UPOMING EVENTS - ASHRAE Central OklahomaLocal 344 Union, and with ob Demechko, the President of...


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Monthly Newsletter of the Central Oklahoma Chapter

ISSUE 8 - April

2017-2018 EDITION

www.ashrae.org www.ashraecok.org

Table of Contents

President’s Message: Update April 3rd, 2018 2

Day On The hill 3

Night at the Track 4

Chapter Technology Transfer: October Presentation 5

Social Media: #Follow Us! 6

ASHRAE COK Community Service 7-8

Research Promotion: Sporting Clays 9

ASHRAE Webcast 10

Student Activities: Events and Scholarships 11

YEA: Twisted Spike Brewery 12

Historian– History of PAOE and the Golden Gavel 13

Government Affairs Update 14

COK BOG Meeting Minutes 8/21/17 15-16

Upcoming Chapter Schedule 16

COK Chapter Contact Information 17


• April Chapter Meeting April 4th, 11:30am Meeting 3rd Floor Retail Space of 50 Penn Place Pam Duffy (DL) How Standards are Made

• April Board of Governors Meeting April 16th, 11:30am Junior’s West Oil Center Building 2601 NW Expressway-Basement Level

• May Chapter Meeting May 2nd , 11:30am Meeting 3rd Floor Retail Space of 50 Penn Place Chris Mathis (DL), Why building matter and the role of ASHRAE




President’s Message Update - April 3, 2018 By: Damon McClure

Hello, Central Oklahoma Chapter! April is big month for our chapter as we prepare to attend the Chapter Regional Conference (CRC) for Region VIII. The CRC will be hosted by Alamo Chapter April 26th through April 28th in San Antonio. As mentioned last month, I highly recommend any chapter member that is interested (or that will be become actively involved as a chair, officer, and/or committee member) to attend. The CRC is the culmination of the chapter year including a business meeting, social events, the Chapter Award presentation for the prior year’s accomplishments, and chapter operation training. I hope to see several chapter members in attendance at the next chapter meeting and at the CRC!

This month’s meeting will be a lunch chapter meeting at 11:30am Wednesday, 4/4/18. We

will host ASHRAE DL Pam Duffy presenting “How Standards Are Made, And Other ASHRAE “SECRETS””. Please attend to enjoy a nice lunch and a great presentation from an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and receive your PDHs. We will also be hosting a joint YEA/ASPE brewery tour on 4/12/18, so check out YEA section in the newsletter for the details. Lastly, Brian Sauer, our chapter sustainability chair, has put together our second sustainability event for the chapter. We will be hosting a riverfront cleanup day this Saturday, April 7, 2018 at the Oklahoma City Boathouse District & Riversports complex. Join our chapter to do our part to serve the community for sustainable future.

Our Student Activities committee will be continuing its our chapter efforts to outreach to local mechanical trade unions

to ensure the current and next generation tradesmen/tradeswomen are involved in ASHRAE. Scott Sanders (SA Chair) and I are working on dates to host meet and greet with Tommy O’Donnell, the Training Director for Plumbing, Pipefitting, and Service Tech Local 344 Union, and with Bob Demechko, the President of Sheet Metal Local 124 Union, at their respective apprenticeship schools discuss what ASHRAE is and the benefits of being a member. Please contact me directly if you are interested in being a part of either presentation.

ASHRAE COK/NE Day on the Hill was a great success on March 27, 2018. This was our annual Day on the Hill at the

Oklahoma City Capitol. We had a combined 18-20 members, chairs, and/or officers from Central and Northeast Oklahoma chapters that met with local state policymakers to discuss building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability within our industry. We made a concerted effort to have ASHRAE’s purpose heard! Please reference the photos in the newsletter. We will provide a full write up of the representatives and senators we met with in the next newsletter. In summary, we have several chapter committees working to closeout key chapter items before CRC. I am proud of the accomplishments our chapter has made this year and I am looking forward to presenting these accomplishments at the CRC. I was told by Bill Klock, former Region VIII DRC, in president-elect training, “We as chapter presidents should strive to make our chapter a little better than as we found it”. His statement really resonated with me and was my guidance for this year and the initial mantra “Contribute. Purpose.” I presented at the beginning of the chapter year. However, I am only one person, and one person cannot accomplish everything. Therefore, I would like to personally thank everyone that has had a part in our chapter’s success, past and present, student member to fellow, and largest contribution to smallest contribution. Thank you for your contribution.

Damon McClure

ASHRAE Central Oklahoma

Chapter President

Damon McClure

2017-2018 President






ASHRAE Companions Night – 2018 The 2018 ASHRAE Companions Night was held 3-16-18 at Remington Park and I think all who attended would agree that we had a great evening. Karine LeBlanc with US Air, and an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer provided a terrific presentation. After dinner we watched the live racing action from the balcony. A big thank you goes to all who attended and I hope everyone is looking forward to next year’s event! Another big thank you goes to all our great sponsors whose donations helped make the evening possible! Wattie-Wolfe Co. EEI ADG Darr & Collins Hambrick Ferguson Victaulic ABS

Jason Keyes


A Cornhusker


Chapter Technology Transfer (CTT) By: Andy Donehue

Please join us Wednesday, April the 4th for our next chapter meeting.

Pam Duffy will be presenting to the chapter.

Speaker: Pam Duffy Pam Duffy, P.E. is a Senior Product Manager for Lennox International. As a product manager, Pam is responsible for strategic direction, product roadmaps, new product development, launches and sunsets, and ongoing product category support. She has a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Central Florida and earned her P.E. license in 2013. Pam is a nationally-recognized advocate for VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) technology in North America. She has regularly contributed to formal publications, such as the NEWS, as well as more informal avenues such as LinkedIn. Pam has delivered hundreds of presentations on VRF technology at events such as ASHRAE society conferences. In addition, Pam contributes her expertise to technical groups. Some of her past involvement includes: ACCA Manual S voting member, ASHRAE T.C. 8.7 Corresponding Member, and a regular reviewer of ASHRAE Standards, Guidelines, and Addendums. Pam is an active volunteer in the Dallas Chapter of ASHRAE. Previously, Pam served as President of the Atlanta Chapter in 2013-2014, for which the Chapter earned the Region’s Rudy Ferguson (Chapter of the Year) award. Pam is also currently serving as a member of the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) and previously served for on the Conferences and Expositions Committee (CEC). Pam is a Life Member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and has been named to both the Consulting-Specifying Engineer’s list of 40 under 40 as well as the NEWS’ 40 under 40. Topic: How Standards Are Made, And Other ASHRAE “SECRETS” Have you ever wondered how a standard is made, or who the people are behind all those “shalls” and “exceptions”? Who writes the ASHRAE Handbooks? How does one get an article into the ASHRAE Journal or present at a Conference? In this presentation, we’ll cover the methods behind the madness, and share how any ASHRAE member can get more involved in Society-level activities.

I hope you can make it to the meeting. If you have any questions or concerns about upcoming meetings please contact me at

andy.donehue@trane.com or 405-317-0552.

Andy Donehue

2017-2018 CTT Chair


A Cornhusker


Social Media ... Follow Us! By: Madison Schultz

Hashtag of the month: #2018CRCRegionVIII





Reddit username: ASHRAEcok

Central Oklahoma ASHRAE Rosters

Did you know we have an online roster with listings of members and companies on the website? Please let Damon McClure know if any information needs to be updated. Members Directory: http://ashraecok.org/directory.php

Company Roster: http://ashraecok.org/content.php?page=Company_Roster

Rosters may be downloaded using the link below, or contact Damon McClure. ASHRAE COK Chapter Roster 090517.PDF


ASHRAE Central Oklahoma Community Service Events

Thanks to all of the ASHRAE members who came out to support our Rebuilding Together event on March 3. As part of the

event, the ASHRAE team replaced the front door, painted the interior, and completed a variety of other small repairs for a

member of the community. Our next community service event will take place at the Oklahoma River Boathouse district on

April 7th. Please contact Brian Sauer at bsauer@fsb-ae.com if you would like to participate.

Rebuilding Together 2018






Research Promotion Sporting Clays

By: Chris Dolan

March was a great month for Research Promotion! Thanks to everyone who participated in the 3rd Annual Sporting Clays Tournament, we were successful in raising over $8000 for Research. A special thanks goes to our sponsors listed below. Gold Sponsors LG Matherly Mechanical VTS RB Akins DuctSox Trane Silver Sponsors Grundfos American Metals Supply Griswold Timberlake Construction Yaskawa Streets Inc. It was also announced that OSU received $20,000 in Grant money and OU received $5000! This is a huge accomplishment and can only happen with your support and donations. Please remember to logon to www.ashrae.org/contribute to donate today. We only have 3 months left to make our company and personal donations to ASHRAE Research. If you have any question about how to donate, or have any issues, please let me know.

Chris can be reached at 405-525-7722 or cdolan@eei-ok.com

Chris Dolan

2017-2018 RP Chair




Student Activities Events and Scholarships

By: Scott Sanders & Robert Smith

With the Winter Conference wrapped up, in the last issue we presented the Oklahoma State University ASHRAE Student Members experiences in Chicago. This month, we would like to present the experiences that the ASHRAE Student Members from the University of Oklahoma enjoyed while visiting Chicago. Aaron Goodwin, a recent scholarship recipient from our Chapter wrote about their time in Chicago. Recently, with the help of my local ASHRAE chapter and some organizational help from our student branch president, Shima Shahahmadi, myself and my friend David were both able to attend the ASHRAE Conference and industry ASHRAE Expo in Chicago. While there, we were able to learn a great deal about what is happening in the industry in both broad and specific terms. For instance, I was able to attend the Global Trends in HVAC seminar which discussed the statistical trends that have been observed by industry professionals. We were also allowed to attend several research seminars which discussed current issues as well as important new technologies in HVAC systems. At the Expo, we met what seemed to be countless vendors and companies who were displaying their newest and most impactful equipment.

All of these experiences culminated into one, overall eye-opening experience and an unsurpassed opportunity

to network. At both the conference and at the Expo, we were each able to meet and speak with many practicing

professionals both on the side of manufacturing equipment and those who design HVAC systems. While touring

the expansive ASHRAE Expo with a local representative for manufacturers, I was also given very practical insight

into equipment that was being shown and was introduced to several company leaders who answered questions I

had about their systems. I know without the financial support given by ASHRAE this opportunity would not have

been possible. Therefore, David and I want to extend our deepest gratitude to those who support this program and

allow us OU students to attend such an important world-wide convention as the industries provide the best they

can offer all in one place. Thank you again and hopefully in our future careers we will be able to continue to

participate in ASHRAE conferences again.

Robert Smith, rsmith@eei-ok.com Scott Sanders, ssanders@adgokc.com

Scott Sanders

2017-2018 SA Robert Smith

2017-2018 SA





YEA Twisted Spike Brewery

By: Caleb Spradlin

YEA Members,

Our next ASHRAE Meeting will be a brewery tour at Twisted Spike Brewery Thursday, April 12th

from 3

-5pm. Thank you to our Sponsor ABS! It will be a joint meeting with the local ASPE chapter. After the tour there will be a raffle for prizes, so don’t miss out! Please RSVP to this invite if you plan on joining us. We hope to see you there!

If you want to get involved or would like to sponsor an event, I can be reached at 405-470-3237 or

cspradlin@moxifyllc.com. Sponsorship for an event is $250.

If you would like more information about YEA, please contact me or go to www.ashrae.org/YEA.

Caleb Spradlin

2017-2018 YEA Chair



Historian Message By: Dusty Stoabs

History of the PAOE and the Golden Gavel Award It’s that time of year again when the Spring Chapter’s Regional Conferences (CRC’s) are about to kick off. There are a lot of awards at stake as well as the pressure that comes with making sure the Chapter lives up to its reputation! Some chapters have a Fall CRC, but those that have Spring CRC’s are now making sure all “Presidential Award of Excellence” (PAOE) points are recorded and are preparing their annual reports. It’s also the time of year when excitement begins to build on who will win the Golden Gavel Award!

The Golden Gavel Committee is charged with annually determining the best overall Chapter in the region based on thirteen criteria. The Golden Gavel judges are selected by the current Director/Regional Chair at the beginning of the Society year. The judges consist of a Chair who must have been a past Director/Regional Chair and six (6) additional members and two (2) qualified alternates who serve only in the absence or inability of a member. Two of the committee members must be past Director/Regional Chairs, and the balance must be past Chapter Presidents. No two of the committee members may be from the same Chapter. During the ASHRAE winter meeting in Columbus, OH in 1968, Central Oklahoma’s own William J. Collins, Jr. had several lengthy discussions with George Meffert of Dallas, TX and Jack Thompson, also out of Dallas, concerning ways of stimulating chapter activities in Region VIII. From these discussions evolved the Golden Gavel Award. Collins and Thompson formulated the award criteria. They determined that the award would consist of a golden gavel lapel pin for the chapter president, an emblematic patch for the chapter’s award banner, and an actual golden gavel for the chapter to keep during the coming society year. For the president’s lapel pin, as designed by Mr. Collins, the president’s diamond past-president pin would be sent to a jeweler to affix a miniature gavel of gold to the bottom of the pin. The Golden Gavel Past President lapel pin would then be given to the winning president. The hand-held golden gavel was purchased by Mr. Collins, on which he had inscribed “ASHRAE REGION VIII GOLDEN GAVEL”. This gavel would be passed from chapter to chapter each year to the new winner. At the Region VIII CRC in Houston, TX in April 1970, Society President-Elect Frank Bridgers from Albuquerque, NM was so impressed by the effects of the new golden gavel competition among the Region VIII chapters that he conceived the idea of the PAOE. In January, 1971, at the winter society meeting, President Bridgers announced his award of excellence for the coming society year. Today, the PAOE is still put forth by the Society President each year defining the official goals for accomplishment and winning the Golden Gavel competition is still the ultimate achievement of a chapter.

Dusty Stoabs, PE, CPMP, LEED AP ASHRAE Central Oklahoma Chapter Historian

Dusty Stoabs


Historian Chair



ASHRAE COK BOG Meeting Minutes March 19, 2018 By: Jeff Forman

President Damon McClure called the meeting to order at 11:40 am Presidents Report – Damon McClure

At 6100 PAOE points Friday @ 11:15am, Garage – Damon to by lunch for everyone who wants to attend to update our PAOE Outreach – Damon & Scott with Local 344, Damon met with 124. They want to be involved, looks like total of 4 new members so far. Will try to

get motion passed at CRC for scholarships. CRC Delegate Update Call

Need RVC for RP and RVC for SA – asked if we had anyone? Asked if COK had any awards – we do not per Tino. Motion we will consider for CRC – to allow trade school to get discounted student memberships like universities & career techs. Damon

to bring up in April BOG meeting for us to review. Treasurers Report – Stephanie Thomas

Covers last BOG and this BOG Meeting Summary figures – spouses night and clay shoot monies still coming in David 1st, Caleb 2nd motion to approve. Motion passed.

Committee Reports

• CTTC Report – Andy Donehue

Guernsey (Michael Wilson) – submitted applicate for tech award 2/15/18

Membership Promotion – Daniel Brazeale

Currently at 290, looking to get 4 from trade school.

Student Activities – Scott Sanders

Need to schedule UCO Student Branch introduction, looking at April dates in lieu of finals.

Winter sponsorships – thank you, great turn out and success this year. OSU had 10, OU had 3 attend. Scott looking to work with OU, OSU for

generate ideas for students fund raisers to help offset costs to next years winter conference.

OSU received 2 research grant scholarships that went into students senior year projects in 2017, in 2018 OSU received $20K on 4 projects, OU

received $5k on 1 project.

Government Activities – Byron Hughes

Day on Hill still scheduled on 3/27/18.

See Byron’s email to help contact your senators.

DOH will be a joint meeting with Northeastern OK.

Research Promotion Report – Chris Dolan

Sporting Clay’s – big success, estimated $8K + generated

YTD quota for 2017-2018 – our goal was to get to 30% prior to 12/31/17 for PAOE points, it was accomplished. For YE we are targeting $37,500

which includes the adjustment for losing our large sponsor (Climatemaster).

Historian Report – Dusty Stoabs

Calendar – hardest part to update close out report, Damon to provide to Dusty

• Scholarship Report – Robert Smith

Robert to follow up with Michael Wilson to see if the scholarship recipients are posted on website

Jeff F & Robert to create a scholarship account summary sheet Spring 2018 when reviewing upcoming 2018-2019 year

• Sustainability Report - Brian Sauer

Not Present

Rebuilding Together 3/3/18 – good event

Boat House District – River clean up 4/14/18 @ 9am

Newsletter Report – Conner Waters

Not Present


Conner needs to send reminder email, due by this Friday

Refrigeration Report – Justin Love

Not Present

JCI looks like it will happen next fall 2018.

YEA – Caleb Spradlin

Joint Meeting with ASPE 4/12/18 – 3-5pm, brewery to be determined.

Will count towards refrigeration tour

Paint Ball – this Thursday 3/22

Honor & Awards - Tino Mendez

Tino contacted Aruna (Regional Award of Merit) and Brian G. (Chapter Service Award).

Waiting on Dan Fisher letter for Dr. Splitter award (Exceptional Service Award) – ready to put in email and submit

Dr. McQuiston – Hall of Fame Award update, open format. Note Houston is also working to present an applicant (Naman). Society only awards 2

per year, hence competition is stiff!

Webmaster – Michael Wilson

Not Present New Business

Jon Symko email – currently Region VIII has not candidates for LeadDRS. At Spouses Night elections to officers were approved:

Melissa Lowry (FSB) - BOG Joe Sanders (RB Akins) - BOG Grant Flurry (Federal Corp) - BOG Aruna A (Tinker) - BOG Jordan Demas (Harrison Orr) – BOG Chris Dolan – Secretary Stephanie Thomas – Treasurer Madison Schutz – President Elect

Adjourn President McClure adjourned the meeting at 12:48pm


Upcoming Chapter Schedule Date Event Location Topic Presenter

4/4/17 April Meeting 50 Penn Place, 3rd Floor

11:30am Lunch

How Standards are Made and other

ASHRAE “Secrets”

Pam Duffy (DL)

4/7/18 Community

Service Event

Boathouse District Cleanup

4/16/18 BOG

Juniors of OKC

2601 NW Expressway

Oklahoma City, Ok 73112

Monthly Board of Governors


5/2/18 May Meeting 50 Penn Place, 3rd Floor

11:30am Lunch

Update on Oklahoma Health

Standards and How they apply to


Hank Hartsell

5/21/18 BOG

Juniors of OKC

2601 NW Expressway

Oklahoma City, Ok 73112

Monthly Board of Governors




Contact Company Phone Email


President Damon McClure Harrison-Orr Air Conditioning (405) 520.2492 damonm@harrisonorr.com

President--Elect Jeff Forman Mechanical Sales Midwest (405) 368.8883 jforman@mechsales.com

Secretary Madison Schultz Guernsey (405) 416.8205 madison.schultz@guernsey.us

Treasurer Stephanie Thomas Moxify Engineering (405) 254.5038 sthomas@moxifyllc.com

Vice President Trapper Wilson Engineered Equipment Inc. (405) 525.7722 twilson@eei-ok.com


Board of Governors Andy Donehue Trane (405) 717.7667 andy.donehue@trane.com

Board of Governors David Royal Automation Integrated (405) 623.9376 david@ai-sys.com

Board of Governors Robert Smith Engineered Equipment Inc. (405) 525.7722 rsmith@eei-ok.com

Board of Governors Caleb Spradlin HP Engineering (405) 514.5757 cspradlin@hpengineeringinc.com

Board of Governors Michael Wilson Guernsey (405) 416.8373 michael.wilson@guernsey.us


Historian Dusty Stoabs Streets Mechanical (405)388.2271 dstoabs@streetsinc.com

Research Promotion Chris Dolan Engineered Equipment Inc. (405)525.7722 cdolan@eei-ok.com

Refrigeration Justin Love Automated Building Systems (405)948.1794 justin.love@abscompanies.com

Technology Transfer Andy Donehue Trane (405)717.7667 andy.donehue@trane.com

Governmental Activities Byron Hughes RB Akins Company (405)947.6502 bhughes@rbakins.com

Student Activities Scott Sanders ADG ssanders@adgokc.com

Student Activities Co-Chair

Robert Smith Engineered Equipment Inc. (405)525.7722 rsmith@eei-ok.com

YEA Caleb Spradlin HP Engineering (405)463.6570 cspradlin@hpengineeringinc.com

Membership Promotion Daniel Brazeale Engineered Equipment Inc. (405)525.7722 dbrazeale@eei-ok.com

Webmaster Michael Wilson Guernsey (405)416.8373 michael.wilson@guernsey.us

Sustainability Chair Brian Sauer FSB (405)840.2931 bsauer@fsb-ae.com

Special Events Com-mittee

Bryan Garcia Trane (405)717.7614 bdgarcia@trane.com

Electronic Communica-tions

Madison Schultz Guernsey (405)416.8205 madison.schultz@guernsey.com

Social Media Chair Madison Schultz Guernsey (405)416.8205 madison.schultz@guernsey.com

Scholarship Chair Robert Smith Engineered Equipment Inc. (405)525.7722 rsmith@eei-ok.com

Newsletter Conner Walters Harrison-Orr Air Conditioning (405)528.3333 connerw@harrisonorr.com