UW Ped Clerkship Final Exam From CLIPP Cases



CLIPP case

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csv-exportWhat are the calorie needs for term infants?100120 kcal/kg/dayWhat are the calorie needs for preterm infants?115130 kcal/kg/dayWhat are the calorie needs for very low birth weight infants?> 150 kcal/kg/dayWhat age should you introduce solid foods?46 moWhat foods should you avoid in young children?popcorn, grapes, hard candies, and jelly candiesHow many shots before the age of 5?5 DTaP4 IPV34 Hib4 PCV2 MMR2 Varicella23 Rotovirus2 HepAWhat shoes are recommended at 2 months?DTap #1IPV #1Hib #1Rota #1HepB#2PCV #1What shots are given > 12 months?MMRHepAVaricellaWhat ages is the influenza vaccine recommended?6 years 19 monthsWhat are the car seat recommendations?< 1 y and < 10 kg: car seat, middle of the back seat, facing rear> 1 y and > 10 kg: car seat, middle of the back seat, facing front> 4 y and > 40 lbs: booster seat, back seat, facing front> 8 y: seat belt, back seat> 12 y: seat beltWhat gross motor skills should a 2 m/o have?head up to 45 degreesWhat fine motor skills should a 2 m/o have?follows past the midlineWhat language skills should a 2 m/o have?laughsWhat social skills should a 2 m/o have?smiles spontaneouslyWhat gross motor skills should a 6 m/o have?rolling over and sitting unsupportedputting feet in mouth while supineWhat fine motor skills should a 6 m/o have?unilateral reach for objectslooks for dropped itemsWhat language skills should a 6 m/o have?turning to voicebabblingWhat social skills should a 6 m/o have?feeds selfstranger recognitionWhat gross motor skills should a 9 m/o have?stands holding onpulls self to standWhat fine motor skills should a 9 m/o have?transfers an object from one hand to another and takes two objectsWhat language skills should a 9 m/o have?combines syllables and can usually say 'mama' and 'dada' but nonspecificallyWhat social skills should a 9 m/o have?plays patacake and waves byebyeindicates wantsshows stranger anxietyWhat gross motor skills should a 12 m/o have?stands aloneWhat fine motor skills are appropriate for a 12 m/o?bangs two objects togetherputs block in cupWhat language skills should a 12 m/o have?says 'mama' and 'dada' specifically and 12 other wordsWhat social skills should a 12 m/o have?hands parents book to readprotodeclarative pointingimitates activitiesplays ball with examinerGeneralized rules about weight gain for infants?term 2030 g/day2x birth weight by 45 months3x birth weight 12 monthsGeneralized rule about heigh gain for children?2x birth length by 4 y/oWhat is you ddx if you get a absent red reflex?cataractsglaucomaretinoblastomachorioretinitisWhere does neuroblastoma frequently met to?lymph nodesliverbone marrowskeletonWhat is the histopathology of neuroblastoma?small round blue cellsWhat does the CBC in neuroblastoma frequently look like?anemia or other cytopenias 2/2 to one marrow infiltrationWhere does Wilm's tumor likely met to?lungsWhat laboratory test is abnormal in Wilm's tumor?U/A shows heamturiaHow does a teratoma usually present?RUQ mass w/o jaundice, lymphadenopathy and poor growth
