Unusual Fruits



based off of chapter 30 fruits

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Also called a star fruit, this fruit has an oval shape with four to six prominent ribs.

• Member of the tropical family. • A bright yellow subtropical fruit. • It gets its name from the deeply ribbed

exterior, which forms a five-pointed star when the fruit is cut crosswise.

• Its juicy flesh tastes somewhat like a pineapple, plum and lemon combined.

• You can eat this fruit with the peel and all.

• One medium fruit has 30 calories, plus fiber, vitamin C and flavonoids.


This large fruit is about the size of a grapefruit. It has a thick, rough, yellow-green skin and juicy, yellow-orange flesh that is divided into sections.

• Member of the tropical family.

• Native to Jamaica.

• Available October through January.

• Best to be eaten as a raw snack – peeled and eaten like an orange. Ugli

Green to black in color, this fruit is very dark when ripe. It ripens only AFTER harvesting.

• Will aid healing for people suffering from digestive and circulatory problems.

• Soothes sun burnt skin.

• Can be applied to rashes and rough skin to make it smoother.

• Member of the TROPICAL family.


Smaller than a tangerine and an orange, with a loose, easy-peel rind. This fruit is very sweet and nearly seedless.• A medium size is approximately 50


• It's a great nutritional source of Vitamin C, fiber, folate, and potassium.

• Excellent for Vision

• This fruit is loaded with an antibacterial agent, citric acid, which helps eliminate bacteria that causes blemishes.

• Its juice also helps reduce fine lines because Vitamin C stimulates the skin cell's production of collagen.

• Member of the citrus family. Clementine

Varieties include green seedless, deep purple, red or white concord and red seedless. These fruits are plump, bright, and firm when ripe.

• These contain an important nutrient called reservatrol –which is known to hind the development of cancer.

• These are a member of the Berries family.


From the citrus family. This small and round or oblong fruit is orange in color. Its sweet skin and tart flesh are both edible.

• It is a citrus fruit looking like small orange. • Only 12 calories each.• Originates in China and Japan. • They have pointed elliptical leaves; small

white, star-shaped flower, arid sometimes thorns.

• This orange colored fruit is usually round to oblong and often less than 2 inches in length.

• It has a sweet or acid taste and may be eaten raw or as marmalade.

• This fruit is very useful in bronchitis, cough and cold, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, fevers, diarrhea, dysentery, spleen disorders etc.


This large, oval fruit may be red, yellow, green, orange or a combination of these colors. It is usually tinged yellow when ripe. Its golden-orange flesh is juicy and sweet.

• Half of this fruit counts as one serving.

• Contain phenols, this phenolic compound have powerful antioxidant and anticancer abilities.

• High in iron, pregnant women and people with anemia are advised to eat this fruit regularly.

• Effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.

• It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.

• High in antioxidant and low in carbohydrates.

• A rich source of vitamin A(beta-carotene), E and Selenium which help to protect against heart disease and other ailments. Mango

Resembling pears, this fruit has yellow skin when ripe and is juicy an sweet. It has small, black, edible seeds.

• Rich source of the proteolytic enzymes. These are the chemicals that enable the digestion of protein.

• Rejuvenating properties for the control of premature ageing.

• Contains arginine which is known to be essential for male fertility.

• Also carpain, an enzyme thought to be good for the heart.

• Fibrin also occurs and this substance is not commonly found in the plant kingdom; it forms part of the blood clotting process.

• It has also been recommended as part of the treatment for cancer.

• The skin of this fruit is a first class external treatment for skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly.


This round-to-pear shaped fruit can be the size of a grapefruit. It is usually yellow with fuzzy skin. Its dry, white flesh has a pineapple taste. It is eaten cooked.

• A little trivia: This 4,000 year old member of the apple family, which is mentioned in the Bible and may even be the "forbidden fruit" that Eve fed to Adam.

• Is common throughout Asia and the Mediterranean, but a stranger to most Americans.

• One of this has only 52 calories.• Must be eaten cooked.• Popular in jam and jellies. Quince

This red, black or white fruit is sweet and juicy and may have “hairs” on the surface. This fruit is bright, plump and firm.

• Cancer-fighting antioxidants.

• May inhibit atherosclerosis (Hardening of the arteries).

• May minimize allergic reactions.

• These are a member of the BERRIES family.

• I have a silent letter in my name. Raspberry

Cherimoya aka Custard Apple

• heart-shaped fruit that has a custard like texture when chilled.

• Taste is like a blend of strawberries, pineapples and bananas

• Eat with a spoon

Feijoa (fay-YOH-uh)

• tastes like a combination of a pineapple and mint.

Lychee (LEE-chee)

• eaten after removing the shell, and are dried

• Juicy and sweet

Prickly Pear aka cactus pear

• Variation of a cactus plant

• Range in color from yellow to red

• Melon like flavor

Sapote (sah-POH-tay)

• tastes like a combination of peach and vanilla

Tamarillo (ta-muh-RIH-oh)

• Tastes tart

• Tart pink flesh

• Add sugar before eating
