost every day of how someone who has come to know the

Lord. An example is Mary Kaye Beard, who was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List. While in prison, aVer refusing to

take a Bible many ;mes, she finally took one, and became a believer. That changed her life so drama;cally that

aVer she was released from prison, she began the Angel Tree Ministry which ministers to families of prisoners.

This ministry is now in many countries of the World.
