Unit 2 Review Age of Explorati on


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Unit 2 Review

Age of Explora


Age of Explora



European nation which would create the largest colonial empire in the Americas



in the peak years of 1581-1600, this many million pounds of gold & silver would be taken by the Spanish out of the Americas



used by British to finance settlement of America

Joint-Stock Company

Capital of the Aztec Empire


T_ n _cht_tl _nT_ n _cht_tl _n

Africa was weakened by war and unable to defend itself from European colonialism as a result of the …

Slave trade

Middle PassageMiddle Passage

African leader went on a pilgrimage to Mecca taking with him 60,000 people and 75 camels each loaded with 300 pounds of gold dust

Mansa Musa


An African oral historian and performer.



Before the Europeans, China’s Admiral ___ explored as far as the west coast of Africa but was ordered home by his emperor who stopped this nation’s exploration of the world.

Zheng He

Not Hang SheNot Hang She

the spread of things and ideas from one civilization to another

cultural diffusion


economic policy of European nations in the 1600’s, equating wealth and power



European ship in the 1400’s with triangle-shaped lateen sails that made it possible to sail against the wind, enabled Europeans to cross the oceans


Cara_ _ _ Cara_ _ _

first European to make a public discovery of the Americas



How many Africans were enslaved during the European slave trade?

11-15 million

Conservative #Conservative #

In 1888, this nation became the last American country to free its slaves. 33% of all slaves exported to the Americas went to this nation.



journey in which enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas, part of triangular trades

Middle Passage

Deadly tripDeadly trip

led the Spanish expedition that first sailed around the world in 1522


Killed in the Philippines

Killed in the Philippines

Native American tribe that was the first to encounter the Spanish, wiped out by disease



navigational instrument for measuring the height of the stars above the horizon to determine latitude and longitude


Replaced the astrolabeReplaced the astrolabe

person who makes maps



African whose autobiography about his experience as a slave began the Anti-slavery movement.

Olaudah Equino

Daholau InoequDaholau Inoequ

Portuguese explorer who was the first European to reach India by sea travel in 1497

Vasco de Gama

___ de ______ de ___

ruler of Portugal in the 1400’s who funded the study of navigation & the Portuguese voyages of exploration

Prince Henry the Navigator

Hank the SailerHank the Sailer

Which European nation began the African slave trade?


sea located on the east coast of Central America, location of many islands where the majority of Africans were sent to as slaves to work the sugar plantations


Cruise destinationCruise destination

Spanish conqueror or soldier in the Americas


Cortez was oneCortez was one

Spanish monk who protested the Spanish cruelty towards Native Americans

Bartolome de Las Casas

___ de Las ______ de Las ___

South American civilization who built an extensive road system in the Andes Mountains


Macchu PichuMacchu Pichu

The forced scattering of Africans all around the world by the slave trade is known as


D_ _sp_r_D_ _sp_r_

The majority of the slaves sold to the Americas went to what region?



The strongest motive for the slave trade was the enormous fortune to be made from the growing of what product in the Americas?


Not SaltNot Salt

the trading of plants & animals between Europe and the Americas

Columbian Exchange

Chris’s TradeChris’s Trade

This European nation would dominate the slave trade during the 18th century. After it abolished slavery in 1830, its navy tried to end the illegal transatlantic slave trade.



This island off the coast of Senegal was a notorious slave fortress. At least a third of all slaves exported before 1600 came through this port. It was so profitable that over a 300 year period, the European slavers fought over its ownership seventeen times.



East Indies Spice Islands which were the reason for the European voyages of Exploration.



What percentage of all slaves shipped from Africa to the Western Hemisphere were sold to the United States (13 Colonies)


Small numberSmall number

Spanish conqueror of the Inca Civilization

Francisco Pizzaro

Frankie PizzaFrankie Pizza

What American civilization practiced human sacrifice?


Which African civilization build large circular stone enclosures made of chiseled bricks without mortar?



Native American civilization conquered and destroyed by Cortez in 1519



Forced labor system used by the Spanish with the Native Americans

Encomienda System

Not EngoiendaNot Engoienda

between 1519 and 1605, Native American population dropped from over _______ million to less than_______ million

26, 2

2 X 13,12 X 13,1

in the African triangular trade ___ were sent to the West Indies where they produced ___ that was made into ___ and sent to New England where it was made into ___ to be sold to Africans

Slaves, sugar, molasses, rum

we know so little about African History because ___ ___ denied and destroyed existing African civilizations

European colonizers


Civilization on the east coast of Africa that practiced Islam and traded across the Indian Ocean

Swahili States

_ _ ahili _ _ ates_ _ ahili _ _ ates

What is this location?What is this location?


What is this location?What is this location?


What is this location?What is this location?


What is this location?What is this location?


What is this location?What is this location?



What is this location?What is this location?

Aztec Carr.

Inca MoluccasAfrica


What were the positive and negative effects of the European voyages of exploration?Why were Europeans the 1st to explore the western hemisphere? Explain the technology and the difficulties of a voyage across an ocean. Use one actual voyage as an example. Should the European explorers/conquistadors be charged with genocide? Put 3 explorers on trial, and explain their innocence or guilt. Given the truth about Columbus, should we still celebrate Columbus Day?Compare and contrast two pre-Columbian American civilizations (Aztec, Inca, Maya, Anasazi, etc). Include their architecture, technology, aesthetics, and culture.How is African art different from European art? Describe in detail 4 different kinds of African art including the subject/themes, style, symbolism, materials and place/group of origin. [For example masks, sculpture, cloth, jewelry]. What is the religious or cultural significance of each piece of art.Explain the impact of slavery on the people of Africa including the middle passage and their life in America.Compare and contrast the transatlantic slave trade of the Age of Exploration with slavery today. Include the causes and impact. What needs to be done to end slavery today?How was world trade changed by the Columbian Exchange? Use at least 4 specific examples with factual details.How did the Columbian Exchange change the way people ate around the world in the 16th-18th century and how we eat today. Use at least 6 different foods as examples in your answer.

Essay Questions: Using your research notes answer one of the following questions. Make sure to include as many factual details from your notes as possible. Your essay should be 1 ½ to 2 pages long