:V/i it ss fly toe MS&tt?...A i "Tell all the other hoys mill S.'IO.OO lUHVIini;...


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..7-1. U-


Torrance Girl Exercises Feminine Prerogative In Letter to Santa

Wi-ll, a Kirl ran change hcr»Mirncd with this nnt.-ilioii:iiiiiul. can't she? "IIK.AH IIIJ.'AI I) I-'OI.KS:

Little .lri;iiiiii. Wehor nf !HW I've duly mil I'd .liiamic-s ''"I:, nvi'., can .-mil iliil lit,. change nr niliiil iihiiiit what

this: she wants (in- rlirlsliMiis. If"Dear SANTA fljiirs, I she'* a Kimd clrl. mayhc I can

IIAVK C'HANCKI) my MINI) /ip down your way anil n-HlloM WHAT I WANT yini In nii-inlH'r hi'V wishes'.

t HKiiiC Me InK C'hriSTMAS. A i "Tell all the other hoys millS.'IO.OO lUHVIini; Alley, hut My (,'lrls I'll try anil keep my rvg-.MOTIIKi: SAID IIIAT was ular dale with them in a fewTOO mlCIi MONey fill! A i mure days lull tell them tii K«TOY. SO IllSTeal) I \Vnlll.l» i easy .111 mr ufler all. I've i;nlI.Ike lo IIAVK a (I,Ay pAINT ; a lul of hiiys and «lrls in theSeT." arnieil services ti> lake eare nf.Inanne's lelli-i- is hi-lievi-il to and they ennie first.

lie tin- firsl HUP sent hy any; "I'll send you all the loitersTon-ance youngster this yeai- to' I reeeive so yiill can printSanta Cliuis. ' I them in The Herald if ynu

It whipped up lo the North' Haul. (Signed) SANTAPolo in record time and was if- C'l.AL'S.

' rii.xiii.iM i<:mvAi:n IIOI.MKS

iTorranee Aleniorial' hospital, lie v.-:i.- "i.". yea!-: "I :i«< and resided

! at I71>7 (In .-im-.m.l ave. fi.r I he ' pasI 1-1 years lie \v.\-. a nalive ! of Ten e' Haute. In.I., and leave;: 'hi- mother, Mrs. I!. A. Sln.lt well of the home address hen-:

Nursery §£1103!

Air*. Kvi-i.-tt Ti-avinli ! Hollywood at tho ace of 83. HP I Mrs. Mary II. Slap.-llVlil. al 171(1 . ami a I'l-rillier, Krnest ! was a native of Mt. Sterling, Grami-rey ,-ivc. SM.- had ill.-, 'i'h.- ruiieral ,'orv-' Ky., and leaves his .son, II. W. hero for the [i.-i'-'t .'ill year:;, v.-.-i:

i.. will he h. 1.1 Kii.lav. Oi-.-. II.'Grain of 1509 208th at., and a n devout fathoiic and a mcml'er ;il. '2 p. in. al St.,MI and iMy.-i:.' daughter, Mrs-, ti. VV. Brown of i ol' the Altai- Si.eii-ty. She aNo chapel with II.-v.-; lien CiiVlilh North Hollywood. The funeral . loaves (wo sons. lia-ii'-IB .M.>s<->- :nid Thomas offici.-ding. Inter- servii-e was conducted lasi Sal of i:i!7 Ama|i.-ila avo.. and A!l» rl

will he nt lioosevolt Me- : ill-day at Stone and Myers 1 chapel -I. MIIMT of .Man-.d.-d. . I 'a. l!o:.

Clubwomen Give fJifts Useful Tn Tlicii' Clubhouse

I'ninsotlias, rolnneaster.s a nil red i.-indies ci-ealed a colorful

the lii-cfinher luiichion meeting of Tin-ranee Woman's Clnh when iiieinliers and micsls Kaihon-.l la: I We.lne.sday al'ternoon. Kniil f. <'asc of Los Angeles di luoii- stratcd the art of j-ift wrapping, nsinj; Christmas appoint ments.

''iroiip siliKiiiK of Christmas car­ ol, lollowed.

A lealiire of the alt.rnoon pniKi-am was the presentation if

Job's Daughters Install Officers At Temple Here

elli elnl forf -hi- dull kitchen. KiiniN for the

purchase of a handsome tea tn- lileeloth were also contribulcd.

A- a wartime measure, the January and Fern-nary meetings will lie evening .iffairs and mem- l,ers employed in war work will i.poii .in Mien- activitii-s.


Mrs. i:. M. Kay was hnnoree at a recent enjoyaWe party «iv en for her at the home of Miss Klta Mi-('iilloi-h. Th e a f fa i I served as a farewell parly foi Mrs. l!ay and as a holiday fes­ tivity f


illK, .Miss lieverly U'hitll.'-y was



Hi Library HereTho--e interested in referei

works [leilaininu to niir-e ( rhotils, now a matter of !< interest to this cidnminiity win war-workers, .specially worn are in demar.d. shonlil eonsii the collection made by Mi: Dorothy .lamiesiin, T.nrance l hrarian, at the public lil.iaiy.

The followinu hunks are av;r able th< re at the pre-ent tin on this .subject:

"The Child Irom One to SI' P>ycholorv for Parents" by Ai lilt. "Parents ami Children (i To School" by Ihmcli. Nnrsei Kdueali.ai Them-.- and Pr.ietiii by lilat;-.. "Child Ca"' ,,,,,1 Trail ill!,-" by Facet. . "Nni:.TV Seboi Kdlleaiion" by l'.,sl. r. "\\'e. tl

..' .Vin-.-iv School Practi-e" ! Iowa 1'ni vi-rsil y, "Nilr-el Veai :" by I .a.-ic::, "School 111 ins at Two" by John.-- n. "\\ P A. Nursery Schools" Irom th Congressional lleeord, "Childie MI the Nmrery School" bv .lni;i

MI. and the' following piiinpl:

liullelin of Information by II National Advisory Commit!, e n Kinoi-Kcncy Nursery Schcol: Nursery School.--, Their I level..Inienl and Cm rent Practices i the I' S.. by I he l.r . S. Keder. Si cnrity A|;enev office ol , due: lion, a oil Standards for 111 Xnr-...M.S in California by tl Caliliiin..! Department of Soei\Veilare

fftifci 1 Reaffsrns :V/i" it ss fly toe

Tin Mnies. n.present . .Cook, P. Deneev. Kslelle !,-.-,.' th"""' !'"' '" ' lir " : 'l ham. Persia K. Kess-. Kva .la,,.- : m " lls llicl pom.-Hlias and Whilnev. Sara K. lloeue A | tapeis yinbolixed the appro .lohnson. I. Wolf, Hlan.-he Me '"^ Vuleiid,. I :,! Day, wor- Vicker, l.elha .1. Howard an.l '"' "luster of Ton-arc- I. .

, Ncl - ' '" F * A Jl " '"'daughter Paddr

MISSIONAKV (i|(OI.'l> | ai-compa TO IIIVI': l'l(0<;i(AM jMowry

The Missionary Society ,,f Tor- I «'':inl - » ranee Firs, l!apli«| cl,,,.-ch will , :u^"^ ''.^ '"^ ';,'. ! '

p'l-OKl'lin irex't"'-^''...-..!.-.'!-'' 1 !''','' : "' I"-'':""-: Pat Whitrey. ITtll. Mrs Klowellint: will li:-."e. ''' l»'Mlces;,; l.ucdle Clcharge of Vie program which i "»"''' '" I I'.arbarn Snrth.

| -Mil biriil at 10 o'clock withi slnl - devotionals led bv Mrs. Ken-! * * * noth llussell Mrs' Virginia C.il-l 1 '- *'- W"™ <'!.ri! Mam will siiiK. Luncheon at noon ! IIOI -"S vl '"''': I'A":TV

uill be followed by While Cross- j Members "I the P. I'',. C b were eiiterlaineil at l

eon Ias1 Friday at (he home m I heir newly 'elected preside.it Mrs. A. W. Kitlo on Cola ave Christn.a-- .-ardl.s and diniiini

* * * WOMKN (»! ' MOOSIO,MKI.;T DIOC. in

Torranee C ha pier No. -M Woi'ien of the Mniisi-. will ineelat their heaili|iiai-li'i-s, liKil c.-ir ! for the tallies where cover* wen son i-t., next Wednesday, Mec. j placed for Coin li en. Kellowint; :i Hi, at 1L' o'cliick instead'el the! short liu-ines- ses-ii-n (jilts wen scheduled hour. Stop Dethii rs rxehant:e,l. senior recent, will enterlain * * * chapter memhers nt a Christ STOHV iioi'lts SKT mas party and the hirlhday an I AT ITIHJC I.IIICAKY iiivei-ai-\- of Mrs. Anna Carlson I Annoiincemeiil of three d-il | will he ohseived. !.hen's stu-y hours wa- made tli's'

+ * * I week l.v Mrs. Porolhy II. Jaiuie : II It CM III HOLDS SOP, cit- li'irai'an. The KI-OUI YUM': CICI.KBICAT1ON

Mrs. I'aul F. Wats-on and Mrs M. .1. Beale shared hostess him-

di- itid

* * *VIS;T McVKii.s

Mr ..n-l Mrs r|i|Tmd Spraiinei ived 11 in "aso Kolih-s la- t ekend to visit at th. horn

hers of the Il-l) dull at th Watson home last Thursday aft­ ernoon. Mis-. O. A. Kresse, whos-c hirlhday was celchrati d that day. was Kuest of honor. I'oiiiM-ttias and red candles hiMhliv.hted the

luncheon t a b I e set for eij-ht *i'hristmas padciKes we- -- , chaiiKed. Sewb-i! am! 1 . occupied the all' "o-i ' o-

* + >

.(ATiioi.if C:AI:I»^I'AltTV TONHiHT

llo.s-tesses lor toninl' !! olic Ladies card parly llan and h.-i comniitiie. .-in: - Couppf, Nady, X.upparde, I '- anski, Femvick, Cilberl, Swe, in- and Ziemke. Everyone is cor dlnlly Invited.

The first door prize will In drawn at S o'clock and card play will follow immediately. Tabli

T. D. McNcil. Spraunc v.ill leav - tliis week for Ala-ka to a.-..-i-.l with a const metier' project.


<<•'. and Ml.-. C. II. Keifei - Mr. anl Mrs. F. nesl lluol

Cyclamen Plants Poinsettia PlantsIN OK" f-WRAPPED POTS


ton, succumbed Tuesday after a ' j- " , "FIT FOR A QUEEN"



modm<*. From it r,an be prepared do&eiu. cf wholesome am) delicious fooda. Carefully planned baking can help you complete well- rounded mcnut in spite of the shortages of nuny Toode we usually depend upon. Buy flour today -At Sifeway'a low prices.


Airway Coffee Edwards Coffee

I'll act anil auction bridge.piiiiii-hli< and flOO will lie pluyul Kcllcshnicnts will lie sprvpil.


Turranc'c Towiisoml Chili No. ~' will hold n business mi-Mint: to iiiMht iTIiui.-iliiyl. All' nii-inlii-i? an- iiskrd l.i hi' IIIVIPIII a~ SPV-

to |M> decided, liai H and I-P-ll-i-slmil'llts will hillo ,


Mrs. May McKinlry has re­ cently returned hum a visit at

Kiniller al I'hiienix, Aiiz.

11(4 the ,,.


TN THESE last1 moving limes

Wcddinrj Invitations

poitanl; be sura that your friends and ral-

tbe happy ovout. See our large variety of Etyles...smartly mod­ ern ... thuy have that curtain touch...that spells refinement and

good taste.


Application for a inairlaKe II- I cense was made in l.os Aneeles! this wpi'lt by Cllftiird Hay .leu sen, 18, and Lols l.iniaine liapei, ' •11. Imtti ol Torrance

Torrance Herald1336 EL PRADO

Phono 444

pound at Safeway.

7cNo.,l .d.itt,. Sivnt, juicj. Ib. f

APPLESNo:lh:in jrown Wlntwpl.

APPLISN.itlKin ,,c.n Rom. I»uli.l. Ib.

Nob HIM Coffee

Hills Bros. Coffee

M.J.B. Coffee

* 23


, /c/2

Criip, lolid. Ui. for xjlodi.

ri,m, Ireih. Fin. loi

.b. 3 !3

lonano .ari«lr . Fiat toktd.

CiLERYCriip, lindir ilolki. Frith. Ib. J

Fioilioi Piloi Illnllvi Thiouih Tkui.4.( Onlr

Be cure tlut the

ity. Buy it at Safeway.

FANCY FRYERSC.i.ccro.ed, cut Up. Rend, to fry.

COLORED HENS CftcFoncy 9. ode Eviicemttd, cm up. Ib. V V

ROASTERS 44cMil' -led loncy chicken. Rootling lilt Ib. M

SAUERKRAUT OeIn the bull.. Cook »ilh wicntn. Ib.O

PURE LARD IQeSnow white bid. packed in carton Ib. I V

PORK SAUSAGEPuie poik. Packed in Vitking caiing. Ib.



CHECK THESE PRICESJell-well A"°7,"°;°" p'" 5C

Harper House Pears M°'.J'-'24e

Sunsweet Prunes ii'ab:14c

Sunnybank mSo" PL'i: 18"2-^oond package, 35c

Parkay oScS. pi',b:25c Nippy Cheese Bee',k̂ ' P.p; nd 33c

Sandwich Spread ',' ",' 26"

Soda Crackers °B±dc Pi'9b 12° Sunshine Cookies 7 'b'.'."'1 le

Corn Meai'°3EyX ^I9«

Raleigh Cigarettes SfJ.lSVi8Dog Food ""££5"''' ° 2^°',: 15°

Sassified D,'^ '^lO' Kellogg's Gro-pup ";" 10° Felix Cat Food 2pk;":lS0


Duz Soap Powder 2l p k';"- 23C Dash Soap "li,"- 26°

Sunbrite Cleanser 'J;V'5'

SWANS DOWN ,,..,_Eittra lifteJ {lour, for cokas. pk s .

SOFTASSLK FLOUR „.„'Makes tender, fine grained cakes. pkg. I

GINGERBREAD MIX,,,.., 1Dromcdory brand. Add water, bake. pkg. i

C5NCH WAFFLE MIX , lb <Serve waffles these cool mornings. pkg! t

PANCAKE FLOUR a . oi 'Spcrry brand. Seven ingredients. pk"' ,

PANCAKE FLOUR 4 ,t «Golden Heart brand. For waffles, too. bog

BISCUIT FLOUR <n <Globe "Al." (20-oz. pkg., I5c) pk" i

fSAUHl BUTTER PUFFS(Th,y ma£lcell, Auffetr)

I'.-j cups Hour >A cup while sugar \'t cup brown H cup finely

suyar, firmly:j,p finely :liop[>cd ptcai


WALNUTS OEeLarge, fancy budded. In Cello. Mb. hog ?J3

BUKNETT'S VANILLA, if|cPure Vanilla extract. bonk &$i

Gold Medal brand. For biscuits.

WHITE KING SOAP /|CLoundrxsoop. (Giant bars,2for9c)

SOAPIt Floats. (Guest size, 2 bars 9c)

LIFEBUOYToilet soap for active people.

SU-PURB SOAPGranulated. Kind to Hie hands. pij;

OXYDOLSOAP ..Granulated. For clothes, dishes. pk

lb|i. bAinu Ji,,|,s i,li,wn pcwuYr lu^ar, firmly

lli cups finely Yj cup chopped

Sift Hour un.l nu-.iMirr. Sifl again «ilh l.alniK pou.lrr an.l i Iniiumo.i. Sprinkle <lry iiiKredicnti over gum dro|,i. Ilfat rKII < until light i ..Id brown nlgur' ami mix well, stir in Hour anil gum ilrop inixlurr onil a.l.l nut mcati. Uukc in l»o «cll-|jrcu>cj iliallow iquart- pans (UiB»i) in moderate oven (320* f.) fur ulxiut 80 minute* or until donr. Cut in l»ri (Il3 incl.e.) while liot. Coul. Iteinove from pan anil roll in powdered

Make. S iluten cookie.



T o ic I-:H TO s i-: R v E Y o r 2171 OONDO WILMINGTON ROAD
