Using Podcasts to Enhance Student Learning and Support Colin Gray Academic Development Adviser &...


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Using Podcasts to Enhance Student Learning and Support

Colin Gray

Academic Development Adviser& Associate Lecturer

Office of the Vice Principal (Academic)

November 2011

Why we used podcasts

• To offer “just in time” support / teaching / advice

• To enhance research – teaching linkages

• Enhance mobile learning opportunity

• Help with revision

• Listening to podcasts can help language skills for international students

When we have used podcasting

• University/Programme level

– Student support

• Module level

– Weekly Updates

– Input from guest experts– Feedback (audio files…)

– Delivery of lecturers

• A portfolio of podcast sites were developed for students at Edinburgh Napier following on from the success of the pilot Edinburgh Napier Podcast project funded by a Teaching Fellowship Grant.

• all new first year students:

• all direct entrants from college:

Welcome to Edinburgh

Napier University

Differences between

college and UniWhat is a PDT? Settling in


Exam tips & study skills

Specific needs & learning


Sports & Societies

Academic writing

Get ready for University


Modular level podcasting:Enhancing teaching-research linkages

Feedback from students

"I’ve found this interview very helpful to make it a little bit more clear to me, why Evidence-Based Practice it’s essential as nurses and how it is achieved."

References: SHEEC, (2010) Enhancement Themes: Research-Teaching Linkages, Enhancing Graduate Attributes. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Available at:, M., Schaffner, B., Ribar, A., and Chavez, R., (2009) The Impact of podcasting on the learning and satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice. 10 (1) p38–42

Feedback from students

"After listening to this podcast I have been able to relate the subject matter to my current studies as a third year mental health student. Evidence based research is the very cornerstone in understanding, improvements in health care to nursing practice in benefiting people within our care”.


• Podcasts can be a useful addition to your portfolio of teaching approaches,

• Podcasts offer flexibility to students in terms of learning,

• The use of podcasting must be pedagogically informed

Additional Resources:

• Podcasting guide in LTA Resource bank

• Case studies in LTA Resource Bank

Your Mission

•Watercooler Conversations•Chat around a topic of interest

•News Bulletin

•The Student Voice•eg. what will they think about podcasting?

•Staff Views•eg. Likely pros and cons for staff around podcasting

•What’s going on out there?•eg. Places you’ve heard of using podcasting

•Conferences•Have you seen any recent publications or workshops on podcasting?

•60 second interviews•Interview someone around their experience.

1 to 3 minute feature, plus a 10 to 20 second introduction script
