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Yom Geemal


Yom Geemal

27th Elul, 5770


September 7, 2010

This is true.

This depth.

These people are shallow. When I plant seeds they balk at them. They insist I move Heaven and Earth if I want them to listen. These cannot be persuaded. Yet they follow these diviners at whim with the ease of their neck as if it were I. This is not My yoke. My yoke has no confusion, no gamble and no game.

I do not hide and seek. I do not set before these strange treasure excursions.

This behavior is dreadfully immature. It is conducive to fetish and perverted worship.

I have much joy with Mine. I give. I tell. I surprise. I desire no carrot and stick approach.

I Am. I do not punish in relation. I punish deed. I am not a man. I resent such ideas. These do it often. They believe I hurt them instead it is their sin that finds them.

This I hate. Feet that rush into evil or reside in it. Hands that dawdle in corruption or manage the absurd. I do not like cigarettes or any kind of apparatus as such held in hands. I cannot stand marijuana. Drugs I will not tolerate. Concoctions, potions, elixir, aphrodisiacs and such I despise. These things are unworthy of My glance.

We have done almost all these great things upon Earth. War machines. Cures. Ways. Means. Travel. These are Ours. We are Author and Finisher. Lest man boast.

I will tear down. I will lift up. There is great rattling when I show mankind his worth.

I have this. My people are not bound with this golden rule. My people are always attentive to Me. Bind yourselves not. Do not allow My enemy to bind you.

I do not love all. I do not love many. I do not love some. I do not love one. I Am not bound by this and abhor any who think of Me this way.

These believe on Me as I Am not. I abhor it. They treat Me like a child who cannot find its help. They throw Me into desperation in their minds. I will not have these strange idiots. How dare they deny Me My jealousy. Sin is death and that is all. I do not contend these to hell. I quibble not with these ignorants. I faint not. I Am. No one binds Me. No one binds My people. They and only they know Me.

This I want. The noise to cease. These children cannot listen to anything but evil banter at the beat of a drum in order to satiate themselves. Know this. It will stop. This is worse than divination not. I see this as the product of those pastors and leaders.

I do not dance around My children suggestively. I do not dress My children like trash. And these Goo Goo Dolls will cease. They are written on the wall of shame and disgust in My Throne Room. These products mock what is Holy daily.

Pied Piper will cease his play. I do not want not one more.

My seed falls upon rocks and worse. They back talk. They defend themselves for evil. They balk and banter against Me.

I do not have one eye roll My way.

I do not have not one glance of disapproval in My Command.

These are not Mine. These are the product of Baal, Molech and such.

I will not tolerate this noise much more.

Innocence is lost. Babes are forsaken.

I have had it.

Yom Vav

1st Shvat, 5771


January 7, 2011

I have seen rivers of tears from the little ones. They want Me to revenge their families.

Yom Geemal

5th Shvat, 5771


January 11, 2011

I have this. Awful tragedy. I Am not Author.

You need know.

There is so much. They follow out My enemies and cannot be reasoned.

This. I want you to know.

It is sin. It is the debasing sin.

It is not Me.

It is degradation. It happens every single time society gives itself for evil. The Earth cries out.

These that do it. Taunt Me.

They say, There is no help.

I want this. Known.

None that have ever known pain or isolation or abandonment could kill. Not without. These choose offense for sport. They rebel.

I want. I want this stopped.

Beware the leaven of a Pharisee.

Yom Dalet

11th Cheshvan, 5771


October 20, 2010

I will have.

I want.

Their money.

All of it.

My people will have it.

I have this.


I am embittered that these watch Mine suffer and celebrate.

Erev Shabbat

27th Cheshvan, 5771


November 5, 2010

I have gifts. I have gifts for every one of you.

Erev Shabbat

27th Cheshvan, 5771


November 5, 2010

You have seen and you know The Great I Am. I Am pleased with you. I want you to have great abundance of joy and laughter and happiness and safety for those you adore.

I will protect you. I will love you. I will cherish you. I Am proud of you.

You have this. You are the apple of Mine eye.

I Am great and gentle. Kadosh. There is no violence in Me.

Ay ahav atem.

I will keep my violent enemies from you. I will love you with an everlasting love.

I have done great things with you. We did very well. You are to be honored and congratulated.

We now have the structure in place.

There will be attacks on My will. But we will prevail. We have done great feats. Amazing work. I Am proud of many. Almost all.

There is.

Unfortunately there is. I have an enemy who looks to hedonism as an rule. I will not tolerate it. It is wormwood. It claims to many before My eyes. I get grieved. I Am absolute. I Am Kadosh.

I love you.

Thank you.

Thank you all.

Yom Dalet

28th Elul, 5770


September 8, 2010

This I know.

Those that believe they know everything already about God, His Son, His Kingdom and its merits.

This strikes Me. Those that pull out verse in order to stiffen their necks toward correction. There is great trash here.

They combat Me with the Bible.

They quote and declare.

These quote My promises to Me as surety for themselves and against others as weapons.

I want not this spell book that binds and looses at their agreement. This bothers Me. These use this as combat.

None can bind or set loose but Those upon The Throne. We are not observing slick speech and incantations in order to reward their verse use. This practice is alarming at least. This deceit causes many to fall and balk. This sin is as witchcraft. It is connoting My Kingdom into their hands. This is not okay.

I gave no wand.

I agree not.

I disagree always.

Where two or three are gathered I do not answer that prayer. I do not like standing prayer. I Am not tasked by men and women ever. I do not go hither and yonder and over there. I have no hedge pop up.

There is only one way to get prayers answered. Righteous prayer will avail. That is it.

On knees unless at The Wall in Jerusalem .

This Wall I watch. Those sticking their nonsense in should pay for this strange order of events. They are as fools in their beliefs. These I speak of know Me not.

Mine may wail at that Wall for Mine.

I will not to have mass garbage stuck in the cracks of My Fort. This I mean. This is true.

I have this. These tell us what to do.

They stand upon the grave of Lord Kadosh King Abraham with this spell book in hand quoting and telling Me how We are to fare.

This is amusing not. These people are not Lord Kadosh King Abrahams seed. They are strange, convoluted, and weird. These are not His Children. What do they will today?

They run and route and fare well not. They have pockets full of these seeds I gave them not.

What soil do they plant in for these money trees? Stay from it.

These are not well at best and deceitful at least.

Yom Geemal

5th Tishrei, 5771


September 14, 2010

This I have.

This I see.


There are people with great losses who are just. There are people with great gains that are unjust.

These practice wickedness and deceit to subvert the just and the righteous.

I have this. This has gone too far. I must untangle many from these.

This will cause much rattling.

Yom Dalet

11th Cheshvan, 5771


October 20, 2010

This I have. Genuine and verifiable disdain. Not good.

I will send the contents of The Seventh Seal after these.

I Am The Great I Am.

There are Sons and Daughters of Those upon The Throne that reside in places where there is no heat. These cannot even feel their feet.

These parade themselves not.

This matter means a great deal to Me.

Mercy and grace I Am.


21st Cheshvan, 5771


October 30, 2010


There are entire States in open blatant rebellion to the Flag.

I want My Brass.

I want My Arm.

I want My Standard.

I want My Ways.

I want My Means.

I do not accept blatant disobedience for authority. I cannot stand it. Order I set. Order I keep.


Lord Kadosh King Isaac

Pesach. This is My day. I have Birth.

Pesach. This is awesome. I have Decreed.

Most certainly. Woe! Woe! Pulling back on reigns. This Horse is Pale. Woe! I stead. Woe! Woe! Woe! It is.


15th Nisan, 5771.

My Yom Yerushalim. How I adore You. All ways. The Apple of Mine Eye.

Woe! Woe! Woe! And it is. Woe!

I will not have. These gentiles they will not trod. Woe!

Mine. I will behold. Mine. I will tend.

I have dropped them. I have dropped them and shoved them from Me. Woe. Woe unto that gentile. Woe. I Am King.

Erev Shabbat

16th Elul, 5770


August 27, 2010

This is what is in the last horse. It is called Death and Hades. It is Pale.

This is locust.

The Courts.




The sins of witchcraft.

Washington D.C.







The locust horse will chew and chew on behalf of Her. The Woman.

She is My Nation. I chose Her.

I put Her Kings upon The Throne.

She will be glorified.

She is Eretz Yisrael.

There will be great triumph on Her behalf.

This locust horse will be the last.

It is certain.

I have caused the swarms and swarms to cause that rooster Ahmadinejad to lose control of those.

I have not forgotten these.

I have not forgotten any other.

My People will be with Me and it shall be known I Am with Them.

I am dropping every nation to their feet.

This is why the horse. It is only to devastate.

It chews holes in bags.

It chews holes in laws.

It chews holes in any precept that is not wholly Mine.

It causes them to turn on one another.

Just as when King David reigned.

He still does.

I desire to tell you something I hope you already know. When perfect love is used as a weapon against righteousness Hashem Elohim must intergrade to bring wholeness. He does not divide or split in such a manner. Innocent children should not be deprived of truth and what is truly righteousness. They are too impressionable and not able to properly choose right from wrong. They need good guidance. Too many parents are not foundationally secure enough to teach the innocent children properly. It is not any beast that marks or grades progress. It is G-d and His Son and King Adam, King Seth, King Enoch, King Methuselah, King Lamech, King Noah, King Shem, King Eber, King Peleg, King Malchizedek, King Abraham, King Isaac, King Jacob, King Joseph, King Moses, King Joshua, King Samuel, King David, King Solomon, King Elijah, King Isaiah, King Jeremiah, King Ezekiel and King Daniel. The entire field is whole wheat now. They are separating the wheat from the tares. L-rd Messiah is completely glorified. He is a consuming fire. He and His Father Adonai Elohei Yisrael and the heavenly hosts and judges and the 24 elders have complete control. They will glorify Jerusalem at all costs. They will fight for her. She will remain eternally. The scroll was a present to L-rd Messiah and as He opens He receives His kingdom authority. He loves Eretz Yisrael and His Fathers. He is the Son of Elohim. The Son of Eretz Yisrael. The White Throne Judgment is all of them. There will be no rapture. The desire of L-rd Messiah is that every knee bow and that everyone do the will of His Father. Babylon fell and out goes that old bitter root. Jerusalem is now a stumbling block to all. She was a gift to L-rd Messiah. The moon is under her feet and she has a crown of glory on her head. She is clothed with the sun. Hashem and all the Kings and Hosts are going to war for her and she will be glorified. From the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates is yet another gift to L-rd Messiah and His Forefathers and all the Jewish people. He is Holy. His Name is Holy and nothing but whatever is faithful, just, holy, pure, righteous, true and worthy will they accept. This is not a hard task at all. Lord Messiah is true and faithful. His will is to glorify Hashem Elohim.



22nd Nisan, 5771


April 27, 2011

Have this.

I have.

I Am snapping yokes. I Amunbound. No Law. None.

I have.

Grace to Law. Law to Grace.

My Line of Demarcation. Mine. I Am.

Yom Bet

21st Av, 5770


August 2, 2010


Bowls Poured

The Kings upon The Throne of Adonai poured out Their Bowls

1st Sivan, 5770

9:00 p.m.

Eretz Yisrael


May 15, 2010

1:00 p.m.


The Fifth Vial

Av 1, 5770

7:00 a.m.

Eretz Yisrael


July 12, 2010

11:00 p.m.


The Fifth Seal

Av 6, 5770

3:30 p.m.

Eretz Yisrael


July 18, 2010

7:30 a.m.


This is what is inside the Fifth Seal.

Complete authority over discarding the firstborn to the last in any order He chooses.

His grace, His mercy, and His favor.

The Iron Rod as He has had.

He will continue to call sin out.

He will Curse with every Curse in Devarim 28:16-67.

He will mobilize His enemies in His favor.

He will mock the sin of the wicked and use anyone He chooses to do so.

He will Glorify His Father and Fathers as He so chooses.

He may protect even the forsaken at will or whim.

And He continues to wage a Mighty War against all evil whether in the dimension unseen by man or in the dimension seen by man.

There are three.

Heaven is a completely separate dimension.

It is the size of two Earths round. It begins approximately 200 miles above Earth. There is the Throne. It is absolutely beautiful.

There are living creatures such as mankind has never seen before. Awesome. The Chayos are alive. They are. They are to be. They will. They know.

Many many creatures like this. Fascinating! They speak. The Chimerah speak. They assist.

No life is greater or lesser. They are. Just like a fish is a fish and a dove is a dove. No intellect is greater or smaller.

The Merkavah is the Heavenly Court where the Heavenly Hosts pay homage to God. There are Seraphims and Cherubims of every size. Wing spans to 500 feet. As short as 10 feet. When they pray the tall tall doors open and shut as they say Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh.

God's Throne has legs that fill the Merkavah. Seraphim. Large Seraphim stand above.

Kings and Kings and Lords are near Him with Bowls of Incense. Prayers are recorded. They watch everything we do. They do not divert their eyes. They watch every bird. Every beetle. Every cow.

The writing is on the wall.

Our Kings are Masters of legions.

Do not be surprised to see their handiwork.

There are seraphims, cherubim and a few teraphim whom rebelled against God in a dimension on Earth we cannot see. The Flying Scroll is War upon them. Their numbers are great. This is in regards to King Jacob's Terebinth.

Do not be surprised to see their handiwork.

There are three dimensions. Heaven. Earth and its materials and a dimension of light. Hashem Elohim can make dimensions.

He is beautiful.

We are in His Image.

Know full well what is at risk. National treasure will be carted off.

Our Kings will Restore Honor to Adonai at all costs. No matter. No age.

The Sixth Seal is the sun so hot. Woe! Such as when Elijah soughta cloud the size of a man's hand.

They will rent their garments. There will be sackcloth and ashes.

We are safe. Dandled on our Kings knees.

Jerusalem is clothed with the sun.

Her crown is our twelve tribes. Haftaros Shemos Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23

He has clothed us for reward.

I tell you the Woe. It will be.

Every nation is now down. We are a stumbling block.

The moons.

Here are the moons.

This is what I mean by the moon is under her feet.

The stars are our twelve tribes.

The moons are our cycles. It takes many many moons.

When they turn to blood. There will be.

This is the number of a man. It is those who rose up against His Chosen. Every one of them. It will be finished. Ephraim will notice the gentile trodders and mock against them permittedly. Hashem is our crown. Do not bring Jacob hoariness! Jeremiah 1:1-2:3. Hashem hastens to fulfill His words. Iron rod pillar. Almond tree staff.

If one or some or many or few rose up against His. Even one. They will be cut off forever. Even the least and their generations He wants not.

He blesses and He curses. Israel is chosen. She will not be trampled!

It is not for man.

He keeps His promises.

No potsherd will rule.

Many many moons.

It takes many many moons.

That moon is under His Beloved's feet.

Theyhave the bucket list.

Theywill gird.

We have some trouble in the USA. Most cannot inherit The Kingdom of Heaven.

He doesn't want them. Those don't want Him. Easy. He does it every time. He uses one to rid the other.

Many many moons.

I want to tell you.

Hashem Elohim has enemies.

You know this full well.

I have been learning about Baal, Molech, Rimmon, Og and the rest. I have learned names. Their tribes.

This is the number of a man.

Shemos 4:11 Shemos 4:15

Yom Dalet

14th Elul, 5770


August 25, 2010

I have this for your verification.

Sivan 6, 5768

June 9, 2008

Shavuos 1

10 gentiles to the hem of every Jew.

Eretz Yisrael is the apple of Gods eye.

Rosh Chodesh Elul 5768

September 1, 2008

Haftaros Shabbas Rosh Chodesh.

Eretz Yisraelfeels no labor and has a Son.

Hashems crown is on the ground.

The twelve stars are our twelve tribes.

Haftaros Shemos

Jeremiah 1:1-2:3

Ephraim notices the trodding.

Haftaros Shemos

Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23

Torah is now a paper moon.

The moon is under our feet.

20th Elul, 5768

September 20, 2008

Eretz Yisrael is a stumbling block.

Every Nation is at her feet.

Haftaros Vayagash

Ezekiel 37:15-28

Eretz Yisrael is clothed with the sun.

Her foot comes down.

The mystery is those who persecute her.

Every person who has anddoes and will.

Every Nation who has anddoes and will.

Our Kings are on The Throne.

We are dandled.

Hashem Elohim will hasten to fulfill His promises to the Jews.

Hashems War Book.

The Flying Scroll.

24th Av, 5770


August 5, 2010

Wheat and tares is represented by the two witnesses. They wander after His mortal wound that is healed. Heaven is valid. This passageis of a double edge. He is alive only for propitiation yet tarries come time to obey. They woe themselves. They claim Him to be The One True Witness yet are double minded. This is the chief cornerstone, stumbling block that He bound them with. He full well knew they would use Him and not heed him. They abuse Him and wield Him against His Fathers and Peoples at whim. He despises this but He will not let them know because He will not. When He said it is finished He meant it. No more was ever to be done but obedience to Him and His Father and His voice and His commands. They are not worthy. They will not repent. They will not obey. They concoct and conjure what it is to follow and know Him not. Upon this Earth is contempt and abuse. He mocks His enemies. They continue to view Him as their baby. They call on Him like a handmaiden. They swaddle Him under their Asherah poles. That is what a Christmas tree was in ancient days. Same thing. The fruit of Baal. They use His own words against His own because they stole the literature and refuse to put His Chosen first. It is disgusting. He is their excuse for absolutely everything. They say of Him He will win the world. It was finished and He Is. He is the Son of King David. He Is The Son of G-d. He has not forsaken His own.

They not only put their hands into His own bowl but have defiled the birthrights of those He adores and cherishes. They put themselves first.This practice is abhorrent. It is not an ignorant practice. He knew the dogs would return to their vomit.

This harlot shall be dealt with. She drinks His cup. She is not reached upon her throne. She belongs to Baal. Her and all those of her like. These are intent on being the first fruitsin spite ofthe Jews. They will not cease this abhorrent practice. She will appear as she is. She is opulence. She buries His talent.

Yom Bet

16th Cheshvan, 5771


October 25, 2010

I have this.

You must take height over those hooded backward barbarians. They torment My Earth. You must stop the nonsense.

I do not want any product of bestiality on My Earth. I do not want it. I do not want it loved. These are not able.

I have this. Axis. I want the ax laid to the root until the behavior is gone.

I have no tolerance for those trying to save these.

Pakistan and Afghanistan I will turn.

Pakistan is a money pit.

Know My enemies. Take height.

Erev Shabbat

27th Cheshvan, 5771


November 5, 2010

I Am thanking you all so very much. You have done a superb job. You all have worked tirelessly long hours.

Look what you have done. I Am absolutely pleased.

Yom Dalet14th Elul, 2010USA CST

August 25, 2010

The pendulum that used to swing between liberty and security has now been replaced by one between ideology and analysis. This is no mistake. This is not good. It is like grasping at water.It seems as if leaders are simply clicking two sticks together. Cups are not measured. Justice and mercy are perverted. When this happens God must enter grade to bring wholeness. He does not divide or split in this manner.There is no standard of righteousness and America is being carried away much like Jerusalem once was.Sedition and factions can be most easily assessed by viewing the divisions through Police Departments and Worship Centers. Every rip. Every tear. And it is all done in the name of comfort and joy. These have their own standards of vengeance in their teeth. They use perfect love against what is righteous. Glasnost.If one cannot see the Lord God paint with small strokes then and only then will He widen the brush. From finger to hand and hand to arm all for good and good for all. America was a standard and she gave herself away in the name of comfort and joy. The lesson is the same we learned of Jerusalem. She loved so much she lost her standard. God brought to them copper skies and perfect storms to restore justice and mercy. We are at a tipping point. The weights and measures horse isgone. Fast Horse. You must now draw out your righteous arm. Not your evident arm but your righteous arm. Locusts are swarming upon Americas measures. We must restore our cups. We must enter grade. For correction and not wrath. There is no danger to the faithful, just, holy, pure, righteous, true, or worthy.As long as the horse is so there will be locusts. It's lukewarm. You need to know this now.He is going to plummet the worldwide pendulum to death and destruction with haste.Yom Heh

22nd Elul, 5770


September 2, 2010

This is scope.

Eyes open. Eyes shut.



This is not lean.

This is not an opinion.

These have perverted My view which is Kadosh. Holy.

Those that accept everything.

Those that do nothing.

Those that cause.

Those that remedy.

I abhor unjust weights and measure.

Mankind walks left believing they can change scope by enlightenment.

Sin will always be sin because I Am.

I maintain it. I maintain these.

There are children as experiments whom are being taught to tolerate evil as goodness.

This is as witchcraft.

There are men who manipulate women and children as beasts having claimed for themselves redemption.

There are women who are used for no natural use and all of the above. I stand not for this. There is no reason for marriage.

The weakest of these is the standard.

The strongest of these is their hope in My swift punishment.

I cannot take Mine hands to them to rescue.

I must.

This infuriates Me. There are opulent self prophets wielding Me.

I have this. Even those whom forsake the roots of their faith and leave them for dead and impoverished. I hate these. I mean the Jews. I despise their suffering.

I desire to set them to rescue My people and the approximate 198,000,000 abused.

Instead, the clamor for cash.

I abhor this.

Their scope is purposely perverted.

They did it. Not I.

Every one of Mine should be safe.

There is no excuse for this practice.

They themselves are as great abusers.

I hold them responsible.

I hold contempt.

If they were righteous I would say go and they would go.

I would say change it and they would change it.

Instead they flail. Looking for the income of the so-called lost for catch and release.

I Am no maid.

I Am no indentured servant.

I Am.

They choose eyes wide shut.

Yom Dalet

11th Cheshvan, 5771


October 20, 2010

I have.

A yoke.

This is the fight. They claim your Son. These balk. They joke. They slur.

I abhor those.


They are buying up the World.

Not for Me.

I have disdain for everyone like them.

I want them to heed Me.

I want them all to halt.

And I want this now.


Yom Kippur

10th Tishrei, 5771


September 19, 2010

This I see.

This I desire.

I just want more. These clamor for junk and stuff and prizes. Those cannot get.

This I have. The focus should be on Me.

There are approximately 198,000,000 people stuck behind the gates of literal hell.

If I see another opulent peddler of the Glory of G-d that does not give a damn about becoming truly righteous so as to go and save on command I'm going to take them out.

What is righteous. I Am!


Listen to me.We need notone more distraction in the name of G-d or Jesus.


17th Elul, 5770


August 28, 2010

Re: Double Minded Despots

You see those in every town in America.

They are like Jezebel.

They refuse to acknowledge "it is finished".

They have everyone looking this way and that way.

They gleam in opulence. Having been blessed above others.

If they have their way they will yoke.

Stay far from this yoke.

Yom Alef

18th Elul,5770


August 29, 2010

This I have.

I will restore everything those locusts consumed.

I will do this at the expense of all.

They took everything.

They took My plants, My homes, My Reputation, My standards, My precepts, My statutes and My laws and made them by-words to My people.

They have stuck their finger in every bowl served.

They would not accept My choice in Heavenly Kings, Lords, Hosts or Heavenly Judges.

I will see to it that this is recognized.

They have perverted every word I ever spoke yet they speak as if they have Me.

They wag their tales.

They rob and plunder what I love daily without relent.

Know this.

These know full well.

Iwill replace every sacred object by utilizing an iron yoke upon the necks of King Jacob's enemies, they came to divide and split since.

Mine children know Me and they know I Am.

Those that practice spells and divination in The Name will be greatly disposed to favor Eretz Yisrael.

Do not hasten to them.

This is a ruse.

I have unclenched the fists of these.

Right hand.

Take from left hand.

As it will be as in the days.

You need to know.

I Am bringing great treasure and fame to Mine.

Gird them not.

As in Parashas Vayechi it will be.

It has been declared and it is.

Yom Vav

8th Tishrei, 5771


September 17, 2010

This I want to see.

People should fear G-d. They should fear My punishment for their actions, deeds and even some awful thoughts.

When conscience is lost to loose self talk and strange affirmations it is as witchcraft.

These do not fear man or G-d or even themselves. There is no authority greater than their own hedonism.



Evil doers.


Perpetuators of their own will.

The miserly.

These and more and even more go about My Earth subverting My will daily for their own benefit. I will begin subversion as I always do and at the birth of their idea to conquer. These plot and scheme and lure and capture and dissuade and taunt and mislead and reroute and lie. I abhor these. This is premeditated action and a test unto Me.

This I despise.

Those that say My creation is defective.

It is always evil.

It is always a sinner.

There is no help for it in G-d.

This is debase thinking. It excuses Me from the quotient always.

I have this.


Yom Heh19th Cheshvan, 5771USA CST

October 28, 2010

I want triumph.

These squealing self righteous potsherds must go. They are pomp and believe themselves puffed up by Me. How not so. It has no moral. Not one. It claims itself as a human condition. I abhor this disobedience. This watered down blatant irresponsibility. They will not accept responsibility because of utilitarianism. They use the death of The Kadosh to justify acting like wormwood.

I will not have this bee dance. It is all bee dance unless one abides in justice and truth with Me. My mercies are new every day.

I Am Great and greatly to be praised.

My yoke is delightful.

July 05, 2010

I am here to tell you that The Sovereign L-rd G-d and King Adam, King Seth,

King Enoch, King Methuselah, King Lamech, King Noach, King Shem, King Eber,

King Peleg, King Malchizedek, King Abraham, King Isaac, King Jacob, King Joseph,

King Moses, King Joshua, King Samuel, King David, King Solomon, King Elijah,

King Isaiah, King Jeremiah, King Ezekiel, King Daniel and The Messiah are soon to pour

out another vial.

This is to correct. We must have reach to the hearts of mankind. Now, it is as if

every seed falls upon rocks. The field is full of rocks. We must till. The Earth

cries out. No one listens yet everyone believes.

You need to know what true righteousness is. It is an obedience. A knowing of the

voice of G-d Almighty, Jesus, and The 24 Elders whose bowls we pray into. They

then pour out over the Earth answer to our prayers.

America represents the perfect yoke but is a stench in the nostrils of Those on The Throne. They are alive. They are marking up all who choose to continue in beast like behaviors.

Those who continue in sin and disobedience that know full well The Messiah was not a

gift of slaughter for them to sin freely will be greatly damaged. They drink the cup

of abomination.

The L-rd G-d is going to increase the wickedness. Soon and very soon there will

be riots, famine and war on United States soil, within 11 months there will be bloodshed.

Jerusalem is clothed with the sun. He really waned it. He alone is Almighty G-d.

She is a stumbling block. You will soon notice His chosen people in complete authority.

She is on her way to becoming SPOT. The Gold Standard. The L-rd Almighty will

rip into shreds His enemies. And any harlot whom scoffs and mocks His beautiful


Gentiles are already hemmed in. The righteous will not suffer or beg for bread. They

will not be at the mercy of the wicked, marked up, disgusting, irreverent, foul beasts

whom cannot put away nor choose to keep their bodies from sin or evil representation

of themselves. They live by the dictates of their own hearts and set their own standards.

The L-rd despises them.

The United States is full of these vermin. Our daughters are surrounded by vermin

fools who have colored all over themselves, curse with every syllable and have

pierced every body part they keep in exact rebellion against what is good and Holy.

These men and women bear crosses as an weapon of vengeance. They will be killed.

They do not belong to any on The Throne. This freedom is not free from the wrath

and vengeance of The Messiah.

They are One on The Throne under G-d. They will stop this idiocy at all costs. As well,

when He said, "It is finished," it left no room for imposters or money changers.

This haughty, abominable spirit of blasphemy will end. We are on the last horse. It

will be done by six years time and until these people repent in sackcloth and ashes there

will be storms, quakes, plagues, confusion, violence, trauma and the hottest sun will

dry up food stuffs, crops and sustenance just as G-d Almighty once did to Jerusalem.

He gave them to eat their young.

In America the young serpents feast on the old in the name of Jesus. He is furious.

A daughter cannot keep purity without guard. Babies and children are exposed to

wickedness unchecked.

There is no fear to the righteous and the wicked will never understand. They will

grow more foul by the day and become as locusts to tear and rip one another apart.

The Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh will do so now.

Here is insight. His Seal endures forever. 616.

The descendants of those wicked ones who choose their own standards will be cut

off from the Earth forever.

It is a narrow road. One must glorify G-d. He is faithful, just, holy, pure, righteous,

true and worthy. His seven spirits. His seven eyes. He sees all. He will rebuke any

Nation and any person whom has ever made an enemy of themselves to anyone on or

around The Throne of G-d or in Heaven or on Earth. He will protect His people and

destroy the wicked from the Earth. Mourn not for them for they have made themselves

into abominations.

Their sin and behaviors have been measured by Kings, Lords, Heavenly Hosts and

Heavenly Judges. They will not tolerate it.

Those who have had family rise up against The Throne of God and The House of King David will be destroyed. He is an eternal firebrand. G-d Almighty is true to His promises. As well, any other King upon The Throne.

Blasphemy will not be tolerated. I Am that I Am will be remembered. He is not a fairy tale nor a joke. He is sure and fast. Look for His finger, His hand, His arm. Watch the animals, birds and fowl. He cares for His creatures and His sea is a testament against mankind.

The oil is just the beginning of mayhem. Stadiums will fall. Crops will be destroyed. People will die by the hand of the L-rd G-d and Kings.

They are alive and well and They will reign and rule forever, amen.

The righteous will not fall or fail. The reason for this letter is to simply tell you that there will be war, mayhem and rioting within 11 months. This even will occur across the globe.

He has Jerusalem. Doubt it not. She will rule. She will reign. Her Authors and Her Finishers sit upon The Throne of G-d Almighty; Himself. Do not look upon her with haughty eyes. He will decimate any Nation that does.

Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ehad.

Baruch Hashem for The Kings of Yerushalim and Eretz Yisrael. Baruch Hashem for the

Heavenly Hosts and Heavenly Judges of Yerushalim and Eretz Yisrael. Baruch Hashem

for the L-rds of Yerushalim and Eretz Yisrael.

They are masters of all.

Yom Vav

1st Shvat, 5771


January 7, 2011

I have seen. Yet I Am not seeing.

This devastation of the American child.

They have no reason to believe anything will improve.


21st Cheshvan, 5771


October 30, 2010

This I want. When I speak to My children I want to be heard and obeyed.

I Am. I Am not.

Wheat. Tares.


These things will not ever and never be recognized by Those upon The Throne. No matter. I do not desire them hurt. This action must be known.

Raise My Flag. Raise My Standard.

And know. The only city on a hill is Jerusalem. If She is forsaken I will go forth and demolish for sport. This girl America must look to Her and tremble. She may not compare. But bow. Serve Her or suffer.

I Am Her Glory and the lifter of Her head.

Yom Geemal

19th Iyyar, 5771


May 24, 2011

I. I have not. I have not begun. I have had it.

Wait. I Am told. I will not.

I will relent upon the Righteous. No one else.

This Country bears My yoke and no other.

I Am not.

Yom Bet

16th Cheshvan, 5771


October 25, 2010

I have this.

You must take height over those hooded backward barbarians. They torment My Earth. You must stop the nonsense.

I do not want any product of bestiality on My Earth. I do not want it. I do not want it loved. These are not able.

I have this. Axis. I want the ax laid to the root until the behavior is gone.

I have no tolerance for those trying to save these.

Pakistan and Afghanistan I will turn.

Pakistan is a money pit.

Know My enemies. Take height.

Yom Bet

23rd Cheshvan, 5771


November 1, 2010

This convoluted yoke. It can be broken. Snapped. My enemies do it all the time.

One must always fear the greatest consequence. Their beliefs are most evident.

I will show you all plight.

I have this sower.

Every single seed.

I will tow. Watch.

I will give you these locusts.

Serve Me.

I will give you My Kingdom.

Yom Geemal

Rosh Chodesh Kislev

1st Kislev, 5771


November 8, 2010

Tonight. My moon. I have this. A Declaration.

I will shed this Earth. Mine Earth.

I will not to have not one more and none ever that believe on any as an sacrifice in order to perpetuate sin and evil. These have drunk. Willfully so.

I have this folly. I have this wormwood.

I will not tolerate these things be taught to babes. I have this death bed salvation.

These have no form for obedience. They have no identity in Me.

I will not Grace them. I will not chase after. I will multiply them in their sin unto death.

I Am not granted. I Am not taken. I Am not pushed over or swayed.

They will know I Am and I Am not.

Yom Geemal

13th Tevet, 5771


December 21, 2010

This eclipse is not worthy. I have many.


My moons are Kadosh. And so it is written.

Paper Moon.

This is for My People. The Sons and Daughters of Mine. This Moon.

19 Av, 5770

July 31, 2010

I want to tell you.

Hashem Elohim has enemies.

You know this full well.

I have been tried and tried and tried.

I have been stripped of every thing worldly.

I have been attacked and attacked.

I cannot wait to meet Lord Job, Lord Jonah, Lord Gideon, Lord Zerubabel, Lord Jeremiah.

Every day and night I call to them from my knees.

When Hashem Elohim happened upon me. When I beheld my God.

There was a War waged upon me.It has been great.It hurts.

I know I am worthy.

I havebeen learning about Baal, Molech, Rimmon, Og and the rest. I have learned names. Their tribes.

Their potsherds will be discarded.

Let me tell you. Adonai does not even want a fork from these. He despises them. No spoil. Not even a cow. Unclean.

There will be war and within 10 months riots on American soil.

I have a task. Nothing would please me more. I want them gone.

Yom Geemal

22nd Av, 5770


August 3, 2010

This is what is left from a number (+/-) 57,000,000. They never fell. These rebelled openly and brazen.

They know Elohim is Kadosh and that is why. There will be no stooping to their ways. They advantage themselves because G-d is The Great I Am and will never lower His Standard. He must set it. He Is He Was and He Is To Be. It is His example. Elohim is Worthy of all Power, all Glory, all Praise, all Worship and all Honor. He is Righteous, Pure, Worthy, True, Just, Faithful, and Kadosh. Not by might but by His Spirit and not theirs ever.

Adonai put them into boundary in Earth's other dimension. The dimension of light. It is not the same as Heaven. They abide. They have torn almost everything.

They still refuse to stop. Their number one weapon of deception is sex/love. They are able to come upon people in and with spirit. They come upon our sons and daughters for sport. The youth believe it true love or "chemistry". Woe. Do hate these. They mate them. Baal and the others cause worship to themselves. Molechwields Mohammad. Baal blasphemes Jesus and builds false altars to him for sport. Khali supports Molech. Hrs supports Molech. Baal supports Molech. Do despise him. The Lords and G-d will not kill him. They will break him until They are pleased with his yoke. He is token. He refuses to relent and so do The Lords and G-d. They pervert the Name of God. That is why.

Largest Seraphim

Up to 100 feet tall

Wing spans up to 300 feet

(+/-) 918,000

Medium Seraphim

Up to 30 feet tall

Wing spans up to 100 feet

(+/-) 2,500,000

Small Seraphim

Up to 15 feet tall

Wing spans up to 30 feet

(+/-) 900,000

Smallest Seraphim

Up to 8 feet tall

Wing spans up to 20 feet

(+/-) 1,700,000

Teraphim- Four

Baal usually in USA and surrounding area

Khali usually in Israel and surrounding area

Molech usually in India and surrounding area

Hrs usually in Italy and Europe

Largest Cherubim

Up to 100 feet tall

Wing spans up to 300 feet

(+/-) 1,600,000

Medium Cherubim

Up to 30 feet tall

Wing spans up to 100 feet

(+/-) 3,800,000

Small Cherubim

Up to 15 feet tall

Wing spans up to 30 feet

(+/-) 2,600,000

Smallest Cherubim

Up to 8 feet tall

Wing spans up to 20 feet

(+/-) 1,500,000

Serpent in Revelation 1 Satan


Extremely Evil



Extremely Evil








Self Righteous






Know this. None of these has hair. None appear as women. They look and move like cats. They have no noses. They have round pupils. Every color but black. Cherubim are white. Teraphim are black and white. Two of each. All Seraphim are black. They are gorgeous. Their talent is great and everlasting. They can stencil anything. Their minds are like kaleidoscopes. They can fool any man and at any time. They are greater and always will be. They over take their prey and intend to blaspheme at all times.



22nd Nisan, 5771


April 27, 2011

Have this.

I have.

I Am snapping yokes. I Amunbound. No Law. None.

I have.

Grace to Law. Law to Grace.

My Line of Demarcation. Mine. I Am.


21st Cheshvan, 5771


October 30, 2010

I have this.

I have made it clear where the locusts are.

There is a head. There is a tale.

I have this. I dont want it. These wager their tongues in war against My Statutes. If it tells. It only causes itself to be known.

I want the head ripped off of every locust.

I want the tale abolished.

I want Mine Earth clean. It cries out.

Yom Dalet

2nd Kislev, 5771


November 10, 2010

I have this G-20.

When in Jakarta one should not consternate themselves with Eretz Yisrael in their teeth. It is called scorn.

There will be repercussion.

Yom Bet

23rd Cheshvan, 5771


November 1, 2010

Directives. You must not heed any with seed. Lead.



Stiffen your neck unto all but Mine.

Those will jealous quickly.

Maintain My Kingdom come at all costs and in spite of those fools.

Recognize by active listening. Reject. Regurgitate their garbage that they want served to them without exception. Hold My banner. They cannot. They will not. They best not.

You are the Sons and Daughters. How dare they steal your seed. Thieves. But not for you. Mine. And Theirs upon The Throne.

Yom Bet

23rd Cheshvan, 5771


November 1, 2010

The seed I have. These and those do not want. They only want for themselves and not others or all. They squander.

I have this. The seed of My Son they do not want. They have had these Christmas Trees erected for years. He is their baby. They carry Him swaddled. Not grown. So they reside in sin and comfort and joy. Some try to protect Me. Hilarious.

Dogs. Salvation is for the Jews.

I Am no prize. I Am.

If they knew Me they would halt. I do. I Am. A Consuming Fire. These. Those. None. None of these that tamper My Name. My Witness. My Testimony. My Reign. My Rule. None will go unpunished.

Adonai Reigns. My issue is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. I dont care for rich or poor. I demand full righteousness.

Yom Bet

23rd Cheshvan, 5771


November 1, 2010

I have this. Strategy.

I want all of it. Put the seed to the weakest. Put it in front.

Do not feed it. Throw it. Those will notice.

When you disperse this seed. Do not attach a name to it. Throw it where there is no fertility first. Then the rocks.

They will not gather. They will not assemble. They will not clamor. They will not charge.

They that are wicked might believe to steal it. Snatch it away from an unknown sower. I have this. Mine.

Yom Bet

23rd Cheshvan, 5771


November 1, 2010

I have this enemy. It always and never fails to go after My seed to devour it.

I have this. Unknown sower.

The battle belongs to The Lord.


It has no head. It has no tale.

Watch this upside down. Turn it on its side and record. Lift it up. Observe.

I have this now for all of you that read. And the writer too. Show Me your rook. I have every circumstance. Let Me show you flank.

Yom Heh

29th Tevet, 5771


January 6, 2011

This is your problem America and those like Her. You are worthy of destruction.

But with all your hearts you believe.

You have no obedience. No righteousness.

I will keep those and these and they because they seek to do what I tell them and what is Kadosh. Holy.

My Son will not be taken in vain. Never and not ever did He die for insolents. Those who do not seek Me.

These feral incidents I see. They have no root in them. They have no root in Me.

These and they and those brandish crosses. Most idols. Some warnings. I do not like it.

Thugs run round with crosses laden upon them. Their testimony in My Son disgusts Me.

Yom Vav

1st Shvat, 5771


January 7, 2011

Listen to Me. The children are angry. They are just in their anger.

No one strengthens widows or orphans. They place them with shame.

Yom Bet

26th Tevet, 5771


January 3, 2011

I will not have any pretend that My yoke is Pharisee. I Am Most Awesome Loving Almighty G-d.

I have this for sure. All choices that are good can be.

It is only the wicked and evil and hurtful divisions and harm I insist be removed.

I will not have these murderous adulterers who divide and split to conquer. I will not have the cheats and the bamboozlers nor the lures that snare.

I have had enough.

This world is paradise.

I will not have not one say this yoke I bear is convoluted or iron or I will. I have had My fill of disobedience from these and those and they. Children have no foundation. The norms are heartbreaking at best.

Faithfulness is lost on Me not.


24th Elul, 5770


September 4, 2010

See this.

All encompassing.

I have this.

I do not want idols.

I do not want winged things that are set upon stages and at doors.

No Woman or Man inMy Throne Room desires any idol worshiped or made of Them.

Here I have a great amount of trash.

I have marked. Graded. I will destroy those that know Me not.

I have this American idol.

The writing is on the wall. Just as when the King of Babylon drank that cup of My Chosen I write. Mene. Mene.

I abhor these. Shuva and all of those. Taoism and all of these. Cows are not sacred. I do not charm serpents. Psychics are as witches. There is no "crossing over."

There are no holy ghosts. I AmThe Great I Am. This is like Sufism. I have this. I spat this lukewarm out of My mouth not. Nicolatians!

Listen. This thing with eight arms. I have scrambled the eggs of these. See them born. I have.

And I have again.

Autism. ADHD. These are Mine.

I have this. A new batch. Three generations or more rotted before My eyes.

Scrambled eggs. I mean genes.

I will not tolerate My Reputation perverted.

Ialways and without doubt comefor My Reputation. Leave the ninety nine and come back to Me. I Amthe One. This is true. I do not gather these like chicks. My Chosen I have.

I Am not this nor that and this is Mine Earth. I shall tend it and not these.

I Am Kadosh. I bear Kadosh jealousy.

I Am Kadosh.

I will destroy and mock and subvert without care for the least of these. My Grace is not man's. My grace is sufficient because it is of Me. I shed My grace not.

Watch them mutilate themselves. This is My pleasure. I enjoy it. I position.

I Am I was and I Am to be.

I have no hatha yoke. I have no yoga yoke. This disgusts me.

My yoke is righteousness alone and only. My redemption belongs to the righteous. Salvation belongs to all.

If you were not and someone said and believed of you that you were so and such would you not correct it, even end it?

Oh, you would, and I will.

Made in My Image you are.

Each human being bears this jealousy.

I put it there for justice. It is in your boundaries of known. I will be known as I Am.

Know I abhor this worldwide and near and far and here and over there and always.

I have this. Over one billion Mohammad followers.

I hate these too. They are made for this wicked day.

They have only one thing. Their prayer moves me greatly. I Am Worthy of this.

These know I Am Worthy. I favor many.

SomeAmericans take Me and Mine for granted. They toss them into trash heaps.

You need to know this.

Mine are upon The Throne. They are Kadosh.

They are not tending your children or your animals anywhere.

We have Courts with Rules and Mitzvot reigns. We are Kadosh.

These will not. Those without Rosh Hashana blessings will not.

I will not have them heard.

They cannot go anywhere near My Lord's Rebecca, Mary, Rachel, Elizabeth, or Ruth. Not even one.

Know this clearly. These children are heathens.

I will not to have them near one of Mine.

They bear Crowns of Righteousness.

They are Robed.

They are not tending free roaming dogs bound to Heaven. There are no dogs in My House. Know it. These are absurd. We loathe these heathen degenerate fools.

They expect everything and give nothing always. Know We despise them. And if they pull out even one more of Our Children We will go forth. I have this. We bear disdain. You have no Honor for Ours. These are Kadosh. We will halt the trample Ourselves.

I desire to toy these heathens who believe they have inherited My blue heavens. Go from Me you workers of Iniquity!

I know you not. You selfish heathen. You will not inherit here. You will not reside here. I would not have you anywhere near These Women. They are Kadosh and greatly to be praised. Worship is ascribed to These and They will have it.

Know it. I have this American idol.

I have this. Dry wheat. One match could blaze those fields. One drop of sun could scorch these.

These whining fools are as Olive Oil.

They grease the wheels. OMG! LOL.

They cry out The Name of God during fornication. OMG!

Mercy and not sacrifice. Obedience and not sacrifice. I have this. We have this. You had better know this. We are not content. The Earth cries out.

If I choose a man I shall protect him form injustice.

If I choose a woman I shall protect her from man.

This I have.

I have begun to subvert.

These know and you know not and never will.

One match.

There is no reason for marriage in Heaven, nor on Earth any longer.

My Courts are Kadosh.

This Earth is polluted.

I have some.I have many. I have all.

These Children of Abraham. King Kadosh Lord Abraham will be glorified. We rear them all.

I will expend all.

Even these Children of Noah. King Kadosh Lord Noach will be glorified. We rear them all.

I will expend all.

These know who they love.

Those are trash.

Absolom is not with King David.

Bathsheba is. And so areThey all. She is Robed.

Those heathens had better put away those.

We are Kadosh.

Do not disturbOur bones.

We will avenge even the root of Dinah's captors.

I would to have it known far and beyond that they see the writing on the wall.

I told these.Your enemies. I told all.

They seeclearly.

You are a haughty and puffed up stiff necked believer Nation.

I desire Mercy.

I will sing a song over this Earth every day just as in the time of Kings.

I reign. I rule. I Am.

It is known now. I have two witnesses in Heaven and upon Earth always.

I move and have in justice.

All I need is two.

Wheat. Tares.

Just. Unjust.

No double mind.

I Am.

See this.

All encompassing view.

I have glorified Mine.

The Courts are Awesome.

They Reign.

They see.

They are as I Am.

Oholibama has Monster's Ink.

She never was and never will be.

And this. The product of bestiality will not enter My Throne.

You need know this.

Your Kings did never and not ever and never mate that species.

You had better know I have never given These Royals over to this deprivation. I set Them upon Thrones. They have never dwelt in the bowels of the Earth.

I do not like Cubs and Lions mated.

I do not approve.

I never have. I will not tolerate these experiments.

I Am and I Am and I Am.

These have no fear. No honor.

The children of the reprobate name their children Treacherous. We call them, "Trecher Russ."

My double edge sword I share with Mine upon The Throne.

Their demise is Our pleasure and We multiply it, their sin.

If one cannot see we laugh.

How can you not see?

Then We say amongst ourselves.

We are not in vain.

We stumbled. We block. We are the Cornerstone.


We rejoice in their demise. They are as cheap props. They are American Pie.

I shed My Grace not.

I Am.

Yom Bet

26th Elul, 5770


September 6, 2010

I have this.

This view. This width.

I see andAm not. I Am and Am not.

There is so much faith trafficking.

Let Me explain here divination. It is signs and wonders, beliefs and attitudes.

This is true. People tend to cling to repetitive influences in their lives. This is tribal. It is path ethic.

Know I have enemies that greatly abuse.

In divination there is illusion toward stability, greatness, promotion, failures, opportunity, every great gift, every status, every role, every stature and every authority.

I widen your view. I narrow it.

There are people who have spoken ofsevens as lucky and eluded them to mean totality in interpretation of The Bible.

That Bible is a stolen papyrus.

These people are trying to code and decode the hearts of My prophets.

I gave My words to they.

Divination is as the sin of witchcraft.

This greatly displeases Me.

It diverts attention from truth.

It is a gamble at best and garbage at least. I hate this.

Have this.

Repetition is foolish. To know Me isrighteousness.

These and those that wag and wave and wonder please Me not.

I do not put this odd repetition in the life of anyone.

When I make someone righteous they obey Me. They ascribe Me worship and praise. They do not dicker with Me. They do not tell Me how, when, where, howmuch or how little. I Am in Command. There is no casual relationship with Adonai nor Those upon The Throne. Not ever.

These on Earth will obey here and in My Heaven.

Know this. There is no discontentment in worship and praise.

But here on Earth much worship is awful. Dreadfully awful. Brass and clanging symbols. They know not.

There is no trinity. There is no dogma. I own no monks. I own no pastors.

It is finished.

These people went and commissioned themselves like tribal fools. It's awful. Their piety is their very demise. Really now and what and how? KnowWe see it all. Their sin finds them out. But divination continues their sin.

Real people that iswhat We want. Humble and contrite willing hearts. We will have these and no others.

Yom Heh19th Cheshvan, 5771USA CST

October 28, 2010

Mine enemy is about to figure a seed that springs from rocks once again. Trendy.

Snatch it. Call the rock a rock. The damn thing is no more than a rock. In it no seed sprouts. Cast into those weeds for flies not.


Erev Yom Kippur

9th Tishrei, 5771


September 18, 2010

I have this. Width. This I see far and wide and all over. People cannot stand up for what is righteous. The enemies of G-d overtake them. I have this.

This thing will cease. Only the Kadosh seed will stand. Eretz Yisrael will be the Crown of Earth. These things take time. I want Mine to watch. I want Mine to pray.

I Am gentle. I Am not hostile. Not ever and never. These will not wander wither they come or go. They cannot. They are not able.

Within one hundred years time My Temple will be. It will remain and remain and prosper and endure. My people will see to it diligently as always. Have this.

Yom Dalet

21 Elul, 5770


September 1, 2010

I am finished with height and depth.

I am certain you have it.

I will now address width and scope.

Length is my relent. Duration is not length.

This I have.

Scope is given to those and these and they.

Newness is a seed. Scope is to be seen and seen only.

I have this.

No one evil should have a seed.

Snatch it.

Find out where it came from and trash it.

This will happen over and over until those behind the gates of hell are free.

I hate this perpetuated.

We need those seeds.

This is what I shall do.

I will fumble it.

I will pass it.

I will gaffe the carriers.
