Unit 8 I was the lucky dog to get the job. Words standard ['stænd ɚ d] n., ; afford...


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Unit 8

I was the lucky dog to get the job

Words standard ['stændɚd] n. 标准 , 水平 ; 规格 afford [ə'fɔ:d] v. 负担得起 bargain ['bɑ:gin] v . 讨价还价 bottom ['bɔtəm]   n. 1. 底 ; 底部 ; 下端 2.

屁股 , 臀部 3. ( 海、河的 ) 底部 , 水底 [the -S]

discount [‘dɪskaunt] n. 折扣 ; 打折

vacancy [‘veɪkənsɪ] n. 空缺 opportunity [,ɔpə'tju:niti] n. 机会;就业

(或晋升、进步等)的良机 promotion [prə'məuʃən] n. 提升 , 晋级 well-paid a. 高工资的 poorly-paid a. 低薪的

Essential expressions

a. How much would you like? Can you raise/lower a bit? Let’s say 500 dollars. It’s our standard/bottom price. How about meeting half way?

I don’t think I could afford to spend so much money for this.

That’s the best we can do. There is no room for bargaining./No bargaini

ng. We neither give discounts, nor pay by credit.

b. I’m looking for a job of a secretary. Are there any vacancies? Can you manage an interview tomorrow

morning at 9 ? No, but we need a part-time/full time clean


I change the job for better opportunities of rise and promotion.

The working hours are so long that I decide to quit the job.

That sounds reasonable /unreasonable. The job is well-paid /poorly-paid. Deal!

Text 1

Time out


How did the girl get the job interview? Who was to give her the job interview? What did the interviewer look like? What did the girl do in the interview? Did the girl get the job at last?

president stage lead into armchair [‘ɑrm,tʃɛr] n. 扶手椅 impatient [ɪm'peʃənt]  a. 1. 无耐心的 , 不耐烦的 ;

无法忍受的 [(+of/at/with)] 2. 切盼的 , 急欲的 [(+for) temper [‘tɛmpɚ]  n. 1. 情绪 ; 脾气 2. 暴躁 lose temper burst [bɝst] vi. 1. 爆炸 2. 冲 , 闯 3. 突然出现 ; 发

生 burst into

Notes While 作连接词的用法

1. 当 ... 的时候 , 和 ... 同时She listened closely while he read the letter. 他读信时 , 她听得很仔细。 I'll take care of your children while you are away. 你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的。 We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们必须趁热打铁。

2. 而 , 然而I like tea while she likes coffee. 我喜欢喝茶 , 而她喜欢喝咖啡。

3. 虽然 , 尽管While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape. 虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色 , 但我不喜欢它的形状。

It is very often that… It is very often that people lose their job in

the economic crisis. It is not very often that you can have such a

good job opportunity.

根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 无论何时她看到别人有困难,她总会去帮助

解决。 _______she sees others in trouble,she


2. 我花了至少八个小时才完成这项工作。 I spent ______ ______ eight hours in fi

nshing the work.

3. 在我们班上,四分之三的学生喜欢打篮球。 In our class , ______ ______ of the st

udents like playing basketball.

4 .—— 今天气温很低,是吧? —— 是的,尽管现在已经是春天了。 ——The ________ is quite low today , isn’t it ?

——Yes, though it’s ______ now.

5. 这会儿交通很繁忙,路上车辆很多,你过马路要小心。

The _____ is busy at this time . There are a lot of cars on the road. You must be more careful when you _______ the road.

1. 愚人节这天人们常跟其他人开些小玩笑。在许多国家,人们在四月一日这一天庆祝愚人节。

2. 有的孩子会告诉一个同学说上课取消了。大学生将时间调后一个小时,那么他们的室友就会错过上课时间。无论开什么样的玩笑,只要受捉弄的人相信,那么捉弄他的人就会大声说出:“愚人节的傻瓜”。

Text 1 Time out

He was the president of a famous company while I was a very young lady without much work experience. I had been introduced to him by one of his customers who had seen my work and thought I could be useful to his company. I was nervous. At that stage in my career, it wasn’t very often that I got to talk to the president of a company.

The appointment was at 10:00a.m, for one hour. I arrived early.

Exactly at 10 o’clock, I was led into a large office.

He was sitting comfortably in an armchair and had an impatient look on his face.

“Sit down. You’ve only got 20 minutes. So be quick,” he said impatiently.

But I just sat there, looking at him, not saying a word.

“I said, you’ve only got 20 minutes.” He repeated.

Again, not a word .

“Your time is passing. Why aren’t you saying anything?” he almost lost temper.

“They’re my 20 minutes,” I replied. “I can do whatever I want with them.”

He burst into laughter. We then talked for an hour and a half. I was

the lucky dog to get the job.

Text 2

unique expectation [,ɛkspɛk‘teʃən]  n. 1. 期待 ;

预期 employer [ɪm‘plɔɪɚ] n. 雇主 , 雇用者 effort [‘ɛfɚt] n. 努力reference ['rɛfərəns]  n. 提及 ; 涉及entire [ɪn'taɪr] a. 全部的 , 整个的

courage [‘kɝrɪdʒ]  n. 胆量 , 勇气staff [stæf]  ] n. 1. ( 全体 ) 职员 ,( 全

体 ) 工作人员 position [pə‘zɪʃən]  n. 位置 , 职位,

地位extremely [ɪk‘strimlɪ]  ad. 极端地 ; 极

其 ; 非常


Why did the man quit the present job? Why did the man make every effort to talk to

his former boss? When did the man see his former boss? What happened to him when he saw his

boss? How did the man get back his job?

Text 2 My unique job interview

I’d been looking for a job with better opportunities of rise and promotion for several months and after much searching I was finally offered a position. Of course I accepted and looked forward with great expectation to my new career. But days after I had given notice to my boss, my now employer called and told me that they couldn’t give me the job.

Greatly worried, I went looking for my boss to tell her I wouldn’t be quitting after all. I made every effort, but she was busy with meetings all day. The following morning, during a staff meeting she made reference to my leave. I had no choice but to tell the truth and ask for my old job back-in front of the entire office staff. She though for a moment and then gave me two months to fine a new job. I was almost crying, but I decided to take my chance.

I got all my courage to ask for a job interview for the same position. I was not surprised that she agreed, but I was extremely surprised that I could manage it almost perfectly. I finally got the job again.
